FY2015-16 Budget Conference Submission School/Organization: Date: 1. Mission Statement 2. FY2015-16 Summary of Accomplishments (e.g. new programs, student success, research productivity, fundraising, operational efficiencies, select projects, services, or significant changes) 1 Mid-Year Review 3. Summary of 2015-16 Q2 results Q2 Budget Q2 Actual Variance $ % Ending Balance Fund 19900 Fund 19935 Other General Funds Indirect Cost Recovery Other State Funds PDST SSDP Course Materials Fees Other Source Funds Sales & Service Auxiliaries Total Modified Funds 2 4. FY2015-16 Expected Financial Outlook See the tables on the next two pages for the Organization’s actuals and FY2015-16 approved budget. What is your expected financial position for the end of this fiscal year? How is this different from the 2015-16 approved budget? Describe current and/or upcoming financial challenges. 3 3-Year Consolidated Income Statement – Total Modified Funds Total Modified Funds Actual 2013-14 2014-15 34,182,196 40,499,494 General Fund Source 4,008,760 3,511,882 F&A (OPP/OTT) Source 1,049,836 4,415,775 Education Funds Source 2,230,031 2,174,006 USAP/Tuition Source 106,183 133,274 General Funds - Other Source 1,225,540 1,599,961 Other State Funds Source 2,346,925 3,259,215 Unrestricted-type Funds Source 45,149,473 55,593,608 Subtotal Appropriated 0 0 Student Fees - Other Source 1,320,256 1,430,555 Course Materials Fees Source 793,830 1,026,221 Sales and Service Source 2,114,086 2,456,775 Subtotal Non-Appropriated 47,263,559 58,050,383 Total Revenues 15,587,339 17,104,561 Faculty Ladder 1,028,407 1,015,883 Faculty Temporary 3,920,772 3,652,624 Academic Apprentice 2,725,910 3,247,313 Academic Other 7,287,267 7,785,884 Career Staff 623,509 513,447 Non-Career Staff 31,173,204 33,319,712 Total Salaries & Wages 3,375,383 3,545,461 Medical (Health/Dental/Vision) 2,562,636 3,324,137 UCRS (Employer Contribution) 2,581,035 2,986,005 All Other Benefits 8,519,054 9,855,603 Subtotal Benefits 2,221,629 2,297,304 Fee Remissions 10,740,683 12,152,907 Total Benefits 41,913,887 45,472,619 Total Compensation 709,929 763,898 Material and Supplies - General 1,518,391 1,811,322 Material and Supplies - Scientific 452,942 466,622 Communications 723,473 647,966 Travel and Entertainment 2,441,378 1,860,560 Services 620,769 199,967 Consultants/Temp. Services 591,971 671,006 Information Technology 952,648 677,296 Equipment (non computer) 1,289,452 697,214 Operation and Maintenance of Space 519,757 607,383 Student Support - Underg & Grad 53,002 25,617 Other Expense - Control 0 0 Reserves for Auxiliaries 0 0 Indirect Cost Recovery 9,873,712 8,428,849 Total Operating Expenses Total Compensation and Operating 51,787,598 53,901,468 (2,357,952) (1,463,471) Recharges 49,429,647 52,437,997 Total Expenditures (691,826) (709,044) Less Summer Session Expenditures* 48,737,821 51,728,953 Total Expenditures less Summer (1,474,262) 6,321,430 Surplus/(Deficit) 8,716,916 6,625,872 Carryforward (Approp.) (616,904) (122) Carryforward (Non-Approp.) 0 13,574 Adjustments to Unexp. Bal. 6,625,750 12,960,754 Ending Balance Approved Budget FY 2015-16 51,987,393 3,762,449 (2,159,620) 2,377,087 137,962 392,807 5,252,022 61,750,100 799,906 1,721,244 1,259,716 3,780,866 65,530,965 17,756,689 1,136,785 5,013,465 2,422,584 7,342,599 507,581 34,179,704 3,927,709 3,830,592 2,909,011 10,667,311 2,710,044 13,377,355 47,557,059 1,106,058 1,663,025 422,737 571,133 1,825,244 125,843 448,697 1,544,256 2,656,472 486,094 21,961 0 0 10,871,520 58,428,579 (1,047,483) 57,381,096 (790,484) 56,590,612 8,940,353 12,076,375 662,380 0 21,679,108 Budget vs. Prior Year Actuals $ % 11,487,899 28% 250,567 7% (6,575,395) -149% 203,081 9% 4,688 4% (1,207,154) -75% 1,992,807 61% 6,156,492 11% 799,906 n/a 290,689 20% 233,495 23% 1,324,091 54% 7,480,582 13% 652,128 4% 120,902 12% 1,360,841 37% (824,729) -25% (443,285) -6% (5,866) -1% 859,992 3% 382,248 11% 506,455 15% (76,994) -3% 811,708 8% 412,740 18% 1,224,448 10% 2,084,440 5% 342,160 45% (148,297) -8% (43,885) -9% (76,833) -12% (35,316) -2% (74,124) -37% (222,309) -33% 866,960 128% 1,959,258 281% (121,289) -20% (3,656) -14% 0 ##### 0 ##### 2,442,671 29% 4,527,111 8% 415,988 -28% 4,943,099 9% 4,861,659 9% 2,618,923 41% 5,450,503 82% 662,502 ###### (13,574) -100% 8,718,354 67% 4 2015-16 Approved Budget by Fund Type 5 5. Academic Metrics Please provide a short description of new programs and/or any shifting patterns in student credit hours as seen in the table below. Are there any individual departments driving the change in student credit hours? Not applicable for non-instructional units. Student Credit Hours and Student Headcount 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2-Yr Change # % Student Credit Hours Total Instructional SCH Undergraduate Graduate Professional Major SCH Undergraduate Student Headcount Undergraduate Graduate Professional 6. Employee Headcount Provide a short description describing 2-year change as seen in table below. Staff and Faculty FTE 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2-Yr Change # % Staff Categories TBD Faculty Categories TBD 6 7. Summer Session: Use of net-proceeds in fund 69460 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2-Year % Increase 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2-Year % Increase 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2-Year % Increase Revenue Expenditures Surplus/Deficit Carryforward Ending Balance 8. Contracts & Grants Awarded Dollars Award Count Overhead Recovered Indirect Cost Recovery 9. Gifts & Endowments New Gifts ($) Available Balance Expenditures 10. Capital and Facilities Projects Provide a short summary of current or future construction, renovation, or renewal plans. 11. Space Please describe any space needs and how you are currently addressing these needs. 7 FY2016-17 Budget 12. Goals for 2016-17 Please provide a short description of your goals and how they will affect your budget plans for 2016-17. This could include a change in the financial structure, major purchases of equipment, plans for the addition or elimination of academic programs, staffing level changes, operational efficiencies etc. 13. New Sources of Revenue Please describe any new sources of revenue that you expect to receive in FY2016-17 that will help support the Institution’s mission. This can include gifts and endowment revenue, strategic uses of summer session revenue, self-supporting degree programs, course materials fees, etc. 8 Strategic Funding through Chancellorial Resources Organization/Department:_______________ Project Title: ________________ Amount Requesting:______________ One-Time or Recurring: _____________ Please answer the questions below in order request funding for strategic projects through Chancellorial resources. All requests should align with the Chancellor’s current initiatives and priorities. Please fill out one form per individual request. The Chancellor’s initiatives and priorities include: 1. Promoting academic success through undergraduate teaching a. Faculty hiring and setups b. Teaching assistants 2. Services that support student success a. Admissions b. Enrollment management c. Student support services 3. Information technology a. Cybersecurity b. Enterprise systems – HR, financial, student systems 4. Capital investments a. Seismic and life safety b. Deferred maintenance c. Classroom improvements 5. Mandatory compliance issues 6. Centennial campaign As part of the review of a unit’s answers to the questions below, senior leadership will be considering the following: Whether the business or academic need behind the request is concise and understandable. Whether a clear case has been made as to why Chancellorial resources and not the Organization’s own resources should be used to support the request. Whether the request will improve the institution’s academic reputation, research profile, enhance the student experience, or provide operational efficiencies. Reporting Outcomes: If the request is awarded, the outcomes will need to be reported at the Budget Conference held in the following year. An update on the spending of the Chancellorial resources provided will also be required. Please provide answers to the following questions: 1. Description: Provide a clear and concise description of the project and how it aligns with the Chancellor’s priorities as listed above. 9 2. Budget: Provide a budget for the project along with projected expenditures: Sample Budget Submission Year 1 Revenue Requested Funding Department Subsidy Total Revenue Expenditures Faculty Salaries Staff Salaries Benefits Total Operating Total Expenditures 3. Financial Need: If you have significant ending balances as seen on the consolidated income statement in the budget conference packet, please justify the need to fund the project with Chancellorial resources rather than with the available resources existing at your Organization/Division. 4. Impact and Outcomes: What are the outcomes of the project? Along with this, how will the project impact students, the institution, faculty, staff, or the community? 5. Implementation: If awarded the funding, do you have the ability to implement the request given your current infrastructure and staffing? Are there other areas that need to be considered (e.g. information technology, staff workload etc.)? 10