Weekly update (Nov. 10, 2013) Ticker ILF LDF XLE EWZ IYE CEE EWA EWW ICF EEM IGE EZA IYR RWR EWK IXC IRL EPP EWY EWO VAW XLU IWS IDU RCS RNE MSF IIF ADRE MGB VPU trf CH EMF APF tkf EWC EZA ASA IAU Portfolio history: # of Trade date shares (buy) 50*10 02/11/2005 200 100 200 60 120 250 150 80 60 60 60 80 20(3:1 split) 220 50 200 50 120 180 70 130 40 60 300 143 245 148 43 172 555 58 96 232 270 317 164 163 37*2 (2:1 split on July 24,2008 102 98 Purchase price $85.28 Trade date (sell) 09/18/2006 Selling price 142.73 Gain/(loss) 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 $20.25 $40.42 $23.26 $71.46 $30.65 $17.55 $26.61 $65.4 $69.8 $70.44 $74.60 $59.3 $180.12 10/06/2008 01/16/2007 09/25/2006 09/25/2006 8/11/2008 11/07/2005 09/25/2006 05/08/06 08/21/06 09/25/2006 06/13/2005 02/27/2006 05/08/06 13.55 (-$1340)+(dividends) $4550.2 54.87 34.99 88.89 42.84 18.41 41.01 83.41 97.85 89.74 $70.16 $70.38 $75.70 +$1445 + (dividends)$90.8 +$2346 +$1155+(dividends)81.6 $1462.8+(dividends)1931.2 +$215 +$2160+(dividends)$71.4 +$1440.8 +$1683+dividend $59.28 +1158 +(dividends)$101.07 -($266.4) $886.4 +(dividend)$130.2 +$939.6 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 02/11/2005 05/23/2005 05/23/2005 05/23/2005 06/27/2005 split 4:1 on 07/10/2006 06/13/2005 08/01/205 10/17/2005 10/24/2005 11/07/2005 01/17/2006 01/30/2006 02/06/2006 02/06/2006 $18.65 $79.2 $21.68 $92.77 $31.7 $22.53 $59.0 $29.09 $113.3 $71.45 $13.26 $27.1 $17.26 $30.51 $90.1 $22.525 06/27/2005 05/30/2006 05/23/2005 05/23/2005 07/17/06 10/24/2005 05/23/2005 02/06/2006 01/17/2006 01/30/2006 08/01/2005 09/11/2006 10/09/2006 07/03/2006 10/13/2008 $17.81 $103 $21.15 $90.25 $42.45 $25.05 $55.42 $31.85 $127.94 78.30 $12.53 $31.05 $25.2 $44.02 $32.69 -($184.8) $1190+(dividend)$55 -($106.0) -($126.0) +$1290+(dividend)$31.2 +$453.6 -($250.6) +358.8 + (dividend) $131.3 +$585.6+ (dividend)$101.24 $411 + (dividend) $96.42 -($219) +$133 dividend $564.85+(dividends)$1991.3 $1945.3+(dividends)$342.27 $1999.48 + $11.25 dividend $1748.4+dividends$494.9 &7.59 $66.66 $50.9 $17.5 $17.04 $16.44 $29.30 $23.94 $115.5/2 10/17/2005 02/06/2006 06/11/2007 06/05/2006 10/09/2006 10/09/2006 06/05/2006 11/20/2006 8/18/2008 $8.57 &66.25 $64.58 $16.24 $19.08 $16.9 $19.32 $25.09 $52.74(split2:1) +$543.9+$149.85 dividend -$23.78 +(dividend)$55.39 $1313.3+(dividends) $1353.6 -292.32+(dividend) 714.56 +550.8+(dividend)+59.4 +145.82+(dividend)2.22 -1636.7 (34% loss) +$187.45 (-370.74)+(dividends) $188.95 02/27/2006 05/08/06 $62.71 $67.68 10/16/2006 02/20/2007 $57.89 $65.37 -$491.64 -$226.38 GRR GLD CEF VPL IYT OIH EFV EZU IRL EWK EWN EWP EWS ICF 210 80 492 50 73 37 89 64 230 309 284 136 597 59 05/08/06 05/30/2006 06/05/2006 06/05/2006 07/03/2006 07/17/2006 08/07/06 08/21/06 09/11/06 09/18/06 09/25/2006 09/25/2006 09/25/2006 09/25/2006 $21.65 $65.11 $9.11 $62.83 $89.52 $140.03 $63.41 $92.0 $27.98 $23.08 $24.67 $45.73 $9.18 $92.16 10/16/2006 02/20/2007 10/16/2006 10/09/2006 08/07/06 11/06/2006 05/29/2007 07/07/2008 10/01/2007 07/23/2007 01/08/2007 08/04/2008 12/31/2007 12/26/2006 $17.75 $65.31 $8.42 62.59 $77.48 $137.95 $78.01 95.55 28.00 $28.07 $26.02 $51.88 13.79 $98.57 -$819 +$16 -$339.48 -$12 -$878.92 -$76.96 + (dividends)$8.36 +1299.4 227.2+ dividend 189.44 +$4.6 +1541.9 + $383.4 +836.4+dividend $157.49 2752.2 + (dividend) 303.87 +$378.19+(dividend)$57.47 VOX FXI EWD 45 80 193 62 84 10/09/2006 10/09/2006 10/09/2006 10/09/2006 10/16/2006 $68.98 $81.46 $27.71 $84.43 $70.00 11/12/2007 06/16/2008 1/07/2008 12/18/2006 08/18/2008 $75.56 $139.48 $29.24 $87.36 $41.01(spilt 2:1) +$296.1+(dividend)$41.85 +$4641.6+(divedend)$167.2 $295.29 + (dividend) 213.65 +$181.66 (+$1009.68)+dividends$277.87 10/16/2006 10/16/2006 11/06/2006 11/20/2006 12/18/2006 12/26/2006 01/08/2007 $16.7 $22.60 $23.25 $61.04 $9.27 $36.2 $122.45/3 07/14/2008 07/21/2008 10/20/2008 06/09/2008 02/25/2008 10/08/2007 08/04/2008 $24.05 $24.85 $11.85 $68.45 $12.82 $38.85 $41.87(split 3:1) +1639.1+(dividends) $55.75 +411.75+(dividends)$552.66 -2496.7+(dividends) $735.84 +$496.47+(dividends)$203.21 +$2073.2+(dividends) $237.1 +$429.3 $189.6+dividend$142.24 01/16/2007 02/20/2007 02/20/2007 04/23/2007 05/21/2007 $23.47 $55.0 $113.79 $47.62 $209.75/5 05/21/2007 11/05/2007 04/23/2007 09/10/2007 12/8/2008 25.29 $58.4 $106.04 $38.84 $24.66 $431.34 +$394.4 -$310.5 -895.56+ (dividends) 186.66 -2420.6+(dividends) 171.28 EWG 223 183 219 67 584 162 60*3 (3:1 split on July 24,2008 237 116 46 102 28*5 (5:1 split on July 24,2008 215 05/29/2007 $32.35 8/18/2008 DLS EWZ MXI EMF 106 127 59 263 06/11/2007 07/23/2007 09/10/2007 10/01/2007 $71.43 $69.79 $69.53 $24.47 12/31/2007 9/30/2008 12/8/2008 8/18/2008 64.25 $56.31 $36.11 EEM 40 10/08/2007 $155.4 8/18/2008 $39.59(split3:1) (-$1465.2)+dividends$78 EWC EWA IXC 190 112 60*3 IXC 3:1 split on 11/05/2007 11/12/2007 12/31/2007 $36.65 $30.76 $141.88/3 02/23/2009 08/04/2008 03/09/2008 $14.41 $23.96 $24.01 -$4225.6 +dividends 136.8 -761.6 + dividend $143.02 RWR VWO PGJ TDF GGN IXP EWM EWO EPP EWU EWW ICF ACAS ILF $27.18 (-$1111.55)+dividends$111.37 $17.74 -761.08 + (dividend) 155.93 -1708.2 - 1971.8 +(dividends)60.77 (-$1770)+dividends$536.52 (-4190.4)+dividends(141.48) XLE July 24 ,2008 88 12/31/2007 $79.35 4/6/2009 $45.09 01/07/2008 02/25/2008 06/09/2008 06/16/2008 07/07/2008 07/14/2008 $38.0 $42.20 $31.84 $43.56 $57.55 $189.35/10 8/25/2008 12/8/2008 02/09/2009 12/22/2008 12/8/2008 4/2/2012 $21.90 $23.03 $11.25 $19.92 $25.36 $32.05 GLD IAU DBP IYM RCS 154 183 150 260 109 28*10 (10:1 split on July 24,2008 54 65 179 85 718 (-3104.9)+dividends ($94.60) (-$2479.4) -3475.2 -3088.5+dividends (136.35) -6146.4 +(dividends (88.4) -3508.7 (+$3670.80) 07/21/2008 08/04/2008 08/04/2008 08/04/2008 8/11/2008 $95.12 $88.21 $32.91 $71.64 $9.84 5/4/2009 5/4/2009 4/27/2009 11/24/2008 4/26/2010 $88.64 $88.70 $31.02 $33.22 10.05 -349.92 +31.85 -338.31 -($3265.7)+dividends $27.97 150.78 + (dividends) 1166.8 XLP TEI 188 400 8/18/2008 8/18/2008 $28.86 $13.65 01/11/2010 3/28/2011 $26.64 $16.66 (-417.36) +dividends 80.46 (+1204+divedends $1424.4) IHI cash cash cash FXM cash cash SHY TLT cash cash cash cash Cash cash Cash TFI MUB ECH 87 10900 3372 7620 78 6110 3320 33 38 3320 3623 2764 5260 3290 1820 2865 206 40 157 8/18/2008 8/18/2008 8/25/2008 10/06/2008 9/30/2008 10/13/2008 10/20/2008 11/24/2008 12/08/2008 12/08/2008 12/08/2008 12/08/2008 12/22/2008 01/12/2009 02/09/2009 02/23/2009 03/09/2009 4/6/2009 4/27/2009 $62.42 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $91.44 $1.0 $1.0 $84.42 $110.24 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.0 $1.00 $21.61 $99.45 $35.25 01/12/2009 37.86 -2112.2 06/01/2009 $75.68 (-1322.9)+dividends $383.76 6/22/2009 5/11/2009 $83.53 $96.29 (-36.63)+dividends 43.59 (-530.1)+dividends(73.19) 10/26/2009 10/19/2009 5/23/2011 $22.62 $102.61 $75.29 +$208.06+(dividends)$117.21 $126.64+(dividends)48.76 (+$6286.3 + dividends $93.89) EMB ICB HIX 58 369 550 5/4/2009 5/4/2009 5/11/2009 $91.28 $14.26 $6.93 11/9/2009 11/16/2009 12/27/2010 $101.84 $15.84 $9.28 $612.48+(dividends)108.4 $583.02+(dividends)$193.73 (+$1292.5 + dividends$1014.8) PFF 197 06/01/2009 $31.75 11/22/2010 $39.27 (+$1481.4+dividends $714.125) ASA 46 6/22/2009 $60.01 05/24/2010 (+$690+dividends $63.9) ISL PGF 350 285 7/27/2009 7/27/2009 $12.78 $15.43 07/26/2010 04/11/2011 $25 (3:1 split) $14.4 $18.11 Total 43905 7/27/2009 $1 RNE DBA ENY DBC MOO SLV +$567.0 $763.8+(dividends) $648.38 cash SLX 90 8/3/2009 $48.83 Total cash EWZ Total cash KOL 39510 8/3/2009 $1 70 35253 8/10/2009 8/10/2009 $60.81 150 8/17/2009 Total cash CEE 31130 8/17/2009 145 8/25/2009 Total cash Ewo Total cash EWP Total cash PUW Total cash IYM 27075 8/25/2009 200 23000 9/20/2010 $61.58 (+$1147.5+dividends $88.38) 9/7/2010 $69.54 (+$611.11)+dividends $7.77 $27.45 10/10/2011 $33.47 (+$1171.6+dividends $132.68) $28.91 8/15/2011 $36.99 (+$1171.6+dividends $132.68) 8/31/2009 8/31/2009 $20.33 05/10/2010 $18.33 -$400 + (dividends $118) 90 18660 9/8/2009 9/8/2009 $48.12 04/12/2010 $44.67 (-310.5)+dividends 109.98 180 14560 9/14/2009 9/14/2009 $22.74 6/28/2010 $22.73 (-$1.8)+dividends ($19.80) 70 9/22/2009 $57.19 10/17/2011 $62.15 (+$349.2+dividendes $177.1) Total cash HYT 10550 9/22/2009 400 9/28/2009 $9.94 4/25/2011 $11.80 (+$744)+(dividends $644) Total cash EMF 6540 9/28/2009 250 10/05/2009 $17.01 7/11/2011 $22.45 (+$1360+dividends $62.5) Total cash TKF Total cash RSX Total cash LDF Total cash GUR 2280 10/05/2009 300 2350 10/19/2009 10/19/2009 $13.55 05/17/2010 $13.65 (+$30 + dividends $40) 130 3095 10/26/2009 10/26/2009 $30.95 8/16/2010 $30.99 ($5.2) + dividends$10.27 250 4785 11/9/2009 11/9/2009 $17.25 9/13/2010 $17.64 (+$97.5)+(dividends $65.25) 100 11/16/2009 $45.00 7/6/2010 $39.18 (-$582) + dividends $38.6 Total cash ENY 6305 11/16/2009 275 01/11/2010 $18.14 08/02/2010 $16.98 (-$321.7 +(dividends) $59.68) Total cash 6310 01/11/2010 VCR 80 04/12/2010 $54.34 Total Cash 6073 04/26/2010 DSV 100 04/26/2010 $68.64 03/14/2011 $69.89 (+$125+dividends $89.2) (changed ticker to SLYV on Dec. 17 2010) Cash JKI 7580 53 4/26/2010 05/10/2010 $71.28 02/28/2011 $80.40 (+483.36+dividends $73.3) Total cash PBS 7571 05/10/2010 300 05/17/2010 $13.06 01/24/2011 $14.08 (+306)(+dividends $19.5) Total Cash ITA 7770 05/17/2010 70 5/24/2010 $52.72 12/13/2010 $58.49 (+$403.9)+(dividends $20.86) Total cash 7600 5/24/2010 AMJ 131 6/28/2010 $31.19 9/12/2011 $34.71 (+461.12 + dividends $244.71) JNK 110 7/6/2010 $38.18 3/7/2011 $40.57 (+262.9 + dividends $446.62) Total cash Total cash IF $7610 6/28/2010 $7350 7/6/2010 410 7/26/2010 $12.26 5/6/2013 $13.15 (+$369+dividends $1921.3) Total cash MSY Total cash THD $7350 7/26/2010 780 $7390 8/2/2010 8/2/2010 $6.00 02/22/2011 $6.00 (+dividends $245.7) 80 8/16/2010 $51.05 6/17/2013 $81.52 (+$2437.6+dividends $231.2) Total cash GXG $7400 8/16/2010 115 9/7/2010 $42.03 8/29/2011 $19.99 (1:2 split) (-$234.6+dividends $48.3) Total cash ICF $7430 9/7/2010 70 9/13/2010 $63.3 7/1/2013 $80.16 (+$1180.2+dividends $388.5) Total cash TUR Total cash $7470 9/13/2010 84 $7460 9/20/2010 9/20/2010 $66.99 01/31/2011 $59.99 (-$588)+(dividends $26.8) PALL Cash EPU 70 $11060 80 11/22/2010 11/22/2010 12/13/2010 $69.11 03/19/2012 69.79 (+$47.6) $50.38 7/18/2011 $41.46 (-$718.6 + dividens$57.04) Cash GDXJ $11130 160 12/13/2010 12/27/2010 $37.94 10/03/2011 $27.55 (-$1662.4) Cash JJS $11160 50 12/27/2010 01/24/2011 $84.27 10/31/2011 $74.54 (-$486.5) Cash JJG Cash PXE $11175 100 $10735 190 01/24/2011 01/31/2011 01/31/2011 2/22/2011 $54.93 04/18/2011 $54.78 (-$15) $26.06 12/31/2012 $26.97 (+$172.9+dividends $164.16) Cash RJA $10690 375 2/22/2011 02/28/2011 $11.54 5/16/2011 $10.39 (-$431.25) Cash COPX Cash BRF Cash XME $10670 250 $10800 130 $11030 100 02/28/2011 3/7/2011 3/7/2011 3/14/2011 3/14/2011 3/28/2011 $19.07 8/22/2011 $14.99 (-$1020) $52.53 8/1/2011 $52.73 (+$26) $72.25 11/28/2011 $49.55 (-$2270+dividends $19.4) Cash SIL $11855 200 3/28/2011 4/11/2011 $29.39 12/27/2011 $21.00 (-$1678+dividends $70) Cash VDE Cash EWY $11775 50 $11670 80 4/11/2011 4/18/2011 4/18/2011 4/25/2011 $111.42 02/06/2012 $107.07 (-$217.5 + dividends $80.9) $68.24 11/21/2011 $50.99 (-$1380 + dividends &26.08) Cash IHE Cash VBK $11560 55 $11450 100 4/25/2011 5/21/2011 5/21/2011 5/23/2011 10/22/2012 $86.29 (+$222+dividends $42) Cash IWO $14950 55 5/23/2011 7/11/2011 Cash $15350 7/11/2011 4/16/2012 $91.35 (-$236.5+dividends $30.8) XOP 80 7/18/2011 $61.60 1/23/2012 $55.43 (-$493.6+dividends $18.24) Cash DBP Cash CEF Cash FXF Cash NZLD $13770 130 $12810 230 12815 30 12800 140 7/18/2011 8/1/2011 8/1/2011 8/15/2011 8/15/2011 8/22/2011 8/22/2011 8/29/2011 $59.99 5/14/2012 $53.56 (-$835.9) $23.79 5/7/2012 $20.69 (-$713) $125.25 3/26/2012 $109.25 (-$480) $32.44 8/5/2013 $34.80 (+$330.4+diveidends $543.2) $72.85 $84.07 $95.65 Cash RCS 12890 430 8/29/2011 9/12/2011 Cash RWR Cash GLD Cash QQQ 12890 80 12990 30 13070 80 9/12/2011 10/03/2011 10/03/2011 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 10/17/2011 Cash IHE 13010 50 10/17/2011 Cash IAU Cash Cash Cash 13200 250 13190 18145 22345 10/31/2011 11/21/2011 11/21/2011 11/28/2011 12/27/2011 Cash 26790 01/23/2012 XIV Cash CH 560 26830 250 NORW Cash IYW $11.11 3/25/2013 $11.31 (+$86+dividends $896.55) $53.81 11/19/2012 $69.96 (+$1292+dividends$175.68) $163.27 3/4/2013 $152.3 (-$329.1) $57.28 12/17/2012 $65.19 (+$632.8+dividends $82.64) $16.41 4/15/2013 $13.19 (-$805) 02/06/2012 02/06/2012 02/27/2012 $9.61 5/21/2012 $9.48 (-$72.8) $18.17 6/24/2013 $13.04 (-$1282.5+dividends $645) 300 17780 70 02/27/2012 02/27/2012 3/5/2012 $14.96 $73.65 10/31/2012 $70.26 (-$235.2+dividends $27.44) Cash VGT Cash XLY Cash XLK 12610 70 12310 80 11950 150 3/5/2012 3/19/2012 3/19/2012 3/26/2012 3/26/2012 4/2/2012 $73.86 11/12/2012 $67.2 (-$466.2) $30.48 12/03/2012 $29.09 (-$208.5 + dividends $36) Cash EPU 16340 110 4/2/2012 4/16/2012 $45.83 9/24/2012 $44.51 (-$143+dividends $72.38) Cash GXG 16340 200 4/16/2012 5/7/2012 $22.82 4/8/2013 $20.57 (-$450+dividends $90) Cash IBB Cash Cash Cash Cash 16520 50 17150 22450 27410 36065 5/7/2012 5/14/2012 5/14/2012 5/21/2012 9/24/2012 10/22/2012 Cash 40995 10/31/2012 10/31/2011 $70.33 $45.36 $126.31 Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash XIV 45690 51450 55835 61110 66380 300 11/12/2012 11/19/2012 12/03/2012 12/17/2012 12/31/2012 1/28/2013 Cash EWO Cash XIV Cash PXE Cash XIV PKB Cash EPHE Cash XIV Cash CUT Cash XIV Cash XIV Cash KIE Cash IXJ Cash Cash Cash Cash XIV Cash IWS Cash IAI Cash XIV Cash ITA Cash Cash XIV Cash XIV 59802 250 55250 300 48490 150 48330 300 250 35450 120 31750 300 29850 200 25280 500 17870 200 16660 100 11370 80 12560 62970 66860 72840 1500 36575 80 31740 140 32320 800 11800 60 6180 67670 500 54840 1500 1/29/2013 2/4/2013 2/4/2013 2/11/2013 2/11/2013 3/4/2013 3/4/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/11/2013 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 3/25/2013 3/25/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/8/2013 4/8/2013 4/15/2013 4/15/2013 4/29/2013 4/29/2013 5/6/2013 5/6/2013 6/13/2013 6/24/2013 7/1/2013 7/15/2013 7/15/2013 7/22/2013 7/22/2013 8/5/2013 8/5/2013 9/9/2013 9/9/2013 9/16/2013 9/16/2013 9/30/2013 10/10/2013 10/10/2013 10/16/2013 $21.83 06/17/2013 $20.77 (-$296.81) 06/17/2013 $20.77 (-$513) 23.01 $19.83 06/17/2013 $20.77 (-$672) $39.11 06/17/2013 $35.14 (-$476.4) $22.83 6/17/2013 $20.77 (-$618) $24 6/17/2013 $20.77 (-$1615) $22.45 6/17/2013 $20.77 (-$336) 9/30/2013 $26.79 (+$3960) 9/30/2013 $26.79 (+$920) $18.22 $22.48 $31.42 22.76 $52.79 $76.38 $24.17 $60.22 $32.85 $25.64 $93.35 $25.85 $27.39 Cash IWO Cash 13740 40 8570 10/16/2013 11/04/2013 11/04/2013 128.78 One week return DIA 1% SPY 0.6% QQQ -0.3% Trendrider 2.1% Current Portfolio (10-Nov-2013) Ticker number value three month of shares return VCR IHE IHE NORW XLY IBB EWO PXE PKB CUT KIE IXJ IWS iai ita xiv xiv 9.8 IWO Cash xiv ita gex pbs pgj ppa pbw iai - one month return return 80 55 50 300 80 50 250 150 250 200 100 80 80 150 60 500 1500 $8218.40 $6167.70 $5607.00 $4947.00 $5063.20 $10209.00 $4987.50 $4857.00 $5207.50 $5010.00 $6061.00 $6632.80 $5108.80 $5307.00 $5937.60 $15330.00 $45990.00 -0.4 2.4 2.4 -1.8 -0.4 -0.9 0.5 -1.6 -0.3 -0.4 1.6 0.0 0.1 2.6 1.5 5.5 5.5 4.6 6.2 6.2 4.9 5.0 1.3 3.6 3.6 3.3 2.7 5.9 4.9 3.8 7.2 7.2 18.6 18.6 5.8 5.1 5.1 2.9 5.8 5.5 8.2 6.4 5.0 7.4 8.1 4.8 4.9 10.1 10.7 9.8 40 8570 $5117.60 $8570 0.5 2.7 5.3 Current ETF ranking #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 one week 10-Nov-2013 : inverse VIX Space/defence alternative energy Dynamic media China Aerospace and defence clean energy US broker/dealer #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 #33 #34 #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 #41 #42 #43 #44 #45 #46 #47 #48 #49 #50 #51 #52 #53 #54 #55 #56 #57 #58 #59 #60 eirl - Ireland kre - Regional banking jkk - morningstar smallcap growth kie - Insuers iwc - Russell micro cap ees - small cap earning jki - morningstar midcap value oneq - NASDAQ vcr - Vangard consumer discrationary ijs - small cap 600 value iwo - russel 2000 growth vbk - Vangard smallcap growth pwc - dynamic US stocks index ijr - small cap 600 qqq - NASDAQ irl - CEF of Ireland iwm - russel 2000 rmt - Micro cap des - small cap dividends vb - Vangard small cap pzi - Zacks Micro cap fdm - micro cap ibb - Biotech vbr - Vangard small cap value vxf - Vargard extended market xly - consumer discret ijt - smallcap 600 growth gulf - middle east dividends iyc - consumer service iak - Insurance pzd - clean tech ijj - midcap 400 value jkj - Morningstar small core kbe - banks ihf - Healthcare provider csm - long/short vht - Vangard healthcare vis - Vangard Industry iwn - russel 2000 value rsp - S&P equal weight ihe - Pharmaceuticals iyj - US industry vgt - Vangard info. Tech iyh - HealthCare xli - industry jkl - morning star small cap value vti - Vangard total market ijh - midcap 400 igm - North Ame. Tech iwz - Russell 3000 growth iwv - Russel 3000 pbj - dynamic food and beverage #61 #62 #63 #64 #65 #66 #67 #68 #69 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 #75 #76 #77 #78 #79 #80 #81 #82 #83 #84 #85 #86 #87 #88 #89 #90 #91 #92 #93 #94 #95 #96 #97 #98 #99 #100 #101 #102 #103 #104 #105 #106 #107 #108 #109 #110 #111 #112 ewn - Netherland jkd - Morning star large cap core xlv - healthcare iwp - Russell midcap growth xes - Oil equipment iwr - Russell midcap iwf - Russell 1000 growth jke - morning star large cap growth ihi - Medical device iws - Russel midcap value jkg - morningstar midcap core vtv - Vangard value ivw - S&P 500 growth iyy - Dow Jones US iww - Russell 3000 mdy - midcap 400 iyg - finance service mtk - echnology dvy - Dividend stocks iwb - Russell 1000 ieo - oil and gas ewp - Spain vug - Vangard growth ivv - S&P 500 sdy - s&p dividends iez - oil equipment vox - Vangard US telecom spy - S&P 500 iwd - Russell 1000 value vv - Vangard large cap iyk - consumer enzl - New Zealand oih - oil industry ezu - EMU Index iyw - US Tech vym - Vanguard high div ixp - global Telecom ewi - Italy fez - Europe 50 jkh - morningstar midcap growth pey - high yield dividend xlk - Technology ive - s&p 500 value pdp - tech analysis ewg - Germany oef - S&P 100 ixj - global Healthcare dxj - Hedged Japanese stocks ijk - Midcap 400 growth dgt - global Titans dls - International small cap dividends itf - TOPIX-Japan 150 #113 #114 #115 #116 #117 #118 #119 #120 #121 #122 #123 #124 #125 #126 #127 #128 #129 #130 #131 #132 #133 #134 #135 #136 #137 #138 #139 #140 #141 #142 #143 #144 #145 #146 #147 #148 #149 #150 #151 #152 #153 #154 #155 #156 #157 #158 #159 #160 #161 #162 #163 #164 evx - environmental servise ewq - France puw - Proressive energy ny - NYSE 100 jsc - Japan small cap iyf - finance ixn - global Tech iyz - US telecom vfh - Vangard finance ttf - CEF of Thailand ixg - Global finance ezy - large cap value vdc - Vangard consumer discrationary igv - software jkf - Morning star large cap value ewl - swizeland xlf - finance vig - Vanguard div apprec isl - CEF of Israel xop - oil/gas exploration vaw - Vangard basic material pxe - dynamic energy exploration pwo - Dynamic OTC xlb - basic material ewd - Sweden xlp - consumer staples mlpl - double MLP vgk - Vangard Euro iev - S&P Europe 350 gxf - Nordic 30 ewj - Japan cut - lumber usmv - US minimum valotility nyc - NYSE Composite Index ifeu - Europe real estate ewo - Austra pfm - dividends achiever ewk - Belgium splv - low valotlity SP500 eufn - Europe finance feu - Europe 50 iyt - transportation dia - Dow Jones gwx - International small cap dividends vde - Vangard energy pkb - Dynamic building/construction tmw - SPDR Wilshire Total market plnd - Poland rne - CEF of Russia East Europe xle - energy sector adru - Europe 100 efa - far East/Europe/Australia #165 #166 #167 #168 #169 #170 #171 #172 #173 #174 #175 #176 #177 #178 #179 #180 #181 #182 #183 #184 #185 #186 #187 #188 #189 #190 #191 #192 #193 #194 #195 #196 #197 #198 #199 #200 #201 #202 #203 #204 #205 #206 #207 #208 #209 #210 #211 #212 #213 #214 #215 #216 vpl - Vangard Pacific stocks ioo - small growth idu - utility eis - Israel iye - US energy efv - EAFE value vpu - Vangard utility iym - basic naterial amj - MLP mes - Gulf states efg - EAFE growth kxi - consumer staples ewu - United Kingdom xlu - utility sea - global shipping ewa - Australia epol - Poland pho - water resources pid - International dividends gwl - world stock ex-us wood - global lumber apf - CEF of Asia afk - Africa norw - Norway 30 amlp - MLP pall - palladium adra - developed market 100 ephe - Philippines egpt - Egypt rkh - raginal banks adra - Asia 50 ADR ggn - CEF of gold/natutal resources nlr - nuclear energy epp - Asia ex_Japan mort - Mortgage REIT xhb - home builders ewt - Taiwan cash9 - cash ixc - global energy hyt - CEF of corporate high yield ewc - Canada hix - CEF of high income chn - CEF of China cash8 - cash fxb - British pond rem - Mortgage REIT oil - oil cny - chinese Renmingbi uso - oil olo - oil pplt - platinum bno - Brent oil #217 #218 #219 #220 #221 #222 #223 #224 #225 #226 #227 #228 #229 #230 #231 #232 #233 #234 #235 #236 #237 #238 #239 #240 #241 #242 #243 #244 #245 #246 #247 #248 #249 #250 #251 #252 #253 #254 #255 #256 #257 #258 #259 #260 #261 #262 #263 #264 #265 #266 #267 #268 mna - merger arbitrage fxs - Sweden Crona ewy - South Korea cash7 - cash ung - natural gas uga - gasoline bal - cotton ign - Tech/MultiMedia/Networking rcs - CEF of global gov. bond rwr - REIT hap - Hard Asset ewh - Hong Kong usl - oil vnm - Vietnam dbo - oil cash6 - cash fxf - Swiss Franc srs - ultrashort real estate thd - Thailand jnk - junk bond tkf - CEF of Turkey cow - live stock gaf - middle east and Africa cash5 - cash dbv - 10 currency harvest rwx - International real estate fxe - Euro tur - Turkey ews - Singapore iyr - US real estate inxx - Indian Infrastrcture ewm - Malaysia gxc - China ewx - emerging market small cal hyg - high yield bonds cash4 - cash ifn - CEF of India icf - Realty Majors colx - Colombia eny - canadian oil income slx - steel companies phb - high yield corp bonds gur - emerging Europe jjc - Copper esr - Emerging east Europe cash3 - cash cee - CEF of Russia and East Europe emf - CEF of emerging market gmf - emerging Aisa pasific kroo - Australia small cap biv - Intermediate Bonds idx - Indonisia #269 #270 #271 #272 #273 #274 #275 #276 #277 #278 #279 #280 #281 #282 #283 #284 #285 #286 #287 #288 #289 #290 #291 #292 #293 #294 #295 #296 #297 #298 #299 #300 #301 #302 #303 #304 #305 #306 #307 #308 #309 #310 #311 #312 #313 #314 #315 #316 #317 #318 #319 #320 uup - US dollar up itb - home construction udn - US dollar down tdf - CEF of Chinese stocks cash2 - cash bkln - senior loan ief - etf of 7-10 year gov. bond eza - South Africa bwx - Internation treasury al bonds lqd - investment grade bond mbb - MBS bonds ciu - CEF Intermediate Bonds lag - agrregate bonds bnd - Vangard total bonds cash1 - cash xxv - inverse VIX shm - muni bonds mxi - global materials tlh - 10-20 year gov. bond fxi - Xinghua 25 (Chna) agg - ggregated bond trf - CEF of Russia and East Europe lbf - CEF of global high income wip - global gov. inflation protected bonds msf - CEF of emerging market eem - emerging market gld - gold cash0 - cash bsv - vangard short term bonds csj - 1-3 year bonds hyi - CEF of high yield income fxc - Canada Dollar xme - metal and mining cft - credit bonds rsx - Russia iau - gold dbp - precious metal blv - Vangard long term bonds tlt - long term gov. bond ccx - Commodity currencies inp - India pff - prefered tei - CEF of emerging market income vwo - Vangard emerging market eeb - BRIC countries itm - Intermediate minu bonds pgf - Financial prefered mub - muni bonds jjs - cotton sugar coffee tip - gov. inflation protected bonds tipz - broad TIP moo - Agribusiness #321 #322 #323 #324 #325 #326 #327 #328 #329 #330 #331 #332 #333 #334 #335 #336 #337 #338 #339 #340 #341 #342 #343 #344 #345 #346 #347 #348 #349 #350 #351 #352 #353 #354 #355 #356 #357 #358 #359 #360 #361 #362 #363 #364 #365 #366 #367 #368 #369 #370 #371 #372 ch - CEF of Chile ipe - TIPs tfi - CEF of muni bonds dbb - basic metal stpz - short term tip pza - insured muni bonds shy - short term gov bond bil - 1-3 month treasury bill cew - emerging currency fxy - Japanese Yen usci - dynamic commodity jem - Asia currency ltpz - long term tip grr - CEF of Asia erus - Russia caped index jjg - grain inr - India Rupee icb - CEF of income lit - Lithium wiw - inflation linked income iif - CEF of India slv - silver dba - agriculture adre - emerging market 50 ADR dbc - commodity if - CEF of Indonesia emb - emerging market bonds fxa - Australia dollar pvi - Tax free weekly pcy - emerging market gov. bonds braq - Brazil consumer jja - Agridulture caf - CEF of China cef - CEF of gold/silver eld - emerging local debt sbw - CEF of worldwide income acg - CEF of income bzf - Brazil Real eww - Mexico rja - International Agriculture gcc - commodity ldf - CEF of Latin America ilf - Latin America 40 brxx - Brazil infrustructure gdx - gold miners frn - frontier market djp - commodity epu - Peru corn - corn kol - coal compnies ewz - Brazil gxg - ETF of colombia 20 #373 #374 #375 #376 #377 #378 #379 #380 #381 copx - copper miner brf - Brazil small cap gdxj - Junior glod miners sil - silver miners ech - Chile skf - Ultrashort finance asa - CEF of gold mners remx - rare earth vxx - ETN of VIX Small cap AeorSpace Cash XIV, volitility Hearth Care mid cap value bank/finance Europe energy builder ConsumerCommodity Performance of model portfolio vs. SPY, start from Feb. 11 2005 240 model portfolio SPY DIA QQQ 220 200 180 % 160 140 120 100 80 60 0 500 1000 1500 business day 2000 2500 Performance of model portfolio vs. SPY, start from 2006 220 model portfolio SPY DIA QQQ 200 180 160 % 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 business day 1400 1600 1800 2000 Performance of model portfolio vs. SPY, start from 2007 220 model portfolio SPY DIA QQQ 200 180 160 % 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 200 400 600 800 1000 business day 1200 1400 1600 1800 Performance of model portfolio vs. SPY, start from 2008 180 model portfolio SPY DIA QQQ 160 140 % 120 100 80 60 40 0 500 1000 business day 1500