Assignment Description - Australian Volunteers International

AVI Reference Only
ABN 88 004 613 067
71 Argyle Street (PO Box 350) Fitzroy VIC 3065
Telephone +61 3 9279 1788
Facsimile +61 3 9419 0976
Assignment Description
Provincial Primary Health Service Officer, Malaita
The Ministry of Health & Medical Services (MHMS), Solomon Islands
Auki, Malaita, to be based at the Provincial Health Office at Kilufi’i Hospital providing support for all
levels of primary care.
Since 2008 the Solomon Islands MHMS, with the support of development partners, has led a
Sector-Wide approach (SWAp) to the delivery of medical services in Solomon Islands.
Australia is the lead donor in the health sector providing approximately AUD$20million pa to the
MHMS. Australia and other SWAp partners have aligned their support to the objectives of the
Solomon Islands National Health Strategic Plan 2011-15. Other development partners in the
health sector are: WHO, World Bank, SPC, UNICEF, UNFPA, JICA and the EU. Global Fund,
KOICA and ROC Taiwan are also major donors but are not formal SWAp partners.
This position helps to strengthen financial management and program implementation capacity at
the provincial level and support a scale-up of resources (including donor resources) to the
Malaitan province. Together with various local counterparts the Provincial Primary Health Service
Officer will work to support Malaita with primary health service planning and the implementation of
new financial controls, and pilot the Ministry’s devolution policy, which sees more resources
flowing to the provinces where the majority of Solomon Islanders live.
It is expected the Officer will work as part of an integrated team including the MHMS Finance Unit,
Internal Audit Unit, Human Resources and Procurement Unit; the local counterparts and the World
Bank PFM Team to implement PFM reforms and ensure better compliance of recently updated
financial procedures.
Assignment objective(s)
The key objectives of this assignment are to:
1. Improve financial management in the provinces: Provide support to the provincial
health director and the operational teams, to comply with recently revised Solomon
Islands Government (SIG) Financial Instructions and General Orders, MHMS Financial
Procedures Manual, and SIG Procurement Manual, and to use them to good effect in
procuring local goods and services most in need. Provide support with budget
preparation and monitoring.
2. Improve primary health service program planning and implementation: Assist
provincial operational planning to enable scale-up of services and funding to primary
health care, supervision and outreach activities, in line with MHMS Strategic Plan and
Role Delineation Policy. Support executive management with the implementation and
monitoring of the plans.
3. Develop Capacity: Build capacity in the team and thereby support the province to begin
implementing the role delineation policy, which sees an increase of resources flowing to
the provinces and provincial teams empowered to drive efficiency savings from what
have been traditionally quite separate centrally-managed programs.
Length of assignment:
The assignment will commence from June 2015 for a 1 year period. There is a possibility of
extension for a further 1 year period depending on assessments and requirements.
Reports to:
The position reports to the Provincial Health Director,
Primary counterparts include the administration and corporate services teams of the Province.
Support the Provincial Health Director in required aspects of managing and strengthening the
primary health program, health service delivery and financial management through the
following major activities.
Duties and responsibilities:
Financial Management:
1. Act as delegated financial officer for DFAT in liaison with the Health Financial Controller
in MHMS. Co-authorise donor funded financial commitments, payments and
procurements alongside the Provincial Health Director and accounting and administration
officers, including for relevant faith-based facilities and other provincial clinics.
2. Supported by the Health Financial Controller in MHMS, ensure the SIG
Procurement Manual guidelines, financial instructions and general orders, as well as the
HSSP Finance Manual are followed by the Provincial Health Office when tendering,
procuring and paying for goods and services. This includes use of both SIG and HSSP
funding, including recently introduced ex ante controls on HSSP funds.
3. Work with the provincial accounting team, MHMS Finance Unit and MHMS Planning Unit
to maintain and improve financial management and reporting systems, including
commitment control and acquittal processes, MYOB accounting, bank reconciliation
oversight, and financial reporting to SIG and HSSP donors
4. Support Provincial Health Director in completing, submitting and monitoring Health
Information System reports, annual operational plans, budget submissions and other
operational functions on time and in adequate quality.
5. Assist with roll-out of new performance based funding mechanism for provinces.
6. Identify potential fraud risks and propose approaches to manage these risks.
Primary Health Service implementation:
7. Undertake a rapid review of implementation of public health programs in the provinces
including malaria control, tuberculosis control, non-communicable disease prevention,
maternal and child health promotion, and other potential health promotion activities.
8. Work with provincial and national health teams to ensure primary health services
(including public health programs) are well coordinated and reaching communities in a
systematic and efficient manner.
9. Identify gaps in implementation of provincial plans for public health programs and broader
primary health service operations (this includes supporting an improved referral chain
between primary care facilities – from nurse aid post to hospitals). Work with the
Provincial team to ensure resources are prioritised and deployed appropriately.
10. Develop a monitoring plan for the Provincial Health Office to oversee the implementation
of primary health services (including public health programs) and ensure adequate
supervision of staff, in area health centres, rural health centres and nurse aid posts.
11. Work with Policy and Finance divisions, Health Planner and Provincial Health Directors
on role delineation Policy implementation at the Provincial level.
12. Assist management team write a Disaster Preparedness Plan for the province.
13. Where appropriate, explore the possibility of, and process to secure, the involvement of
non-government organisations (NGOs), faith-based organisations (FBOs), and other
community-based groups to coordinate public health activities.
Capacity Development:
14. Develop basic competencies of provincial staff in program management, financial and
computer literacy, and communications. This may include provision of training courses.
Provide a report to DFAT through Australian Volunteers International detailing the work plan
approximately 8 weeks after commencing in the position;
Selection Criteria
Provide progress and completion reports to DFAT through Australian Volunteers International
on implementation of the above;
Carry out other duties as requested.
A degree in public health, nursing or related health disciplines
It would also be advantageous to have qualifications in accounting, economics or business
Skills and Experience
Demonstrated organisational planning and/or project management skills, including financial
management and budgeting skills
Experience implementing primary health programs and/or community based health services
Demonstrated experience in a developing country context and understanding of issues faced
in provincial locations outside of the main urban centre
Demonstrated knowledge of developing countries’ government procurement and financial
management procedures, policies and distribution, including writing and managing tenders
and projects
Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team to achieve organizational priorities.
Previous experience living and working in a developing country (particularly in the Pacific or
small island states) is desirable but not essential.
Previous experience in disaster preparedness is also desirable but not essential
Personal attributes
High level interpersonal, leadership, representation and communication skills;
Commitment to team work, coaching and mentoring other people in a cross cultural
Ability to cope with cultural isolation and a standard of living that may be different;
Patience, tolerance, resilience and flexibility;
The ability to live and work in a remote location and a new cultural setting;
A preparedness to work with limited resources within a challenging environment;
A supplementary allowance of AUD$85,000 per annum will be provided to the deployee by
DFAT via Australian Volunteers International
The deployee and accompanying partner, where applicable, will be provided with airfares at
the commencement and completion of the placement, plus basic travel insurance and
emergency evacuation insurance
In recognition of the remote location of this assignment a remote allowance of $10,000 per
annum will be provided.
An establishment allowance of at least AUD$7,200* will be provided to assist with predeparture medical, vaccinations, relocation costs, passport fees and costs of setting up incountry
A return allowance of at least AUD$2,400* to assist with the return transportation of goods to
home and return medical/s will also be provided
*Allowance will vary depending on whether deployees are single or accompanied
Accommodation and
The deployee will receive an Accommodation Allowance of at least $30,000* per annum
provided to the deployee by DFAT via Australian Volunteers International
Utilities (gas, electricity, water and telephone) are at the expense of the deployee.
*Allowance will vary depending on the location of the position
Work hours/days
 Official work hours are 8.00 to 4.30 Monday to Friday;
 Sick leave provision for Solomon Islands Government employees is 21 calendar days (3
working weeks) per annum;
 Annual leave provision for Solomon Islands Government employees is 42 calendar days (6
working weeks) per annum;
 In addition Solomon Islands observe a number of public holidays.
Additional information
Deployees and accompanying partners will take part in a pre-departure briefing run by
Australian Volunteers International in Melbourne
Additional support will be given to the deployee by Australian Volunteers International’s
Melbourne based PACTAM Project coordinator for the Solomon Islands. Apart from
communications via letter, email, telephone and fax, the PACTAM Project coordinator will
meet at least once with the deployee in country
Confirmation of appointment is subject to:
 Formal approval from AusAID and the employer
 Procurement of visa and work permits
 A satisfactory medical examination for the applicant and accompanying dependants
 Satisfactory criminal record and working with children checks for the applicant and
accompanying adults by the Australian Federal Police
Australian Volunteers International is an Australian based non-government aid agency
primarily involved with the provision of technical assistance to developing countries
The Government of t has asked for assistance in recruiting and supporting the above position
through the Pacific Technical Assistance Mechanism (PACTAM)
PACTAM is funded by the Government of Australia through its official Aid Agency, DFAT, and
is managed by Australian Volunteers International
PACTAM places skilled personnel to work with Host Organisations within the Pacific Region
to assist in meeting their human resources needs, and to respond to emerging development
This assignment description contains information AVI has obtained from the employer at this point
of time and is subject to change.
Applications are preferred via our on-line application form. If you are applying by email, please
type the position name in the subject line of your message and address to Ann Ray,
In your cover letter, please address the selection criteria outlined in the assignment
description. A current curriculum vitae, including the names and contact details of one personal
and two professional referees should also be included. Referees will not be contacted without prior
Australian Volunteers International is strongly committed to protecting the rights of children. We
adhere to laws in Australia and foreign countries regarding child exploitation and support
Childwise and ECPAT International.