philosophy of religion

Dialogue Education
Pages 3 - Video Interview with Daniel Dennett
Pages 4 to 5 What is Philosophy of Religion?
Pages 6 to 10 The Task of the Philosopher of Religion
Page 11 - Other questions in Philosophy of Religion
Pages 12 to 15 Central questions
Page 16 - Monotheistic Definitions
Page 17 - Polytheistic Definitions
Page 18 - Pantheism and Panantheism
Pages 20 to 21 - Natural Theology
Page 23 - Community of inquiry stimulus material
Page 24 - Bibliography
YOUTUBE Video Religion Vs Atheism Daniel Dennett on CCTV "Highlights"
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Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of religion is a branch of philosophy
that is concerned with the philosophical study
of religion, including arguments over the nature
and existence of God, religious language,
miracles, prayer, the problem of evil, and the
relationship between religion and other valuesystems such as science and ethics, among
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Religion is sometimes distinguished from
"religious philosophy", the philosophical thinking that is
inspired and directed by religion, such as Christian
philosophy and Islamic philosophy. Instead, philosophy of
religion is the philosophical thinking about religion, which
can be carried out dispassionately by a believer and nonbeliever alike
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of religion has classically been regarded as a part of
metaphysics. In Aristotle's Metaphysics, he described first causes
as one of the subjects of his investigation. For Aristotle, the
first cause was the unmoved mover, which has been read as
God, particularly when Aristotle's work became prevalent
again in the Medieval West. This first PO cause argument later
came to be called natural theology by rationalist philosophers
of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In Metaphysics,
Aristotle also states that the word that comes closest to
describing the meaning of the word God is 'Understanding.‘
Today, philosophers have adopted the term philosophy of religion
for the subject, and typically it is regarded as a separate field of
specialization, though it is also still treated by some,
particularly Catholic philosophers, as a part of metaphysics.
Philosophy of Religion
However, the philosophy of religion has concerned
itself with more than just metaphysical questions. In
fact the subject has long involved important questions
in areas such as epistemology, philosophy of language,
philosophical logic, and moral philosophy.
Philosophy of Religion
To understand the historical relationship between metaphysics and philosophy of
religion, remember that the traditional objects of religious discussion have been
very special sorts of entities (such as gods, angels, supernatural forces, and the
like) and events, abilities, or processes (the creation of the universe, the ability to
do or know anything, interaction between humans and gods, and so forth).
Metaphysicians (and ontologists in particular) are characteristically interested in
understanding what it is for something to exist--what it is for something to be an
entity, event, ability, process, and so forth. Because many members of religious
traditions believe in things that exist in profoundly different ways from more
everyday things, objects of religious belief both raise special philosophical
problems and, as extreme or limiting cases, invite us to clarify central
metaphysical concepts.
Philosophy of Religion
One way to understand the tasks at hand for philosophers of
religion is to contrast them with theologians. Theologians
sometimes consider the existence of God as axiomatic, or
self-evident. Most theological treatises seek to justify or
support religious claims by two primary epistemic means:
rationalization or intuitive metaphors. A philosopher of religion
examines and critiques the epistemological, logical, aesthetic
and ethical foundations inherent in the claims of a religion.
Whereas a theologian could elaborate metaphysically on the
nature of God either rationally or experientially, a philosopher
of religion is more interested in asking what may be knowable
and opinable with regards to religions' claims.
Philosophy of Religion
A philosopher of religion does not ask "What is God?",
for such is a complex question in that it assumes the
existence of God and that God has a knowable nature.
Instead, a philosopher of religion asks whether there are
sound reasons to think that God does or does not exist.
Philosophy of Religion
Still, there are other questions studied in the philosophy
of religion. For example: What, if anything, would give us
good reason to believe that a miracle has occurred? What
is the relationship between faith and reason? What is the
relationship between morality and religion? What is the
status of religious language? Does petitionary prayer
(sometimes still called impetratory prayer) make sense? Are
salvo-lobotomies (lobotomies performed to keep believer
from sinning) moral actions?
Philosophy of Religion
The question "What is God?" is sometimes
also phrased as "What is the meaning of the
word God?" Most philosophers expect some
sort of definition as an answer to this
question, but they are not content simply to describe the
way the word is used: they want to know the essence of
what it means to be God. Western philosophers typically
concern themselves with the God of monotheistic
religions, but discussions also concern themselves with
other conceptions of the divine.
Philosophy of Religion
Indeed, before attempting a definition of a term it is essential
to know what sense of the term is to be defined. In this case,
this is particularly important because there are a number of
widely different senses of the word 'God.' So before we try to
answer the question "What is God?" by giving a definition, first
we must get clear on which conception of God we are trying
to define. Since we are focussing on "philosophy of religion" it
is important to keep to the canon of this area of philosophy.
For whatever reasons, the Western, monotheistic conception
of God has been the primary source of investigation in
philosophy of religion. (One likely reason as to why the
Western conception of God is dominant in the canon of
philosophy of religion is that philosophy of religion is primarily
an area of analytic philosophy, which is primarily Western.)
Philosophy of Religion
Among those people who believe in supernatural
beings, some believe there is just one God, while
others, such as Hindus, believe in many different deities
while maintaining that all are manifestations of one God.
Hindus also have a widely followed monistic philosophy that
can be said to be neither monotheistic nor polytheistic.
Since Buddhism tends to deal less with metaphysics and
more with ontological questions, Buddhists generally do not
believe in the existence of a creator God similar to that of
the Abrahamic religions, but direct attention to a state
called Nirvana.
Philosophy of Religion
Within these two broad categories (monotheism and
polytheism) there is a wide variety of possible beliefs,
although there are relatively few popular ways of believing.
For example, among the monotheists there have been
those who believe that the one God is like a watchmaker
who wound up the universe and now does not intervene
in the universe at all; this view is deism. By contrast, the
view that God continues to be active in the universe is
called theism. (Note that 'theism' is here used as a narrow
and rather technical term)
Philosophy of Religion
Monotheistic definitions
 Monotheism is the view that only one God exists (as opposed to multiple
gods). In Western thought, God is traditionally described as a being that
possesses at least three necessary properties: omniscience (all-knowing),
omnipotence (all-powerful), and omnibenevolence (supremely good). In
other words, God knows everything, has the power to do anything, and is
perfectly good. Many other properties (e.g., omnipresence) have been
alleged to be necessary properties of a god; however, these are the three
most uncontroversial and dominant in Christian tradition. By contrast,
Monism is the view that all is of one essential essence, substance or energy.
Monistic theism, a variant of both monism and monotheism, views God as
both immanent and transcendent. Both are dominant themes in Hinduism.
 Even once the word "God" is defined in a monotheistic sense, there are still
many difficult questions to be asked about what this means. For example,
what does it mean for something to be created? How can something be
Philosophy of Religion
Polytheistic definitions
The distinguishing characteristic of polytheism is its belief in more than one
god(dess). There can be as few as two (such as a classical Western
understanding of Zoroastrian dualism) or an innumerably large amount, as in
Hinduism (as the Western world perceives it). There are many varieties of
polytheism; they all accept that many gods exist, but differ in their responses
to that belief. Henotheists for example, worship only one of the many gods,
either because it is held to be more powerful or worthy of worship than the
others (some pseudo-Christian sects take this view of the Trinity, holding that
only God the Father should be worshipped, Jesus and the Holy Spirit being
distinct and lesser gods), or because it is associated with their own group,
culture, state, etc. (ancient Judaism is sometimes interpreted in this way). The
distinction isn't a clear one, of course, as most people consider their own
culture superior to others, and this will also apply
to their culture's God. Kathenotheists have similar
beliefs, but worship a different god at different times
or places. In Kali Yukam all gets unified into Ayya
Vaikundar for destroying the Kaliyan.
Philosophy of Religion
Pantheistic definitions
Pantheists assert that God is itself the natural
universe. The most famous Western pantheist is
Baruch Spinoza, though the precise characterization of
his particular set of views is complex and is often cited as one of the most internally
consistent philosophical systems.
Panentheism holds that the physical universe is part of God, but that God is more
than this. While pantheism can be summed up by "God is the world and the world is
God", panentheism can be summed up as "The world is in God and God is in the
world, but God is more than the world and is not synonymous with the world".
However, this might be a result of a misinterpretation of what is meant by world in
pantheism, as many pantheists use "universe" rather than "world" and point out the
utter vastness of the universe and how much of it (temporal causality, alternate
dimensions, superstring theory) remains unknown to humanity. By expressing
pantheism in this way and including such elements, rather than limiting it to this
particular planet, and specifically limiting it to human experience, the theory is
somewhat nearer to the view of panentheists while still maintaining the distinct
characteristics of pantheism.
Philosophy of Religion
The second question, "Do we have any good reason to think that God does (or does not) exist?",
is equally important in the philosophy of religion. There are eight main positions with regard to
the existence of God that one might take:
 Theism - the belief in the existence of one or more divinities or deities.
 Pantheism - the belief that God is both immanent and transcendent; God is one and all is God.
 Panentheism - holds that the physical universe is part of God, but that God is more than this.
 Deism - the belief that God does exist, but does not interfere with human life and the laws of
the universe.
 Agnosticism - the belief that the existence or non-existence of deities is currently unknown
or unknowable, or that the existence of a God or of gods cannot be proven.
 Atheism - the rejection of belief, or absence of belief, in deities.
 Retreism - The belief in the ending or previous existence of god or gods
 Polytheism – The belief in or worship of multiple deities, such as gods and goddesses.
Note: Animism – The belief that souls or spirits exist in humans, animals, plants or other entities
is not necessarily concerned with the existence of a creator God.
It is important to note that some of these positions are not mutually exclusive. For example,
agnostic theists choose to believe God exists while asserting that knowledge of God's existence
is inherently unknowable. Similarly, agnostic atheists lack belief in God or choose to believe God
does not exist while also asserting that knowledge of God's existence is inherently unknowable.
Philosophy of Religion
Natural theology
 The attempt to provide proofs or arguments for the existence
of God is one aspect of what is known as natural theology or
the natural theistic project. This strand of Natural theology
attempts to justify belief in God by independent grounds.
There is plenty of philosophical literature on faith (especially
fideism) and other subjects generally considered to be outside
the realm of natural theology. Perhaps most of philosophy of
religion is predicated on natural theology's assumption that
the existence of God can be justified or warranted on rational
grounds. There has been considerable philosophical and
theological debate about the kinds of proofs, justifications and
arguments that are appropriate for this discourse.
Philosophy of Religion
The philosopher Alvin Plantinga has shifted his focus to
justifying belief in God (that is, those who believe in God,
for whatever reasons, are rational in doing so) through
reformed epistemology, in the context of a theory of
warrant and proper function.
Philosophy of Religion
Other reactions to natural theology include the efforts of
Wittgensteinian philosophers of religion, most notably D. Z. Phillips
who passed away in 2006. Phillips rejects "natural theology" in favor
of a grammatical approach which investigates the meaning of belief
in God, as opposed to attempts which aim at investigating its truth
or falsity. For Phillips, the question of whether God exists confuses
the logical categories which govern theistic language with those that
govern other forms of discourse. Specifically, the Wittgensteinian
maintains that the nature of religious belief is conceptually distorted
by the natural theologian who takes the religious confession, "God
exists," as a propositional statement (akin to a scientific claim).
According to Phillips, the question of whether or not God exists
cannot be "objectively" answered by philosophy because the
categories of truth and falsity, which are necessary to make this sort
of discourse possible, have no application in the religious contexts
wherein religious belief has its sense and meaning. Hence, the job of
philosophy, according to this approach, is not to investigate the
"rationality" of belief in God but to elucidate its meaning.
Community of Inquiry Discussion
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Saint Augustine; The Confessions of Saint Augustine (John K. Ryan translator); Image (1960), ISBN 0-385-02955-1
Descartes, René; Meditations on First Philosophy; Bobbs-Merril (1960), ISBN 0-672-60191-5
Barzilai, Gad; Law and Religion; The International Library of Essays in Law and Society; Ashgate (2007),ISBN 978-0-7546-2494-3
Durant, Will (& Ariel (uncredited)); The Age of Faith; Simon & Schuster (1980), ISBN 0-671-01200-2.
Marija Gimbutas 1989. The Language of the Goddess. Thames and Hudson New York
Gonick, Larry; The Cartoon History of the Universe; Doubleday, vol. 1 (1978) ISBN 0-385-26520-4 vol. II (1994) ISBN#0-38542093-5, W. W. Norton, vol. III (2002) ISBN 0-393-05184-6.
Haisch, Bernard The God Theory: Universes, Zero-point Fields, and What's Behind It All -- discussion of science vs. religion (Preface),
Red Wheel/Weiser, 2006, ISBN 1-57863-374-5
Lao Tzu; Tao Te Ching (Victor H. Mair translator); Bantam (1998).
Marx, Karl; "Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right", Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher,
Saler, Benson; "Conceptualizing Religion: Immanent Anthropologists, Transcendent Natives, and Unbounded Categories"
(1990), ISBN 1-57181-219-9
The Holy Bible, King James Version; New American Library (1974).
The Koran; Penguin (2000), ISBN 0-14-044558-7
Evans, C. Stephen (1985). Philosophy of Religion:Thinking about Faith. InterVarsity Press. pp. 16. ISBN 0877843430.
Antony Flew, John Polkinghorne, Keith Ward and Richard Swinburne
The London Philosophy Study Guide offers many suggestions on what to read, depending on the student's familiarity with the
subject: Philosophy of Religion
William L. Rowe, William J. Wainwright, Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, Third Ed. (Florida: Harcourt Brace & Company,
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