0 ART APPRECIATION – SYLLABUS MRS. BRADEN SCHOOL ADDRESS: 3221 MASTIN LAKE ROAD, HUNTSVILLE, AL 35810, ART ROOM EMAIL: ERIN.BRADEN@HSV-K12.ORG BLOCK: 1, 3, AND 4 WELCOME Welcome Ronald E. McNair Junior High Wildcats, As we embark on this exciting new school year, I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. You will be successful, creative, and innovative in art appreciation, and you will grow in many ways. In this syllabus, I have outlined tools and notes to help you be the best you can be in my class. Art Appreciation integrates listening, speaking, reading, writing, technology, and creative arts skills into all lessons. Thank you for your cooperation and let’s get started! Mrs. Braden “Creativity, which is the expression of our originality, helps us stay mindful that what we bring to the world is completely original and cannot be compared.” Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection ART CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND POLICIES ☒ Arrive to class on time, go directly to your seat, and immediately begin “Do Now.” This is a time of silence, there will be no talking. Submit “Do Now” online. The door will shut when the bell rings. After the 3rd tardy, a referral will be sent to the office. No exceptions. When class is over, I will dismiss you, not the bell. Please make sure all of your books and materials are put away and the area around your desk is clean and neat. You will not leave until your area is clean. ☐ Stay in your seat. If you need to leave your seat. You must sign out on the sign out sheet, if you leave my classroom for any reason. You will be issued a hall pass, if you must leave my room. The hall passes will be returned to my classroom. You get 4 bathroom passes per semester in my room, no more after that. These hand signals will tell me you need to leave your seat: 1. Your pointer finger is raised – You have a question. 2. Two fingers are raised – You need to use the restroom. 3. Fist raised – You need to get up and have an alternate reason. ☐ There are four noise levels in the art room. Loud outside voices make me sad and will not be used. On the board the needed voice level for learning will be posted. 1 No Talking 2 Whisper 3 One on One Discussion 4 Group Discussion ☐ Always bring necessary supplies to class. Cell phone usage is not allowed at McNair Junior High. Cell phones will be confiscated at my discretion. ☐ Student artwork will not be accepted with profanity or inappropriate images. Use technology responsibly. ☐ Assignments are due by designated due date, and will be counted as incomplete, if not turned in by this time. Most assignments will be posted on Edmodo or INow and can be turned in there from home, if you are absent from school. You have two days to give projects to me, once you have returned to school. We will have a designated location within the classroom to turn in projects. Projects will be turned in when you walk out the door. FOLLOW ALL SCHOOL POLICIES AND RULES IN THE ART ROOM. MOST IMPORTANTLY, TREAT EACH OTHER AND ADULTS KINDLY. DISCIPLINE PLAN ART ROOM RULES ALWAYS COME READY TO LEARN. RESPECT YOUR CLASSMATES, CLASSROOM, SUPPLIES, AND TEACHER. TRY YOUR BEST. Positive Consequences ☐ Assigned special classroom task. ☐ If you are assigned a special classroom task and it is completed, you will receive an extra point on a major project. ☐ You will be featured on the classroom blog. ☐ If you earn 100 Preferred Activity Points, we will do an art activity of student choice. Preferred Activity Points are earned by following classroom rules and procedures. Each student earns the points. If as a class, you earned 100 combined, you will all receive the Preferred Class activity. P.A.P Points are kept and recorded in the Pink Book. Negative Consequences ☐ You will have up to 3 warnings. ☐ Move to Madagascar Seat Complete Think Sheet ☐ Your name will be recorded and behavior will be listed in the Turquoise Book. ☐ Parent Contact will be made. ☐ Administration will be notified. DIGITAL RESOURCES AND TEACHER WEBSITES ☐ http://mcnairartroom.weebly.com ☐ http://www.mcnairjrhigh.al.hcs.schoolinsites.com/ ☐ http://padlet.com/erin_braden/artroom ☐ https://huntsville.edmodo.com/ ☐ http://b.socrative.com/ SUPPLY LIST ☐ Laptop ☐ Pencil and Eraser You will need to bring a notebook for sketching and journaling. This will be monitored by the teacher and graded. Page 2 ☐ Occasionally, you will be asked to bring various materials for specific art projects. For example, an empty can of soup will be used for a label design lesson. Teacher will give you a portfolio that will stay in the art classroom. ☒ You always need to bring a smile. CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Course Topics, Course Objectives, Instructional Methods, Evaluation and Grade Assignment Course Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Elements of Art and Principles of Design Techniques and Processes Art and the Community Art and Cross-Curricular Connections Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create works of art utilizing a variety of traditional and nontraditional media and techniques. Produce works of art using one- and two-point perspectives. Apply appropriate vocabulary in discussing a work of art. Discuss strengths and weaknesses of a personal portfolio or other work of art. Define the appropriate technical terminology in creating a work of art. Discuss ways in which the subject matter of other disciplines is connected with the visual arts. Describe historical and cultural influences on works of art. Instructional Methods: Learning will happen in a variety of ways. This class will incorporate a combination of Prezi, PowerPoint, group activities, oral questioning and answering, written assessments, videos, images, and demonstrations. The majority of the semester will be hands-on learning and project completion. Evaluation and Grade Assignment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have read the syllabus and agree to encourage my student to follow all classroom, school, and district rules and policies. NAME_______________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE__________________________________________________________________ I have read the syllabus and agree to encourage my student to follow all classroom, school, and district rules and policies. I agree to contact Mrs. Braden with any concerns I have about my student, and to work with Mrs. Braden to facilitate my student’s success. Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________________ Phone #:_______________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Page 3