Adam John Curriculum Vitae Work address: Stockholm Environment Institute Linnégatan 87 D 115 23 Stockholm Sweden Home address: Adam John Holmvägen 19 19435 Upplands Väsby Sweden CURRENT POSITION Research Fellow Stockholm Environment Institute Duties: Collaborating on journal article and discussion paper on “Senegal’s Response to the 2008 Rice Crisis and Adaptation Policies”. April 2014 – September 2014 Preparing a journal article on “Rice Production Constraints and ‘New’ Challenges for South Asian Smallholders”. November 2013 – March 2014 DEGREES Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies (IKDPM) Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia PhD. Agricultural Development Policy - Defending thesis 2014 Thesis: Price Relations between World Rice Markets Reading University, UK MSc International Economic Development - 2007 Anglia Ruskin University, UK BA (Hons) Business with Spanish Studies – 2006 RESEARCH EXPERTISE World Rice Prices; Times Series Econometrics; Price Transmission and Volatility; Rice Farming Systems PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS “Rodent Outbreaks and Rice Pre-harvest Losses in Southeast Asia” Food Security. (April 2014) “Price Relations between International Rice Markets” Agricultural and Food Economics, vol. 2(1). (January 2014) “Price Relations between Export and Domestic Rice Markets in Thailand” Food Policy, vol. 42 (October 2013), pp. 48-57. DISSCUSION PAPERS “Alternatives to Open-field Burning on Paddy Farms” OPTIONS, vol. 18 (2012), pp. 19-21. Agricultural and Food Policy Studies Institute, Malaysia. BLOG ARTICLES “Are International Rice Prices Competitive?” ORYZA. (January 21th 2014) “The Impact of Rodent Outbreaks on Rice Production” Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI) (May 14th 2013) Adam John Curriculum Vitae CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS The 4th International Conference on Environmental Challenges and Dendrochronology. Invited as a keynote speaker. Presenting: Rice production constraints and ‘new’ challenges for South Asian smallholders and Rodent outbreaks and pre-harvest rice losses in Southeast Asia. May 14th & 15th 2014. Sari, Iran. The 4th Annual Agricultural Research Conference: Agricultural Research towards Sustainable Development Goals. Presented: Rodent Outbreaks in Southeast Asian Rice Cropping Systems. Using Ecologically-based Rodent Management to Reduce Pre-harvest Losses. In Parallel sessions 1:4 Pre/Post Harvest Losses-Including Post-Harvest Handling and Storage. September 25th 2013. Uppsala, Sweden. Conflict in Thailand Seminar. Presented paper: The Root Cause and Aggravating Factors Behind the Violence in Patani. August 31st 2013. Lund, Sweden. OTHER DIPLOMAS Cambridge English Language Teaching Award (CELTA). Bournemouth, UK. 2009 United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Summer school on Latin American Economies. Santiago, Chile. 2007 TEACHING EXPERIENCE The Language Studio, Malaysia English teacher 2009-2010 Duties: Taught elementary to advanced English as a foreign language to secondary school students, professionals, and business executives at the Petronas headquarters Westbourne Academy, UK (Accredited by the British Council) English teacher 2009 Duties: Taught elementary to advanced English as a foreign language to adults including Business English EDITING WORK Department for Agribusiness and Information Systems, Universiti Putra Malaysia Proof reader for the department’s academic articles. 2010-2011 SERVICE TO PROFESSION Acted as anonymous reviewer for the journals, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade and African Journal of Agricultural Research LANGAUGES English - Fluent, Swedish - Conversational, Spanish - Conservational, Malay - Basic REFERENCES Prof. Fatimah Mohamed Arshad Director of the Agricultural and Food Policy Studies Institute Putra Infoport Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsam Malaysia Matthew Fielding Project Manager Stockholm Environment Institute Linnégatan 87 D 115 23 Stockholm Sweden