Access 2013

Microsoft Office
Access 2013 Office
Access 2013
Courseware # 3255
Lesson 5: Designing
Microsoft Office
Access 2013
Lesson Objectives
• Modify page size and
• Work with report headers and
• Add logos, titles, date and
time, and page numbers
• Add images to reports
• Align, space, move and size
• Filter and sort records on a
• Preview and print reports
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• Use the Report Tool
• Use the Report Wizard
• Create a blank report in Layout
view and Design view
• Work with controls in Layout
view and Design view
• Add bound and unbound
• Group and sorting report
• Add calculated controls to
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What is a Report?
• Reports are designed to be printed on paper
• Usually they are designed to be visually appealing and
they often summarize data
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Report Sections
• Header sections
– Report header
– Page header
– Group headers (if the report includes grouping)
• Detail section
• Footer sections – group footers, page footers, report
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Designing a Report
Begin by deciding on the data you want to include
Decide how the data may be organized into sections
Decide how to arrange the data in each section
Plan the report layout
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Report Layouts
• Tabular layouts resemble spreadsheets
– Best for when you need to present data in a simple list
– Always span two sections of a report.
• Stacked layouts display data arranged vertically with a
label to the left of each control
– Best for when a report contains too many fields to display
in tabular form
– Always contained within a single report section.
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Controls and Properties
• Reports are comprised of controls which may be bound or
– Bound controls display data from an underlying table or query
– Unbound controls are not tied to fields in an underlying table or
• Each control on a report has properties that affect its behavior
and appearance
• Sections of a report and the report itself also have
configurable properties
• Properties can be viewed and modified in the Property Sheet
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Report Views
• The four views for a report are:
Report view
Print Preview
Layout view
Design view
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Report View
• Report view allows you to view the data, but you cannot
edit it
• You also cannot modify a report’s design in Report view
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Print Preview
• Print Preview allows you to preview exactly how the
printed output will look
• You can view one, two, four, eight, or twelve pages on
one screen
• In Print Preview, you can
Specify paper size and page orientation
Adjust margins
Specify to print only the data
Direct output to a specific printer
Export the report output to one of several file formats
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Layout View
• Table-based
• Fields and their labels are positioned within cells in the
• Layouts are guides that align controls
• Each cell within the layout is either empty or contains a
single control
• Allows you to view real data while giving you the ability
to modify the design of the report
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Design View
• Design view gives you a
detailed view of the
structure of a report, but
not the data
• You can use Design view
to add a wide variety of
controls, resize report
sections, and adjust the
size of individual controls
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Creating Reports
• To create a report in Access, you can
– Use the Report tool
– Use the Report wizard
– Create a report from scratch in either Layout or Design
– Create a report using Application Parts
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Using the Report Tool
• The Report tool generates a report based on a single
data source and automatically includes all the fields in
the data source
• To use the Report tool, click a table or query in the
Navigation Pane, then click Report in the Create tab of
the Ribbon
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Creating a Report Using the Report Wizard
• When you use the Report wizard, you can specify
multiple data sources for a report
• You can also define how data is grouped and sorted
• On the Create tab in the Ribbon, click Report Wizard,
then follow the steps to define the data source, specify
fields to include on the report, add grouping and sorting,
and specify a report layout
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Creating a Blank Report
• You can create a blank report in either Layout view or
Design view
• Click the Create tab on the Ribbon, then click either the
Blank Report or the Report Design button
• Depending on which view you use to work with the
report, you can drag a variety of controls from the
Controls group in the Ribbon onto the report
• You can also open the Field List pane and drag fields
from existing tables onto the report
• In Design view, you can specify a query as the record
source for a report
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The Field List Pane
• The Field List pane
displays the tables in the
• You can expand any table
in the Field List pane and
then drag fields into a
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The Property Sheet
• The Property Sheet
includes the following tabs:
• To display the Property
Sheet, click the Property
Sheet button or press F4
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The Record Source Property
• The Record Source property controls which fields are
available for a report because it ties a table, a query or a
SQL statement to the report
– This flexibility allows you to specify multiple data sources
for the fields on the report
• The Record Source property applies to the report itself,
and is visible in the Property Sheet only when the entire
report is selected
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Creating a Report Using Application Parts
• Databases created by using Application Parts often
include reports
• If you like the layout of a report generated by an
application part, you can reuse it in other databases by
importing it
• After importing the report,
– Change the Records Source to an appropriate table or
query in your database
– Adjust the Control Source property for individual report
controls as required
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Working with Reports in Layout View
• In Layout view, you can modify reports by:
– Formatting controls
– Moving controls
– Inserting, deleting, merging and splitting rows and
– Adding controls from the Ribbon
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Adding Controls from the Ribbon
• You can add unbound controls to a report from the
• Added controls can be bound to a field by setting the
control’s Control Source property
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Adding Controls from the Ribbon
Text Box
Tab Control
Clicking this button allows you to select one or more controls on
the report.
Inserts a text box control which are often used on reports for
displaying calculated values.
Inserts a label control which is an unbound control typically used
to display titles and other descriptive text on the report.
Inserts a command button. Command buttons on reports
function only in Report view.
Inserts a tab control. Not applicable to reports.
Inserts a hyperlink control. Hyperlinks on a report function only in
Report view.
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Adding Controls from the Ribbon
Combo Box
List Box
Inserts a combo box (combination text box/drop-down list)
control. Not applicable to reports.
Inserts a list box control. Not applicable to reports.
Check Box
Inserts a check box control. Not applicable to reports.
Attachment Inserts an attachment control. Image file attachments can be
viewed in Report view, Print Preview, or Layout view. Document
file attachments can be opened and viewed only in Report view.
Inserts an image into the report. When you add an image to a
report, the image does not change as you move from one record
to another.
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Working with Reports in Design View
• While Layout view uses layouts for positioning controls,
Design view uses a design grid
• You can add controls to a report in Design view by dragging
them onto the report from the Field List pane, or by adding
controls from the Ribbon
• Design view offers more granular control over where to place
objects and you can use the Property Sheet to modify the
properties for the report and its controls and sections
• You can use Design view to adjust object size and orientation
independent of other controls in the same column or row
• You can also use Design view to view and manipulate report
sections such as the header and footer sections
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Adding Controls from the Ribbon
• The controls that appear
in the Controls group in
the Ribbon in Design
view differ from those
available in Layout view
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Adding Controls from the Ribbon
Option Group
Adds a type of control containing a set of related buttons that
provide a limited set of choices for the user. Option groups can
include toggle buttons, option buttons or check boxes. Option
groups are designed to receive user input and are more suited
for use on forms, than reports.
Insert Page
Inserts a page break control. Generally, page breaks are used
to separate groups of data.
Inserts a chart control.
Inserts a line as a graphic element. It is used primarily for
aesthetic value, such as visually separating one area of a form
or report from the rest.
Toggle Button A graphic element that appears either pushed in or not pushed
in. Like the check box, it is used for binary values: yes/no,
on/off, 0/1. Toggle buttons are designed to receive user input
and are more useful on forms than on reports.
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Adding Controls from the Ribbon
Inserts a rectangle as a graphic element into a report. This is also used
primarily for aesthetic value to visually separate one area of a form or
report from the rest.
Unbound Object
Inserts an object such as a spreadsheet, chart, slide or document into
a report. The object is not tied (bound) to any particular record in the
Option Button
A graphic element previously called a radio button. Like the check box
and toggle button, it is used for binary values: yes/no, on/off, 0/1.
Option buttons are designed to receive user input and more useful on
forms than on reports.
Subform /
Embeds a subform or subreport into a report. A subform/subreport is
used to show related data from another form or report within a
“main” report. Subforms/subreports are used to show related data
from the “many” side of a relationship.
Bound Object
Inserts a frame that will contain a bound object, such as a picture,
associated with a particular record in a database.
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Aligning Controls
• You can align controls with the Horizontal and Vertical
• You use the snap to grid option to align controls to the
design grid
• You can align controls relative to one another
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Sizing Controls
• You can size controls relative to one another, specifying
to size all of them to the same size as the
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Spacing Controls
• The vertical and horizontal spacing between report
controls affects the overall appearance
• You can select multiple controls and then select an
option to increase, decrease, or equalize the vertical or
horizontal spacing between the selected controls
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Working with Subform/Subreport Controls
• If you want to view both summary information and its
related detail information in a report, use a
subform/subreport control
• To add a subform/subreport control to a report, open
the report in Design view, ensure that the Control
Wizards are turned on, then drag the control into the
report to launch the Subreport Wizard
– You can specify to create a subreport based on an existing
table or query
– You can specify to use an existing form or report as a
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Adding Calculations to Reports
• Calculations on a report help you analyze and summarize
• Calculations you can add include:
– Calculated controls
– Totals
• Calculated controls use an expression as a Control
Source property
• Totals insert aggregate functions into a report
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Grouping and Sorting Data in Reports
• Grouping the data on a report can help make the data
• You can add up to 10 grouping levels
• You can display subtotals and grand totals on grouped
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Adding Grouping Levels with the Shortcut Menu
• In Layout view, right-click the field you want to group by, then
click an option in the shortcut menu
• You can easily sort report items in Layout
view by right-clicking the field by which you
want to sort, then clicking a sorting option
in the shortcut menu
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Using the Group, Sort and Total Pane
• Open the report in Layout view
• Click Group & Sort to open the Group, Sort, and Total
• In the Group, Sort, and Total pane, click Add a group,
then select the field by which you want to group the data
• For each grouping level, you can specify options such as
displaying headers, footers or totals
• You can also sort items within a group
• To add sums or calculations, click a grouping level, click
more, then click one of the choices
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Previewing and Printing Reports
• Print Preview view allows you to see exactly how the
printed output will look
• Print Preview view also allows you to make last-minute
adjustments to the report
• Print Preview is the only report view that provides access
to the Print command
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Working with Page Size, Orientation and
Report Width
• The paper size setting controls the amount of space available in
the design grid
• The two available page orientation settings are Portrait and
– This setting controls how the output is printed, but does not
control the width of the report or its sections
• The Report width setting sets the left and right boundaries of the
report and is equal to the width of the design grid
• Margins affect the printable area in a report as well as the overall
report width
• You can set the report width using the Property Sheet, and you
can manually drag the right edge of the report design grid to
adjust the size of the report sections
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Formatting Reports into Multiple Columns
• By default, a report prints
as a single column which
spans the width of the
• Use the settings on the
Columns tab of the Page
Setup dialog box to
format a report to print in
multiple columns
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Report Headers and Footers
• Report header and footer
sections usually contain a
logo, report title, date
stamp, time stamp and
page numbering
• Access includes preformatted placeholders
for these items
• Click the buttons in the
Header / Footer group to
insert them into a report
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Control type
Default location
Left-most position in
the Report header
Left-aligned in the
Report header section
Date and
Right-aligned at the
right side of the Report
header section
Text box
At the left, center or
right of the Page
header section
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Access 2013
Adding Images to a Report
• Options for adding images to a report include:
– Inserting an image as a logo in the report header
– Inserting an image in the Page Header, Page Footer, or
Detail section
– Inserting an image into the report background
(background images display behind the report’s controls)
• The appearance and behavior of the background image are
controlled by the report’s Picture Type, Picture, Picture Tiling, Picture
Alignment and Picture Size Mode properties.
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Working with Colors
• You can apply colors to report sections
• You can also adjust the colors of individual controls
• Select the control or section, then display either the Font
Color or Background Color drop-down list and select the
color you want to apply
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Applying a Theme
• Click the Themes button to display the Themes gallery,
then click the theme you want to apply
• Click the Colors button in the Themes group to open the
Colors gallery
• Click the Font button in the Themes group to open the
Font gallery
• You can customize a theme by changing the color
scheme and font
• Only one theme can be applied to a database at any
given time
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Printing Reports
• You can use Print Preview to preview exactly how the
printed output will look
• You can use Report view and Layout view to control
which records are sent to the printer and control the
order in which they print
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Filtering Printed Output
• Filtering enables you to isolate the specific records you
want to print
• Filters use criteria to test records and determine whether
or not they should be displayed or included in report
• When a filter is applied, only a subset of the records
display or are printed
• You can filter by selection or use an advanced filter/sort
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Sorting Printed Output
• By default, records are displayed in a report by any
grouping or sorting options you have specified
• You can change the sort order on the fly using the Sort
command in Layout view
• To sort the records in a report:
– Open the report in Layout view
– Click the field by which you want to sort, then click a
button in the Sort & Filter group on the Home tab
– You can also right-click a field and select a sorting option
from the shortcut menu.
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Print Options
• Aside from sending output to a printer, you can export
report output to various types of files
• You can also specify to export the report output to a file
and attach the generated file to an email message
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Lesson Summary
• Modify page size and
• Work with report headers and
• Add logos, titles, date and
time, and page numbers
• Add images to reports
• Align, space, move and size
• Filter and sort records on a
• Preview and print reports
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• Use the Report Tool
• Use the Report Wizard
• Create a blank report in Layout
view and Design view
• Work with controls in Layout
view and Design view
• Add bound and unbound
• Group and sorting report
• Add calculated controls to
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Review Questions
1. Which of the following is a limitation of the Report Tool?
It generates reports that are connected to a single data source only.
It is time-consuming to use.
It adds only the first four fields of data to the report.
It generates reports that cannot be modified.
2. Phil sees blank pages when he examines his report in Print
Preview. Which of the following can cause this situation?
The report’s margins are too narrow to force the data to display.
The report does not have a valid data source.
There are empty records in the database.
The report is too wide for the paper.
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Review Questions
3. Ken has added an unbound text box control to a report
and he wants to use the text box to display the total
price for each line item in an order. He should enter the
expression =[Quantity]*[UnitPrice] in which property for
the unbound text box control?
The Record Source property.
The Control Source property.
The Row Source property.
The Expression Source property.
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Review Questions
4. Which of the following statements is true of date and
time stamps in reports?
There are five formats available for each.
They must be inserted as a pair of controls.
They cannot be automatically inserted into a report footer.
You can insert only one or the other; not both.
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Review Questions
5. Amanda opens a report on customers in Print Preview and
sees that the report will be 135 pages long. Amanda needs
information on customers from three states only. Which of
the following is the best solution to allow Amanda to obtain
her printed output without wasting so much paper on
unneeded information?
Amanda should apply a filter to the report before printing.
Amanda should sort the report by state and print only the pages
between her first state and her last state.
Amanda should use the Find command to wade through the report
in Report view, and print each page that contains information that
she needs.
Amanda should print the entire report and recycle the pages she
does not need.
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