Write Down Homework

STEM Career due tomorrow
Mini- Quiz changed to in class Learning Reflections (I’ll explain)
Finish Section “Fill-in” notes AND
Section review questions 1A, 1B, & 2A on pg 53 in textbook
Complete on page 49 in notebook (If NOT Finished in class)
Do Now:
-Write down homework
Take out Text Book and turn to page 48
Update TOC. (in Science nb) P.47/48 States and Changes of Matter
Take your Lab Notebook from your class bin and return to your seat
and quietly wait for directions .
Today I will…
Demonstrate the phases of matter in a lab activity
Using your textbook, read and review pages
48-53 to fill in the blanks for notes on
p47, States and Changes of Matter.
Once completed: Begin Section review
questions 1A & 1B and 2 A
Review “Fill- in” notes on Changes of State
Lab Data/ Results assigned Tomorrow: Due Friday
Do Now:
STEM Career due today!
Open notebooks to page 47/48 & 49:
“Fill-in,” notes on the Changes of state
Section assessment questions 1A, 1B,2A
Take Lab notebook from bin and take out data table
Work on Lab Data Analysis/ Results: Due Friday
Do Now:
-Write down Homework
-Take out lab notebook from class bin- Take out Data
-Staple Data Sheets to Data Analysis/ Results Sheet
(I will hand this out)
***Lab Due Date Changed*** Now Due Monday 12/16
Discover the boiling point and melting point of Three (3)
elements on the Periodic table: Write in Notebook pg 51
 Quiz on Thursday 12/19
Write down Homework
 Take out Science notebook: Update T.O.C: Pg 50: Thermal
Energy & Phase Change of water, Pg 51: Discover the Bp. & Mp.
The total energy in all of the particles in an object.
 The faster the particles move,
the warmer the matter can get.
Matter Changes state when thermal energy is
added (+) or removed(-)
 Examples of thermal energy are stoves and
 Homework:
Finish Lab: Due on Monday
Do Now:
-Write Down Homework
-Open notebook to p 50Thermal Energy & Phase
Magic School Bus video: Evaporation/ Conden.
Melting iCe
 http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/mul
 Heating a liquid
Heating molecules of a gas
 http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/mul
 Evaporation/ Condensation:
 http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/mul
 http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/mul
Phase Changes of Water
Homework: Study for Quiz: Use class
notes, textbook and Study guide.
 Complete any missing assignments by
Do Now:
◦ Write down homework
◦ Open Science notebooks to p. 51
◦ Take out Phase Change Lab
◦ Take Lab notebook from bin and quietly
go back to your seat
Homework: Study for Quiz: Thursday
12/19: Use class notes, textbook and
Study guide.
 Complete any missing assignments by
 Take Letter Home to Parents
Do Now:
◦ Write down homework
◦ Open Science notebooks to p. 51
◦ Update TOC: p 52: A Few Review Notes
Write your responses in your nb. P 51.
Looking at your elements Boiling point
and Melting point. If room temperature
is 20⁰ C: Are the elements Solids,
Liquids or gases at room temperatures?:
Homework: STUDY for quiz Tomorrow 12/19
◦ May use Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Solids,
Liquids, and gases and there change of phase
◦ Bring Textbook/Notebook to class tomorrow
◦ State of Matter: Poem, Song…. Due Friday
Do Now:
Write down Homework
Take Out Notebook , Open to page 51
Tape, staple, or Glue Hand out in Notebook on page 52
(I will hand this out)
That all substances have a boiling point and a
melting point.
All matter can change state (not just water)
by adding (+) or removing(-) Thermal Energy.
◦ Adding (+) Thermal Energy causes molecules to
speed up.
◦ Removing(-) Thermal Energy cause molecules to
slow down.
Every substance has a different melting point
and boiling point
Why do you think different substances
have different melting points and
boiling points?
◦ Brainstorm ideas with a partner in your
notebook on pg 51
They all have a different arrangement
of molecules that react differently to
added thermal energy
1) The _melting point is when the particles of a
solid break free from their fixed positions.
2) The phase change from a liquid to a gas is
called vaporization, the two ways a liquid can
vaporize are __Evaporation_ and _boiling___.
3)_Evaporation__ occurs when only surface
particles vaporize (change into a gas).
4) _Boiling__ occurs when vaporized water
molecules form bubbles below the surface and
rise (occurs at the surface and in the liquid).