Mexico ppt

A Brief History of Mexico
You already know the story of the Aztecs and the
Here’s what happened next…
The dark brown land is land under control of the Spanish.
Basically, the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan territories are now under the
control of Spain. With the exception of Brazil, which is occupied by
the Portuguese.
Role of the “Frenchies” Drama
1789 French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte
Toussaint L’Overture of the Haitian Revolution
Father Miguel Hidalgo was a Creole, and
led a revolt against the Spanish using
natives and Mestizos. He was executed.
Took over the campaign against the Spanish.
He won their independence and declared
himself Emperor. (sound familiar?)
Augustine de Iturbide
Napoleon/Plankton Complex
Santa Ana
President four times, only
backed out to lead the
Hero of Mexico! (Finally)
Benito Juarez- “Liberty, Progress, and Reform”
Irony, man who has a heart for
the poor dies of a heart-attack.
Porfirio Diaz
President for 35 years.
Ran on “Liberty and Progress”
Keeping the Rich “Rich”
Not for reform for the poor.
Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata
"It is better to die on your feet than
to live on your knees…"
Political Parties in Mexico
EZLN, Zapitista movement information.
PAN, Partido Accion Nacional.
PAS, Partido Alianza Social.
PRD, Partido de la Revolución Democrática.
PRI, Partido de la Revolucionario Institucional.
PVEM, Partido Verde Ecologista.
Zapatista Revolution, information on the
Vicente Fox
• Father: José Luis Fox
Mother: Mercedes Quesada de Fox (b. 1920 in
Spain, d. 29-Jun-2006)
Wife: Lilian de la Concha (m. 1970, div. 1990)
Wife: Marta Sahagún (b. 1953, m. 2-Jul-2001)
High School: Campion High School, Prairie du
Chien, WI
University: Harvard University
University: Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico
(a Jesuit school)
Felipe Calderón
(President of Mexico)
PRI once again… Surprised?
MURALS by Diego Rivera
Mexico Today
Drug Cartel
Corrupt Politicians (duh)
Swine Flu (176 deaths…)
This probably has to do with government
instability, lack of medical resources and poverty.
Is Mexico getting set up for another Revolution?