
An introduction to Taverna workflows
Franck Tanoh
Download Taverna from
Windows or linux
If you are using either a modern version of Windows (Win2k or WinXP, with
XP preferred) or any form of linux, solaris etc. you should download the
workbench zip file. For windows users, Taverna can be unzipped and used,
for linux you will also need to install GraphViz (
the appropriate rpm for your platform)
 Mac OSX
If you are using Mac OSX you should download the .dmg workbench file.
Double-click to open the disk image and copy both components (Taverna
and GraphViz) onto your hard-disk to run the application
YOU WILL ALSO NEED a modern Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java
Software Development Kit (SDK) from Java 5 or above
Taverna workbench has a standard menu of 6 tabs:
File: with 9 items
Open a new workspace
Load a workflow from a file
Load a workflow from the web
Close existing workflow
Save workflow
Import workflow from a file
Import workflow from the web
Run your workflow
Close the workbench
Tools: for plug-in and updates
Workflow: list of all created workflow
Advanced: to create new perspectives
Design: Workflow design space
Result: view workflow results
Taverna Design view is composed of 3 main windows:
1- Available Services
Lists services available by default in Taverna
Local java services
Simple web services
Soaplab services – legacy command-line application
BioMart database services
BioMoby services
Allows the user to add new services or workflows
from the web or from file systems
2- AME – Advanced Model Explorer
The Advanced Model Explorer (AME) is the primary editing
component within Taverna. Through it you can load, save and
edit any property of a workflow. It enables:
-saving workflows
3- Workflow Diagram Window
Visual representation of workflow
Shows inputs / outputs, services and control flows
Enables saving of workflow diagrams for publishing
and sharing
Take 1 to 5 minutes to familiarise yourselves
with Taverna workbench
Go to the ‘Tools’ menu at the top of the workbench and select
the Plugin manager
 Select find new plugins
 Tick the boxes for Feta, Execute remotely and LogBook and
install these plugins
 Three more options ‘Execute remotely’, ‘Discover’ and
‘LogBook’ will now have appeared at the top of your screen
 Feta is now available through the Discover tab
The Discover tab can be used to search for web services by
name, task, input and output parameters…
New services can be gathered from anywhere on the web
Go to the following page: and copy the web
page address
These services were not designed for use in Taverna, but Taverna
can use them if you supply the address of the WSDL file
Go to the ‘Available services’ panel and right-click on
‘Available Processors’. For each type of service, you are given the
option to add a new service, or set of services.
Select ‘Add new wsdl scavenger’. A window will pop-up asking for a
web address
Enter the Web service address you have just copied.
Scroll down to the bottom of the ‘Available Services’ panel and
look at the Temperature Conversion web service that is now
Expand the [+] next to ‘tempconverter’ (the Temperature
Conversion) web service
Right click on the ‘CtoF’ operation and select ‘Invoke’. This
operation converts a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
In the pop-up ‘Run workflow’ window add a Temperature value
in Celsius by selecting ‘temp’ and right-clicking. Select ‘new
input value’ and enter a value in the box on the right
Click ‘Run workflow’ and the service is invoked
Click on ‘text/plain’ in the left panel
 The
temperature in Fahrenheit is displayed on the Right
Click on ‘Process Report’
 Look
at processes. This shows the experiment provenance – where
and when processes were run
Click on ‘Status’
 Look
at options As workflows run, you can monitor their progress
The processes for running and invoking a single service
are the basics for any workflow and the tracking of
processes and generation of results are the same
however complicated a workflow becomes
In the next few exercises, we will look at some example
workflows and build some of our own from scratch
Switch to the design view by clicking on ‘Design’
Select ‘Open Workflow’ from the File menu at the top of the
workbench. You will see a selection of .xml files in an examples directory.
These are workflow definition files
Select ‘ConvertedEMBOSSTutorial.xml’ and a pre-defined
workflow will be loaded
View the workflow diagram - you will see services of in
different colours
Find out what the workflow does by reading the workflow
In the AME – click on the name of the workflow – in this case ‘A
workflow version of the EMBOSS tutorial’ and then select the
‘workflow metadata’ tab at the top of the AME. You will see a text
description of the workflow, its author and its unique LSID. When publishing
workflows for others, this annotation is useful information and allows the
acknowledgement of intellectual property
Run the workflow by selecting ‘run workflow’ from the
file menu
Watch the progress of the workflow in the ‘enactor
invocation’ window. As services complete, the enactor
reports the events. If a service fails, the enactor
reports this also
Go to the webpage
Select ‘ConditionalBranchChoice’ and copy the web address
Go back to the Taverna workbench and select ‘Open workflow
location’ from the file menu.
Paste the address in the pop up window and click ‘ok’
Run the workflow using ‘true’ or ‘false’ as input value.
You will see at least one of the services fail. What happens
when it fails depends on whether the service is set as a critical
one. If it is, the workflow will abort, if it isn’t, the workflow will
You can set a workflow to critical by ticking the critical box in
the AME.
Set the workflow to ‘critical’ and run it again
The entire workflow fails this time.
Go back to the Design view
Look at the workflow diagram
You will see black arrows and white circles – black arrows
show the flow of the data and white circles are control links.
A control link specifies that even though there is no data
flowing between two services, the second should not start until
the end of the first
Open a new workspace by Selecting ‘New workflow’ from the
file menu.
Then find the ‘CtoF’ service in the ‘Available services’ panel
(you can use the search form on top of ‘Available Processors’).
Right-click on ‘CtoF’ and import it into the workbench by
selecting ‘Add to Model’
In the AME window ‘CtoF’ shows:
input (Green arrow pointing up)
 2 output (purple arrow pointing down)
Define a new workflow input by right-clicking on ‘Workflow
Input’ and selecting ‘create new Input’
Supply a suitable name e.g. ‘temperatureInCelsius’
Connect this new input to the ‘CtoF’ service by right-clicking on
‘temperatureInCelsius’ and selecting ‘CtoF –>temp’
You always build workflows with the flow of data
Define a new workflow output by right-clicking on ‘workflow
output’ and selecting ‘create new output’
Supply a suitable name e.g. ‘temperatureInFahrenheit’
Connect this new output to the ‘CtoF’ service output (return).
(right-click the output ‘return’ on ‘CtoF’ service and select
‘workflow output -> temperatureInFahrenheit’)
Congratulation! You have built a simple workflow from scratch.
Run the workflow. You will again need to supply a temperature value in
Celsius, e.g. 25
In the following section you will learn to connect more than one
services together.
In the first exercise of this section, you are going to convert a
temperature value from Celsius to Fahrenheit then back to
Celsius again using only one workflow.
 Open a new workflow workspace
 Search for ‘CtoF’ web service in the Available services panel and add
it to the AME window.
Search for ‘FtoC’ web service in the Available services panel and add
it to the AME window.
Create a input called ‘TempC’ and connect it to ‘temp’ input on
‘CtoF’ service
The temperature input for the ‘FtoC’ service will be the output
from the ‘CtoF’ service. Connect the output ‘return’ on ‘CtoF’
web service to the input ‘temp’ on ‘FtoC’ web service .
Create two outputs called ‘temp_in_C’ and ‘temp_in_F’, and
connect them respectively to the output ‘return’ on ‘CtoF’
service and to the output ‘return’ on ‘FtoC’ service.
Remember: You always build workflows with the flow of data
Run the workflow
NB: A web service output (e.g. ‘return’) can be connected to
more than one workflow outputs or web services input.
Go back to the workflow you created
Select and right-click the workflow input ‘TempC’
Select ‘Remove from model’ to delete it.
Select ‘string constant’ from ‘Available Services’
Right-click and select ‘add to model with name…’
Insert ‘TemperatureC’ in the pop-up window
Right-click on ‘TemperatureC’ and select ‘Edit string value’
Enter a temperature value in Celsius.
Connect the output ‘value’ on ‘TemperatureC’ to the input ‘temp’
on ‘CtoF’ service.
Run the workflow- The workflow will run with the default value
In the second exercise of this section, you are going to retrieve a
comic image (Daily Dilbert) from the web.
 Open a new workflow workspace
 Add the following wsdl service
Add the service ‘DailyDilbertImagePath’ in the AME window.
It has 2 outputs but no input.
Select the output ‘parameter’ on ‘DailyDilbertImagePath’ service
Right-click and select ‘add XML splitter’
A new service ‘parametersXML’ is added with its input
connection already made. This type of services
(DailyDilbertImagePath) are known as ‘complex type services’.
Search for ‘Get image from URL’ web service and add it to the
AME window.
Connect the output ‘DailyDilbertImagePathResult’ on
‘ParametersXML’ service to the input ‘url’ on ‘Get image from
URL’ service.
The second input ‘base’ on ‘Get image from URL’ service is optional.
Leave it unconnected.
Create a new workflow output ‘DailyDilbert’ and connect it to
the output ‘image’ on ‘Get image from URL’ service.
Run the workflow
Taverna provides several options for saving data.
Individual data items can be saved by right-clicking on them
All data can be saved to disk
Textual/tabular data can be saved to excel
Save all the data from your workflow
Try it …
Build a workflow following the model below. The web services (purple and
green colour) names and input values are given in the diagram. Hint-use the
Discover tab to find the services.
Annotate your workflow (name, author, date…)
Run the workflow
Blast result
The previous exercises have covered the basics of
myGrid workflows. The following demos and exercises
cover more advanced features, such as rendering output,
dealing with service failure and iterating over datasets.
You may not reach the end of these exercises, but they
will provide some examples to take home
Taverna is able to display results using a specific type
of renderer if the workflow output is configured
Load the workflow ‘convertedEMBOSSTutorial’ from
the ‘examples’ directory
Run the workflow
Look at the results. For ‘tmapPlot’ and ‘outputPlot’, you will see the
results are displayed graphically. This is achieved by specifying a
particular mime type in the output.
Go back to the AME and look at the metadata for ‘tmapPlot’
and ‘outputPlot’ (e.g. select ‘tmapPlot’ and click on ‘Metadata
for tmapPlot’).
Select MIME Types. As you can see, each has the image/png mime type
associated with it. If you wish to render results in anything other than plain
text, you MUST specify the mime-type in the workflow output
The following mime-types are currently used by Taverna
text/plain=Plain Text
text/xml=XML Text
text/html=HTML Text
text/rtf=Rich Text Format
text/x-graphviz=Graphviz Dot File
image/png=PNG Image
image/jpeg=JPEG Image
image/gif=GIF Image
application/zip=Zip File
chemical/x-swissprot=SWISSPROT Flat File
chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide=EMBL Flat File
chemical/x-ppd=PPD File
chemical/seq-aa-genpept=Genpept Protein
chemical/seq-na-genbank=Genbank Nucleotide
chemical/x-pdb=Protein Data Bank Flat File
The ‘chemical/’ mime-types are rendered using SeqVista to
view formatted sequence data
Load ‘FetchPDBFlatFile’ from the ‘examples/library’ directory
Run the workflow using ‘1atp’ as input example
The chemical/x-pdb can be used to view rotating 3D protein
Control Flow
Substituting Services and fault tolerance
Taverna has an implicit iteration framework. If you connect a
set of data objects (for example, a set of fasta sequences) to
a process that expects a single data item at a time, the process
will iterate over each sequence
Load the BiomartandEMBOSSAnalysis.xml workflow from the
examples directory and run it.
Watch the progress report. You will see several services with
‘Invoking with Iteration’
The user can also specify more complex iteration strategies
using the service metadata tag
Load the ‘IterationStrategyExample.xml’ from the example
Read the workflow metadata to find out what the workflow
Select the ‘ColourAnimals’ service and read the metadata for
that service. Under the description is the iteration strategy
Click on ‘dot product’. This allows you to switch to cross product
Run the workflow twice – once with ‘dot product’ and
once with ‘cross product’.
Save the first results so you can compare them – what
is the difference? What does it mean to specify dot
or cross product?
Taverna does not own many of the services it provides. This
means that it cannot control their reliability. Instead, Taverna
provides strategies for dealing with services being unavailable
Reload the ‘convertedEMBOSSTutorial.xml’ from the ‘examples’
Look at the metadata for the ‘emma’ service. It is an
implementation of clustalw
Find the DDBJ clustalw service’ ‘analyseSimple’, – HINT: use the
Feta discovery tool
When you have added this service to your workflow, right-click
on it and select ‘add as alternate’
In the resulting menu select ‘emma’
The DDBJ version of the clustalw service is now added as an
alternative to emma in the AME. It will be called ‘alternate1’
Select ‘alternate1’ and look at the inputs and outputs. These
need to be mapped to the correct inputs and outputs in emma
Right-click on the ‘query’ input in alternate1 and map it to
‘sequence_direct_data’. In both services, these inputs expect a
set of fasta sequences.
Right-click on the ‘result’ output and map it to ‘outseq’ in emma
in the same way.
Now you have a workflow which will run using emma when it is
available – but will substitute it for DDBJ clustalw if emma
Taverna also allows the user to specify the number of times a
service is retried before it is considered to have failed.
Sometimes network traffic is heavy, so a working service needs to be
Select ‘tmap’ from the same workflow. To the right of the service
name are a series of 0s and 1s. By simply typing the numbers, the user can
specify the number of retries and the time between the retries
Change it to 3 retries for ‘tmap’ and set the status to ‘critical’
using the final tickbox. Now it is critical, it means the whole workflow
will be aborted if ‘tmap’ fails after 3 retries. Failures in non-critical services
will not abort the workflow run.
A shim is a service that doesn’t do anything scientific, but helps two
scientific services fit together
There are many myGrid shim services. These are currently being
described in a shim library, but for now, a small collection are
documented here
Beanshell script
Beanshell scripts allow users to write small, bespoke java scripts to
allow incompatible service to work together
More information on the beanshell script can be found in Taverna
Useful links
Taverna supports R-scripts :
Taverna user manual:
Taverna mailing lists: