MEAI News April 2014

MEAI News April 2014
MEAI-Rajasthan Chapter Udaipur:
Problems of Mining Industry and Technological Advancements March 7-8, 2014
The Mining Engineers’ Association of India, Rajasthan Chapter-Udaipur and Department
of Mining Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap
University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur has jointly organised National Seminar
on the theme, “Problems of Mining Industry and Technological Advancements” 7-8
March 2014. The venue of the seminar was AVP hall, CTAE, MPUAT, Udaipur.
The Inaugural Function of the Seminar was held on 7th March, 2014 at 10.30 am and
Chief Guest of the Function was Dr. O. P. Gill, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Maharana Pratap
University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur. In his speech he has highlighted the
problems related to mining such as issue of bajari or river sand, ill effects of marble
slurry and public perception of the mining industry. The guest of honour of the function
was Shri B. P. Ahuja, Dy. Director General of Mines Safety, Government of India and he
has spoken in his speech that problems of Mining industry can be resolved by adoption
of advance technology and close co-ordination among government officials,
stakeholders and local public. The presidential address was given by Shri. A. Bagchhi,
National President of MEAI. He has given the facts and figures of production and
requirement of different minerals in the country. He has also highlighted that earlier
contribution of mineral industry in National GDP was more that 5% but currently it has
reduced to 2% due to closure of various mines with the decision of Hon’ble Supreme
Court of India.
The keynote speaker of function was Prof. T. I. Khan, Chairman, State Level Expert
Appraisal Committee, Rajasthan, RPCB, Jaipur. He has mentioned in his speech the
procedures of Environment Clearances and also told that delay in clearances is due to
submission of incomplete reports by the consultants and project proponent, otherwise
SEAC has zero pendency at their level.
At the start of the program welcome speech was given by Shri Akhilesh Joshi, Chairman
MEAI, Rajasthan Chapter-Udaipur. Chief Co-ordinator of the seminar and Director of
Mines and Geology, Government of Rajasthan Shri D. S. Maru told that Scientific and ecofriendly mining will reduce the problems of the mining industry. Dr. B. P. Nandawana,
Dean, CTAE and Vice-Chairman of the seminar has spoken about the activities of the
Golden Jubilee year of the college and told that this seminar is also a part of the same.
During the inaugural function eight eminent personalities were felicitated by the
Chapter for their excellent work in the field of different mining industry. They were Shri
Arvind Singhal, Managing Director, Wolkem India, Udaipur, Shri Akhilesh Joshi, Chief
Executive Officer of Hindustan Zinc Limited-Vedanta, Shri Vimal Patni, Director R. K.
Group-WonderMarble, Shri Vikram Golcha, Chairman, Golcha Associated Group of
Companies, Shri P. C. Dhariwal, Advisor, J. K. Cement Ltd, Shri A. K. Agarwal, Former
Director, Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Shri A. K. Kothari, Former DMG, GOR and
presently Advisor, Federation of Indian Mineral Industry and Shri D. S. Maru, Director
of Mines and Geology, Government of Rajasthan.
At the end of the function vote of thanks was given by Prof. S. S. Rathore, Organizing
Secretary and Head of the Department of Mining Engineering, CTAE, Udaipur. During
the Inaugural Function souvenir Edited by Shri Y. C. Gupta, Shri N. C. Bansal and shri
P. C. Kachhara and soft copy of the Proceedings of technical papers Edited by Prof. S. S.
Rathore and Dr. S. C. Jain were released by Dr. O. P. Gill, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor,
MPUAT, Udaipur.
The Technical Programme: During the seminar one plenary session of the keynote
addresses and four technical sessions were held and during these programmes total 39
technical papers including keynote addresses were presented in the seminar.
Council Meeting: During the National seminar 4th Council meeting of the Mining
Engineers’ Association of India was held on 7th March, 2014 at 5.00 pm hosted by MEAIRajasthan Chapter, Udaipur
Valedictory Function: The function was held on 8th March, 2014 at 3.45 pm. The Chief
Guest of the function was Shri J. P. Agarwal, Chairman, Geetanjali Institute of Technical
Studies. Shri Agarwal has told that in present scenario establishment of mineral based
industry is very risky due to frequent closure of mines with the decision of Hon’ble
Courts. The minerals are the basic raw materials for any type of industry. He has also
highlighted the problems of the environment clearances at National and State levels.
The function was presided over by Shri A. Bagchhi, National President of MEAI. He has
told that presently investment on exploration of minerals is on lower side and it
requires to increase on the pattern of U.S.A., Australia, Canada and European countries
for fast growth of the mineral sector.
At the start of the programme well come speech was given by Shri D. S. Maru, Director
of Mines and Geology, Govt. of Rajasthan. Shri Maru told that amicable solution of the
Problems of Mining industry will be tried at different level of Central and State
Government with the co-operation of stakeholders and Mining engineers’ Association of
India. Dr. B. P. Nandwana, Dean, CTAE and Vice-Chairman of the seminar has also told
that technical problems of the mining industry can be resolved through research by the
During the valedictory function, following recommendations of the seminar were
presented by Shri A. K. Kothari, National Vice-President of the MEAI to solve the
problems of mining industry.
Recommendations of the seminar: 1.There is an urgent need for reconstitution of the
State level Mineral Advisory Committee by the State Government and holding their
regular meetings so that problems of mining sector can be discussed at a well
represented expert group consisting of various Govt. agencies, Mine Owners, NGOs etc.
2.For effective coordination between the three Govt. deptts namely State Mines
Department, IBM and DGMS, coordination committees be formed for Udaipur, Jaipur
and Jodhpur zones, and these committees must meet at least once in a quarter and send
their findings directly to Secretary Mines, Government of Rajasthan.3.Maximum
possible use of IT is to be made in various aspects of mineral administration and in
regulatory work to ensure transparency and hassle free administration.4.In Each &
Every Environment Clearance what MOEF imposes is standard 30 conditions. These 30
conditions, in one way or the other already exists in the Mineral Concession laws under
which Mining leases are granted. It is recommended that the PMO should constitute an
inter-ministry committee at GOI level to examine whether this duplication can be
avoided. This will greatly reduce the time taken for grant of mineral concessions by
Govt. and also effective monitoring of environment protection measures can be done by
the State Govt.5.The issue of mining in Aravalli hills is pending before Hon'ble Supreme
Court. In case Hon'ble Supreme Court accepts the FSI report regarding delineation of
Aravalli then there will be a possibility of closer of more than 12000 mines in 16
district's of Rajasthan including important minerals like Limestone Cement grade, Lead
and Zinc, Soapstone, Marble, Sandstone, Rock phosphate, Silica Sand, Quartz, Feldspar
etc. State Government must take it seriously and supply all the data asked by FSI
immediately and also present the Government views in a strong and transparent way
before Hon'ble Supreme Court to save the mining industry and industrial development
of the State.
6. Mineral based activities are the major source for Development of Tribal areas
especially in hilly terrain. Since last so many years’ new concessions are banned. Even
mining of minerals like masonry stone, bajri etc which are of basic needs of a common
person are also banned. Many important minerals like Manganese, Limestone, Gold,
Soapstone etc. are available in abundance in Tribal areas. State Government should
review the policy for grant of mineral concessions in Tribal areas at the
earliest.7.Millions of tonnes of waste rock/overburden is lying in or around the mining
areas which can be used as masonry stone for construction and infrastructure purpose.
This is also creating environment problems to a great extent as land occupied by such
dump has no productive use. On the other hand the public work agencies do large
digging on both sides of roads to get their raw material. The agencies operating nearby
can use such dumps. For large Government work, use of such stock piles of waste rock
should be made compulsory and permission for new excavation should be restricted.
This can be achieved if the State Dept. of Mines & Geology should make inventory of
such dumps and then send it to the State Govt. for implementation. Also while this is
implemented, as the material already stand mined, the regular Environment laws are
not applied on the dispatch of such dumps.8.A large numbers of renewal cases are
pending with State government. Many of them are pending as the lease area falls on
Aravalli Hills. Huge Investment became ideal. Their renewal applications are not
disposed of in the light of Hon'ble Supreme court’s judgment. We feel that nowhere the
Hon’ble Supreme court has put a ban on renewal of existing leases. What the Hon'ble
Supreme court has said is that no work is allowed in the deemed extended period. We
therefore recommend that the State government must re-examine the orders of the
Hon'ble Supreme court in the interest of the mineral industry and interpreted
correctly.9.In the society mining has poor perception. As a first step, suggestion is that
every year Mines Safety Directorate organizes Safety week and the Indian Bureau of
Mines, organizes Mine Environment & conservation week. It should be made a practice
(in the interest of transparency & publicity) to arrange video show of the mines which
participated in the week. The media invariably is invited specially to see the video
themselves on the final day function. Both DGMS & IBM should examine this suggestion
seriously.10.At the time of renewal, fresh approval of Forest Clearance (FC) is desired
even when mineral production has been as per the earlier approved plan. The mineral
production has not increased nor is it planned to be increased. The fresh approval may
not be desired and only monitoring be done. The suggestion is that the Forest Act is
amended. In respect of fresh approval of EC in renewal cases, MOEF says that if EC has
been obtained under yr. 2006 circular, then fresh approval is not required but if
obtained under yr. 1994 circular then fresh approval is required. Why this anomaly and
differentiation? MOEF should clarify that if EC obtained once fresh approval
is not required.
11. In the country presently there are 24 Polytechnic colleges out of which one college
in Private sector is there in Raj. But for Surveying there are only 4 institutes in the
country. Huge demand exists in Rajasthan for Mine Surveyors. Govt. of Rajasthan
should come forward and start course in Diploma in Mine Surveying.12.Availability of
sand is limited in the country. Therefore possibility to use manufactured sand is
examined. Also substitutes such as crushed glass or recycled copper slag is looked into.
Countries like Singapore, Hong-kong & US are going ahead with the use of
substitutes.13.One way to reduce the need for sand is to recycle construction and
demolition waste. About 10 to 12 million tonnes of construction waste is generated
annually, and only a portion of it is reused. The Municipal Solid Waste (Management
and Handling) Rules, 2000, require construction debris to be separated, but it is
often mixed with other waste and discarded. Bricks and concrete could be crushed for
aggregates. There are no such benchmarks in India. And there are not enough
deterrents for dumping construction waste. Appeal is made to all the State Govts to
ensure implementation of these rules.14.The CSIR institutes should work vigorously on
the substitutes of Sand and use of byproducts such as broken glass, copper slag and
such other material.15.Indian Standard Institute should revisit the Standards of sand so
that manufactured sand and by products can be used as it is becoming very scarce.
16. The declining mineral production has been largely the resultant of lack of thrust and
focus on exploration in Indian mining. India is among very few mineral rich countries in
the world having less than 1% of exploration budget and is faring poorly in comparison
to regions like Canada @ 16% and Australia @ 12% of exploration budgets. This poor
benchmarking is largely the result of mindset, where exploration is still taken as an
expense rather than as an investment and is the most tempted budget head for further
cost-cutting in today’s turbulent times. The suggestion is that the exploration expense is
treated as investment.17.Use of a drilling machine with a GPS guided system can
accurately locate the planned location and can determine the exact collar elevation at
each drill site. The overall success of a blast is usually assessed by the speed and
efficiency of subsequent digging operations. The suggestion is to use drilling machine
with a GPS guided system.18.All the Chapters of MEAI shall take initiative for transfer of
latest mining technology and availability of improved machinery to the entrepreneurs
who are unknown to latest developments by making Video shows at Clusters of mines.
This will bring a positive change in mineral production and will be helpful in
environment protection.19.For transfer of improved technology selected papers to be
published in monthly MEAI Journal as well as they shall be uploaded on MEAIs
website.20.Effort should be made by MEAI as well as Govt. deptts. to create awareness
in General public regarding importance of minerals for a common man of the society by
regular interaction through Seminars, Video shows, exhibitions of work done by lessees
in the field of environment, CSR activities etc.
During the valedictory function two eminent personalities Shri B. B. Joshi, Unit Head,
Aditya Cement and Shri Sunil Sachan, Unit Head, Lafarge Ceement were felicitated by
the MEAI-Rajasthan Chapter, Udaipur.
In the National Seminar Foreign paper presenters and delegates were also there. The
association has also honoured Shri Andrew Hall, General Managar, AMC Company
Australia and Mr. Mo Mausa Mohammadi, Faculty Member of University of Iran.
The total registration in the seminar was 315 delegates including students of mining
engineering. In the seminar Shri R. P. Gupta, Former President MEAI, Shri K. V. Rao,
Secretary General, MEAI Shri Arun Kothari, Vice-President, MEAI, Shri H. V. Paliwal,
Former Director, HZL, Shri B. K. P. Sinha, Former Director, HZL, Prof. Sushil Bhandari,
Chairman, Raj Chapter-Jodhpur, Shri Akhilesh Joshi Chairman, Raj. Chapter-Udaipur,
Shri Y. C. Gupta, Shri N. C. Bansal, Shri O. P. Soni, Shri K. P. Gupta, Shri M. M. Sharma
Former, DGMS, Shri Deepak Gupta, Former Dy. DGMS, Prof. S. Jayanthu, Prof. B. K.
Shrivastava, Prof. D. P. Tripathy, Prof. T. N. Singh, Prof. Piyush Rai, Dr. Ashok Jaiswal, Dr.
Rajesh Rai, Dr. S. C. Jain, Er Andrew Hall from Australia and Mr. Lee Cheng from China
were also present.
At the end of the programme vote of thanks was given by Dr. S. S. Rathore, Organizing
Secretary of the National Seminar.
MEAI-H.Qtrs- Recommendations of the IXth International Heavy Mineral Conference
held at Visakhapatnam on 27 – 29 November, 2013
During the deliberations of the Conference it emerged that the technology for
exploration, mining, beneficiation and utilization of the mineral sand is well developed
and is available to most of the Nations having sizable mineral sand reserves. However
in most of the Countries, the contribution of the mineral sands to the GDP is very small
as the industry is not able to fully utilize its resources to the benefit of the society and to
contribute adequately to the national economies because of inordinate delays in the
grant of mining rights and land acquisition.
Unlike other conventional mining of coal, iron ore, limestone etc. mineral sand mining is
involved with simultaneous back-filling of the mined out areas with the tails sand and
the land is restored to its original form, if not improved with better landscaping and the
land is ready for the use it was put, before mining. Keeping this aspect in view, the
Mineral Sand Mining Industry should be treated differently from other kinds of Mining.
Also, beach sand minerals mining does not require blasting, trenches etc. like
conventional mining. The washings on the beaches are mined by scraping and the
inland deposits are mined by digging in dry mining method. In areas where the deposits
extend below water table, the dredging method is adopted. These mining methods are
safe and hence, the laws to govern beach sand mining activity needs to be modified,
taking into account the simplicity/severity of the operations. However, in actual
practice, this type of mining is also considered as dangerous/polluting as the mining of
the other minerals from Mine Safety/Environment Protection Statutes. This has to be
Therefore, the Conference recommends that:1) There should be separate legislation/laws for mineral sand mining just as there
are separate
Regulations for coal, metalliferrous mines, oil wells, Granite Conservation and
Development Rules 1999 etc. taking into consideration the special requirements
of the mineral sand industry.
2) It should be appreciated that mineral sand mining causes very little, if at all any,
damage to the
Mining area and the land can be restored to the previous state quickly and easily.
In fact, in most cases, the recovered land is better laid out with planned dunes
and lagoons, which serve as water bodies for plantation and for people settled on
the recovered land.
3) There should be a single window approach at the State and Central Govt. level for
mining, land acquisition, and other related statutory clearances with adequate
authority and delegation of powers to take decisions and dispose of quickly all
the matters related to mineral sand mining. This Authority should consider the
special need for protecting certain areas such as the turtle breeding ground and
the preservation of the other coastal flora and fauna.
4) The professional Societies like Mining Engineers’ Association of India and such
professional Societies in other Countries should make special efforts to bring
these and other related matters to the notice of the respective Governments as
well as the general Public so that the mineral sand industry can make its due
contribution to the national economy. In India, MEAI representation is requested
on the single window Body as proposed at point 3) above.
It is further recommended that every National Government should constitute a Mineral
Sand Development Board to
A. Co-ordinate exploration of inland and off-shore heavy mineral deposits and
B. Lay down Guide lines for Policy, Statute and Legislation as well as for further
Development of appropriate Technology for mining and processing of deposits of
economical value.
For the special cases prevalent in India, the Conference makes the following Specific
Recommendations to the Government of India and the concerned State Govts.
1) To distinguish between and avoid any confusion between Ordinary Sand Mining
for Construction Industry and Mining of Minerals from Sand for Metals Industry,
the current practice of referring Mining of Minerals from Sand as “Beach Sand
Mining” be discontinued and renamed as “Mineral Sands Mining” as per
practice in most Countries of the World, where such important minerals are
being mined from Sand.
2) Beach Sand Mineral Policy of 1998 may be reviewed and a New Policy
pronounced subsequent to deletion of Ilmenite, Rutile etc from the prescribed
substances and keeping in view the proposal made at (i) above.
3) At present Mining Plans are being approved by two Agencies, viz., AMD (under
DAE) for Ilmenite, Rutile, Zircon and IBM for Garnet and Sillimanite. Instead, a
single Agency may be designated for speedy approval of Mining Plans for all the
sand minerals.
4) Mining is a Dynamic Process. Frequent changes are called for in the progress of
benches, direction of progress, production rate of different grades of the mineral
within the mining lease etc. Thus, the statutory 5 year Mine Plan is required to be
constantly fine tuned to accommodate the inevitable changes in Grade
distribution, new geological data identified due to additional
drilling/exploration, Blending requirements dictated by Mineral Processing
Plant, Raw material mix sourced from outside, short-term Market fluctuations of
demand/supply, costs and prices, unpredictable climatic changes like heavy
Rains, Flooding, sudden Legal restrictions, Objections from outsiders etc. The
reasons and frequency of changes are so many that it prevents Mine
Organizations to prepare a modified Mining Plan and get it approved every time
before implementation. There is no Country in the World where Mine Plan once
prepared, becomes a rigid Plan cast in stone till modified and approved by the
Government, on each occasion a change is justifiably required.
5) There is thus a need to make in-built provisions for greater Degrees of Freedom
in this dynamic process of mine planning and execution at the operating levels.
The Regulatory Agencies like IBM and AMD must recognize and appreciate the
inevitability of such frequent modifications in Mining Plan and provide for the
same, but under the overall scheme of things of the Five Yearly Mining
Plan/Mining Scheme Regime. The decentralized ground level control could be
ensured through the existing mandatory system of keeping qualified/certified
Mining Engineers and Geologists at Mine site (appointed for the purpose), to
whom this job of close monitoring and maintenance of Mine Plan Drawings at
Mine level must be delegated and IBM/AMD could and should be the ‘Watchdog’,
instead of insisting on approving each and every change /New and Modified
Mine Plan or Scheme.
6) Minerals are as important as Air, Water, Land and Forests, not only for human
survival but also for Development and inclusive Growth. Govt. of India should
therefore enact legislation in the same manner as done to protect Air, Water,
Land & Forests, to protect Mineral bearing Lands identified by AMD, GSI and
other such State Agencies and such mineral bearing areas shall be notified and
not allowed to be used for any alternate purpose at the cost of mining of the
contained minerals or sterilization of the mineral reserves. The Administration
of such National Assets could as well be placed under the jurisdiction of a
dedicated new Cadre to be known as “Indian Mining Service”.
7) Presently detailed EIA & EMP is required to be prepared, once during the
preparation of Mining Plan and later for securing the Environment Clearance
(with the added requirement of getting Terms of Reference for preparation of
the EIA/EMP documentation and also collecting environmental Base line data). If
the approval of Mining Plan and issue of EC are not happening within a period of
say 3 years (which in most cases go beyond this period), it becomes a repetitive
exercise costing time and money to the Project Proponent. It would help the
Mining Industry if such duplication could be obviated by possible unification of
Processes and Documentation with similar/identical objectives, but regulated by
different Agencies.
8) Mining lease is granted subject to standard conditions attached to the lease deed.
The Mining lease holder is legally bound to adhere to these conditions while
conducting Mining operations. Similarly, the obligations of Environment
Protection could also be simplified and standardized by including, (along with
the Mining lease conditions), the General EC conditions as well as Leasehold
specific EC conditions as may be jointly determined by the Regional Offices of
IBM, PCB, MOEF, etc or Regional Committees set up for the purpose and.
Additionally, the time bound Action Plan emanating from the mandatory Prior
Public Hearing (say consequent on securing the LOI for the Leasehold), could
also be made part of the conditions attached to the Lease Deed. Mining parse,
could thus be allowed to be commenced subject of course to adherence to the
aforesaid conditions. Formal grant of various approvals in a time bound manner
could be proceeded with on a parallel mode rather than as ‘a priori’ requirement,
which tantamounts waiting for 3-5 years for EC to be secured, with by and large,
the same set of conditions. Important Site Specific Studies can also be carried out
parallelly, the recommendations wherefrom becoming obligatory in a timebound manner.
9) On a similar logic, the lead-lag relationship among various statutory
approvals/clearances ( a particular clearance becoming a pre-requisite for even
applying for another, the entire process leading to avoidable wait-outs), could be
minimized by processing the multifarious Applications in parallel to the extent
possible, so that the time-frame for the same could be optimized.
10)It has been a Universal practice to mine the replenishable ore, continuously
being deposited in the inter-tidal zones, lest it should flow back to the sea. The
beach washings so collected provide virtually a perennial source of the heavy
minerals, not found elsewhere, other than the sea front. The collection and
gainful utilization of such inter-tidal accretions is quite environment friendly,
just as the whole of beach sand mining activity, usually is. Any restrictions on
scientific mining being carried out in the inter-tidal zone are not justifiable from
an economical point of view nor does it have any environmental justification.
Any such prohibition or restriction would be detrimental to growth of the Sand
Mineral Industry, besides being against the prevalent Conservation and
Development Rules which advocate highest recovery of minerals where ever
they exist.
11)The mining of rich inland deposits away from the HTL are also facing severe
restrictions in being allowed to be mined in AP as well as other States on often
unjustifiable pleas such as the areas serve as nesting ground for Olive Reedley
Turtle or contain endangered species. Such decisions do not always get backed
up by scientific studies/reasoning and also tend to overlook the
recommendations of renowned experts on the subject. This is causing avoidable
harm to the Industry in AP and other States. Hence permission to mine the entire
deposit should be allowed, except where scientific studies and recommendations
of experts in the field indicate restrictions to be imposed if any, as also the
specific precautions to be taken to fully protect the Environment, including
endangered/ scheduled species of Flora and Fauna like the Olive Reedley Turtles
during their annual breeding visits to part of Orissa Coast.
12)The Govt. of India has actively started allotting Off-shore Blocks for exploration
and exploitation of natural resources in the areas abutting existing Mining leases
and Exploration License areas on land. To avoid any dispute arising out of
accessing such off-shore areas for adopting the best method of exploration and
mining, these off-shore blocks should be first offered to existing lease/ license
holders on land and only upon their refusal, such Blocks should be offered to
other willing applicants.
13)Presently an Export Duty of 10% is levied on Ilmenite, which may be removed
for promoting the production of Ilmenite, commensurate to its resources and
making Indian Ilmenite Industry’s presence felt in the international market.
14)Indian beach sand mineral deposits normally contain all the minerals like
ilmenite, rutile, zircon, garnet, sillimanite and monazite. Presently, mining leases
are often given selectively for one or two minerals or for all minerals except
monazite. The content of individual minerals varies from deposit to deposit.
Needless to state, such selective leasing is contrary to Mineral Conservation.
Hence, necessary modifications are required to be made in the rules to not only
include all the suite minerals in the Lease deed, but also to incentivize
exploitation of as many of them as possible.
15)As regards Monazite, it is understandable that due to the presence of Thorium
and Uranium, its handling, processing and management needs to be controlled
by the Department of Atomic Energy. But then, the rules and procedures
prescribed for the purpose, date back to the period when the entire suite of
beach sand minerals was solely under the Public Sector domain. Also for various
reasons, Monazite Quarantine was also in vogue. Under the present day
liberalized regime with Private Sector Players also on th scene and fast growing
demand for the Rare Earth Elements as also for Tri-sodium Phosphate (one of
the first-stage by-products of Monazite processing), it has become imperative to
fully utilize Monazite just like other suite minerals of beach sands. For this
purpose, it would be prudent to permit all producers of sand minerals to win and
process Monazite also, the essential controls on this strategic and Radio-active
mineral being exercised through the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
and the Dept. of Atomic Energy as is being done for the PSUs now. Such a move
will subserve the conservation of all the ingradients of the Heavy Mineral Sands.
State of Art Technologies are available indigenously for Monazite Processing as
well as for Value Addition.
MEAI-Hyderabad Chapter: Minutes of the 2nd Executive Committee Meeting
The 2nd Executive Committee Meeting (2013-15) of MEAI Hyderabad Chapter was
held on 28.02.2014 at 4:00 PM at 1st floor Conference Room NMDC Limited,
Masab Tank-Hyderabad. Shri P N Sharma-Vice-Chairman was in the chair.
The Secretary formally requested the Shri P N Sharma; Vice-Chairman to chair the
meeting and to initiate the proceedings. Chairperson welcomed the executive
committee members, permanent and special invitee who were attending the 2nd
Executive Committee Meeting (2013-15) of MEAI Hyderabad Chapter and was
happy to note that there are a large number of members present. He also
intimated the members present that 1st March was going to be celebrated as
Khanij Diwas at IBM and also requested everyone present to participate in the
function at IBM Hyderabad to make it a grand success.
The following agenda items were taken up for discussion and approval.
1. Confirmation of minutes of the 1st Executive Committee Meeting (2013-15) of
MEAI Hyderabad Chapter held on 17.01.2014-the minutes were confirmed.
2. Action taken on the minutes of previous meeting
As advised in the 1st meeting, two major actions had been proposed, namely:
a). Action Plan-2014 of MEAI Hyderabad Chapter,
The Secretary informed the members present that the action plan regarding
calendar of activities of the chapter for the year 2014 has been drawn up which is
as follows:
i). Lecture/ paper meet to be held every month-the 1st lecture will be happening
after the meeting. ii).Two workshops to be organized on industry specific topics
concerning limestone/ cement industry and dimensional stone industry. iii).One
national conference- Mining Industry in India-future for inclusive growth; the
various committees for the conference were also discussed and accorded
committee’s approval. The conference is proposed to be held during 13-14 June
b). The Editor MEJ had mentioned in the 1st meeting that there were not sufficient
articles coming in for publishing in the journal and that the chapter should take
initiative for the same. It was informed that till date FOUR articles have been
forwarded to Editor MEJ and has been acknowledged as well.
3. The Action Plan calendar for 2014 has been presented to the committee and
has been accorded in principle approval for forwarding to the MEAI
headquarters for information and action (if necessary).
4. Any other items with permission of chair:
i).Secretary informed that MEAI headquarters is trying to update the member
directory and have devised a format accordingly. He requested the members to fill
up the same and forward to Secretary Hyderabad Chapter or directly to MEAI
headquarters with a copy marked to Secretary Hyderabad Chapter for records.
ii)On a query regarding MEAI membership forms; it was informed that the form is
available on MEAI website. It was also observed that the MEAI website has not
been updated after September 2013.iii).Secretary informed that it is proposed to
bring out a newsletter-maybe bimonthly for Hyderabad chapter and the tentative
expenditure (including printing and postage) will be Rs 1500/- for one time. It
was advised that it be included in the MEJ and the additional charges can be borne
by the chapter-of course the section can have mention of the chapter.
There was no other point to be discussed. Chairperson advised Secretary to
formally close the meeting. Secretary proposed vote of thanks to all members
present and invited them for the 1st Lecture meet of Hyderabad Chapter for the
period 2013-15. The meeting ended with thanks to the chair.
A lecture meet on the topic “Diamonds in India Exploration Constraints” was
presented by Shri S.V.Satyanarayana-former Director, GSI on 28.2.2014 in
NMDC Hyderabad. The lecture incited deliberation(s) on several aspects of
exploration, its constraints and ways and means to mitigate them. All
together 40 MEAI members connected to Earth Sciences and Industry were
attended the meet.
III. Calendar for the MEAI Hyderabad Chapter during 2014:
A. Lecture/Paper Meet: 1). Exploration Target Areas in India by Dr.H.Sarvothaman on
18.3.2014. 2). Mining Industry-Safety & Environmental Aspects by DGMS & Expert from
Industry on 09.05.2014. 3) Cement Industry by an Industry Expert on 11.07.2014. 4).
Granite Industry by an Industry Expert on 08.08.2014. 5). Mining Legislation (P) &
MMDR act 1957 & proposed by GSI, IBM, Industry on 12.09.2014. 6). Development
Aspects in Mining (P) by Academia & Industry on 10.10.2014. 7). Innovations &
Relevance in Mineral Industry (P) by Academia & Industry on 14.12.2014.
B.Workshop:1). Limestone Mining & Cement Industry need with ASCI/APMDC
(proposed) on 18.04.2014. 2). Dimensional stone industry building blocks of the nation
with DMG/APMDC (proposed) on 21.11.2014.
C.National Conference/Seminar: Mining Industry in India-future for inclusive growth,
13-14 June 2014.
D.Picnic: (Proposed during October/November 2014)
Technical Paper Meet on 18.03.2014: The MEAI, Hyderabad Chapter
conducted a Technical paper Meet on the “Exploration Target Areas in India”
by Dr.Hari Sarvothaman, Editor, MEJ, MEAI in the Conference Hall, NMDC,
Hyderabad on 18.03.2014 at 04:00 pm. There was a good presence of
members to the Technical Paper Meet. Shri V.S.Rao, presided over the Lecture
Meet. Prof. D.P.Singh, (Email:, Mob: 093353 86770
)Distinguished Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi was also attended to the
lecture Meet and he was felicitated by Hyderabad Chapter. The event
concluded with vote of thanks by Shri Rajan Kumar, Secretary, MEAI Hyd.
MEAI-Bhubaneswar Chapter:
At the outset, a thorough discussion was held on ways and means to revamp
the activities of the Chapter and filling up of vacancies in the EC. Accordingly,
the EC unanimously recommended for the following new-look EC to take over
with immediate effect, subject to its ratification by the GBM, decided to be
held on Sunday 20th April’2014, at 1300 HRS, in Hotel Crown Plaza,
Bhubaneswar. The following are the Executive Committee for the period 2014-16:
Chairman – S/Sri.S.Pattnayak, Sr VP, Gimpex, Bhubaneswar, 2. Vice Chairman – Pankaj K
Satija , GM, Sukinda , Tata Steel & Sudhakar Adhikaree, GM, Trimex, Bhubaneswar,3. Secretary,
BB Patra, Misrilall Mines Pvt Ltd, Jy Secretary Cum Treasurer, Shivam Mishra, Manager, Sukinda
Chromite Mine, Tata Steel, Executive Committee Members, J K Hota, G K Guin, S K Satpathy, H
Behera, U K Mohanty, Dr. Kshirod C Brahma, Permanent Invitees- Shri A B Panigrahi, Dr S K
Sarangi, S/Sri S N Padhi, G S Khuntia, K.C. Choudhary, G N Mishra, M Biswas, NK Sahu, Prof D D
Mishra, Shri. Sanjay K Pattnaik.
The following points were resolved:
1. Dr SK Sarangi, the Past President of MEAI, welcomed the new team and urged
that the task of reactivating the Bhubaneswar Chapter, which had a large number
of experienced persons as also several big mining companies, be very earnestly
pursued. 2. Members opined that MEAI should play a key and active role in
bringing together the professionals of Mining Industry in this part of the Country
and serve as a platform for exchange of knowledge and best practices. 3. It was
agreed that the past Jt Secretary-cum-Treasurer, along with the current
incumbent and current bank signatories will co-ordinate on revival of the
Andhra Bank Account of MEAI, as soon as possible. They will also update the
account details for submission to Head Quarters as soon as possible. 4. It was
decided to organize a Seminar at Puri towards end 2014 for which details would
be worked by the EC later on. Prof DD Mishra’s help was specially sought for
organizing this seminar.5. Mr Shivam Mishra, Jt.Secy –cum-Treasurer was
requested to discharge the additional responsibilities of Secy, till such time Mr
BB Patra was able to devote time. Accordingly, Mr Shivam Mishra was authorized
to (i) forward the proceedings of this EC meeting to MEAI-HQ, and (ii) send out
the notice to all Members of the Chapter, for GBM on 20 Apr 2014, as decided
above.6. The Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Workshop on “Sustainable Development in Mining Industry “ was organized by
Mining Engineers’ Association of India, Bhubaneswar Chapter at Sukinda ,Tata Steel
on 28th Feb’14. Workshop was inaugurated by Chief Guest Prof D D Mishra Ex.
Director CIMFR, a veteran mining engineer along with distinguished guests. Prof D D
Mishra shared his thought on how environment can be protected by implementing
different technologies. He also presented his thought to formulate Indian mining
Services similar to IAS. All together 5 technical papers along with a Movie “Mindless
Mining” was showcased during the workshop. Delegates from Tata Steel, Sandvik
,OMC, Jindal, FACOR & other companies attended the workshop.
Mr B K Mohanty Ex Director of Mines Govt. of Odisha was the chief guest to the valedictory
function. He shared his view on doing mining in sustainable way & impact of illegal mining on
industry. The workshop concluded with panel discussion on “Impact of Hexavalent Chrome & its
counter measures”.
MEAI-Ahmedabad Chapter:
Brief Report: The Ahmedabad Chapter organized a twin programme a ‘Workshop on
Application of Laser 3D Scanner Technology in surveying & monitoring’ and an ‘Open
Forum on Skill Development in Mining Sector’ at Ahmedabad on 2nd March 2014. The
Workshop was co-organised by FARO along with their Exclusive National Distributor
for 3D Scanner & Software M/s K K Geosystem Pvt. Ltd. and the Open forum by GMDC and
the International Centre for Excellence in Mining Safety & Automation (iCEM), an
initiative taken by the Govt. of Gujarat. About 145 delegates attended the event.
Shri M M Sharma, Former DGMS was the Chief Guest and Prof (Dr) P K Banik, Director
General, PDP University & Shri R S Rana, Dy Director General GSI were the Guests of
Honour on this occasion. Dr. R D Shah, Chapter Chairman delivered the welcome
address and Dr D A Pancholi proposed the Vote of thanks. Shri Sharma also delivered
the Key Note Address describing evolution of Surveying Equipment, highlighting the
importance of 3D Scanner. Shri A L Thakor, Imm. Past Chairman of the Chapter & the
CEO of iCEM gave a brief introduction of iCEM. On this occasion, the official website of
iCEM was also launched. Shri Palak Sheth of Oakbrook International, Consultant to the
iCEM, also briefed about the skill development and other programmes which the iCEM
is proposing to take up in different phases.
Mr Anil N P of Faro and Mr. James Moncrieff of Maptek gave presentations on their
respective products, the shrot and the long range Scanners, while Dr. Kamal Jain of IIT
Roorkee presented the 3D Technology and the Terrestrial LiDARs technology. Shri
Prateek Srivastava of Genesys and Shri Raviraj Kabra of GIPCL discussed about their
experience of LiDAR based Mining Solutions and 3D Scanner’s application in Mining
activities respectively. Shri Singaraj Mahajan and Shri Maneesh Tomar of CAE Mining
presented their experience on application of Geomagic and Data mine software
respectively, based on the data obtained with the help of 3D Scanners.
Relevant papers were also presented by Dr. C Srikarni, Director GSI and Shri Anurag
Sharma of Survey of Iniai on 3D Technology while Shri P N Rao, Sr GM GHCL, Prof (Dr.)
Banik of PDP University and Shri SB Vora, Former GM GMDC and Advisor to iCEM
presented their opinion on the need and scope of skill development in Mining Sector.
Shri MM Sharma chairing the Open forum on skill development kept it live with active
participation of the delegates.
Inaugural Session: Dignitaries on dais (L to R) Dr. RD Shah (Chairman Ahmedabad Chapter), Dr.
P K Banik, DG PDP University (Guest of Honour), Shri M M Sharma Former DGMS (Chief Guest),
Shri R S Rana, DDG GSI (Guest of Honour) and Shri A L Thakor, Imm. Past Chairman Ahmedabad
Chapter & CEO iCEM.
MEAI- Rajasthan Chapter Jaipur:
Rajasthan Chapter Jaipur celebrates its 4th foundation day: Up on completion of four years
of its formation celebrated its ‘4th foundation day’ on 14th February 2014 at its own Mining
Welfare Centre (MWC) which is under construction.
The function was presided by Shri A.K. Kothari, Vice President-II, MEAI. Dr. M.K. Pandit,
Professor, Geology Department, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur was the ‘guest speaker’. Shri I.R.
Kirmani, A.D.G. and HOD, Geological Survey of India, Jaipur was the ‘guest of honour’ at the
Shri O.P. Gupta, Chairman of the Chapter welcomed the members and guests with flower
bouquets and appraised them about the activities of Jaipur Chapter. On the progress of Mining
Welfare Centre he informed that the basement and Ground Floor structure have been completed
and the construction is in progress for seminar hall and guest room, etc.
Shri Kothari, in his presidential address, praised the activities of this Chapter and the progress
of MWC. At the same time he appealed to all MEAI members of other parts of India to come
forward for financial assistance so that this prestigious MEAI project may be completed in
scheduled time.
In technical session, Professor M.K. Pandit gave a very lucid presentation with many power
point slides on the activities of ‘Indian Antarctica Expedition’. His talk being on very curious
topic of general interest was praised by one and all present in the function.
Shri Kirmani thanked the organizers for invitation and briefed the audience about the ongoing
technical activities of Geological Survey of India in Rajasthan.
In the end Shri Anil Mathur, Chapter’s vice-chairman proposed the vote of thanks.
MEAI- Rajasthan Chapter Jodhpur: Minutes of the executive committee meeting of MEAI
Rajasthan (Jodhpur) chapter, held on 04.03.2014, ATRSMML’S Jodhpur office.
Chapter Chairman, Prof. Bhandari welcomed all the Executive members and expressed
his appreciation note over the International Conference organized by the Chapter on
10-11, Jan.2014 at Jodhpur. He conveyed that number of dignitaries expressed their
views over e-mail on the Conference and all of them appreciated the efforts made by the
Organizing Team for the success of the conference. The Chairman specially thanked Dr
N.K. Khandelwal, S/Shri Jaiswal and Sankhla for their contribution made throughout the
long duration for the pre-conference work. He also conveyed his thanks to all the
Organizing Committee members for their whole hearted support during the Conference.
Thereafter, following points were discussed & decided
1) The Conference briefing is to be prepared shortly for submission to the different
government regulatory agencies and the headquarter.2) It was decided to hold the AGM
for the Year 2012-13on 20th April 2014. For the purpose, notice may be circulated by the
Chapter Secretary to all the members of the Chapter by post.3) It was decided to hold
National Seminar in December 2014 by Mining Engineering Department, MBM
Engineering College in association with the MEAI Rajasthan (Jodhpur) Chapter. Prof. A.S.
Sheoran has been given the responsibility to initiate the action. 4)Hony. Secretary Dr P.C.
Purohit suggested that the office premises made available to the Association at Fidusar
Choupar may be properly utilized by starting skill development programmes. Afterdetailed
deliberations, it was decided that a formal opening of the office may be done on 5th April
2014 in which all the local mine owners may also be invited. Inaugural lecture may be
delivered by Prof. D.M. Surana and thereafter, weekly courses for skill development
programme for Mining Mate and Blaster may be arranged.5) As regular conducting the
courses for skill development require incurring of expenses, as such, a suitable funding
agency may be identified to meet the expenses. Shri P.R. Dave was requested to identify
such an agency.6) It was also decided to make the training schedule for Mate/Blaster and
for the purpose a committee of Shri P.R. Dave, Shri Rakesh Purohit and Shri Pramod
Lakhanpal is constituted. It was suggested to prepare the same in the simple language,
preferably in Hindi. Prof. Surana once again reminded to start diploma in mining courses in
the Poly Technique College, Jodhpur and requested to the Chapter to follow up the matter at
the appropriate level. It was decided to meet MLA, Soor Sagar and the delegation from the
Chapter may request her for forwarding our request to the State government.7) Prof. A.S.
Sheoran has initiated to restart the publication of Newsletter bi-monthly and for the
purpose; he has given his consent for editing and formatting the Newsletter of Local
Chapter. It was requested to all the executive body members to send the required
material/contents to be incorporated in the forthcoming Newsletter to Prof. Sheoran’s
mailing address as <>. Initially it was decided to go for circulation of
200 copies. 8) Shri Sankhla informed that the sponsorship amount from M/s Ambuja
Cement has not yet been received. It was decided to write a letter to Ambuja Cement for
releasing the sponsorship amount, as committed by them.9)Shri Sankhla also informed that
audited accounts for the year 2012-13 has been received from the CA. It was suggested that
the same may be put before executive committee during next meeting so that same can be
put up after approval of the executive body, in the next AGM.10)Next Executive body
meeting is scheduled on 5th April 2014 at Jodhpur Chapter office near Fidusar Choupar
Dispensary. The meeting ended with the Vote of Thanks to the Chair.
MEAI- Bailadila Chapter:
A General Body Meeting- cum-Technical Seminar of MEAI, Bailadila Chapter was held on
19.03.14 under the Chairmanship of Shri L.B. Singh, Vice-Chairman, Bailadila Chapter &
G.M. BIOM Bacheli Complex. A total of 40 members attended the event including Shri P.
K. Satpathy, G.M., BIOM Kirandul Complex. The technical commenced with the
welcoming of the guests by Shri B. Venkateswarlu, DGM (Mining) BIOM, Kirandul
Complex.The technical paper titled “Importance of Raw material in Steel Making” was
presented by Shri IVVSSR Prasad, Jt.GM, Essar. The paper was well received by all the
audience & created interest amongst the members regarding steel making processes. A
quiz programme related to mining & steel industry was also conducted by Shri Satyadev
Jaiswal, Deputy Manager (Mining), BIOM Kirandul Complex. The quiz was very much
informative regarding mining industry and the active participation by the members.
The Election of the new body of Bailadila Chapter (2014-16) was held in the meeting.
The following are the new office bearers of the Bailadila Chapter. 1. Chairman – S/Shri
L.B. Singh (G.M. Bacheli Comlex), 2. Vice-Chairman- P.K. Satpathy(G.M. Kirandul Comlex)
,3. Secretary -Sanjeev Sinha (Sr. Manager, Bacheli Compex) & 4. Jt. Secretary- cumTreasurer- D. Maiti (DGM, T&S, Kirandul Cmplex).
The new chairman Shri L. B. Singh addressed the gathering and expressed his vision to
make the Bailadila Chapter more active & vibrant. He expressed his desire to increase
the strength of members of the chapter. Shri P. K. Satpathy, Vice Chairman, has
expressed his opinion & said that chapter activities have to be increased. He also
suggested to include the members from other nearby organisations and to arrange
technical presentations from outside agencies also, to make chapters activities more
The technical seminar concluded with vote of thanks by the Secretary, Shri B.