NGS Educational Allowance Application Form For Conference/ Workshop/Seminar/ Lab Rotation/Short Term Attachment Instructions: I. BEFORE Travelling Complete this set of application form ONE month prior(if VISA needed, factor in extra time) to event start date Attached a copy of “Conference Leave Application” Form (available on the NGS website) along with this application Attached a copy of approved “Holiday Leave Application Endorsement” email for any personal leave on top to conference leave. Apply through “MYISIS” (if applicable) Submit the above 3 forms with the following documents: Abstract of oral/poster with NGS Affiliation; acceptance or recommendation letter to attend conference for oral/poster presentation For lab rotation/overseas attachment, a set of proposal indicating purpose/objective, timeline with official letter of invitation Information on Registration Fee (indicate what component does registration entails) with conference/research attachment itinerary Quotation of Airfare using any airline website or agency including Pricebreaker for most economical and direct route for conference period Additional documents showing external grant eg. travel grant or supervisor’s funding II. UPON Approval Read up Overseas Trip Safety Guideline Sign on “Exclusion of Liability & Indemnity Form for Event” found on the last page and send back to NGS office III. AFTER Travelling Complete the “Conference Allowance Reimbursement” Form (available on the NGS website) Submit the Conference Allowance Reimbursement Form, together with the following documents 1-page conference report, using the “Conference Report” Form (available on the NGS website) Conference itinerary/ agenda/ programme outline Air-ticket: Original Tax Invoice, Boarding tab and/or e-ticket Original receipts: Registration fee invoice and receipt; Hotel Invoice; local transport/train. If registration of conference is paid via credit card, student is required to submit a copy of bank/credit card statement for the transaction DO NOT PRINT THIS PAGE For more details Guidelines & FAQ: NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering NGSS APPLICATION FORM - USE Of EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE (Conference) Note: The educational allowance may be used for educational-related activities such as conferences, computer, books, etc. Students are only allowed to spend up to S$4,000 per financial year (April previous year to March current year) and will have to seek approval from NGS for the necessary funding. SECTION I - TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT (Student’s Particular) 1. Name: Student No./Email: A 2. Supervisor(s): Department: 3. Start of Scholarship: /E Expiry date of Scholarship: 4. Citizenship: □ Singaporean □ Singapore PR □ Others: 5. Research Area/Topic: 6. Type of Education Activities: □ Local Conference □ International Conference □ Overseas Research Attachment □ Others: 7. Name of Conference/Research Institute: Venue: Dates: From To □ Semester Week: Are you taking any coursework / having any duties during the above-mentioned period? □ Have you sought formal permission to be absent from class / duties? If yes, please attach email. If no, why: 8. Frequency of Conference/Course/Attachment □ Regular □ Annual □ Biennial □ Others: 9. Nature of Attendance: □ Open to all □ By Invitation □ By Nomination; specify nomination body 10. Nature of Participation: □ Oral Presentation of Paper □ Panel of Discussion □ Poster Session □ Others: 11. Details of Paper to be presented at Conference: (attach Abstract of Paper) Title of Paper: 12. Authors / Co-authors: Name Department 13. Paper is the result of Multi-disciplinary research: □ Yes □ No 14. Paper has been presented previously/substantially presented previously: Title of Conference/Overseas course/attachment Venue Date To Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS), #05-01, 28 Medical Drive Singapore 117456 Website: □ Yes From □ No Amt of Financial Assistance from NGS Page 2 of 5 08/2014/EA/CON/CIC NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering 15. Please state the objectives to be achieved by attendance in this conference/overseas course/research attachment: 16. Conference Leave Period: From To (attach Conference Leave Form) 17. Leave to be applied immediately before, or after, the proposed conference leave: □ Yes; From To (attached approved leave email) □ No 18. Financial assistance requested, details given below: No. Description Amount a. Airfare (attach 2 set of airfare quotation for conference period ONLY) b. Per Diem Allowance (applicable for conference/ course/ attachment period) c. Student Registration Fee (includes □ coffee break/meals □ accommodation) Total (S$) 19. Any financial assistance received from other sources: □ Yes; Details given below and copies of relevant correspondences attached Source/WBS Number: Amount: Air-ticket: Accommodation: Per Diem: Others: □ No 20. I acknowledge that only ONE author per paper can submit an application for financial support from NGS for the conference. Date: Signature of Applicant: SECTION II - TO BE COMPLETED BY SUPERVISOR(S) OF APPLICANT 1. Application is supported: □ Yes □ No Reason(s): 2. I acknowledge that only ONE author per paper can submit an application for financial support from the University for the Conference. Ranking in order of priority of students proposing to attend the same conference (if applicable). No. Name Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS), #05-01, 28 Medical Drive Singapore 117456 Website: No. Name Page 3 of 5 08/2014/EA/CON/CIC NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering 1. 3. 2. 4. 3. Date: Name & Signature of Supervisor: SECTION III – FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. Application is: □ Approved □ Not approved 2. Comments: Authorized Signature: Authorized Official: Prof Philip Moore, Executive Director, NGS Date: Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS), #05-01, 28 Medical Drive Singapore 117456 Website: Page 4 of 5 08/2014/EA/CON/CIC THIS MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED TOGETHER WITH YOUR ACCEPTANCE FORM TO THE RELEVANT DEPARTMENT/FACULTY/SCHOOL/OFFICE ORGANISING OR PROVIDING FACILITIES FOR THE RELEVANT PROGRAMME. PARTICIPANTS BELOW 18 YEARS OF AGE ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THEIR PARENT COMPLETE THIS FORM + EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY & INDEMNITY FORM FOR EVENT I, ____________________________________ (Name of participant) ________________ (Passport/Identity Card No.), hereby declare that I am participating in from including the trip to (where applicable) (collectively, the “Event”) of my own free will and volition, am aware of and accept(s) the risks involved and in consideration of being permitted by NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, National University of Singapore to participate in the Event, I, for myself, my successors, personal representatives and assigns, hereby agree that: (a) I will not hold the University, its officers, any of its full-time or part-time staff (including student assistants), agents or volunteers responsible or liable in any way for, and no right of action shall arise from, any loss or damage (including, without limitation and to the extent permissible by law, personal injury, loss of life or property damage) caused by or sustained as a result of *my/my child’s/my ward’s participation in the Event. (b) I will indemnify and keep indemnified, save and hold harmless the University, its officers, any of its full-time or part-time staff (including student assistants), agents or volunteers against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses, including legal fees, and any other liability arising in any way from my/my child’s/my ward’s participation in the Event. Signature of participant: Name (please print): Passport/Identity Card No.: Telephone (Residence): (Office): Mobile Telephone: Fax: Email Address: Postal Address: Date: *Delete as applicable. + Where parents are deceased, a student below 18 years of age should provide the name of a legal guardian or any other person who has legal authority over, and responsibility for, the student.