Revolutions in South America

• Use your American Revolution worksheet or pages 328-331
to answer the following:
1. Which foreign power helped the colonists? Why?
2. List FIVE political changes implemented in the U.S.
3. What is the Bill of Rights?
4. How did the American Revolution inspire Latin American
colonies to revolt?
5. THINKER: List one similarity and one difference between
the American Revolution and English Civil War.
Turning Point of the American
• British defeat at Saratoga
• Caused France and Spain to ally with
the colonies.
• Led to a British surrender in October
1781 (Battle of Yorktown)
U.S. Constitution
• Set up a federal system, political
authority divided between the national
and state governments.
• Separation of powers between executive,
legislative, and judicial branches.
• A republic with an elected president
Bill of Rights
• The first ten amendments
of the U.S. Constitution.
• Government must protect
certain civil liberties, such
– Freedom of speech,
religion, and the press
– Right to private
property and trial by
• Compare/Contrast the American Revolution
and English Civil War.
Upcoming History Info & Reminders
• All paragraphs must be typed and in your own words.
• No bullet points! All paragraphs must be complete
sentences…. Even the geographic location and fun facts.
• Make sure the info is condensed and can fit on a poster
• Bring posters to class/tutorial to work on
• You will complete a peer evaluation and be assessed
• All websites used must be cited in MLA.
• This Friday is a Current Event Day!!!
Current Event Reminders
• Pick an article on a topic that interests you
• Must be within the past week
• Print your article and attach it to a written
– MLA Citation
– Summary of Article
– Personal Response/Opinion
Ruling the South American Colonies
• Why did Spain and Portugal
colonize the New World?
• Catholicism was brought to the
Americas by Spanish and
Portuguese rulers.
• Priests and monks converted
the Native Americans and
taught them loyalty to the
• By 1800, the Catholic Church
controlled half the wealth in
Latin America.
• Colonists were mad at the
trade restrictions and high
taxes Spain and Portugal forced
them to pay.
Social Order
• Latin American colonies were divided between social
classes based on race.
• Peninsulares: colonial leaders born in Spain or
Portugal; held all important military and political
• Creoles: colonial-born white aristocrats; controlled
most of the land and business
• Mestizos: mixed Native American and white ancestry;
worked as servants and unskilled laborers
Discussion: Why would colonists in
Spanish/Portuguese South America
want independence?
• “Ruling the Colonies” – pg. 442
1. Describe the mercantilist view European nations
had towards their colonies in Latin America.
2. What role did the Catholic church play in the
3. Describe the social hierarchy in Latin America.
4. Which social group led the revolts? Why?
Revolution Country Project
Peer Evaluation
Rubric Overview
Presentation Requirements
Audience Participation (wkst, questions, etc.)
– If you are rude or not paying attention during others’
presentations, you will lose points off of your own project!
Be respectful!
• All posters are due today! You will lose 10 points every
day it is late.
• Be prepared to present everyday! Come to class!
• “Uprising in Haiti” – pg. 443
5. Why did France want to maintain control of
6. Why did Haitians want independence from
7. Describe the role of Toussaint-Louverture.
8. Explain the outcome of the Haitian Revolution.
• "Mexico Struggles for Freedom" – pg. 444
1.Who was Miguel Hidalgo? What was he fighting for?
2.Who was Jose Morelos? Why was he important?
3.Why did Mexican creoles fear reform?
4.Who was Iturbide? Why was he important?
• "Spanish South America" – pg.444-445
5.Who was Bolivar? How was he involved in the movement?
6.Who was Jose de San Martin? Why is he important?
7.THINKER: Make a connection --> How did Napoleon's takeover
of Spain and Portugal effect their colonies in Latin America?
• Read “Brazil gains independence” on page 445:
1. Why did the Portuguese royal family flee to Brazil?
2. List five changes King João implemented in Brazil.
3. Who was Dom Pedro?
4. How did Brazil gain independence?
5. Explain the changes in government postindependence.