Writing Assignment Comparing and Contrasting Two Short Stories Assignment Introduced: Assignment Rough Draft due: Assignment Final due: October 02, 2013 October 04, 2013 October 10, 2013 Your Assignment 1) Students are to read The Monkey's Paw and The Third Wish. We have read these stories in class. They are also available on my website in their entirety, in case you would like to re-read at home. 2) Students are to write a compare and contrast essay of the two stories. 3) The paper is to be no less than five, and no more than seven paragraphs. 4) A rough draft is mandatory and is due October 04, 2013. On this day, a peer editing session will occur in class. 5) The final paper, with all editing complete, is due October 10, 2013. 6) The rough draft will be written in pencil. 7) The final paper can be written or typed. a) If written, it must be in either blue or black ink. b) If typed, the following parameters must be met: 8) 12- point Times New Roman font 1- inch margins on the top, bottom and sides Double Spaced Paragraphs indented one tab No word art and no extra images One return between paragraphs The paper will have a title page. 9) The paper will have two creative/ artistic elements. a) Students will create a collage of images that represent both stories. This collage will be created on 8.5x11 copy paper. The collage will be divided in half, with images from The Monkey's Paw on the left side, and then images from The Third Wish on the right. You will creatively display the name and author of each story on the appropriate side of the collage. b) Students will create a visually appealing Venn Diagram on 8.5 x 11.0 paper that will display the elements of both stories. The outer circles of the Venn Diagram will show what elements make each story unique, and in the center of the Venn Diagram, elements each story shares. You must have at least ten differences displayed for each story and at least four similarities displayed. You will choose only three of the elements outlined in your Venn Diagram to compare and contrast. 10) The paper will have a bibliography, where you will properly site both short stories from the big red text book. 11) Grading will be based on the enclosed rubric. 12) All work is to be done on standard loose leaf paper or standard copy paper. No work is to have ragged edges. Pride of authorship is very important. How to structure your paragraphs: How to submit your final paper: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Title Page Final paper, edited and free of errors Bibliography Rough Draft Peer Editing Sheet Collage Venn Diagram Grading Rubric Assemble using one staple in the upper left hand corner. There are to be no binders. (Title Page Sample) Comparing and Contrasting The Monkey's Paw and The Third Wish Mr. Lee Block 1,2,3,5 October 02, 2013 Comparing and Contrasting The Monkey's Paw and The Third Wish Have you read the two short stories, "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Third Wish"? A compare and contrast of these two stories shows that they both are similar and different in several ways. For example, when compared, both incorporate a similar motif. A motif is a story theme that has been found in literature across time and throughout different cultures. Some examples of motifs include villains, evil stepmothers, a forbidden door, and, as is the case of the two stories mentioned above, the number three, or three wishes. In contrast, both "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Third Wish" have very different moods, which, in literature, is the prevailing atmosphere or feeling the author creates for a story. Comparing and contrasting motif and mood will allow readers to better understand these two literary devices, or terms. Both of these stories used the 3- wishes motif; however, they are used in different ways. There are also different consequences connected to each wish. For example, In “The Monkey’s Paw”, Mr. White wishes for 200 British Pounds to pay off his mortgage. The consequence is that the wish cost his son his life. With the second wish, the White’s wish their son to come back from the grave. The consequence here is that the son, Herbert, would almost certainly be in a zombie state of decay because he had been dead and buried for ten days. With the third wish, Mr. White realizes they can never have their son back as they wanted, so he wished his son to go back to the grave. The consequence, thus, being, the White’s will forever be lonely and without the son they loved so dearly. In “The Third Wish,” Mr. Peters is granted three wishes from the King of the Forest. Longing for a companion, Mr. Peters asks for a wife. The King transforms a swan into Mr. Peters' companion and she is named, Leita. The consequence is Leita becomes terribly sad and depressed because she misses her life as a swan and she misses her swan family. Mr. Peters loves Leita and hates to see her depressed, so he uses his second wish to turn Leita back into a swan. The consequence here is that Mr. Peters will once again be lonely. Finally, Mr. Peters chooses not to use his third wish; therefore, he chooses to be alone the rest of his life. The moods of both stories contrast greatly. The mood in “The Monkey’s Paw” is very dark, menacing, scary, suspenseful and horrific. On the contrary, “The Third Wish” has a romantic, whimsical, pastoral and pleasant mood. In fact, "The Third Wish" is not scary, at all. Furthermore, both stories deal with the death of a character, but the death is represented differently in each story. In "The Monkey's Paw", Herbert suffers a horrific death that is a direct by-product of Mr. White's first wish for 200 British Pounds. Herbert's body is mangled from his fall into machinery and he is in a zombie state when he is wished alive again. You can infer his soul is in turmoil and agony by the way he violently bangs on the front door of his house. On the other hand, in "The Third Wish", Mr. Peters dies serenely of old age. It is obvious his soul is quite content as he passes away with a smile on his face. Further evidence of contentment is proven because Mr. Peters never uses his third wish. He dies holding his third wish "leaf". When compared to each other, "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Third Wish" utilize motif, mood and death in different ways. However, both stories center on the consequences that can occur when wishing for things you do not have. The underlying message is to be satisfied with what you have and do not tempt fate. Bibliography "The Monkey's Paw" Venn Diagram 1. 9. 2. 3. 10. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 9. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. "The Third Wish" 10. The Peer Editing Sheet will go next. Peer Editor's NAME: DATE: BLOCK: PEER RESPONSE SHEET (Write on back should you need more space.) Author of paper: Title of paper: 1) List some of your reactions to reading this piece for the first time: 2) Did the author meet the paragraph number requirement? YES NO 3) Does the writing keep you interested? (Circle One) SORT OF Reason for your answer? YES NO 4) List two details or examples that interest you: 5) Did the author include a Venn Diagram and follow it as assigned? SORT OF If no, what elements are missing? YES NO 6) Can you follow the time or order of the events or situations easily? (Give Examples) 7) What should the writer definitely keep in his or her finished draft? 8) What, if anything, should the writer throw out or revise? 9) Quote, or note your favorite sentence, point or idea: 10) Are there any places where you are confused? (Give Examples on back) 11) Any further comments or suggestions? Compare & Contrast Essay Rubric Remember to attach this rubric to the back of your essay! Student Name: ________________________________________ Total Score/Grade _________/100 Block:___________ Attachments Rough Draft & (20 points) Peer Response Sheets- 5 points ____ Venn Diagram/Collage- 5 points ____ Paper Meets Deadline- 10 points ____ CATEGORY ORGANIZATION The internal structure of the essay. 20 - A The introduction is inviting, and includes an effective "hook". The conclusion is clear. Topic sentences for each paragraph is clear and understandable. Essay follows Venn Diagram as assigned. 16 - B/C Effective lead and conclusion, although not original. Sequencing works well, well-controlled pacing, smooth flow. Venn Diagram not followed. 14 - C/D Ineffective lead and conclusion, Pacing awkward, some attempt at structure. Venn Diagram not followed. 12 - D/F No lead, no conclusion, sequencing not present, no awareness of pacing, hard to follow. Venn Diagram not followed. SENTENCE FLUENCY The way the words and phrases flow throughout the text Polished rhythm, cadence, and flow, creative used of sentence length and structure, invites expressive reading, sentences enhance meaning Attempts compound, complex sentences, sentences usually connect, sentences begin in different ways Some simple sentences, occasional connecting word use, attempts variation in sentence beginnings Choppy, rambling or incomplete, no "sentence sense", oral reading not possible, repetitive beginnings. WORD CHOICE The way the writer brings the topic to life Effective and creative verbs and nouns. Wording is mostly correct. Words and phrases work well. Some active nouns and precise nouns. A moment or two of spark. Words begin to enhance meaning. Generally correct words, but no spice. Language is functional. Words convey general meaning. Vocabulary is limited. Simple words used incorrectly. Words do not convey meaning. CATEGORY CONVENTIONS The mechanical conventions of the piece. 10 - A Spelling correct even on difficult words, accurate and creative use of punctuation and capitalization, grammar and usage contribute to clarity and style, Sound and creative paragraphing 8 - B/C Few spelling errors even on more difficult words, consistent use of punctuation and capitalization, grammar errors infrequent, consistent paragraphing 6 - C/D Spelling errors on easy words, errors on basic punctuation and capitalization, some usage and grammar errors, occasional use of paragraphing 4 - D/F Spelling errors impede readability, incorrect punctuation and capitalization, many grammar errors, lack of paragraphing PRESENTATION the overall appearance of the work 12 size font, double spacing, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman font, correct tabbing at the beginning of each paragraph. Overall appearance is pleasing. All requirements present & in the correct order. Did not double space or use correct font. Overall appearance is unacceptable. One or more requirements are missing. Work out of order.