Call to Order at 7:02
Roll Call
Megan Beitel
Briana Biasone
Marie Binnie
Ali Catton
Caitie Cheeseman
Eunice Choi
Emily DeGaust
Christine Francis
Gabby Guizzo
Ashley Kwarciak
Agnes Lei
Bahareh Manesh
Amanda Micallef
Rachel Ogilvie
Sophie Privé
Lauren Read
Cadence Rhamey
Brittani Shroeder
Carissa Smith
Deanna Vezina
Emily Rose West
Brittany White
Courtney Young
Josie Baker
Beth Jackson
Hien Ngo
Nicole Steadman
Adoption of Agenda
Ratification of Minutes
Brescia University College Students’ Council
Meeting Minutes
October 18th 2015
Speaker’s Announcements (Rachelle Provost):
Please remember to keep your phones on vibrate
When you speak, please say your name and position
Comments and Questions from the Brescia Community
Presentation: Cathy Fox - Manager of Communications and Marketing
part of our role will be to work with the media as ambassadors of Brescia
presentation on when and how to respond to a media request and steps to a successful interview
Our role is to refer media request to our designated media spokesperson. It's important that there is one spokesperson so that there is one unified voice and the message is consistent. Caitie is our spokesperson. But there might be situations where someone on council is more informed on the issue. It is important to decide who our delegates might be (ie. Deanna)
Call from the media? o Find out what the purpose of the interview is o Find out what kind of interview it might be o Ask if we're the only people being interviewed o Ask what the deadline is for the reporters o Ask what questions will be asked o You don't need to answer questions right away, can get back in touch with them.
Give yourself some time (15 minutes). Think about your three key points that you want to get across and develop a strong one-sentence statement. o Ask yourself the tough question. What is the one question you hope that they won't ask?
The Interview: o Give concise answers and stay on topic o Think about what you will say before you say it o Remain positive o Relax and remain conversational o Display concern for issues and people involved, confidence, and commit to the cause o Make sure you have the right facts o Don't say "no comment" o Don't speak just to fill dead air o Find your own rhythm in the interview o Refrain from arguing with reporter o Don't reference anything as "off the record" o Don't overdo the explanation
o If a question is asked a second time because the reporter wants something more, just go back to your original response and bridge it to your key message
Follow-Up o Ask when story will appear o Follow up with communications department (Cathy Fox or Caitlin Core) via phone/email
Social Media Reminder: You are what you share. Your online activity is not private
Use common sense!
Question: Has anyone ever conducted an interview?
Caitie Cheeseman (President): Yes, it hasn't come out yet but our message is always positive and never really controversial.
In conclusion: A story will run with our without you, so it's better to be part of that and to get your message out there. Happy to help and support you in any way we can, don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Executive Updates
Caitie Cheeseman (President):
OPC meeting cancelled, missed other meeting
Advancement Committee meeting- talked about award ceremony in April
USC Elections Debate
Gazette Interview about student engagement
Meeting with Marianne re: Brescia Talks series
Board of Trustees meeting Wednesday
Meeting with Josh Clark re: Brescia Talks
Principal's Hiring Committee meeting
Meeting with Joe from Lifetouch re: grad photos
Monthly meeting with Dr. Rogers
Monthly meeting with Pam
Halloween Haunt
Omsbud Advisory Committee meeting
Meeting with Kevin re: USC elections
Platform Updates:
Student-friendly spaces: proposal for clubs space temporarily approved- seeking cost break-downs, requirements about fireproof lockers and cabinets
Increased Advocacy Campaigns: potential with Brescia Talks strategy, will be changing directions with previous speaker idea- please contact Caitie with any suggestions
Professionalism and transparency: a lot of meetings re: BUCSC relationships within the
Brescia community
Council accountability: maintained relationships with core partners like the Events
Review Committee and maintained that everyone that is working at Brescia remains on the side of Brescia Council
Relations with community: Brescia Talks
Josie Baker (VP Communications) presented by Caitie Cheeseman:
Awards have been released and are due this Friday- Apply, join the Awards Committee
A lot of emails to Dr. Francolini
Still need volunteers for Student Core Competencies Working Group
Signed a check
Planning council gifts
Maintaining relationship with portfolio
Opened Applications for BUCSC Awards- created promotional items
Consistently editing application for awards
Monthly meeting with Dr. Mitchell re: Work Group Committee- still need 7 students
Strategic Plan Working Group meeting - more information to come
Executive Meeting
Academic/College Council meeting on Oct. 23
Awards are due Oct. 23. Share this.
Awards Selection Committee- Still need 3 more students, you aren't eligible to sit on it if you are applying for an award
Open House on November 7 from 10-2- Keep date open (Faculty reps!) and will count as a mandatory event
Deanna Vezina (VP Communications):
Emailed HK counterparts on Friday- meeting in November to discuss events, still waiting for news on roundtables (starting this month)
Issues with subscriptions for Brescia Buzz- talked with web specialist at Brescia about a way to get around it, meeting with him on Tuesday
Minutes will be posted after ratification
Space Planning Committee has approved a sign at the Bus stop- looking at cost and working on a schedule for when bus will be at Brescia, it will also be added to the TV.
#BeeBold: On Oct 26, two winners for twitter/instagram posts will receive $10 Starbucks and Breast Cancer Awareness mittens
Met with Cathy Fox, Caitlin Core and Michael on Thursday re: TV- only billing us for half of that TV, instead of splitting screen between Brescia twitter feed and BUCSC , will be putting our events on TV twice as much. Will be meeting with them on a monthly basis
Bulletin board on second floor- Pam will get back to Deanna on options
Website management training- this will happen once we have our website commissioner.
If anyone is interested, email Deanna, will be in the Cyprus Room sometime in
Follow BUCSC Snapchat
Gentle reminder to watch what you post on social media
Courtney Young (VP Finance):
Treasure and Clubs Finance Commissioner Interviews
Upgrading bank account- Bookkeeper requiring new features on account- Because account doesn't have these features, Courtney has to go through signing authorities and upgrade it
Updated the budget- take a look at it, if there are any questions, send Courtney an email
Working on clubs finance transition
Meeting with VP finance for Brescia (Amy Walby)
Cadence Rhamey (VP Events):
Reminder that you have to attend 2 events per month and hold one event per semester
Please submit events that you would like to be mandatory events to Cadence
Cancelled meeting again for Events Review Committee - reminder to send in request two weeks in advance
Meeting today for Wine and Cheese, will have another meeting later this week
Pride Committee- will do a coffee house where there will be booths for Get Real, Ally
Western, Pride Western
Wellness Wednesday - Mandatory Event Oct 28th
Athletic Director has stepped down but have appointed a coach for flag football
Beth Jackson (VP Student Issues) presented by Caitie Cheeseman:
First Pride Week meeting- if you know anyone who would like to perform at coffee house, contact a member of the pride committee
Trip to main campus for Pride Week
Interviewed for Clubs Commissioner
First Mental Health/Wellness Monday will be tomorrow
Meeting with HBK re: councils and speakers
Collaborating with HBK on USC projects
Survey will be released at Change Camp, preview of questions at November 15 meeting
Change Camp topics have been picked
Get out and Vote - 9:30-9:30pm free cab rides between 10-2
Another Pride Week Meeting
Meet with Pam re: clubs
HBK Meeting on Saturday
History conference Saturday
Academic/College Council Meeting
SPWG meeting (possibly)
Questions Arising from Executive Updates
Caitie Cheeseman (President): POI for Cadence: If I plan an event that has a booth, like a bakesale or an info session, does that count as a mandatory event for council members?
Cadence Rhamey (VP Events): If you want it to, yes. Especially in October. Other months, maybe not.
Marie Binnie (Food and Nutrition Rep): I had a student ask me how they can sign up for flag football?
Rhamey: We already did sign-up during clubs week, I will post the thing on facebook and I'll let them join.
Christine Francis (Merchandise Commissioner): POI for Cadence: If one of the events is a 5 hour thing, can we just go for an hour?
Rhamey: Yes, all of the events only require you to be there for an hour.
Members Updates
Ali Catton (USC Rep):
Had first Appeals Board and Board of Directors meeting- have to appoint a new board member and have to hire 6 students to sit on Appeals Board, specifically talked about recruiting affiliate students
Long-term budget and planning meeting
Meeting with Kevin, the Communications Officer next Tuesday
Voting: Polls are open till 9:30
Gabby Guizzo (Governance Officer):
Had interviews this week, both positions have submitted their platform
Hopefully we'll have a full council this week
Went with Cadence and Beth to work on Pride Week
Agnes Lei (Culture and Diversity Commissioner):
Planning event for first week of November: A Taste of Diversity- an event with foods from different countries around the world and the students will have to guess what country the food came from. Not a set date yet.
Brittani Shroeder (Brescia Buzz Editor):
If you want anything in the Brescia Buzz, send it to me by Monday at 6- there is nothing in this issue yet so please send me anything that is coming up!
Briana Biasone (Marketing and Media Commissioner):
If anyone wants an event posted, please fill media form and submit it 3 days before.
Decided against tumblr page because it might not be utilized by the students, but did decide to make a Snapchat account which is coming out on Thursday and we need to promote it
planning on making geofilters for Brescia throughout the year
Lauren Read (Residence Rep):
Informed everyone to vote for elections and Halloween haunt
Decided on a day to do annual residence floor crawl on the 21st
Questions Arising from Members Updates
Bahareh Manesh (Awareness Commissioner): For the Taste of Diversity event, will you have an ingredients list?
Agnes Lei (Culture and Diversity Commissioner):That is a good idea.
New Business
Roll Call
Megan Beitel
Briana Biasone
Marie Binnie
Ali Catton
Caitie Cheeseman
Eunice Choi
Emily DeGaust
Christine Francis
Gabby Guizzo
Ashley Kwarciak
Agnes Lei
Bahareh Manesh
Amanda Micallef
Rachel Ogilvie
Sophie Privé
Lauren Read
Cadence Rhamey
Brittani Shroeder
Carissa Smith
Deanna Vezina
Emily Rose West
Brittany White
Courtney Young
Josie Baker
Beth Jackson
Hien Ngo
Nicole Steadman
Adjournment at 7:57
Next Meeting November 1, 2015