Year 6 Subject Curriculum Map

Year 6 Subject Curriculum Map: revised January 2014 then updated during the summer term to take into account the publication of the latest New National Curriculum 2014
This long-term plan addresses curricular areas of Learning, gives suggestions for schemes of work plus supporting material and provides a good basis on which to plan medium term plans. However, teachers must be mindful of cross curricular
topics and themes which may require more imaginative planning and clear links within planning, all the while ensuring teaching is ‘age appropriate’ and the National Curriculum requirements are met.
An example of this would be in the music curriculum where depending on the topic, general theme or simply where obvious links occur between areas of the curriculum i.e. ART / MUSIC / DT SEEM TO HAVE OBVIOUS LINKS. However, the LA
website, Promethean Planet and many others have excellent already prepared ideas and resources for cross-curricular links – don’t reinvent the wheel, make use of them.
Within the areas of Art and DT et al, direct teaching, demonstration and practice in using tools and equipment; modelling techniques, and developing skills that are needed to create an end product should be sufficient in order that the end
product reflects this. (see DT and Art support materials or ask the relevant subject leader)
The same applies in Science, Geography and History, but also other less obvious subjects where again in AT1 – Knowledge, Skills and Understanding; the focus should be on children understanding and developing the skills necessary for learning to
take place. Within the bounds of the National Curriculum, which - does provide for flexibility, teachers are at liberty to change, amend and improve on this long term plan. However, in order to maintain clarity of progression and coverage of the
curriculum, changes must be discussed with the relevant subject leader and the Headteacher who will update the plan.
REMEMBER!!! – A slightly ‘dog-eared’, annotated and highlighted plan is better evidence of a working plan than a crisp, pristine plan.
Autumn 1st half
Autumn 2nd half
Spring 1st half
Spring 2nd half
Summer 1st half
Summer 2nd half
Literacy – Supported by assertive
Literacy is primarily taught during the Literacy Hour in line with the National Literacy Strategy with plans consisting of detailed weekly / daily plans produced and differentiated by individual teachers.
However, additional Literacy such as handwriting practice (for those who need it), extended and wider writing opportunities should be taught as well as a wide range of reading opportunities. Spellings sent
home to be learnt and tested at the end of the week and practiced regularly particularly with regard to spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Numeracy – based on and
Numeracy is primarily taught during the Numeracy Hour in line with the National Numeracy Strategy with plans consisting of detailed weekly / daily plans produced and differentiated by individual teachers.
supported by Collins materials /
Also, maths – particularly vocabulary should be reinforced throughout and within other relevant subjects such as science, DT, Art, Computing etc.
assertive mentoring ‘BIG MATHS’.
Science - National Curriculum
Living things and their habitat
Animals including humans,
Evolution and Inherence – fossils and how animals and plants are adapted to
based on / supported by LCP SoW
– including micro-organisms
Circulation, diet, nutrients,
suit their environment
and teacher’s choice of resources.
and classification
exercise, drugs and lifestyle
Scientific Enquiry / investigation
Should be common throughout
the science curriculum.
RE: - Blackburn Diocesan scheme,
Life as a journey
Advent / Christmas
Non-Christian faith –
Celebrating the Eucharist –
Ideas about God
Why do Christians sing in worship?
supported by teacher’s own choice
Non-Christian faith Passover
Why? Who is Jesus.
of resources.
Overview of Lent - Holy
Week - Easter
Art – National Curriculum – links to
Medusa masks; bookmarks with Greek lettering; spore pictures
Famous artists – including sketching, painting and ‘digital
Pop Art – Andy Warhol pictures. Sketching and Drawing – linked to plants
topic plans / Art Express + other
using flat mushrooms.
and Living things
support materials / resources.
DT - Pack provided by subject
Designing and creating Greek pots using clay.
Slippers Unit 6B
Shelters – Unit 6A linked to Tudor Houses
leader based on ‘DATA’ lesson
Making pitta bread for Greek food tasting.
plans – linked, QCA links to
materials and resources
Contrasting Climates
Fieldwork – focus on local area.
Geography - National Curriculum - Map skills – focus on Europe
topic plans / QCA + other support
Ancient Greece
The Tudors
Britain since 1930
History – NC - topic plans / QCA +
other support materials.
Music: - ‘Music Express’ / LCP
plus other resources that fit topic
work / cross curricular links.
Computing: - NC + - every attempt
must be made to cross ‘curricula
rise’ ICT
PE: - The ‘New Lancashire PE
scheme of work (autumn 2013) +
other supportive materials.
PSHE - Based on SEAL +
supporting Material supported by
MFL – Rigolo + QCA +
Music Express – exploring rounds
Music Express – lyrics and
Music Express – musical processes
Planning the creation of a mobile
Developing project management skills
Researching the app market
Designing an interface for an
Developing a simple mobile phone app
Creating a video and web copy for a
mobile phone app
Dance and Hockey
Gymnastics and Badminton
Circuit training and Cricket
Athletics and Rounders
SEAL - Drugs and alcohol
Unit 24 – QCA – Quoi DE Neuf
Unit 17
Les Quatre Saisons
SEAL - Building Bridges – diversity and prejudice
Unit 20
Notre Monde
Unit 23 -An Parc
SEAL - Sex Education
Unit 22 – Le Passé et le présent
Unit 14 – Je Suis Le