Gr 2 - UOI - ''Who We Are'

1. What is our purpose?
Class/grade: PYP 2
1a) To inquire into the following:
School: Iqra’a Bilingual School
● Transdisciplinary theme – Who We Are
An inquiry into the nature of self; beliefs and values; personal,
physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships
including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and
responsibilities; what it means to be human.
School code: 501100
Title: Who We Are
Teacher(s): Ms. Afrah, Ms. Jean, Ms. Valerie, Ms.Ghonah a, Ms.
Amani, Ms. Samar, Mr. Alaa, Ms. Sara, Ms. Sharifa, Mr. Raafat
● Central idea
Date: September 9th 2015 – October 20th 2015
Respecting ourselves and others helps us to build good
Proposed duration: 5 weeks
‫احترام انفسنا و االخرين يساعدنا على بناء عالقات جيدة‬
Age group: 7/8
1b) Summative assessment task(s):
2. What do we want to learn?
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding
of the central idea? What evidence, including student-initiated
actions, will we look for?
What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change,
connection, perspective, responsibility, reflection) to be emphasized
within this inquiry?
Through summative assessment students can choose one of the
following to express their understanding.
responsibility, perspective, connection
What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the
central idea?
Role play students will model being a good friend and act
out scenes on what they can do to help other people.
Teacher will look for positive learner profiles and attitudes
such as: responsibility, perspective and connection.
Knowledgeable and caring.
Poster:- Students are asked to reflect on what choices
they would now make to improve their well-being with
respect to building human relationships. Discuss what
they can do to build on their positive traits. This is a
group activity and students are allowed to complete the
task either as drawing, collage work, painting, cut and
paste or emoticons. They could choose to present it
using their ICT skills taught in the form of a slide show.
- Ways of respecting ourselves
- Ways of respecting others
- How we build good relationships
- Identifying the rights and responsibilities associated with being a
member of the community
What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries?
To facilitate learning we will show students visuals and role plays related to respecting behaviours, helping each other and school
The teacher will use a visible rubric on the board to help students
to identify what the teacher is looking for, as well as student selfreflection to assess knowledge and understanding.
The use of Microsoft paint to draw faces displaying emotions using
various shapes and colours will be used as a form of summative
assessment in ICT.
In Arabic and Social studies, students will make posters
How do we take care of our bodies?
What can you do to think outside of the box?
What does it mean to be kind?
Who are your friends?
What can we do to show people we care?
- What are the consequences of not respecting others?
summarizing their discussions using visuals and key words.
‫في اللغة العربية واالجتماعيات الطالب سوف يصنعون ملصقات تلخص مناقشاتهم‬
‫باستخدام البصريات والكلمات‬
‫مناقشة حول حسن الخلق وبحث عن األخالق الحسنة التي‬: ‫في التربية اإلسالمية‬
‫تساعد األنسان علي احترام األخرين واحترام النفس‬
In P.E., students will be assessed on their overall improvement in
relation to their understanding of their responsibility to maintain
their weight and make healthy life choices.
Islam will assess student understanding by students formulating
visuals such as posters, plays and presentations about good
‫ يتم تقييم فهم الطالب وتكوينه الذهني وعرضه‬: ‫ في مادة التربية اإلسالمية‬‫للملصقات وتقديم الطرق الجيدة والسليمة‬
– ‫ نقوم بعرض طرق جيدة وسليمة مثل ( اللوحات‬: ‫ في مادة اللغة العربية‬) ‫البطاقات‬
In art, students will be asked to visualize their learning about the
concepts of responsibility, perception and connection through a
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011
3. How might we know what we have learned?
4. How best might we learn?
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge
and skills? What evidence will we look for?
What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher
and/or students to encourage the students to engage with the
inquiries and address the driving questions?
Students will come to the board and list or draw their best attribute
when it comes to being a good friend and how to follow school rules.
Tuning in:
‫ يتم تعريف الطالب علي بعض الطرق الممكنة التي تساعد‬: ‫ في مادة التربية اإلسالمية‬Brainstorming words related to respecting yourself and others for
‫ علي التزود بالمعرفة والمهارات عن طريق المناقشة مع الطالب و إمكانية تعبير‬example, friendship
‫الطالب عن القوانين المتبعة داخل الصف من وجهة نظره وكيفية تكوين صداقات جيدة‬
Bundling pictures that show how students interact with other people
‫ تزويد الطالب ببعض المهارات بالخاصة باللغة العربية والتي‬: ‫ في اللغة العربية‬- e.g. What is the expected behavior and what is unexpected.
‫تساعد الطالب في تكوين صداقات جديدة داخل وخارج الصف‬
Cover puzzle ask the students to identify an image before it is
completely revealed. This activity is designed to see what the students
will guess and discuss.
What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the
context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for?
Journals about family gatherings (what they do on weekends..etc)
Teacher will look for changes in attitudes, and try to promote children
FA – Make KWL chart about good choices
identifying each other as making positive actions to promote respect of
FA – Express hygienic routine in the form of a time line
others and their selves.
The traffic light system will reinforce positive behavior by awarding our
students through 'star of the week' and 'golden time'
‫المعلم يستمر في مالحظة تأثر الطالب بالمواقف ومعرفة كل موقف‬: ‫في مادة التربية اإلسالمية‬
‫وحثهم علي االلتزام بالعمل اإليجابي وحثهم علي احترام األخرين واحترامهم ألنفسهم‬
‫مع استخدام وسائل مشجعة مثل نجم السبوع – اعطاء مساحة للعب – اعطاء مهام قيادية واهمية‬
‫حث الطالب علي الحرص علي أخذ الثواب‬
Finding out:
Ask an expert on ways to treat people with respect (ask Ms. Tamar to
visit and discuss this with the students).
Film, video songs related to respect those that may insight ideas for
Letter writing to a friend in the class expressing how they feel about
‫ تشجيع الطالب علي فعل األعمال اإليجابية مثل احترام األخرين وعمل‬: ‫ في مادة اللغة العربية‬each other.
) ‫ وسائل تشجعيه له ( اشتراكه في اإلذاعة المدرسية‬Newspapers and magazines making collage.
Anecdotal Record – Share read aloud books on friends, making good
decisions, healthy eating and rules in a group or community.
Sorting out:
Through dance and drama
Mime\ role- play\talk show the student will act as a host and we can
invite guests where they will be interviewed.
Through media and visual arts
Visual artwork
Through math
Classifying ( using pictograph, tally charts) Anecdotal Record – Make
various charts around the classroom
Going further
Contracts made up by students on how they plan to treat their friends.
Cooperative group task making an art work as a group or in pairs.
Expert group students will teach others about what they have learned
FA – Act out scenes to show good decision making skills during
Making connections
Board games: bingo word game\ word search boards.
Concept maps focusing on the unit concepts (responsibility and
Diamond display gather opinions for students and arrange them with
the main ideas being in the center.
Taking action
From here to there students will use whiteboards, A3 paper, to display
their ideas.
Play games in PE that involve team building and keeping in shape
Have Islamic teacher focus on values that the Quran promotes for
respectful, healthy children/people. Students will discuss ways to be
clean spiritually and physically.
‫ يتم التركيز علي القيم اإلسالمية المستمدة من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية‬: ‫في مادة التربية اإلسالمية‬
‫التي تحثنا علي االحترام والعادات الصحية السليمة مع مناقشة الطالب لتوصل إلي السالمة النفسية‬
. ‫والصحية‬
What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills
development and for the development of the attributes of the
learner profile?
Children will be reflect on the choices they make to be better citizens of
the community and more respectful members of their family.
Caring – students will determine how to care for one another in the
classroom and at home
Open-minded – accepting classroom rules, traffic light system,
respecting differences in opinion, physical attributes etc.
5. What resources need to be gathered?
What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be available?
Classroom and library books, Blank chart paper, Various media for making posters, Field trip permission, Videos on making friends, Exercise videos
Flash cards and various other manipulative, Art resources- various coloured paper, paints, pastels, crayons, etc.
ICT resources- Microsoft paint
‫ يتم استخدام كل من المصادر األتية قصص مدعمة من مكتبة المدرسة – لوحات وملصقات توضح المواقف – توفير اتصال باألنترنيت إلمكانية عرض فيديوهات تعليمية تدعم المادة‬: ‫في مادة التربية اإلسالمية‬
‫ووحدات البحث‬
How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry?
Throughout the school and the classroom, posters will be displayed showing the attributes of cooperation and respect, students will also think about
and discuss members of the community who they should respect and the reasons why. Students will draw on their culture, home life and morals to gain
a sound understanding of their responsibilities inside and outside of school and how this connects to the world around them. To reinforce the key
concepts of responsibility and perspective children will self- assess the classroom rules that they created.
6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose?
In English students completed a Venn diagram in pairs and they demonstrated the leaner profile attributes; caring and open minded. Brainstorming
activity was done using word web to elicit ideas about respect.
In Islamic the students were given pictures showing different behaviors and children had to choose the ones that show respect. They also drew pictures
showing the learner profile attribute; caring. They watched videos about respect.
Students shared their food with their friends and domestics. They started to show more respect towards the classroom rules, teachers and peers.
The poster presentation task did reflect the central idea. The students shared pictures and showed cooperation. The class atmosphere was
communicative, nurturing and reflected good relationships among students.
In Arabic the students completed an activity sheet by ticking the right choices.
In ICT: Although, IT skills are very different to PYP unit, but I tried to integrate them by talking to the students about the unit “Who we are”.
Students were also able to use the Paint program to draw their faces. First they talked about the shapes and then we talked about what shape our face
and its parts are. With their finger they moved around their faces to see what shape is their face, eyes, nose, and mouth. Through integration students
are able to use more than one medium to learn. It helps them to be actively engage, participate in group, and give frequent interaction and
feedback. With technology tools, students can be intellectually challenged while providing them with a realistic snapshot of what the modern office
looks like. Students acquire and refine their analysis and problem-solving skills as they work individually and in teams to find, process, and synthesize
information they find online and through the computer application.
‫إلي أي مدي نستطيع تحقيق الغرض المطلوب ؟‬6
How could you improve upon the assessment task so that you would have a more accurate picture of each student’s understanding of the
central idea.
What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme?
The language in the central idea connects with the language in the transdisplinary theme.
An inquiry into the nature of self: the students discussed their personal hygiene, healthy eating habits.
An inquiry into human relationships including families, friends: The students used their writing skills to create a journal about how they interact with and
respect their family and friends.
An inquiry about rights and responsibilities: students ranked their rights using a diamond ranking.
7. To what extent did we include the elements of PYP?
Develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or attitudes?
In each case, explain your selection.
‫ إلي أي مدي تستطيع خططنا احتواء عناصر مناهج الباكالوريا الدولية ؟‬Caring: the students were asked to model being a good friend and determine which actions and behaviors signified being a good friend.
Open minded: the students discussed the rules they have to follow when they enter the prayer room. They were open minded to a set of new rules,
including the classroom rules
Caring - Students were asked to model being a good friend and determine which actions and behaviours signified being a good friend. We then
discovered what it means to truly be caring and whenever a student demonstrated that quality we acknowledged them and discussed their actions as a
Perspective - Students were able to put themselves in “another person's shoes” to determine how an incident or accident could impact their feelings.
Responsibility - by using the behavior chart students learned to take responsibility of their own actions and there are consequences for reoffenders. In
Arabic and Islamic lessons students were showing responsibility by doing and returning the homework on time such as retelling the Islamic stories and
memorizing poetry. Grade two took turns presenting in morning assembly with collaboration between Arabic and English. .
Connection - The learning experience that enabled understanding was discovering ways to respecting ourselves (hygiene), ways of respecting others
(tone of voice and language used).
Demonstrate the learning and application of particular transdisciplinary skills?
Communication Skills - students were able to communicate examples such as if someone does not have any food/crayons/paper and they do, it is
caring if they share.
8. What student - initiated inquiries across from the learning? Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and
highlight any that were incorporated into the teaching and learning.
‫ ما التساؤالت التي طرحها الطالب خالل فترة التعلم ؟‬-8
How do I show respect to my nanny?
Why do I have to respect the school?
How do we respect animals?
At this point teachers should go back to box 2 “What do we want to learn?” and highlight the teacher questions/provocations that were most
effective in driving the inquiries.
How do we take care of our bodies?
What can you do to think outside of the box?
What does it mean to be kind?
Who are your friends?
What can we do to show people we care?
What are the consequences of not respecting others?
Record student - initiated actions taken by individuals or groups showing their ability to reflect, to choose and to act.
At the beginning of the school year most students were reluctant to share their crayons and pencils with one another. During and after this unit on being
kind and caring all students in class are eager to make sure their friends are sharing and everyone is included.
9. Teacher notes
‫مالحظات المعلمين‬
A field trip is suggested to the Grand Mosque and children will be asked to create a list of rules that people need to follow in mosques.
We need to be given more time for the first UOI especially when diagnostic tests are conducted.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011