lesson summary 21 - Young Muslim Academy

Young Muslim Academy
A joyful journey to Islam
Lessons Summary
16th December 2015
We will send you a weekly email with lesson summaries for all the classes.
Please refer to your child's class session.
Braem Al Islam Class: Boys and Girls (5-7 years)
**Arabic session:
The teacher started as usual with a revision of already taught letters. The children
recognised a letter they know in words shown in flash cards.
 The alphabet letters have been taken so far are:
‫جخ بت ث‬
‫مر ذ د‬
 The teacher introduced a new alphabet letter )
‫( ص‬has been introduced
this time. The teachers gave example of it the word
 The children with Ansa Heba started practising Surah Al-Duha while children
with Ansa Cherine started revised Al-Ikhlas and Al-Fateha Surahs and worked
on Al-Nass Surah.
**Islamic Studies
 The teachers started induction about Salat (‫ )صالة‬and talked about the times
of Salat and how many prayers we have to pray every day.
 Children have been asked to draw their hands on a piece of paper and write
the name of each Salat
 The children were practising the Nasheed about the prophet Mohammad
(Mohammad Nabeenia) describing his characteristics.
 Here is the link so that you can download the Nasheed and help your child to
sing it along at home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ri56W0vmo.
**Weekly tasks for parents:
 It is very important for the children to write and practise the Arabic alphabet
letters that they have already learnt and try to highlight them when they read
 It is required to fill in the Qur'an chart provided by the teacher and mark it
every day that you read Qur'an with your child for 10 minutes+.
 Encourage your children to practise Salat with you so they can have it as a
habit from now.
Ahebaa Allah Class: Girls (10-13 years)
 Ansa Zainab started a new Surah ‫( النازعات‬Al- Nazeat) this Friday. The girls
read through the first 5 Ayahs.
 Girls have to practise these Ayahs with Tajweed at home every day for at least
 In brief, Ansa Zainab started the first pillar of Pillars of Faith which is the
Belief in Allah. The meaning of it, how and what could we do to show our
belief in Allah. We tried to distinguish between to be a Muslim and to be a
 Also we emphasise that it is not enough to say I am a believer; you have to
show it by good actions and doing the good deeds.
 We will carry on next week on the second pillar which is “the belief in Angels.”
**Luqman and his advices to his son:
 We started to study Luqman’s Advices to his son as one column of our
programme Healthy Muslim Manners. These advices are considered to be
an essential reference of how the Muslim’ manners and behaviour should
 Ansa Zainab went with the girls through the first advice of Luqman advices
to his son; worshipping one God (Allah) and don’t worship any partners
with him.
**Weekly tasks for parents:
 Please encourage your child to truthfully fill in the weekly task in the sketch
pad provided. Please ask your kids to keep their sketch pads clean and tidy
and don’t use it for something else
 Work with them on memorising the first 5 Ayahs of the Surah Al-Nazeaat with
 Help them to read more about Luqman and his advices in Quran and the
explanation in any trustful Islamic website. I recommend Al- Nabulsi
 Emphasize on the Islamic Aqidah in believing and worshiping only one God,
Allah. Encourage them to show their belief by improving their behaviour and
doing more of good deeds.
 Girls from now and forward have to read in their new book “STARS IN THE
PROPHET’S ORBIT” one page/ day so they can be ready for the discussion on
Friday the 30th Jan/2015.
 An induction of 10-15 minutes for the book will be held this Friday, so the girls
can know what the book is about and how the study will be performed.
Younger Girls : (7-9)
 Ansa Hanadi started a new Surah ‫( البينة‬Al- Bayenna) this Friday. The girls
read through the first 5 Ayahs.
 Girls have to practise these Ayahs with Tajweed at home every day for at least
 Ansa Hanadi carried on explaining the first pillar of Pillars of Faith which is
the Belief in Allah. The meaning of it, how and what could we do to show our
belief in Allah.
 Also we have to know all the known Allah’s names that mentioned in Quran
and Sunnah and believe in them.
 Allah has so many names but we only know 99 names of them.
 We will carry on next week on the second pillar which is “the belief in Angels.”
**Luqman and his guidance to his son:
 We started to study Luqman’s Advices to his son as one column of our
programme Healthy Muslim Manners. These advices are considered to be
an essential reference of how the Muslim’ manners and behaviour should
 Ansa Hanadi went with the girls through the first and second advices of
Luqman advices to his son; worshipping one God (Allah) and don’t
worship any partners with him. The second one is to be obedient to your
Ansa Faida started with girls in practising the Onshoda (description of the
Prophet Almustafa) ( ‫ ( وصف النبي المصطفى‬which is a play they will soon act
**Weekly tasks for parents:
 Please encourage your child to truthfully fill in the weekly task in the sketch
pad provided. Please ask your kids to keep their sketch pads clean and tidy
and don’t use it for something else
 Work with them on memorising the first 5 Ayahs of the Surah Al-Bayenna
 Help them to read more about Luqman and his advices in Quran and the
explanation in any trustful Islamic website. I recommend Al- Nabulsi
 Emphasize on the Islamic Aqidah in believing and worshiping only one God,
Allah. Encourage them to show their belief by improving their behaviour and
doing more of good deeds.
 Encourage them to learn the names of Allah, I mention one of Allah’s names
every week in the Sketch pad.
Please provide your girls with headscarves in each session, as we
encourage them to wear them during Qur’an session.
Also, please make sure that your daughter has her copy of Noble Qur’an or
the part number 30 Amma.
Fetyan Al-Islam: Boys (8-11)
 Ansa Asmaa started a new Surah ‫( النازعات‬Al- Nazeat) this Friday. The boys
read through the first 5 Ayahs.
 Boys have to practise these Ayahs with Tajweed at home every day for at least
 Ansa Asmaa explained the first pillar of Pillars of Faith which is the Belief in
Allah. The meaning of it, how and what could we do to show our belief in
Allah. We tried to distinguish between to be a Muslim and to be a Believer.
 Also we emphasise that it is not enough to say I am a believer; you have to
show it by good actions and doing the good deeds.
 We will carry on next week on the second pillar which is “the belief in Angels.”
**Luqman and his guidance to his son:
 We started to study Luqman’s Advices to his son as one column of our
programme Healthy Muslim Manners. These advices are considered to be
an essential reference of how the Muslim’ manners and behaviour should
 Ansa Asmaa went with the boys through the first and second advice of
Luqman advices to his son; worshipping one God (Allah) and don’t
worship any partners with him. The second one is to be obedience to your
**Weekly tasks for parents:
 Please encourage your child to truthfully fill in the weekly task in the sketch
pad provided. Please ask your kids to keep their sketch pads clean and tidy
and don’t use it for something else.
 Work with them on memorising the first 5 Ayahs of the Surah Al-Nazeaat with
 Help them to read more about Luqman and his advices in Quran and the
explanation in any trustful Islamic website. I recommend Al- Nabulsi
 Emphasize on the Islamic Aqidah in believing and worshiping only one God,
“ALLAH”. Encourage them to show their belief by improving their behaviour
and doing more of good deeds.
 Encourage them to learn the names of Allah, I mention one of Allah’s names
every week in the Sketch pad.
 Also, please make sure that your son has his copy of Noble Qur’an or the
part number 30 Amma.