Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly? In order of Appearance Hook Cultural diffusion The process by which an object or an idea from one culture spreads to different cultures Mechanism The process or system for achieving a result Conquest Use of military force to take over territory that belongs to others Foreign Outside of your own country Migration Movement from one country/place to another Merchants Sellers or traders of goods Economic mobility Opportunity to increase earning power Background Essay merchant seller or trader of goods the archangel Gabriel The “exalted Messenger of God”, Gabriel appears in Muslim, Jewish, and Christian texts. The archangel Gabriel spoke to Muhammad, saying that “Allah is the one true God”, laying the foundations for Islam. bustling busy, energetic, noisy caravan a company of travelers on a journey; includes people, animals, vehicles, etc. annual happens each year pilgrimage a journey of a pilgrim, especially one to a shrine or a sacred place pagan heathen; one who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods Ka’ba the holy shrine in Mecca recite/reciting to speak/read aloud publically submit/submission to yield to authority (in this case, the religious authority of Allah) idol worship praying to a picture, statue, or other inanimate object symbolic/symbolically expressing or representing an idea or quality without using words opposition actions or opinions that show that you disagree with or disapprove of someone or something the essential beliefs and duties of Muslims; every Muslim must submit to doing these 5 actions Five Pillars fast a period of time when you do not eat any food; often for religious reasons alms money, clothes, food, and other things given to poor people bedrock a strong idea or principle Document A prosperous successful in making a lot of money lucrative making money or wealth market a place where things are bought and sold profit money that is made in a business after all business costs are paid for brisk very active and steady shrine a place connected with a holy person or event where people go to worship empire a group of countries or regions controlled by one ruler or government Byzantine Persian the eastern part of the ancient Roman Empire; its capital was located in Constantinople, which is the modern day city of Istanbul, Turkey An ancient middle eastern empire that began in the country now known as Iran Silk Road An ancient trade route from China to the Mediterranean Sea Document B devout really loyal and/or religious sincere honest, showing true feelings patient calm, not annoyed, when you have to wait humble not thinking you are better than others; not proud charitable showing kindness; helps other (charity) chaste morally pure and decent; not sinful fast (to go for) a period of time when you do not eat any food; often for religious reasons bestow to give as a gift or honor villainy evil behavior or actions deemed considered; judged “do good works” do the right (moral) thing injustice unfair treatment devour (in this context) take or destroy unjust not fair bribe to try to get someone to do something by giving or promising something they want (often $$) “take up arms” (in this context) to use weapons against another person – “arms” are weapons grant give victory defeating your enemy/opponent Document C Islamic world areas controlled by Islam(Muslims) Unmayyad Caliph member of a dynasty of caliphs based in Damascus that ruled from A.D. 661 to 750 Document D Ghazu raids against other (non-Arab) tribes Ummah Muslim community inadequate not enough meager small amount outwardly outside of campaigns a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result plunder to take someone else’s goods by force (as in war) power vacuum when there is not a strong leadership; often new leaders take over when there is a power vacuum Persia ancient Iran Byzantium ancient Istanbul (in Turkey) Document E circa (975 CE) around (975 CE); “CE” means “current era” (formerly “A.D.”) ordinances laws caliph an important Muslim political and religious leader imam a Muslim religious leader (like a Christian preacher/priest) delegate to give responsibility to someone else excerpt a piece of a bigger text “public duties” responsibilities to the community maintain to continue without changing “established principles” agreed upon rules and standards consensus idea that is agreed upon by the group dubious doubtful deviates does something that is unusual or unexpected “clarify the proofs of religion” explain the rules/expectations of the religion expound explain; give details about safeguarded safe/secure “execute judgments” hear the cases for and decide the outcome disputes disagreements contestants people who are disagreeing prevail win commit to do; i.e., “to commit a crime” suffer experience something unpleasant injustice unfair treatment intrusion going into a place where you are not welcome or wanted livelihood how you make a living (pay for food, rent, other essentials) enforce make sure people do what they are supposed to; i.e., “to enforce the law” penalties punishments commandments important rules given by God (Allah) violation doing something not allowed; breaking a law preservation keeping something in original condition wage to start and continue (a war, battle, etc.) persist to continue to do something even when it is difficult pact written agreement Document F origin the beginning of something expansion becoming bigger Moslem another way of spelling Muslim; someone who follow the religion of Islam fierce very violent flight running away in order to get away from danger Allah the Arabic word for God refund to give back money that someone used to pay for something inhabitant a person who lives in a particular place tax an amount of money the government makes people pay; the government usually uses tax money to pay for thing the government does oppression to treat people in a mean and unfair way tyranny a government in which all power belongs to one person repulse to force someone to stop attacking you unbeliever a person who does not believe in a particular religious faith, like Islam