Central Chilled Water Systems (CCWS) Design/Control Manual Of CHICAGO LARGE OFFICE ASHRAE DESIGN & (min kW) DESIGN Kirby Nelson PE 3/23/2016 Kirby Nelson PE Page 1 Contents: Chicago Design Manual Preface Introduction CHAPTER (1) ASHRAE Design & (min kW Design) -Peak Design Day Performance -Average Summer Day Performance -Average Spring/Fall Day Performance -Average Winter Day Performance NOMENCLATURE Detail analysis will be added. Kirby Nelson PE Page 2 PREFACE DOE building energy models do not work, this Design Manual presents a modeling approach that does. Following is a brief summary of the characteristics of system energy equilibrium (SEE) models and the (SEE) model experience of the author. (SEE) Model System energy equilibrium (SEE) models and schematics can be developed for any condition of weather and operational conditions that may occur in a real system. The requirement for the (SEE) model/schematic is always the same; it must duplicate the performance of the equipment that make up the system and it must obey the laws of thermodynamics and physics and include the nonlinear characteristics of the components of the system. The (SEE) model/schematics defined here assume all chillers are of the same size and model and the air handlers are the same size and model and equally loaded. Math models that duplicate the real time performance of systems are standard practice in the space program and in the development of military products such as missiles, cannons, and other complex systems. The System Energy Equilibrium (SEE) Model presented here duplicates the thermodynamic and nonlinear performance of real systems and therefore can define the best possible performance of a system consistent with the design and control concepts incorporated in the design i.e. the theoretical performance of the system as designed. The author has found that the design and control concepts advocated by ASHRAE and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) yields a design that requires more demand kW and therefore energy than does a more conventional design and control strategy. These differences in design and control are detailed below. System Energy Equilibrium (SEE) modeling is not a new concept. The author was involved in this approach to modeling in the 1970’s designing military products and then as corporate energy manager for Texas Instruments Inc. modeling building systems. The concept is to simply write the basic physics and thermodynamic equations of the system and simultaneously solve the set of equations with a computer. The results will duplicate the performance of the real system if the equations are correct; nonlinear characteristics input and equipment efficiencies input. The equations can be, and should be, corrected by iterating between the real performance data verses the model and updating the model equations. The first HVAC paper published using this approach was in the ASHRAE Journal of December 2006. "7 Upgrades to Reduce Building Electrical Demand" In March 2010 he had an article in Engineered Systems "Central Chilled Water System Modeling" & July 2010 an HPAC article on chiller selection "Central-Chiller Plant Modeling" In 2011 a 5 article series in HPAC dealing with Primary/Secondary vs. Primary-Only pumping. The second article dealt with the efficient control of a P/S plant and the third article with efficient control of a P-only plant. The fourth article was "Anatomy of Load delta-T" and the fifth added the building and air side equipment to the analysis. In 2012 Kirby presented two advance technical papers at ASHRAE Chicago 2012. (CH-12-002) title “Simulation Modeling of a Central Chiller Plant” and (CH-12-003) "Simulation Modeling of Central Chilled Water Systems". Since Chicago he has continued to develop the concept of (SEE) modeling and has entered into discussions on ASHRAExCHANGE on the ASHRAE web site. Kirby’s analysis of these issues and others to follow can be viewed at http://kirbynelsonpe.com/ Kirby Nelson experience The following is a brief history of Kirby’s experience in System Energy Equilibrium (SEE) Modeling and analysis. Kirby Nelson PE Page 3 INTRODUCTION Several events give cause for concern regarding the capabilities of DOE models and the misunderstanding that has developed and become part of the ASHRAE culture. DOE Energy Models: 40 years after the oil embargo of 4th quarter 1973 an air side model is not part of the DOE, PNNL, ASHRAE tool bag as evidenced by the ASHRAE Journal of July 2014 page 70 & September 2014 page 10. Limit heating air temperature: Table 5.2 of the (PNNL) study calls for “Limit reheat temperature to 20 degrees F above room temperature for better air distribution effectiveness”. The (PNNL) study also states “EnergyPlus limitations make it impractical to capture savings. May revisit after upgrade to EnergyPlus”. The (SEE) model finds this control strategy significantly increases the energy consumption of the system. The fact that (PNNL) believes this control strategy will reduce energy consumption is troubling. ASHRAE Journal Plant Design: The ASHRAE Journal approach to plant design as given by a series of article beginning July 2011 by Taylor results in significantly greater plant kW than a “(min KW) Design” as presented here. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010. The study by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 defines a large office building that is used as the base building for this study. The (PNNL) study defines the building characteristics, schedules, control, and HVAC equipment of the large office building defined here as the “ASHRAE Design”. Further the ASHRAE Journal of July 2011 defines “Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water Plants”, which is used to define the plant of the “ASHRAE Design”. This (SEE) model analysis has found that the “ASHRAE Design” calls for design and control concepts that significantly increase the energy consumption of the system compared to a “(min kW) Design”. The “(min kW) Design” is, I believe, less first cost. The (PNNL) study can be viewed at; Kirby Nelson PE http://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/ documents/BECP_Energy_Cost_Savings_STD2010 _May2011_v00.pdf or http://www.energycodes.gov/achieving-30-goalenergy-and-cost-savings-analysis-ashraestandard-901-2010 BUILDING DEFINED The (PNNL) study defines the building as given by the Figure, a 13 story office with 498,600 square feet of air conditioned space. Building description The peak design temperatures are taken from the 2013 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook weather data for Chicago/Midway, IL, U.S.A. The peak dry bulb is 91.7F and the peak design wet bulb is 81.8F as given by monthly design wet bulb and mean coincident dry bulb at .4% in the Handbook. Two Design/Control Approaches Two design/control approaches will be studied; the first is based on the plant design as presented by the ASHRAE Journal of July 2011 thru June 2012 by Taylor, coupled with the control and design procedures defined by the (PNNL) study of Standard 90.1-2010. This approach will be named here as the ASHRAE Design. The second design/control approach is based on more conventional design/control practice and will be defined as the (min kW) Design. Plant design procedures as given by the ASHRAE Journal of July 2011 thru June 2012 The ASHRAE Journal articles define a procedure for designing a central chilled water plant based on life cycle cost. This (min kW) Design model study will show that the ASHRAE designed plant requires significantly more kW demand than does a plant based on an (min kW) Design. Page 4 # (1) (2) (3) ASHRAE Journal & (Min kW) Design & Standard 90.1-2010 Control. Design & Control. Infiltration of 6,811 CFM is called for by Std. 90.1-2010. 70F perimeter stat set pt. will be aborted resulting in loss of stat control. Building return air path not controlled. (4) Installed fan powered supply air terminals. (5) Control air supply (55F) temperature to 60F when not at full cooling load, page 97 of Oct. 2013 ASHRAE Journal. Table 5.2 of (PNNL) 90.1-2010 study limits heating air temperature to 20F above room temperature, (94F). Table 5.11 of the (PNNL) study call for a TSP of 5.58 w.c. (6) (7) (8) Design the plant based on ASHRAE Journal articles, “Optimizing Design & Control of Chilled Water Plants”, July 2011-June 2012, by Taylor. Pressurize the building to exfiltration of 3,378 CFM, no return fans. Control thermostats to minimize heating & cooling energy. Control returns air to minimize heating & cooling energy. Design the air supply system without fan powered terminals. Control supply air to 55F design but may decrease to 50F to decrease fan kW. The Table briefly summarizes the major differences in the two designs. REQUIRMENTS OF (SEE) MODELS The requirements of a (SEE) Model include the follow: (1) The performance of the components of the system agrees with manufactures verified performance data, specifically the chiller, tower & air side equipment. (2) Energy into the system can be shown to equal the energy out of the system. (3) The model can produce a System Energy Equilibrium (SEE) Schematic. (4) The model can perform real time analysis of a building and input inefficiency to arrive at a duplication of the buildings real time performance. Chapter (1) will demonstrate these requirements for the (SEE) model of this Design Manual. Perimeter heating air temperature of 110F. Use same duct size as ASHRAE design, therefore less TSP for (min kW) Design. Design the plant with the objective of minimizing plant kW consistent with first cost control. Table: Two designs compared Kirby Nelson PE Page 5 CHAPTER (1) ASHRAE Design & (min kW Design) at PEAK Design Day Conditions Figure 1-1 gives the assumed design day weather. The peak design temperatures are taken from the 2013 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook weather data for Chicago/Midway, IL, U.S.A. The peak dry bulb is 91.7F and the peak design wet bulb is 81.8F as given by monthly design wet bulb and mean coincident dry bulb at .4% in the Handbook. (Temp)dry bulb % Clear Sky 100 65 60 60 55 55 50 50 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 Total Energy In- (Ton) Site kW energy in (Ton) 1200 Weather energy in (TON) 1146.8 1000 800 (TON) TIME OF DAY Peak weather day FIGURE 1-1: Assumed design day weather 600 400 179.0 200 Figure 1-2 illustrates the slight difference in the building load of the two designs. This chart can also be thought of as the energy into the building due to weather plus the light, plug, and people loads. The infiltration of the ASHRAE Design accounts for the slight increase. (Bld)ABS-ton(min kW Design) Plant kW energy in (Ton) 330.6 70 65 486.5 75 814.9 78 643.3 79 324.5 80 80 0 TIME OF DAY ENERGY INTO THE SYSTEM (ASHRAE Design) Peak Summer day FIGURE 1-3: Energy in ASHRAE Design (Bld)ABS-ton(ASHRAE Design) Tower energy out-Ton Exhaust latent ton Total energy out (Ton) Pump heat out(ton) Exhaust sensible ton 200 DRY BULB (F) -2.96 -2.70 -2.65 -3.11 -4.01 -4.40 -4.47 -4.57 -4.68 -4.13 -2.72 -2.94 -4.7 -207 -5.0 -178 -4.3 -171 -3.9 -221 -10.8 -72.3 -9.2 -90.5 -9.2 -90.6 -9.1 -90.8 -9.0 -91.0 -10.1 -74.9 -5.8 -6.2 -814.9 80 1092.5 79 -988 78 85 -1042 73 76 82 1039.1 75 81 90 82.0 998.0 70 76 77.0 84.0 701.6 75 77.0 95 87.0 241.5 Air Temperature (F) 80 79.0 85.0 91.7 191.8 80.0 82.0 90.0 -191.8 85 88.0 -199.1 90 AIR TEMPerature (F) 95 199.1 100 228.8 (Temp)wet bulb design and control of the two systems; not a difference in the design of the basic building. Requirements of (SEE) Model Four requirements of a (SEE) model are given above and will be illustrated here for the ASHRAE Design at peak summer design conditions. Figure 1-3 illustrates the energy into the ASHRAE Design; requirement (2). Note that at 4PM the energy into the system is about 2.7 times the energy into the building, Figure 1-1; illustrating the amount of energy required & consumed by the CCWS to condition the building. Figure 1-4 illustrates the energy out of the ASHRAE Design system. 200 232 88 80 67 67 62 62 97 199 119 113 91 150 100 50 0 TIME OF DAY BLD ABS-ton)(ASHRAE & min kW Design) FIGURE 1-2: Building design loads The point of Figure 1-2 is that the difference in the energy consumption of the two designs is due to Kirby Nelson PE -800 -1200 -297 -330.6 -445 -1000 -486.5 -726 -600 -1092.5 250 207 -400 -935 300 -894 350 286 -1039.1 0 400 413 -998.0 50 393 275 200 100 368 376 239 250 150 388 -200 -614 300 377 450 (TON) 350 428 BUILDING (ton) BUILDING (ton) 400 407 -701.6 500 450 -241.5 500 -228.8 0 -1146.8 TIME OF DAY ENERGY OUT OF THE SYSTEM (ASHRAE Design) Peak Summer day FIGURE 1-4: Energy out ASHRAE Design Page 6 Figure 1-5 & 1-6 illustrate the chiller & tower Design day performance of the two designs: performance,(SEE Model requirement 1) as the evaporator load changes. At peak conditions the chiller kW/evaporator ton is (.61) and the tower range + approach is (20.7). (min kW) Design (kW) ASHRAE Design (kW) DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (F) 2400 2400 2200 Chiller-kW 2200 2000 1,707 1,611 1,653 1800 1 1 1 NUMBER (#) CHILLERS ON 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 100% 600 89% 90% 79% CHILLER % Power 70% 56% 60% 441 84% 469 497 95.0% 531 79% 40% 38% 43% 36% 55% 313 0% 300 100 Tower approach (F) Tower range + approach (F) 110 20 101.0 Tower water temp. (F) 81.8 83.3 80.3 79.1 95.2 97.6 91.1 85.9 86.8 87.8 70 4.33 4.08 4.27 4.53 600 400 536 310 307 304 412 337 800 200 0 SYSTEM TOTAL (kW) 15 88.7 85.6 85.8 83.2 10 80.5 6.86 6.83 6.85 6.91 77.3 481 102.5 86.4 80 1000 625 872 6.84 5.57 5.32 5.19 Tower approach (F) 97.7 99.2 91.4 83.8 487 905 Figure 1-7 illustrates the difference in total system kW for the two designs at design day conditions. The charts below compare the two designs side by side. FIGURE 1-5: Chiller performance 85.8 506 536 FIGURE 1-7: Systems total kW demand Total EVAPORATOR Ton (lwt)tower (F) 200 1200 765 0 (ASHRAE Design) Chiller Performance Peak summer 90 1000 600 0 100 1,379 1,426 1,122 1,316 1,339 TIME of DAY 154 120 (ewt)tower (F) 1400 1,129 1200 200 221 20% 117 106 101 1600 1400 400 30% 10% 1800 1600 800 400 66% 369 42% 500 kW 80% 50% System (kW) 1 2000 1,770 System (kW) (Chiller)% power 5 60 50 0 Wet bulb (F) (ASHRAE Design) TOWER PERFORMANCE-Peak summer Wk day FIGURE 1-6: Tower performance (SEE) Model requirement (3) (SEE) Schematic & (4) real time analysis will be demonstrated later in this manual; note a (SEE) Schematic is given in the Nomenclature. Kirby Nelson PE Page 7 (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (Bld)kW (System)kW Duct heat kW FA Heat kW (Bld)kW (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (System)kW 2000 1,653 1,707 1,770 1500 481 731 536 1500 2000 1,379 1,316 1,339 0.00 1000 765 625 1500 1,426 905 1000 1000 731 629 532 348 0 1500 (kW) 731 487 2000 1,122 1000 500 2000 (kW) kW 1,129 506 FA Heat kW Dry bulb (F) DRY BULB (F) 1,611 Duct heat kW 731 872 500 0.00 536 500 410 310 307 304 412 337 0 0 450 135 525 500 169 0 0 0 TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW-All electric-498,600 sqft Bld-24 hr. ASHRAE Design Figure 1-8: ASHRAE design kW demand components Figures 1-8 & 1-9 illustrate the building kW is the same for both designs; the plant and air side system account for the greater values of the ASHRAE design. TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW -All electric 498,600 sqft Bld. (min kW) Design Figure 1-9: (Min kW design) kW components at design day BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Design BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = 498,600 Peak day 24hr 10,096 6,230 0 0 0 8,453 24,779 BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Wk. Day BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 14,683 10,096 24,779 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = Table 1-1: ASHRAE design 24 hour at design day weather Tables 1-1 & 1-2 illustrate the difference in 24 hour energy consumption of the two designs at assumed design day weather conditions. The ASHRAE design consumes about 24% more energy at peak design day conditions; a significant increase due to what may appear as minor differences in the designs. Later chapters will explore in detail the differences in the two designs. Kirby Nelson PE 498,600 Peak design 24hr 10,096 1,763 0 0 0 7,027 18,887 8,791 10,096 18,887 Table 1-2: (min kW design) 24 hours at design day weather The following pages will consider performance at average summer, spring/fall and winter conditions with annual (bEQ) estimated. Page 8 Average summer performance (Temp)wet bulb (Temp)dry bulb % Clear Sky 100 100 95 95 85 Air Temperature (F) 80 75 76.0 74.0 72.0 70.0 70 65 69 68 60 67 79.0 83.0 81.0 90 81.0 78.0 85 76.0 67.0 66 65 80 75 71.0 65 68 73 70 72 71 70 70 65 60 55 55 50 50 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 AIR TEMPerature (F) 90 30 TIME OF DAY Average summer weather day Figure 1-10: Assumed average summer weather day Figure 1-10 illustrates the assumed weather conditions for an average summer day, based on ASHRAE Handbook data. Note the % clear sky is assumed as 80%. (min kW) Design (kW) ASHRAE Design (kW) DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (F) 2000 2000 1800 1,360 System (kW) 1400 1,448 1,511 912 1,059 1,102 1600 1400 1200 1000 1800 1,598 1,181 1,236 1200 954 600 800 585 477 465 459 486 703 696 400 200 1000 697 800 477 295 298 319 314 0 System (kW) 1600 600 400 379 200 0 TIME of DAY SYSTEM TOTAL (kW) Figure 1-11: Systems total kW demand Figure 1-11 illustrates the same pattern as Figure 1-7 but reduced values as expected. The following charts and tables compare the two designs. Kirby Nelson PE Page 9 (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (Bld)kW (System)kW Duct heat kW FA Heat kW (Bld)kW (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW DRY BULB (F) 2000 477 465 459 1,181 1,598 1,059 1500 954 731 731 1000 697 486 1000 703 731 0 TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW-All electric-498,600 sqft Bld-24 hr. ASHRAE Design Figure 1-12: (ASHRAE design) component kW Figures 1-12 & 1-13 again illustrates the building kW is the same for both designs; the difference is in the response of the air side system and the plant to the building loads. 498,600 Avg Summer 24hr 10,096 9,080 0 0 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 0 5,723 24,900 14,803 10,096 24,900 Table 1-3: (ASHRAE design) 24 hours average summer weather Tables 1-3 & 1-5 illustrate the difference in 24 hour consumption and Tables 1-4 & 1-5 illustrate (bEQ) values based on 24 hour consumption. ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM Design W/sqft ASHRAE BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = 20.25 (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = 18.21 Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= 11.48 (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 0.00 49.94 90 day (bEQ)= FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 90 day (bEQ)= 49.94 0.00 477 295 298 319 369 314 Kirby Nelson PE 500 136 0 0 TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW -All electric 498,600 sqft Bld. (min kW) Design Figure 1-13: (min kW design) kW components BLD sq-ft = 498,600 ALL ELECTRIC Avg Summer Wk. Day 24hr BLD.24hr-kW= 10,096 (Fan)24hr-kW = 1,411 (Duct)24hr-heat kW= 44 (FA)24hr-heat kW= 0 Heat24hr-total kW= 44 Plant24hr-kW= 4,567 SYST 24hr-kW = 16,119 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 6,022 10,096 16,119 Table 1-5: (min kW design) 24 hours average summer weather kbtu/sqft-day (Min kW) ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM Table 1-4: (ASHRAE design)(bEQ) estimate The min kW Design and control concepts provide significantly better (bEQ) performance at average summer conditions and better performance as weather conditions cool. 379 218 (bEQ)day 0.069 0.062 0.039 0.000 0.170 15.34 (bEQ)day 0.170 0.000 0.170 15.34 731 696 500 585 500 0 1,236 1,102 1000 109 BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Design BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = FA Heat kW 1500 (kW) 1,511 912 1000 500 1,448 (kW) kW 1,360 Duct heat kW 1500 2000 1500 (System)kW Dry bulb (F) BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 90 day (bEQ)= FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plt24hr-W/sq ft-= Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 90 day (bEQ)= Wk. Day W/sqft kbtu/sqft-day (bEQ)day 20.25 0.069 2.83 0.010 9.16 0.031 0.09 0.000 32.33 0.110 9.93 (bEQ)day 32.24 0.110 0.38 0.0004 0.110 9.94 Table 1-6: (min kW Design)(bEQ) estimate Page 10 Average Spring/Fall Weather (Temp)wet bulb (Temp)dry bulb 100 100 95 95 90 90 85 85 80 80 75 75 70 70 65 60 55 55.0 52.0 50.0 50 45 49.0 48.0 44.0 50 48 40 53 56 60.0 58 58.0 65 56.0 56 54 54.0 52 47 46 42 35 45.0 58.0 60 55 AIR TEMPerature (F) Air Temperature (F) % Clear Sky 50 45 40 43 35 30 30 TIME OF DAY Spring/Fall weather day Figure 1-14: Average spring/fall weather day Figure 1-14 illustrates the assumed average spring/fall weather and Figure 1-15 gives the difference in kW performance of the two designs. (min kW) Design (kW) ASHRAE Design (kW) DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (F) 1,344 1400 1,051 1,220 1,132 1,110 System (kW) 1000 1000 961 800 933 964 968 800 727 600 400 1200 600 648 436 463 485 463 454 200 456 System (kW) 1200 1400 1,309 1,314 1,235 1,142 1,146 1,107 1,095 400 200 0 0 TIME of DAY SYSTEM TOTAL (kW) Figure 1-15: Systems total kW demand Kirby Nelson PE Page 11 (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (Bld)kW (System)kW Duct heat kW FA Heat kW (Bld)kW (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (System)kW 1,235 1,142 1,146 1,107 1,220 kW 659.9 1500 1000 1000 1500 1,132 1,110 1000 731 1500 731 500 961 727 (kW) 1,051 1,095 1,309 1,314 (kW) 1,344 500 133 436 463 394 188 0 933 731 964 1000 968 731 648 500 371 FA Heat kW Dry bulb (F) DRY BULB (F) 1500 Duct heat kW 485 463 454 456 500 229.4 0 79 104 0 89 148 0 TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW-All electric-498,600 sqft Bld-24 hr. ASHRAE Design Figure 1-16: (ASHRAE design) component kW Figures 1-16 & 1-17 illustrate the building kW is the same for both designs; the difference is in the response of the air side system and the plant. BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Design BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = 498,600 Spring/Fall 24hr 10,096 6,587 8,654 0 8,654 3,074 28,411 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 18,315 10,096 28,411 Table 1-7: (ASHRAE design) 24 hours average spring/fall weather Tables 1-7 & 1-8 illustrate the difference in 24 hour consumption and Tables 1-9 & 1-10 illustrate (bEQ) based on 24 hour consumption. Design ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM W/sqft ASHRAE BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = 20.25 (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = 13.21 Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= 6.17 (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 17.36 56.98 185 day (bEQ)= FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= 39.63 Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 185 day (bEQ)= 74.04 kbtu/sqft-day (bEQ)day 0.069 0.045 0.021 0.059 0.194 35.98 (bEQ)day 0.135 0.074 0.209 38.72 Table 1-9: (bEQ) estimate Kirby Nelson PE TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW -All electric 498,600 sqft Bld. (min kW) Design Figure 1-17: (min kW design) kW components BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Wk. Day BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = 498,600 Spring/Fall 24hr 10,096 1,034 2,494 0 2,494 2,290 15,914 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 5,818 10,096 15,914 Table 1-8: (min kW design) 24 hours average spring/fall weather (Min kW) ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 185 day (bEQ)= FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plt24hr-W/sq ft-= Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 185 day (bEQ)= Wk. Day W/sqft kbtu/sqft-day (bEQ)day 20.25 0.069 2.07 0.007 4.59 0.016 5.00 0.017 31.92 0.109 20.15 (bEQ)day 26.92 0.092 21.34 0.021 0.113 20.94 Table 1-10: (bEQ) estimate Page 12 Average winter weather (Temp)wet bulb (Temp)dry bulb % Clear Sky 50 50 45 45 40 35 30 25 35.0 34.0 32.0 29.0 27.0 29 27 28.0 26.0 25.0 24.0 26 35 32.0 30.0 34 32 30 32 30 28 25 25 24 20 35 34 34.0 AIR TEMPerature (F) Air Temperature (F) 40 20 15 15 10 10 TIME OF DAY Avg Winter weather day Figure 1-18: Assumed average winter weather day Figure 1-18 illustrates the assumed average winter weather and Figure 1-19 gives the difference in kW performance of the two designs. (min kW) Design (kW) ASHRAE Design (kW) DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (F) 2,973 2500 2,792 2,697 3000 2,802 2,484 2500 1500 1,870 1,791 1,841 2,100 1,962 1,903 1,886 1,507 1,351 1000 1,403 1,343 1,399 2000 1500 1,113 869 894 909 969 963 500 940 System (kW) System (kW) 2000 1000 500 0 0 TIME of DAY SYSTEM TOTAL (kW) Figure 1-19: Systems total kW demand Kirby Nelson PE Page 13 (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (Bld)kW (System)kW Duct heat kW FA Heat kW (Bld)kW (AHU)Fan kW (plant)kW (System)kW 3000 2,792 1,507 1500 1500 731 731 500 869 894 909 1500 1,343 1,399 1,113 969 963 731 1000 500 0 1000 1,403 1,351 2000 (kW) 1,903 1,886 1500 1000 2000 2500 2,100 1,962 (kW) kW 1,791 1,841 1,870 2000 3000 2,802 2,484 2500 2000 2,697 FA Heat kW Dry bulb (F) DRY BULB (F) 2,973 Duct heat kW 940 1000 731 500 500 0 0 0 TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW-All electric-498,600 sqft Bld-24 hr. ASHRAE Design Figure 1-20: (ASHRAE design) component kW Figures 1-20 & 1-21 illustrate the building kW is the same for both designs; the difference is in the response of the air side system and the plant. BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Design BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = 498,600 Winter 24hr 10,096 8,979 29,183 1,695 30,878 4,247 54,200 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 44,104 10,096 54,200 Table 1-11: (ASHRAE design) 24 hours average winter weather Tables 1-11 & 1-13 illustrate the difference in 24 hour consumption and Tables 1-12 & 1-14 illustrate (bEQ) based on 24 hour consumption. ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM Design W/sqft ASHRAE BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = 20.25 (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = 18.01 Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= 8.52 (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 61.93 108.70 90 day (bEQ)= FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= 46.78 Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 90 day (bEQ)= 264.20 Figure 1-21: (min kW design) kW components BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Wk. Day BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = 498,600 Winter 24hr 10,096 1,274 12,962 1,695 14,657 1,292 27,320 (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 17,224 10,096 27,320 Table 1-13: (min kW design) 24 hours average winter weather kbtu/sqft-day (Min kW) (bEQ)day 0.069 0.061 0.029 0.211 0.371 33.39 (bEQ)day 0.160 0.264 0.424 ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM Wk. Day W/sqft BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = 20.25 (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = 2.55 38.15 Table 1-12: (bEQ) estimate Kirby Nelson PE TIME OF DAY SYSTEM kW -All electric 498,600 sqft Bld. (min kW) Design Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= 2.59 (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 29.40 54.79 90 day (bEQ)= FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plt24hr-W/sq ft-= 25.40 Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 90 day (bEQ)= 125.42 kbtu/sqft-day (bEQ)day 0.069 0.009 0.009 0.100 0.187 16.83 (bEQ)day 0.087 0.125 0.212 19.09 Table 1-14: (bEQ) estimate Page 14 CONCLUSIONS of CHAPTER 1 The purpose of this chapter (1) is to give an indication of the magnitude of the difference in energy consumption that can occur with seemingly slight differences in system design and control. Table 1-15 illustrates estimated (bEQ) values based on 3 months of average summer weather, 6 months of average spring/fall weather and 3 months of average winter weather. All Elect. Building Summer-3m spring/fall-6m Winter-3m Est. annual (bEQ) ASHRAE design (bEQ) 15.34 35.98 33.39 84.71 Min kW design (bEQ) 9.93 20.15 16.83 46.91 TABLE 1-15: Chicago (bEQ) Estimates Table 1-16, presents the Houston (bEQ) for comparison. Houston (bEQ) is based on 5 months of average summer weather, 4 months of average spring/fall weather and 3 months of average winter weather. All Elect. Building Summer -5m spring/fall-4m Winter -3m Est. annual (bEQ) ASHRAE design (bEQ) 24.37 25.62 16.96 66.95 Min kW design (bEQ) 18.29 16.02 9.36 43.67 Table 1-16: Houston (bEQ) Estimate Table 1-15 illustrates that the ASHRAE Design becomes less efficient, as compared to the min kW Design, as the weather becomes colder. The winter ASHRAE Design (bEQ) is twice the value of the (min kW Design). The difference is primarily due to the air side design & control of the perimeter heating; to be discussed in detail in coming chapters. The detail differences in the design and control of the two designs form the basis of the remainder of this Design/Control Manual. Kirby Nelson PE Page 15 System Nomenclature Each of the more than 100 components of the system will be defined. The (PNNL) study defines the large office building as given by Figure N-1, a 13 story office with 498,600 square feet of air conditioned space. FIGURE N-1: Building description The (PNNL) study can be viewed at; http://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/ documents/BECP_Energy_Cost_Savings_STD2010 _May2011_v00.pdf or http://www.energycodes.gov/achieving-30-goalenergy-and-cost-savings-analysis-ashraestandard-901-2010 BLD ft2 = %clear sky = # floors = Tdry-bulb = Infil-CFM = Roof ft = Twet-bulb= Infilsen-ton = N/S wall ft2 = WallNtrans ton= 2 2 E/W wall ft = InfilLat-ton = Wall % glass= WallStrans ton= WallEtrans ton= Glass U = Wall U = WallWtranston= GlassN trans ton = Glass SHGC = Wall emitt = GlassS trans ton = GlassE-trans ton = RoofTrans ton = Roofsky lite ton = GlassW-trans ton = GlassN-solar-ton = Peopleton = plugton = kW GlassS-solar-ton = Lightton= GlassW-solar ton = GlassTot-solar-ton = (int-cfm)to-per-ret= Total Bldint-ton = BLD kW= AHU kW= (int cfm)per-ton = Tot Bldper-sen-ton = WallTot trans ton = GlassTot-trans-ton= GlassE-solar ton = Tstat-int= (Bld)int.air-ton= Tstat-per = SITE kW = ^ Design 4PM BUILDING NOMENCLATURE: Building structure; BLD ft2 = air conditioned space Kirby Nelson PE < ^ (Bld)per.air-ton= > v return air # Floors = number of building floors Roof ft2 = roof square feet N/S wall ft2 =north/south wall square feet E/W wall ft2 =east/west wall square feet Wall % glass = percent of each wall that is glass Glass U = glass heat transfer coefficient Wall U = wall heat transfer coefficient Glass SHGC = glass solar heat gain coefficient Wall emit = wall solar index Building interior space; Rooftrans-ton =transmission through roof (ton) Roofsky-lite-ton =sky lite load (ton) Peopleton = cooling load due to people (ton) Plugton = cooling load due to plug kW PlugtkW = kW demand due to plug loads Lightton = cooling load due to lights (ton) LightkW = kW demand due to lights (int-cfm)to-per-return = CFM of interior supply air that returns to perimeter of building Total Bldint-ton = total building interior load (ton) Tstat-int = interior stat set temperature (F) Bldint-air-ton = supply air ton to offset interior load Building perimeter space; %clear sky = percent solar that hits building Tdry bulb = outside dry bulb temperature (F) Twet bulb = outside wet bulb temperature (F) Infillat-ton = latent load due to air infiltration (ton) InfilCFM = air infiltration CFM Infilsen-ton = sensible load due to air infiltration (ton) Walln trans ton = north wall transmission (ton) Walls trans ton = south wall transmission (ton) WallE trans ton = east wall transmission (ton) Wallw trans ton = west wall transmission (ton) Walltot-trans-ton = total wall transmission (ton) GlassN-trans-ton = north wall glass transmission (ton) GlassS-trans-ton = south wall glass transmission (ton) GlassE-trans-ton = east wall glass transmission (ton) GlassW trans-ton = west wall glass transmission (ton) Glasstot-trans-ton = total transmission thru glass (ton) GlassN-solar-ton = north glass solar load (ton) GlassS-solar-ton = south glass solar load (ton) GlassE-solar-ton = east glass solar load (ton) GlassW-solar-ton = west glass solar load (ton) Glasstot-solar-ton = total glass solar load (ton) (int cfm)per-ton = effect of interior CFM to wall (ton) Total Bldper-sen-ton total perimeter sensible load (ton) Page 16 Tstat-per = perimeter stat set temperature (F) Bldper-air-ton = supply air ton to offset perimeter load Tair supply int= ASHRAE ^ Tair supply per= Design ABS Bld Ton = Ton ^ kW Ton (fan)int-ter= kW V (fan)per-ter= Theat-air= (D)heat = Treheat air = (D)reheat = (D)int-air-ton= Tair coils = (D)int-CFM= >>>(Coil)sen-ton= (coil)cap-ton= Interior duct ^ ^ (coil)H2O-ft/sec= (D)per-air-ton= Tair coils= (D)per-CFM= (coil)gpm= UAdesign= COIL (coil)des-ft/sec= Peri duct ^ ^ UA= (one coil)ton= (H)coil= LMTD= (COIL)L+s-ton= ^ <<<< V ^ (H)coil-des= ^ Tair VAV= (FAN)VAV-CFM= (Air)ret-CFM = TBLD-AR = Return (FAN)ton-VAV= (FAN)ret-kW= Fan (FAN)kW-VAV= (FAN)ret-ton= V (Air)ret-ton = ^ 26 F.A.Inlet Tar-to-VAV = ^ statFA= 26 VAV FANS VAVret-ton = TFA to VAV = > Tret+FA = InfilVAV-Lat-ton = >(FA)sen-ton = > (dh) = < VAVret-CFM = > (FA)CFM= > Efan-VSD= InfilCFM-ton = < V > (FA)Lat-ton= (FA)kW= ExLat-ton = ExCFM = TEx = temp pink Exsen-ton = gpm orange V FIGURE 2A Air handler system Tair supply per = temperature air supply perimeter (F) (fan)per-ter-kW = kW demand perimeter terminal fans (fan)per-ter-ton = load due to perimeter terminal fans Theat-air = temp supply air before terminal fan heat (D)heat-kW = kW heat to perimeter supply air (D)heat-ton = (ton) heat to perimeter supply air Treheat air = temp(F) perimeter supply air after reheat (D)reheat-kW = kW reheat to perimeter supply air (D)reheat-ton = (ton) reheat to perimeter supply air (D)per-air-ton = cooling (ton) to perimeter duct Tair coils = supply air temperature off coils to duct (D)per-CFM = supply air CFM to perimeter duct COIL NOMENCLATURE (coil)sen-ton = sensible load on all coils (ton) (coil)cap-ton = LMTD * UA = capacity (ton) one coil (coil)H2O-ft/sec = water velocity thru coil (ft/sec) (coil)design-ft/sec = coil design water velocity (ft/sec) LMTD = coil log mean temperature difference (F) (coil)L+s-ton = latent + sensible load on all coils (ton) (coil)gpm = water flow (gpm) thru one coil UAdesign = coil UA design value UA = coil heat transfer coefficient * coil area. UA varies as a function water velocity (coil)gpm thru the coil, therefore as the (coil)gpm decreases the coil capacity decreases. (D)int-CFM= ^ (D)per-CFM= >>>(Coil)sen-ton= ^ (coil)gpm= (coil)cap-ton= UAdesign= (coil)H2O-ft/sec= ^ Tair supply int= Design ASHRAE ^ Ton 4PM Design ^ (Bld)per.air-ton= ^ kW (fan)int-ter= air Tair supply per= ABS Bld Ton = Ton kW UA= (one coil)ton= (H)coil= LMTD= (COIL)L+s-ton= (Bld)int.air-ton= COIL (coil)des-ft/sec= AIR HANDLER DUCT SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE V (fan)per-ter= Theat-air= (D)heat = ^ ^ ^ <<<< V ^ (H)coil-des= ^ Tair VAV= TBLD-AR = Coils (one coil)ton = load (ton) on one coil (H)coil = air pressure drop thru coil (ft) (H)coil-design = design air pressure drop (ft) Treheat air = (COIL)L+s-ton= (D)reheat = <<<< (D)int-air-ton= Interior Tair coils = duct (D)int-CFM= ^ ^ (H)coil-des= ^ (D)per-air-ton= Peri Tair VAV= (FAN)VAV-CFM= Tair coils= duct (FAN)ton-VAV= (FAN)ret-kW= Fan (D)per-CFM= ^ (FAN)kW-VAV= (FAN)ret-ton= V Duct system nomenclature Tair supply int = temperature air supply to interior (F) (fan)int-ter-kW = kW demand of interior terminal fans (fan)int-ter-ton = load due to interior terminal fans kW (D)int-air-ton = cooling (ton) to interior duct Tair coils = supply air temperature off coils to duct (D)int-CFM = supply air CFM to interior duct (ABS Bld Ton) = absolute building load on (CCWS) Kirby Nelson PE ^ TBLD-AR = ^ 26 F.A.Inlet statFA= (Air)ret-CFM = Return (Air)ret-ton = Tar-to-VAV = ^ VAVret-ton = 26 VAV FANS TFA to VAV = > Tret+FA = InfilVAV-Lat-ton = >(FA)sen-ton = > (dh) = < VAVret-CFM = > (FA)CFM= > Efan-VSD= InfilCFM-ton = < V > (FA)Lat-ton= (FA)kW= ExLat-ton = ExCFM = temp pink gpm orange TEx = Exsen-ton = V VAV FAN SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE Page 17 Fresh air nomenclature: statFA = fresh air freeze stat set temperature (F) TFA to VAV = temperature of fresh air to VAV fan (FA)sen-ton = fresh air sensible load (ton) (FA)CFM = CFM fresh air to VAV fan inlet (FA)Lat-ton = fresh air latent load (ton) (FA)kW = heat kW to statFA set temperature Air return nomenclature: TBLD-AR = return air temp (F) before return fan (Air)ret-CFM = CFM air return from building (FAN)ret-kW = return fans total kW (FAN)ret-ton = cooling load (ton) due to (FAN)ret-kW (Air)ret-ton = return air (ton) before return fans TAR to VAV = TBLD-AR + delta T due to return fans kW VAVret-ton = return (ton) to VAV fans inlet InfilVAV-Lat-ton = infiltration latent (ton) to VAV fans VAVret-CFM = return CFM to VAV fans inlet InfilCFM-ton = load (ton) due to infiltration CFM Exhaust air nomenclature ExLat-ton = latent load (ton) exhausted ExCFM = CFM of exhaust air TEx = temperature of exhaust air Exsen-ton = sensible load (ton) exhausted VAV Fans nomenclature Tair-VAV = temp. air to coils after VAV fan heat (FAN)VAV-CFM = CFM air thru coils (FAN)ton-VAV = load (ton) due to VAV fan kW (FAN)kW-VAV = total VAV fan kW demand Tret+FA = return and fresh air mix temperature (F) (dh) = VAV air static pressure (ft) Efan-VSD = VAV fans efficiency AIR SIDE SYSTEM PLUS BUILDING BLD ft2 = %clear sky = # floors = Tdry-bulb = Infil-CFM = Roof ft = Twet-bulb= Infilsen-ton = 2 N/S wall ft2 = WallNtrans ton= E/W wall ft2 = WallStrans ton= Wall % glass= WallEtrans ton= Glass U = Wall U = WallWtranston= GlassN trans ton = Glass SHGC = Wall emitt = GlassS trans ton = GlassE-trans ton = RoofTrans ton = GlassW-trans ton = Roofsky lite ton = GlassN-solar-ton = Peopleton = kW GlassS-solar-ton = plugton = Lightton= GlassW-solar ton = (int-cfm)to-per-ret= BLD kW= InfilLat-ton = < WallTot trans ton = GlassTot-trans-ton= GlassE-solar ton = Total Bldint-ton = GlassTot-solar-ton = (int cfm)per-ton = AHU kW= Tstat-int= ^ Design Tair supply int= ^ air Tair supply per= Design ABS Bld Ton = ^ kW Ton (fan)int-ter= return ^ (Bld)per.air-ton= 4PM ASHRAE Ton v Tstat-per = SITE kW = (Bld)int.air-ton= > Tot Bldper-sen-ton = kW V (fan)per-ter= Theat-air= (D)heat = Treheat air = (D)reheat = (D)int-air-ton= Tair coils = Interior duct (D)int-CFM= >>>(Coil)sen-ton= (D)per-air-ton= Tair coils= ^ ^ (D)per-CFM= (coil)gpm= (coil)cap-ton= COIL (coil)des-ft/sec= UA= (one coil)ton= (H)coil= LMTD= <<<< ^ V ^ (H)coil-des= ^ Tair VAV= (FAN)VAV-CFM= (Air)ret-CFM = TBLD-AR = Return (FAN)ton-VAV= (FAN)ret-kW= Fan (FAN)kW-VAV= (FAN)ret-ton= V ^ 26 F.A.Inlet statFA= ^ ^ UAdesign= (coil)H2O-ft/sec= (COIL)L+s-ton= Peri duct ^ 26 VAV FANS (Air)ret-ton = Tar-to-VAV = VAVret-ton = TFA to VAV = > Tret+FA = InfilVAV-Lat-ton = >(FA)sen-ton = > (dh) = < VAVret-CFM = > (FA)CFM= > Efan-VSD= InfilCFM-ton = < V > (FA)Lat-ton= (FA)kW= ExLat-ton = ExCFM = temp pink gpm orange Kirby Nelson PE TEx = Exsen-ton = V Page 18 Condenser (H)T-pipe= Tower TCR= > gpmT= > (ewt)T= tfan-kW= TCR-app= (COND)ton= (H)T-total= PT-heat = (H)T-static = Trange= Tfan-kW= tfan-% = (H)cond= < pT-kW= EfTpump= (lwt)T = tton-ex= (cond)ton= Pipesize-in = (cond)ft/sec= < Tapproach = T #= Ptower # = T-Ton-ex= Trg+app = Compressor ASHRAE Design (chiller)kW= Chicago (chiller)lift= Large Office (chiller)% = Peak day Design (chiller)#= Weather %clear sky = (CHILLER)kW= (chiller)kW/ton= 90.1-2010 4PM conditions Tdry bulb = Twet bulb = Plant kW = > Evaporator (evap)ton= TER= TER-app= ^ EVAPton= (H)evap= (evap)ft/sec= (evap)des-ft/sec= ^ V gpmevap= Psec-heat-ton = (lwt)evap = > (H)pri-total= ^ v (H)pri-pipe= Tbp= (H)pri-fitings= gpmbp= (H)sec= (Ef)c-pump= (H)pri-bp= (H)sec-pipe= Pc-heat-ton= ^ Psec-kW= < pc-kW= Efsec-pump = v (ewt)evap = > (ewt)coil= Efdes-sec-p = PLANTton = (H)sec-bp= Pipesize-in = < (gpm)sec= < (lwt)coil= Pchiller-# = CENTRAL PLANT Nomenclature will be defined by addressing each component of the plant. Primary/secondary pumping nomenclature gpmevap = total gpm flow thru evaporators (H)pri-total = total primary pump head (ft) = (H)pri-pipe + (H)pri-fittings + (H)pri-bp + (H)evap (H)pri-pipe = primary pump head due to piping (ft) (H)pri-fittings = primary head due to pump & fitting (ft) (Ef)c-pump = efficiency of chiller pump Pc-heat-ton = chiller pump heat to atmosphere (ton) Pc-kW = one chiller pump kW demand (kW) Pchiller-# = number chiller pumps operating (lwt)evap = temperature water leaving evaporator (F) Tbp = temperature of water in bypass (F) gpmbp = gpm water flow in bypass (H)pri-bp = head if chiller pump flow in bypass (ft) (ewt)evap = temp water entering evaporator (F) Kirby Nelson PE Psec-heat-ton = secondary pump energy not into system (ton), goes to atmosphere Psec-kW = kW demand of secondary pumps Efdes-sec-p = design efficiency of secondary pumping Efsec-pump = efficiency of secondary pumping (H)sec = secondary pump head (ft) = (H)sec-pipe + (H)sec-bp + (H)coil + (H)valve (H)sec-pipe = secondary pump head due to pipe (ft) (H)sec-bp = head in bypass if gpmsec > gpmevap gpmsec = water gpm flow in secondary loop (ewt)coil = water temperature entering coil (F) Plantton = load (ton) from air side to plant Pipesize-in = secondary pipe size (inches) (lwt)coil = temperature of water leaving coil (F) Condenser nomenclature: (cond)ton = load (ton) on one condenser TCR = temperature of condenser refrigerant (F) TCR-app = refrigerant approach temperature (F) (COND)ton = total load (ton) on all condensers (H)cond = tower pump head thru condenser (ft) (cond)ft/sec = tower water flow thru condenser Compressor: (chiller)kW = each chiller kW demand (chiller)lift = (TCR – TER) = chiller lift (F) (chiller)% = percent chiller motor is loaded (chiller)# = number chillers operating (CHILLER)kW = total plant chiller kW (chiller)kW/ton = chiller kW per evaporator ton Evaporator (evap)ton = load (ton) on one evaporator TER = evaporator refrigerant temp (F) TER-app = evaporator refrigerant approach (F) EVAPton = total evaporator loads (ton) (H)evap = pump head thru evaporator (ft) (evap)ft/sec = velocity water flow thru evaporator (evap)des-ft/sec = evaporator design flow velocity Tower piping nomenclature Pipesize-in = tower pipe size (inches) gpmT = each tower water flow (gpm) (H)T-total = total tower pump head (ft) PT-heat = pump heat to atmosphere (ton) PT-kW = each tower pump kW demand EfT-pump = tower pump efficiency Ptower # = number of tower pumps (H)T-pipe = total tower pump head (ft) Page 19 Tower piping nomenclature cont. (ewt)T = tower entering water temperature (F) (H)T-static = tower height static head (ft) Trange = tower range (F)= (ewt)T – (lwt)T (lwt)T = tower leaving water temperature (F) Tapproach = (lwt)T – (Twet-bulb) Tower nomenclature tfan-kW = kW demand of one tower fan Tfan-kW = tower fan kW of fans on tfan-% = percent tower fan speed tton-ex = ton exhaust by one tower T# = number of towers on Tton-ex = ton exhaust by all towers on Trg+app = tower range + approach (F) SYSTEM PERFORMANCE The performance indices of the following Tables are self-explanatory. A complete schematic will be shown below. Chicago Performance 4PM 4PM All ElectricFuel Heat Design chillerkW/evapton= BLD.kW= (plant)kW/site ton= (Fan)kW = CCWSkW/bld ton= Ductheat= WeatherEin-ton = (FA)heat= (Site)kW-Ein-ton = Heat total = PlantkW-Ein-ton = PlantkW= Total Ein-ton = SystkW = kW BLD sq-ft = ALL ELECTRIC Peak day Design 24hr BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat kW= (FA)24hr-heat kW= Heat24hr-total kW= Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = (CCWS)24hr-kW= BLD.24hr-kW= Total24hr-kW = 24 Hour performance, all-electric ASHRAE Design BLD sq ft = Fuel heat Peak day Design 24hr BLD.24hr-kW= (Fan)24hr-kW = (Duct)24hr-heat therm = (FA)24hr-heat therm = Heat24hr-total therm = Plant24hr-kW= SYST 24hr-kW = Therm 24 Hour performance, heat with fuel THERM Weather24h-Ein-ton= SITE24h-kW-Ein-ton = Plant24h-kW-Ein-ton = Total24h-Ein-ton = Pump24hr-heat-ton = AHU Ex24hr-Lat-ton = AHU Ex24hr-sen-ton = Tower24hr-ton-Ex = Total E24hr-out-ton = ASHRAE Design 24 Hour Energy in = Energy out Pumptot-heat-ton = AHU ExLat-ton = BLD.kW= AHU Exsen-ton = CCWSkW = Tower Tton-Ex = SystkW = Total Eout-ton = Performance table at given hour ASHRAE ALL ELECTRIC SYSTEM Design W/sqft kbtu/sqft-day (bEQ)day BLD.24hr-W/sq ft- = (Fan)24hr-W/sq ft- = Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= (Heat)24hr-W/sq ft-= Syst Total24hr-W/sq ft-= 90 day (bEQ)= (bEQ)day FUEL HEAT SYSTEM Bld,Fan,Plant24hr-W/sq ft-= Heat24hr-btu/sq ft= Syst Total24hr-= 90 day (bEQ)= 49.70 0.00 (bEQ) estimate Next the full system energy equilibrium (SEE) schematic. Kirby Nelson PE Page 20 2 Condenser (cond)ton= Pipesize-in = %clear sky = # floors = Tdry-bulb = Infil-CFM = Twet-bulb= Infilsen-ton = 2 Tower (H)T-pipe= BLD ft = Roof ft = 2 TCR= > gpmT= > (ewt)T= tfan-kW= N/S wall ft = TCR-app= (COND)ton= (H)T-total= PT-heat = (H)T-static = Trange= Tfan-kW= tfan-% = E/W wall ft = Wall % glass= WallStrans ton= WallEtrans ton= (H)cond= (cond)ft/sec= < pT-kW= EfTpump= (lwt)T = Tapproach = tton-ex= T #= Glass U = Wall U = WallWtranston= GlassN trans ton = Glass SHGC = Wall emitt = GlassS trans ton = GlassE-trans ton = RoofTrans ton = Roofsky lite ton = GlassW-trans ton = GlassN-solar-ton = Peopleton = plugton = kW GlassS-solar-ton = < Ptower # = Compressor (chiller)kW= ASHRAE Design Chicago 90.1-2010 (chiller)lift= (chiller)% = Large Peak day Office Design (chiller)#= Weather %clear sky = Lightton= GlassW-solar ton = (CHILLER)kW= conditions Tdry bulb = (int-cfm)to-per-ret= BLD kW= (chiller)kW/ton= Twet bulb = Total Bldint-ton = 4PM ^ (int cfm)per-ton = ^ Design ABS Bld Ton = ^ kW Ton (D)heat = EVAPton= Treheat air = (H)evap= (D)reheat = (D)int-air-ton= Interior Tair coils = (D)int-CFM= duct ^ Tair coils= (D)per-CFM= duct ^ ^ (coil)gpm= UAdesign= ^ V gpmevap= Psec-heat-ton = (lwt)evap = (H)pri-total= v > Psec-kW= Efdes-sec-p = (H)pri-pipe= Tbp= Efsec-pump = (H)pri-fitings= gpmbp= (H)sec= (Ef)c-pump= (H)pri-bp= v < pc-kW= > (ewt)coil= >>>(Coil)sen-ton= (coil)cap-ton= (coil)H2O-ft/sec= PLANTton = (coil)des-ft/sec= (H)sec-bp= Pipesize-in = (COIL)L+s-ton= < (gpm)sec= < (lwt)coil= (H)sec-pipe= Pc-heat-ton= ^ (ewt)evap = Chicago 4PM 4PM <<<< All ElectricFuel Heat Design chillerkW/evapton= BLD.kW= (plant)kW/site ton= (Fan)kW = CCWSkW/bld ton= Ductheat= kW THERM COIL V UA= (H)coil= ^ (FA)heat= (Site)kW-Ein-ton = Heat total = Tdry bulb = PlantkW-Ein-ton = PlantkW= Fresh air > Total Ein-ton = SystkW = Twet bulb = AHU ExLat-ton = BLD.kW= SEE SCHEMATIC AHU Exsen-ton = CCWSkW = Tower Tton-Ex = SystkW = >>> Tair VAV= (FAN)VAV-CFM= (Air)ret-CFM = TBLD-AR = Return (FAN)ton-VAV= (FAN)ret-kW= Fan (FAN)kW-VAV= (FAN)ret-ton= V ^ 26 VAV FANS (Air)ret-ton = Tar-to-VAV = VAVret-ton = TFA to VAV = > Tret+FA = InfilVAV-Lat-ton = >(FA)sen-ton = > (dh) = < VAVret-CFM = > (FA)CFM= > Efan-VSD= InfilCFM-ton = < V > (FA)Lat-ton= Pumptot-heat-ton = (FA)kW= ton blue V ^ (H)coil-des= ^ 26 F.A.Inlet statFA= Peri (one coil)ton= ^ WeatherEin-ton = Total Eout-ton = (D)per-air-ton= LMTD= Pchiller-# = Performance kW (fan)per-ter= Theat-air= (evap)ft/sec= (evap)des-ft/sec= ^ air Tair supply per= Design (fan)int-ter= return ^ (Bld)per.air-ton= 4PM TER-app= ^ v Tstat-per = TER= ^ > Tot Bldper-sen-ton = ASHRAE Ton (evap)ton= GlassTot-solar-ton = SITE kW = Tair supply int= Evaporator GlassTot-trans-ton= AHU kW= (Bld)int.air-ton= > WallTot trans ton = GlassE-solar ton = Tstat-int= Plant kW = < WallNtrans ton= 2 T-Ton-ex= Trg+app = InfilLat-ton = ExLat-ton = ExCFM = water temp pink air cfm purplewater gpm orange air temp green TEx = Exsen-ton = V kW red System Energy Equilibrium (SEE) Schematic Kirby Nelson PE Page 21