Rio Salado College Course Syllabus

Higley High School
Spanish 2 Syllabus
Higley High • 4068 East Pecos Road •
Gilbert, AZ, 85295 • P: (480) 279-7300 • F: (480) 279-7305
Course: Spanish 2
School Year: 2015 - 2016
Instructor Name and Degrees: Jeffrey C. Taylor, M.Ed., B.A.
Contact Information: , 480-279-7426
Available: After School, Room 232 or leave a voicemail anytime
Textbook: Buen Viaje – Level 2 – It is a green book.
Course Description: This course is a continuation of Spanish 1 and features application of language skills
in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You will learn new vocabulary and grammar to expand you
usage of the language in interpersonal, interpretive and presentational situations. You will continue to
explore the culture of the countries in which Spanish is spoken.
Required: A 200 page Composition notebook for Spanish notes, binder/folder for handouts, Looseleaf paper, Pens, Pencils, and a package of 3 X 5 notecards.
Recommended: Access to a quality Spanish-English dictionary to use at home
Much needed: One sleeve of copy paper and Tissue box
An absence is defined as a student's non-attendance in the student's assigned classroom during an assigned
period. The difference between an excused absence and an unexcused absence is parents have followed
procedures to excuse a student by calling the attendance line. However, the accumulation of excused and
unexcused occurrences will result in potential consequences. ALL absences accrue towards the limit of 10
per semester. Higley Unified School District has implemented a limit of ten absences per semester. If the
student acquires ten or more absences during a semester, the student will lose credit in those classes. To
earn credit while auditing a class, the student must submit an appeal to administration, attend all classes
after the appeal is presented, and pass the semester final exam with a minimum of 75%. Subsequent
appeals can be appealed to the School Board.
You are responsible to make up any missed assignments, notes, or assessments. You will have one day per
day you were gone to make up these items. All long term assignments and tests must still be completed on
Tardies: If you arrive late with a pass, please deposit your pass on my desk. Take your seat and join in the
class work. Excessive tardies (after 3) without an excused pass, will result in After School Detention (ASD).
Please track your grades weekly on StudentVUE ( Grades will be updated with
an average of 2 grades per week.
Grading Scale
89.5 - 100 %
79.5 - 89.4 %
69.5 – 79.4%
59.5 - 69.4%
50 - 59.4%
(Grades that are at .5 away from a higher grade will be rounded, as indicated above.)
Your SEMESTER GRADE will be calculated as follows:
20% Daily Work (Classwork, Homework, Participation, Practice assignments)
60% Semester Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Projects…things graded to measure how well you can use the
content of the class)
20% Final Exams (Includes components of Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar
and Culture)
Homework: We will spend much of our class time on speaking/listening/interactive activities to practice our
Spanish and to discuss cultural information. Therefore, much of your homework will consist of vocabulary
and grammar activities and projects that will help expand your knowledge of language and culture.
Additionally, you will expected to complete assigned activities outside of the classroom that give you more
opportunities to learn and use Spanish.
Participation: Class participation and completion of practice assignments is mandatory. You can only learn
a second language by engaging in the communication and learning activities.
Assessments: Assessments will include a wide variety of formats, both formative and summative. You will
complete assessments as we work on vocabulary, grammar, and culture information to help us gauge how
you are doing with the content. You will also have assessments that require you to interact with others,
interpret various types of information, and present in a variety of contexts.
Late Work: Late daily work will not be accepted, unless you were absent. Complete your homework on
time! If you are turning in a project that is late, you must fill out a “Late Work Cover Sheet” explaining why
the project is late. For excused absences and extenuating circumstances, you may still earn full credit.
Other reasons may cause you to lose points on the project, subject to teacher discretion.
Class Outline:
Semester 1
Unit 1: La escuela y la familia
Talk about present events and describe your school and family life.
Unit 2: La rutina diaria
Communicate about your daily routine, house and chores.
Unit 3: Los pasatiempos
Share your likes and dislikes. Make comparisons and discuss pastimes, sports and hobbies.
Unit 4: De compras
Talk about past events and learn to talk about shopping, clothes and stores.
Unit 5: En el restaurante
Communicate more about past tense events. Practice ordering at a restaurant and discuss Hispanic foods.
Semester 2
Unit 6: Celebraciones
Continue talking about past events. Discuss and compare U.S. and Hispanic celebrations.
Unit 7: La niñez
Describe your childhood talk about weather and events in the past.
Unit 8: La salud
Communicate about injuries, accidents, and illnesses.
Unit 9: Proyectos de la casa
Fix problems around the house and communicate about construction and projects.
Unit 10: De viaje
Research and interact about travel by train and plane.
General Disclaimers: Course content may vary from this outline to meet the needs of this particular
group. The student is responsible for the information in the syllabus.
Equipment Use Policies: Please obtain permission before using the computers located in the classroom.
They are for schoolwork only and no gaming or inappropriate Internet use will be allowed. Please turn off
and put away all cell phones and electronics. Any electronics used in class without Sr. Taylor’s prior
approval will be taken to the bookstore per school policy.
Classroom Procedures: In order to assure a pleasant and productive learning environment, please
adhere to the following procedures.
1. Upon entering the classroom, please remove any hats, spit out gum, and put away any food or
drinks. You may drink only water during class time.
2. Please minimize any need to leave the classroom during the hour. If you must leave, make sure
to get permission and sign out on the clip board. Leave your phone on my desk beside the
clipboard. Sign in when you return and pick up your phone.
3. Always show respect to your classmates, teacher and classroom.
4. Quickly give your quiet attention to Sr. Taylor whenever he raises his hand in the air.
5. Stay organized by using a planner or electronic calendar to record your assignments, due dates,
and exam dates.
6. At the end of class, make sure you have put away your textbook and any materials to the
appropriate locations. Also straighten your desks and throw away any trash.
Fire Drill: Take your valuables, but leave everything else behind. Stay with Sr. Taylor and make a single file
line in the designated area. Please DO NOT stray from your class to talk with friends.
Lock Down: Move quietly and quickly to the front wall of the room, out of sight from all windows. DO
NOT use your cell phone or electronics and make sure they are turned off! DO NOT talk to anyone—it
should be SILENT!
Following School Policies: You are expected to follow the policies outlined in the HUSD Student Code of
Conduct at all times. When completing assignments and projects, you must follow all Acceptable Use
Policies and Copyright Laws by citing your sources and avoiding any kind of plagiarism.
Plagiarism is defined as presenting the work of another as one’s own. More than four consecutive words
from a source other than the writer constitute plagiarism when the source is not clearly identified in
appropriate documentation format. Plagiarism is considered cheating and you will be required to redo the
assignment before or after school in the classroom. Amount of credit available on the assignment will be
at the discretion of the teacher. (This includes the use of online translators.)
All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As
members of the Higley High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from
participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity,
religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.
Class Behavior:
 Use Spanish in class
No one has ever learned Spanish by speaking English.
 Always show respect
Treat everyone and everything with respect and there will never be any problems. Do not write on or
damage school property. Do not take things that are not yours unless you have been given permission from
the owner to do so. Be nice.
 Always be honest
Don’t lie, don’t cheat. It is wrong. If you are suspected of academic dishonesty, or if you are caught
cheating or using an electronic device for any reason during an assessment, you will be required to arrange
a retake on your own time with Sra. Schell.
 Always come to class prepared and always work hard
If you do this, you will succeed. Don’t waste your time or your education. When you are in class, your
presence tells me you are there to learn. I expect full participation in all activities all the time. You may not
sleep, read a book or work on work from other classes unless you are done with the activity of the moment
AND completely caught up in the class. You are expected to work from the start of class until the bell. Do
not pack up early.
Behavioral Action Plan:
You are in high school, and I will treat you as a young adult as you take responsibility for your actions.
However, if you choose to behave in an inappropriate manner, the following consequences may result.
A. Private discussion. You will explain what you did, why it was inappropriate and the steps you plan to
take in order for the behavior to stop.
B. Parental contact and logical consequence (i.e. After school detention for one whole hour)
C. Administrative involvement (Referral)
Parent tips for student success:
1. Check parent portal periodically to keep up with your student grades.
2. Look at your student’s notebook and homework calendar to see if he/she has stamps that indicate
classwork and homework is being completed.
3. Discuss concerns with your student and contact me for any reason.
( ; 480-279-7426)
4. Make sure your student has daily, dedicated study and homework time.
5. Verify that your student is completing their projects and assignments.