Week 9- The Talking Eggs

Interactive Read Aloud Planning Template
Text: _The Talking Eggs Author: Robert San Souci
Genre: Folktale
Learning Goals: Language Arts or Content Area
 The students will understand the characters based on their words and
 The students will understand the lesson that can be learned from this story.
Before reading:
Build background knowledge: This is a folktale from the American South so the
author uses a certain dialect to represent the characters that is unique to the
deep south.
Introduce story vocabulary: cross (multi-meaning word); raggedy; fetched; draw
(multi-meaning word)
Set purpose: As I read this story I want you pay attention to the characters’
actions and words. This will help us better understand the characters in the story.
I also want you to think about the lesson that we can learn from this story.
During reading:
Teaching Points/Questions:
Page #2-On this page, the author described Rose, Blanche, and the widow (their
mother). How is Blanche different from her sister and mother? (she is sweet and
kind and they are cross and mean)
Page #6-What prompted or caused Blanche to run away into the woods? (her
mother and sister hollered at her and scolded her for bringing back warm water)
Page #10- Based on Blanche’s reaction to the old woman’s home and her
response to the woman’s requests, what other word or words could be used to
describe Blanche? (honest, obedient) – if you need to scaffold, you could ask:
What details from the text prove that Blanche is honest and obedient? (she keeps
her word and doesn’t laugh; she does exactly what the old woman asks her to do)
Page #12- How does the author show us that Blanche is content and happy about
being at the old woman’s house and not at all worried about the strange things
going on around her? (she just sat on the porch and clapped until she fell asleepif she was worried or scared, she wouldn’t have done that)
Page #16-The text states that “There was even a handsome carriage that grew in
a wink from the size of a matchbox-and a fine brown and white pony sprouted
from the size of a cricket to draw it.” We often think of the word draw as in
drawing a picture, but what does the word draw mean in this sentence? (to pull
or lead)
Page #18-How did mother react to Blanche when she arrived back home? (she
acted sweet to her and fixed her supper for the first time in years)
What was her motive for doing this? (she wanted the treasures Blanche brought
home with her and wanted to find out about where she got them so she could
send Rose to get some)
Page #26-How was Rose’s experience at the old woman’s house different from
what Blanche experienced? (she laughed at what she saw didn’t have a good
supper or a good night’s sleep- she took the eggs she wasn’t supposed to take and
didn’t receive the treasures, but instead was chased by creatures)
After reading:
Comprehension focus: What lesson can we learn from the story?
Vocabulary review: _Review the words mentioned earlier by having the students
share a sentence with their partner using the word in the correct context-how it
was used in the story.
Written Response: Modeled_____Shared__X___Independent_____
At the end, did Rose and Blanche get what they deserved? Why or why not? Use
details from the text to support.
Example for Rose: Rose got exactly what was coming to her! She had no respect
for her sister or even the old woman with the raggedy shawl. After Blanche
fetched her water, she hollered at her because it was warm. She also laughed at
the old woman’s animals and complained when she was asked to help with
supper. She even took the old woman’s head hostage until she told her where to
find the treasures. To make it worse, she took the eggs that said, “Don’t take
me.” When she threw them over her shoulder she was greeted with vicious
creatures rather than treasures. Yes, she got exactly what she deserved!