Unit 2 Vocabulary Terms


Middle East History Test Review

1. Persian Gulf War

 1990-1991 (1)

CAUSE: (5)

After Iraq invaded the oil-rich country of Kuwait in 1991, a military force led primarily by the United States liberated

Kuwait from Iraq.


 After 100 hours of fighting, Iraq surrendered.

 Iraq’s absolute ruler, Saddam Hussein, stayed in power.

3. Afghanistan

2001-now (3)


After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the US military sent troops there to find the leader of a al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden.


US troops defeated the Taliban

Set up a democratic government

4. Operation Iraqi Freedom

2003- 2011 (4)

CAUSE: (8)

 Led by the United States in 2003 to stop the development of weapons of mass destruction (primarily nuclear weapons).


Saddam Hussein was removed from power.

Iraq army was defeated

US and its partners rebuilding government

13. Who was the leader of Iraq during the Persian

Gulf and Iraq War?

 Saddam Hussein


Remained in power as a dictator


Tried and convicted as a war criminal and executed

14. Who was responsible for the September 11 th attacks

 Osama bin Laden

 Al Queda

14. B

 He was shot and killed by US marines

15. What are 2 main reasons for the US presence in the ME?

 Large oil supply that is critical to the US energy supply

 Fight against terrorism

 Answers may vary


 Answers may vary


 Answers may vary


19. Anti-Semitism

 Hatred of Jews simply because of their faith. Being

Jewish can be considered both a religion and an ethnicity. The Nazi’s wanted to exterminate the Jews and establish the Arian race as the supreme race.

20. Diaspora

 Scattering of Jews throughout the world

21. Holocaust

A time when over 6 million Jews were systematically killed in concentration camps set up by Nazi


Many Jews wanted to flee Europe before and during


22. Ottoman Empire

Lasted from 1299-1922

An Empire controlling much of the Middle East from

1299 to the end of WWI.

Due to losing the war, the Middle East was partitioned up by the winning European countries

23. Palestinians

a group of Arab Muslims living mostly in the

Gaza Strip and West Bank; forced out of their land by the Jewish Israelis

24. Zionism

 A movement to bring the world’s Jews back home to

Zion (Israel). After WWI, the Jews were displaced and without a country to call home. This movement contributed to the founding of the country of Israel in 1948.

25. When was the State of Israel created?

 1948

26. List reasons for the creation of Israel

 a. International Support

 b. Diaspora = Jews are forced out of the land and they want to go back

 c. Promised Land - Jews believe the land belongs to them, not the Palestinians

 d. anti-Semitism = Jews are treated badly in other parts of the world so they want to get away from it

 e. holocaust - Many Jews are homeless and need a safe place to live, like Israel

WWI -1914

27. Put these events in order

Britain and France claim the land of the former Ottoman

Empire- 1920

Holocaust leaves many Jews homeless- 1945

Jews declare Israel an Independent State- 1948

28. Describe the problem the partitioning caused

 Europeans drew borders that created

“stateless nations” by combining different ethnic and religious groups who fought for control over the land in order to create their own nation (ex. Palestinians & Kurds).

29. Describe the relationship between Arabs and

Israelis in Palestine

 The Palestinians and Israelis still fight violently over disputed land
