Issue Date:
RFP Number:
Closing Date:
RFP Title:
15 February 2011
14 March 2011
Incorporating Gender Training and Facilitated Discussions into Strategies for the
Promotion of Family Planning in Rural Tanzania
AED, a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) recipient, is soliciting proposals from
qualified implementation organizations for the intervention study fully described in the Scope of Work
section of this Request for Proposals (RFP). This service is being procured for the USAID Communication
for Change (C-Change) Program. This activity is managed by AED. In issuing this RFP, AED/C-Change is
not acting as an agent or on behalf of USAID, and USAID is not a party to any contract resulting from this
Please submit one electronic version of your duly completed and signed proposal via email to Rachel
Lenzi at If you decide to submit a proposal, it must be received no later than 05:00 PM,
Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. on March 14, 2011. All submissions should be in the English language.
All proposals submitted must be valid for a period of at least sixty (60) calendar days from the closing
date indicated above.
Evaluation and ranking of proposals will be done in accordance with the scoring guidelines listed in the
complete RFP. It is intended that a fixed price purchase order will be awarded to the responsible offeror
whose proposal represents the best value to AED/C-Change, according to the selection criteria listed
below. AED will issue fixed payment(s) based on submission and AED acceptance of deliverables. Once
the fixed price contract is awarded, the offeror must return a signed copy of the same to AED/C-Change
within twenty-four (24) hours.
Issuance of this RFP does not constitute an award commitment on the part of AED/C-Change nor does it
commit AED/C-Change to pay for the costs incurred in the submission of a proposal. Furthermore,
AED/C-Change reserves the right to reject any or all bids received, and to negotiate separately with an
offeror, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of AED/C-Change client organization, the
United States Agency for International Development.
Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your proposal. Any discrepancy in following the
instructions or contract provisions may disqualify your proposal without recourse or an appeal for
reconsideration at any stage.
Any explanation desired by a prospective offeror regarding the meaning or interpretation of this
solicitation must be requested in writing by 09:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on February 25, 2011. Any
additional information given to a prospective offeror will be considered an amendment of the
solicitation and will be provided to all other prospective offerors.
Neill McKee
C-Change Director
Communication for Change (C-Change) is USAID's flagship program to improve the effectiveness and
sustainability of behavior and social change communication as an integral part of development efforts in
the health, environment, and civil society sectors. C-Change works with global, regional and local
partners to implement programs that use communication to change behaviors and social norms; and
conducts operational research to improve the effectiveness of its programming in the immediate- and
long-term and to provide evidence of the impact of communication interventions. The ultimate goal is
the improved health and well-being of people in the developing world.
One approach C-Change uses to improve health and well-being is implementing programs that address
gender norms. In Tanzania, as in many parts of the world, gender norms encourage early childbearing
for boys and young men as well as girls and young women. Gender norms often contribute to high
fertility and closely spaced births by discouraging contraceptive use, constrain women from making
decisions regarding the timing of their pregnancies and the size of their families, and distance men, who
have more decision-making power, from reliable FP information and services.
According to the 2004 DHS, Tanzania has a total fertility rate of 5.7 births per woman. Throughout
Tanzania, a quarter of young women ages 15-19 have begun childbearing, with the highest rates found
in the Lake (35%) and Southern (36%) zones. Sixteen percent of births have spacing periods of less than
two years, and 5% have a spacing period of less than 18 months. Unsafe abortion is a significant
problem. Nearly a quarter (24%) of sexually active married and unmarried women have an unmet need
for FP, according to the most recent DHS.
Under this solicitation, an intervention study is proposed to test the hypothesis that community
mobilization strategies—including facilitated community discussions and community-based mobilizers—
that incorporate gender issues will have a greater impact on adoption of family planning (FP) than the
strategies currently being utilized by the selected organization. Changes in gender attitudes will be
explored through pre- and post-intervention surveys of community members who participate in the
facilitated discussions and through focus group discussions with a subset of participants to explore
change processes. Services statistics will be used to measure changes in uptake of family planning
C-Change is seeking proposals from implementing organizations currently providing family planning
outreach services to rural communities in Tanzania with involvement of community-based mobilizers
(CBM) (or other similar community mobilization personnel). The selected organization’s family planning
outreach services must include provision of family planning methods. The selected organization shall
partner with C-Change to test the added value of providing facilitated group discussions on gender and
family planning and training CBMs on gender. The discussion group facilitators and CBMs shall be
trained using an adaptation of EngenderHealth’s Men As Partners curriculum. The offeror should include
in their proposal plans and funds for adapting the curriculum as needed for this project. More
information on the Men As Partners curriculum is available at:
AED is also conducting a supplementary project in Sengerema and Dodoma to test the face validity of
the survey questions that will be used in this study. The selected organization shall collaborate with AED
in the approval process for this study and in dissemination of results to relevant NGOs, donors, and
Ministry of Health officials.
The project will be fielded in approximately 45 rural sites where the selected organization currently
provides family planning outreach services, including provision of family planning methods. The offeror
should define “site” in relation to the organization’s existing family planning outreach services and
propose the universe from which these sites will be selected (e.g. one or several districts, the total
number of sites per district and approximate population coverage in each site, and the names of the
districts). The sites will be randomly selected into three groups of 15, to comprise two intervention
groups and one control group. Forty to sixty participants are expected in each intervention site (30
total), totaling 1200-1800 individuals.
In the control sites communities shall receive the standard family planning outreach services routinely
provided by the selected organization and the existing CBMs will not receive gender training. In the
intervention sites facilitated group discussions will be held with men and women in the community in
conjunction with family planning outreach activities and CBMs will receive gender training. The
facilitated group discussions will be delayed in the second group of intervention sites. Recruitment of
local participants shall be conducted simultaneously in both the first and second groups of intervention
sites, with the facilitated group discussions commencing immediately upon recruitment of participants
in the first group and after three months in the second intervention group (see schedule in table below).
The offeror should assume the schedule below for budgeting purposes, but in the technical narrative the
offeror may suggest an alternative number of sites based on their capacity to implement and any other
factors the offeror sees as relevant to the intervention design.
We anticipate that the selected organization will utilize community meetings for recruitment purposes.
The meetings should be held in both groups of intervention sites no more than one week in advance of
the first scheduled facilitated discussion in the first group of intervention sites. Those attendees who
indicate their willingness to participate in the facilitated discussions will then complete a survey to be
administered by a research firm (to be selected). The offeror should describe how the community
meeting will be conducted so as to generate interest in participating in the discussion groups. The
offeror has the option of proposing an alternative recruitment strategy in the technical narrative. The
offeror should include all recruitment costs—including incentives and venue fees, if applicable—in the
The selected organization shall hold approximately six interactive, facilitated group discussions on family
planning and gender with sexually active women and their partners in each intervention site: two for
men, two for women and two for a mixed group. (Precise number and composition of groups should be
described by the offeror.) The same participants shall be encouraged to attend all sessions (20-30 per
group). The selected organization shall provide facilitators with training in interactive facilitation as well
as family planning and gender. The facilitated group discussions will be held at intervals of
approximately two weeks.
For the purposes of this intervention study, at least three family planning outreach visits shall be made
to each site. The first visit should follow the completion of the facilitated discussions in the first group of
intervention sites; the second visit should follow the final facilitated discussion in the second group of
intervention sites; and at least one more visit should be made to each site within four months of the
completion of the facilitated discussions in the second group. The offeror may include alternative
intervals for subsequent visits in the technical narrative with justification. To minimize the possible
effects of seasonal variation in demand for services and fluctuations in supplies, the selected
organization shall perform outreach visits to the control and intervention sites not more than one
month apart. The same outreach team or teams should provide services in all sites, to avoid the possible
effect of a variation in quality between teams
The selected implementing organization shall collect and make available to AED and the selected
research firm service statistics to determine changes in uptake of family planning in the intervention
sites and control sites. The selected organization shall also provide service statistics for the 12 months
preceding the interventions in order to measure more long term changes and observe seasonal trends.
The service statistics system and data routinely collected should be described in the technical proposal.
Family Planning Outreach
First Intervention Group
Gender Training for CBMs
Participant Recruitment
Participant Survey
Gender Trained CBMs
2 Facilitated Discussions with
2 Facilitated Discussions with
Gender Trained CBMs
2 Facilitated Discussions with
mixed groups
Participant Survey
Focus Group Discussions
Gender Trained CBMs
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Trained CBMs
Family Planning Outreach
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Trained CBMs
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Trained CBMs
Gender Trained CBMs
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Trained CBMs
Second Intervention Group
Participant Recruitment
Participant Survey
Participant Survey
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Training for CBMs
2 Facilitated Discussions with
2 Facilitated Discussions with
Gender Trained CBMs
2 Facilitated Discussions with
mixed groups
Participant Survey
Focus Group Discussions
Gender Trained CBMs
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Trained CBMs
Gender Trained CBMs
Family Planning Outreach
Gender Trained CBMs
Service Statistics
Control Group
In relation to the supplementary study, the selected organization shall assist AED with obtaining IRB
approval for this project from the National Institute of Medical Research-Tanzania (to include providing
a Tanzanian Co-Primary Investigator). The project will employ cognitive interviews to explore the
underlying meanings of respondents’ answers to survey questions designed to elicit their gender
attitudes. Research sites and a research firm have already been selected. This study will take place in
Sengerema and Dodoma. Additionally, the selected organization shall assist with the dissemination of
results to donors, relevant NGOs, and the Ministry of Health.
The selected organization shall be contracted to undertake specifically the following tasks:
1. Obtain local IRB approval from the Tanzania National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) for
the intervention study and the supplementary study.
2. Provide C-Change with a list of sites in rural Tanzania to be utilized as intervention or control
sites for the intervention study, from which C-Change will randomly select communities to
receive the test interventions. The distance between the sites shall be great enough to avoid
3. Introduce the proposed intervention study and supplementary study to local community leaders
and Ministry of Health officials.
4. Hire and train facilitators to provide facilitated group discussions with groups of community
members in intervention sites (as outlined in the table above). Training shall include instruction
on facilitating interactive discussions with groups and training on gender.
5. Provide supplementary gender training to two (one male and one female) CBMs in each of the
30 intervention sites. Provide family planning training to CBMs in all sites.
6. Develop or adapt guides based on the Men as Partners curriculum for the facilitated group
discussions, hiring outside experts if in-house capacity is lacking. Revise the guides to
incorporate requests and comments from C-Change.
7. Translate the group discussion guides into Swahili.
8. Conduct a pre-test of the group discussion guides (men only, women only, mixed group) in at
least two communities, ensuring all three guides are tested at least once (these communities
are not to be included in the intervention study).
9. Facilitate administration of pre- and post-intervention surveys to all facilitated group discussion
participants by a research organization (to be contracted separately by C-Change) by
coordinating implementation of the interventions with the data collection.
10. Coordinate and conduct facilitated group discussions (including identifying and recruiting
participants, conducting the facilitated group discussions, monitoring and documenting the
11. Provide weekly written updates to C-Change regarding activities in the three groups of sites.
12. Participate in phone calls to discuss progress of study, and respond to queries and questions, as
13. Provide reports to C-Change, with the following service statistics for the control sites and the
intervention sites for the project period and the 12 months prior to implementation of the
a. Number of family planning services provided, by method
b. Number of new family planning adopters per clinic session, by method
c. Number of clients switching from short acting to long acting or permanent methods, per
clinic session, by method
d. Number of other services provided in clinic sessions
e. Aggregated data on a-d by intervention and control sites
14. Participate in dissemination of research findings to local leaders and Ministry of Health officials,
for both the intervention study and the supplementary study.
The offeror shall be responsible for developing a timeline of activities for the intervention activities and
managing the implementation of these activities such that the timeline is adhered to and the work
completed according to the agreed schedule. The selected organization should be prepared to
commence work immediately after award of the purchase order.
Period of Performance: April 2011 – January 2012
The selected organization shall be responsible for submitting the following deliverables in electronic
form to the designated C-Change point-of-contact. Multiple drafts of a deliverable may need to be
submitted for feedback before the deliverable can be considered final and approved as fulfilling the
terms of the purchase order. The following deliverables are required:
Certificates of Approval from NIMR for both the implementation study and the
supplementary study.
CVs of selected facilitators
Copies of all training materials to be used during facilitator and CBM training
Reports on the training of the facilitators and CBMs
Report on the pre-test of the group discussion guide
Revised group discussion guide approved by C-Change
Swahili translations of the group discussion guide for facilitators
Detailed schedule of activities for facilitators and mobile outreach services
Weekly written updates, to include CBM activities, facilitated group discussions,
and provision of family planning outreach services in both control and test sites.
Reports on the implementation of the facilitated group discussions in each group
of sites, including challenges and lessons learned. The report shall detail:
strategies for recruiting participants, retention of participants over the six
discussions; socio-demographic characteristics of participants; challenges
encountered and new strategies adopted; themes emerging during discussions;
recommendations for improvement in intervention design.
Service statistics for intervention and control and sites for the complete period
of the intervention study and the 12 months prior as described in scope of work
Presentation for dissemination of results. The presentation shall cover:
strategies for recruiting participants, retention of participants over the six
discussions; socio-demographic characteristics of participants; challenges
encountered and new strategies adopted; themes emerging during discussions;
recommendations for improvement in intervention design.
V.1 Proposal Guidelines
Certifications– Please read and sign the required Certifications attached in Appendix A.
Procurement Template & Mandatory Client Flow Down Requirements – Please review the procurement
template and clauses attached in Appendix B.
In responding to this Request for Proposals (RFP), the offeror should include:
Technical Proposal:
1. A Proposal Narrative describing how the Scope of Work described in this RFP shall be
logistically implemented and how the team shall be managed. Applicants should limit their
proposal narrative to 10 pages in total (relevant staff CVs are not included in this page limit).
The proposal narrative should include:
a. A detailed description of the intervention processes. Describe the type (in terms of
education and professional experience) of facilitators that will be engaged for this
study, how the facilitators and CBMs will be trained, how the facilitated group
discussion participants will be recruited, how many intervention and control sites
will be included, how many outreach visits will be conducted, and how the service
statistics will be collected, compiled, and reported.
b. Please include a timeline of activities and your proposed methods of monitoring
the implementation of the activities.
c. A description of your organization’s previous experience with conducting similar
activities/studies (you may include sample reports or other documents such as
training manuals, workplans, etc. from previous work).
d. A list of references for the organization within the past two years, including
complete and current contact information for each.
2. Complete contact information in order for AED to respond to proposals, respond to issues
raised by offerors to this RFP, and to negotiate the purchase order. Complete contact
information includes:
Names, titles, and responsibilities of all listed Key Personnel;
b. Organizational street and mailing addresses; and
c. Phone/fax numbers and e-mail addresses of Key Personnel.
d. Any additional relevant administrative/organizational information should also be
3. CV / resume for all Key Personnel included in the proposal.
Detailed Cost Proposal: (not to exceed 5 pages)
1. Cost proposal/Budget: Provide a cost proposal/budget with sufficient detail to allow
evaluation of elements of costs proposed. Budgets should be submitted in the currency of
the country within which the offeror’s organization is located.
2. Budget Narrative: A brief narrative explanation and justification for each line item must be
included in a separate section entitled “budget notes” and include data to support actual
costs and/or methodologies to support cost estimates. Budget notes serve as justification
for each cost included in a budget; they should be presented in such a way as to be easily
referenced from the budget; and they should provide sufficient information so that AED
may sufficiently review a proposed budget for reasonableness. All projected costs must be
in accordance with the organization’s standard practices and policies.
3. Financial Documentation: If the offeror will include fringe benefit or overhead rates,
offeror should include documentation to justify the rates charged, for example a US
government agency approved Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) or audit
income statements.
4. Payment Schedule: Please provide a payment schedule to include a fixed price for each
deliverable as described in the scope of work. Payment amount for each deliverable should
be tied to the cost of completing each deliverable.
5. Exchange Rates: Please note AED cannot honor exchange rates included in a budget and
payments will be made according to the exchange rate at the time of payment.
Please indicate the inclusion/exclusion of any applicable VAT. AED is generally exempt from VAT
payments and thus will not reimburse for VAT.
The offeror should read the instructions carefully before submitting a proposal. Any discrepancy in
following these instructions or contract provisions may disqualify a proposal without recourse on an
appeal for reconsideration at any stage.
All written proposals submitted must be valid for a period of not less than sixty (60) calendar days from
the closing date indicated above.
Although present plans are to enter into discussions with those firms most highly ranked following
evaluation of proposals, AED reserves the right to award without discussions. Hence, proposals should
be submitted initially on the most favorable terms, from a price and technical standpoint, which the
offeror can submit to AED.
V. 2 Submission of Proposals
Proposals should be submitted in electronic version to Rachel Lenzi at no later than
05:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. on March 14, 2011.
Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted via email to Rachel Lenzi at no later
than 9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on February 25, 2011. AED will not respond to telephone inquiries.
Any additional information given to a prospective offeror will be provided to all other prospective
V. 3 Evaluation of Proposals
All proposals received by the stated closing date will be evaluated and ranked according to the
conditions described in selection criteria below. Proposals will first be evaluated from a technical
standpoint. Those proposals considered to be technically acceptable (receiving more than 70 points for
Technical Grasp, Experience, and Organizational Capacity and Relevance) shall then be evaluated in
terms of cost.
Each proposal will be evaluated based on evidence of the following criteria:
Technical Scores
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
 Proposal provides a comprehensive description of staff training, procedures
for selecting participants, implementation and management procedures, data
collection and reporting mechanisms, and a dissemination plan.
35 points
 Relevance of proposed staff’s skills and experience to implementing
operations research activities (include staff CVs), including:
o Quality and suitability of the research supervisor to handle the project
o Description of proposed facilitators and supervisory staff, and their
required education or experience conducting facilitated group
 Experience working with international organizations
25 points
Organizational Capacity and Relevance
 Organization is currently providing family planning outreach in rural areas of
 Organization currently utilizes Community-Based Mobilizers or other
community mobilization personnel.
20 points
 Detailed and comprehensive cost presentation
 Concordance of the budget with the proposed activities (cost realism)
 Price
20 points
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
100 points
The contractor(s) securing the highest score (s) will be deemed the best value and will be invited for
1. Prior to the expiration period of proposal validity, AED will notify the successful offeror who
submitted the highest scoring proposal in writing by registered letter, email, or facsimile and
invite the organization to negotiate the fixed price purchase order.
2. The aim of negotiations is to reach agreement on all points, and draft an initial purchase
order by the conclusion of negotiations.
3. Negotiations will commence with a discussion of the offeror’s technical proposal, the
proposed methodology, schedule of activities, staffing and any suggestions the offeror may
have made to improve upon the Scope of Work. Agreement must then be reached on the
final deliverables, staffing, logistics, reporting, and pricing. Special attention will be paid to
define clearly the inputs required from AED to ensure satisfactory implementation of the
4. Evaluation of proposed key professional staff is an important aspect of offeror selection; as
such, AED expects to negotiate a purchase order on the basis of the staff named in the
proposal. Prior to purchase order negotiations, AED will require assurance that these staff
will actually be available. AED will not consider substitutions during purchase order
negotiations except in cases of unexpected delays in the starting date or incapacity of key
professional staff for reasons of health.
5. The purchase order will be awarded after successful negotiations with the selected offeror.
If negotiations fail, AED will invite the offeror which obtained the second highest score to
engage in purchase order negotiations. Upon successful purchase order negotiation, AED
will promptly inform all other bidders that their proposals have not been selected.
6. Issuance of this Request for Proposal does not constitute an award commitment on the part
of AED, nor does it commit AED to pay for the costs incurred in the submission of a proposal
to the RPP. Furthermore, AED reserves the right to reject any or all offers received and to
negotiate separately with an offeror, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of
AED’s client organization, the U.S. Agency for International Development.
7. AED may evaluate offers in response to this solicitation without discussions and will award a
purchase order to the responsible offeror whose offer, conforming to the solicitation, will be
most advantageous to the U.S. Agency for International Development based on the
technical factors specified in this solicitation and the price.
AED may:
Reject any or all offers;
Accept other than the lowest-price offer;
Waive informalities or minor irregularities in offer received; and/or
Make multiple awards.
Please note, if your firm does not have adequate expertise to fulfill the requirements of this RFP,
there is no objection to your firm associating with another firm in order to enable a full range of
expertise to be presented. The request for a joint venture should be accompanied with full
details of the proposed association and confirming joint and several liabilities.
Offerors are responsible for review of the terms and conditions described below and in the award
template attached. If relevant, particular attention should be paid to clauses regarding USAID
geographic code, marking and branding requirements and equipment and commodity purchases.
Withdrawal of Proposals
Offerors may withdraw proposals by written notice via email received at any time before award.
Proposals may be withdrawn in person by an offeror or his/her authorized representative, if the
representative’s identity is made known and the representative signs a receipt for the proposal before
Offer Verification
AED may contact offerors to confirm contact person, address, bid amount and to confirm that the bid
was submitted for this solicitation.
False Statements in Offer
Offerors must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this solicitation and its
Conflict of Interest
Offerors must provide disclosure of any past, present or future relationships with any parties associated
with the issuance, review or management of this solicitation and anticipated award. Failure to provide
full and open disclosure may result in AED having to re-evaluate selection of a potential offeror.
Reserved Rights
All RFP responses become the property of AED and AED reserves the right in its sole discretion to:
To disqualify any offer based on offeror failure to follow solicitation instructions;
AED reserves the right to waive any deviations by offerors from the requirements of this
solicitation that in AED's opinion are considered not to be material defects requiring rejection or
disqualification; or where such a waiver will promote increased competition;
Extend the time for submission of all RFP responses after notification to all offerors;
Terminate or modify the RFP process at any time and re-issue the RFP to whomever AED deems
AED reserves the right to issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers without
Award only part of the activities in the solicitation or issue multiple awards based on solicitation
Governing Law and Language
This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the U.S.
Government except in cases where they contradict Tanzanian law. The English language version of this
solicitation and any resulting contract shall govern, and all notices pursuant to the provisions of this
solicitation and any resulting contract shall be in English.
Certification of Independent Price Determination
(a) The offeror certifies that-(1) The prices in this offer have been arrived at independently, without, for the purpose of
restricting competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with any other offeror,
including but not limited to subsidiaries or other entities in which offeror has any ownership or other
interests, or any competitor relating to (i) those prices, (ii) the intention to submit an offer, or (iii) the
methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered;
(2) The prices in this offer have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the offeror,
directly or indirectly, to any other offeror, including but not limited to subsidiaries or other entities in
which offeror has any ownership or other interests, or any competitor before bid opening (in the case of
a sealed bid solicitation) or contract award (in the case of a negotiated or competitive solicitation)
unless otherwise required by law; and
(3) No attempt has been made or will be made by the offeror to induce any other concern or
individual to submit or not to submit an offer for the purpose of restricting competition or influencing
the competitive environment.
(b) Each signature on the offer is considered to be a certification by the signatory that the signatory-(1) Is the person in the offeror's organization responsible for determining the prices being
offered in this bid or proposal, and that the signatory has not participated and will not participate in any
action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above; or
(2) (i) Has been authorized, in writing, to act as agent for the principals of the offeror in
certifying that those principals have not participated, and will not participate in any action contrary to
subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above;
(ii) As an authorized agent, does certify that the principals of the offeror have not
participated, and will not participate, in any action contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3)
above; and
(iii) As an agent, has not personally participated, and will not participate, in any action
contrary to subparagraphs (a)(1) through (a)(3) above.
(c) Offeror understands and agrees that -(1) violation of this certification will result in immediate disqualification from this solicitation
without recourse and may result in disqualification from future solicitations; and
(2) discovery of any violation after award to the offeror will result in the termination of the
award for default.