Welcome to Art Class Syllabus 2013-2014
Hallettville High School
Ms. Staci Powers
Course: ART I, II, III, & IV
Video Phone: 361-741-4505
Cell Phone: 806-283-2108 (Text Only)
This art class is to help students of every learning style and ability level succeed in the fine art. Each
student will generate a student portfolio and participate in the classroom. We also have an art programs in
an art show and an award at during of the school year.
Houston Livestock & Rodeo Art Program
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Award Program
Class Description
Art I - is a Beginning art class that will include all of the standard art practices (drawing, painting, etc.)
and will also include instruction in Art Appreciation. This means that you will experience hands on the
creative process as well as the cultural and historical aspects of art. The art history research and textbook
reading will be an important part of the Art I class and its grade.
Art II-VI - is an intermediate art class that will include all of the standard art practices (drawing, painting,
etc.) and will also include instruction in Art Appreciation. This means that you have already experience
hands on the creative process as well as the cultural and historical aspects of art. You will include the art
history research and textbook reading will be an important part of the Art I class and its grade.
Art Fee Supplies
Enrollment in this course includes a yearly $10.00 art fee to help defray rising costs of art materials.
You may pay this for the entire year with cash or check payable to Hallettsville ISD.
This fee supplements our school budget in providing the funds to purchase department supplies in
bulk and always have them available for creating artwork in the classroom and for checkout to
continue working at home.
At the end of the semester, please check if you have to pay your art fee, all of your competed
projects will be sent home in a portfolio for you to share with friends and family.
1 Binder
1 Folder with three prongs (for quizzes keeper)
1 Poster board (for portfolio)
1 Colored pencils (24)
Pencils and sharper
Black felt-tip pens
Binder pouch
(Art IV) Bring on your own supplies (Independent artworks)
For Major Project or Quizzes will count as 60% of your grade. You will be expected to complete each
project to the best of your abilities. Due dates for each major project will be turn in class. You will lose 10
points per day that major project is turned in late. Project will not be accepted more than 5 days late. It’s
your responsibly!!
For Minor Assignments will count as 40% of your grade. Due dates for each assignments will be turn in
class. You will lose 5 points per day that major project is turned in late. Assignment will not be accepted
more than 5 days late. It’s your responsibly!!
For Each 6 weeks
 Projects
 Sketchbook Assignments
 Exercise & Study Worksheets (Include in Sketchbook)
 Scholastic ART (Read & Worksheets)
 Art Criticisms / Art Critiques
 Historical and Cultural Heritage Activities
 Arttalk Textbook- Chapters: Vocabulary and Checking Your Understanding.
Grading Policy
100%-90% - A
89%-80% - B
79%-70% - C
69% and below - 
Final Exam
You must keep your quizzes order in your folder for your study guide. If you were thrown quizzes
away or lost…its your Responsibilities to ask other student to make a copy.
(10pt) - Grade curve, you must keep your organizes in your sketchbook (included journal entries,
essays, artists, art history, class notes, and drawings. Each entry will be graded using a provided
Capturing Kids Hearts
The Social Contract is designed to let all participants in a class know what behavior is acceptable and what
is not. The primary questions to consider when developing a social contract will be in class.
Using the Social Contract, Ms. Powers will able to create more self-managing classrooms as each student
takes responsibility for his or her own behavior.
These 4 questions help the student focus on the behavior, demonstrate that he/she knows what behavior is
expected, own up to the fact that he/she is not doing what is expected, and determine what he/she should be
doing instead. If he/she chooses to break contract again, what will happen? They will be choosing a
Verbal Warning
Contact parents or guardian.
Go to the office
Class Rules --- Be Responsible and Be Respectful!
Be on time
Don't talk when teacher is talking,
Don't throwing on the floor or anywhere
No food or drinks in class except bottle water,
No electronic devices,
No waste Art supplies.
Appropriate language at all times.
No gum under the tables.
*Note: Ms. Powers will create an Affirmation Note Poster, Social Contract Poster, and Positive Note
Poster on my wall or door(s) that will keep each student’s responsibility for his or her own behavior.
Cell Phone Policies
Cell phones can be brought to school, but cannot be used during class. It’s a rule that is easy to understand
and impossible to enforce. HHS will charge $15.00 for students to regain possession of their phone. All
phones will be returned at the end of the school day in which the students pays the money or will be given
to the parents if the parents come to the school to pay the fee.
Art Fundamentals of Elements and Principles / Art Scope and Sequence:
Michelangelo is quoted as saying, "A man paints with his brains and not with his hands." This quote
really sums it up. Student must have knowledge in order to create good artwork. It is not just
skill. He/she must also have some sense of understanding of the basic concepts or fundamentals of art
making in order to become a good artist.
The elements and principles of art are the basic components of art-markings. It is impossible to
create a work of art without using at least one of the seven elements and seven principles of art. In
order to be successful in art creation, an artist must be able to intelligently use the elements and
principles of art. Artwork can also be analyzed according to the use of the elements and principles in
a work of art.
Return this contract signed to your instructor
The high school art syllabus and curriculum must be signed and dated by a parent or guardian and the
student and turned in to Ms. Powers by 9/28/13, its your first grade. Includes a yearly $10.00 art fee to
help defray rising costs of art materials. This process will ensure that the student and parent or guardian
will have a clear understanding of what the objectives, expectations, and assessment tools are for this
Art classroom needed (for Flu Season):
Hand Sanitizer (ART 1)
Clorox Wipes (ART 2 or 3)
Air Flesher (ART 4)
______________________________ __________________________________
Student signature
Parent or Guardian signature
______________________________ _______________________________
BIRTHDAY DATE_____________________________________________
HOME PHONE________________________________________________
MOM’S CELL PHONE_________________________________________
DAD’S CELL PHONE__________________________________________
MOM’S EMAIL_________________________________________________
DAD’S EMAIL__________________________________________________
Do Not Write Below – Ms. Powers only
$ ____________________ (CASH / CK #________________)
Date: ____________________