Introductory to Organic Chemistry Prepared by Prof. Dr. ADEL M. KAMAL El-Dean Prof. Of Organic Chemistry Chemistry Department-Assiut University Faculty of Science 2011-2012 Course Content 1- Introduction. Structural theory of Organic Chemistry, Isomerism, Constitutional isomerism, Chemical bonds: the Octet rule. Writing Lewis Structures, Formal Charge: 2-Molecular orbitals, structure of methane:SP3 hybridization orbital hybridization and structure of Alkenes. orbital hybridization and structure of Alkynes. Breaking and forming of bonds: Homolysis and Heterolysis of covalent bonds Reactive intermediates in Organic Chemistry. Reagent Types. Reaction Types. Representative carbon compounds. Functional groups. Physical properties and molecular structure. Alkanes and cycloalkanes Alkenes Alkynes Factors influencing electron-availability Aim of the course Recommended Textbooks: 1.Organic Chemistry” by Francis A. Carey, 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill, 1992 2. A. Brown, “Organic Chemistry” Harcourt Brace, 1995. 3. J. W. Solomon’s, “Organic Chemistry” 6th Ed., John Wiley, 1996. M. Jones, Norton, “Organic Chemistry” 2nd Ed., 2000. 4.McMurry & Thompson, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Brooks-Cole 2002. 5. Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, “Organic Chemistry” Oxford University Press, 2000. 1.1 Historical Background of Organic Chemistry Organic chemistry is the area of chemistry that involves the study of carbon and its compounds. Carbon is now known to form a seemingly unlimited number of compounds. The uses of organic compounds impact our lives daily in medicine, agriculture, and general life. In theory (Oparin, 1923) organic chemistry may have its beginnings with the big bang when the components of ammonia, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane combined to form amino acids, an experiment that has been verified in the laboratory (Miller, 1950). Organic chemicals were used in ancient times by Romans and Egyptians as dyes, medicines and poisons from natural sources, but the chemical composition of the substances was unknown. In the 16th century organic compounds were isolated from nature in the pure state (Scheele, 1769) and analytical methods were developed for determination of elemental composition (Lavoisier, 1784). Scientists believed (Berzelius, 1807) that organic chemicals found in nature contained a special "vital force" that directed their natural synthesis, and therefore, it would be impossible to accomplish a laboratory synthesis of the chemicals. Fortunately, later in the century Frederich Wöhler (1828) discovered that urea, a natural component in urine, could be synthesized in the laboratory by heating ammonium cyanate. His discovery meant that the natural "vital force" was not required to synthesis organic compounds, and paved the way for many chemists to synthesize organic compounds. Friedrich Wöhler 1800-1882 August Kekulé Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1779–1848) + NH4 NCO Ammonium cyanate 1829)-1896 O H2N C NH2 Urea By the middle of the nineteenth century many advances had been made into the discovery, analysis and synthesis of many new organic compounds. Understanding about the structures of organic chemistry began with a theory of bonding called valence theory (Kekule, Couper, 1858). Organic chemistry developed into a productive and exciting science in the nineteenth century. Many new synthetic methods, reaction mechanisms, analytical techniques and structural theories have been developed. Toward the end of the century much of the knowledge of organic chemistry has been expanded to the study of biological systems such as proteins and DNA. Volumes of information are published monthly in journals, books and electronic media about organic and biological chemistry. The vast information available today means that for new students of organic chemistry a great deal of study is required. Students must learn about organic reactions, mechanism, synthesis, analysis, and biological function. The study of organic chemistry, although complex, is very interesting, and begins here with an introduction of the theory of chemical bonding. 1.2 The Chemical Bond 1.2a Atomic Theory The atomic theory of electrons began in the early 1900s and gained acceptance around 1926 after Heisenberg and Schroedinger found mathematical solutions to the electronic energy levels found in atoms, the field is now called quantum mechanics. Electrons exist in energy levels that surround the nucleus of the atom. The energy of these levels increases as they get farther from the nucleus. The energy levels are called shells, and within these shells are other energy levels, called subshells or orbitals., that contain up to two electrons. The calculations from atomic theory give the following results for electron energy and orbitals. The results for the first two energy levels (shells 1 and 2) are the most important for bonding in organic chemistry. Shell Orbitals Total Electrons possible P d F S 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 18 4 1 3 5 7 32 8 *energy level 1 contains up to two electrons in a spherical orbital called a 1s orbital. *energy level 2 contains up to eight electrons; two in an 2s-orbital and two in each of three orbitals designated as 2p-orbitals. The p-orbitals have a barbell type shape and are aligned along the x, y, and z axes. They are thus called the px, py, and pz orbitals. *energy level 3 contains up to eighteen electrons, two electrons in a 3s orbital, six electrons in the three 3p orbitals, and ten electrons in the five 3d orbitals. *energy level 4 contains up to thirty-two electrons, two electrons in a 4s-orbital, six electrons in the three 4p-orbitals, ten electrons in the five 4d-orbitals, and fourteen electrons in the seven 4f-orbitals. Electrons fill the lower energy levels first until all of the electrons are used (Aufbau Principle). An element contains the number of electrons equal to its atomic number. For the first and second row elements the electron configurations are relatively simple. Element (atomic number) H (1) He (2) Li (3) Electron Configuration 1s1 (1st shell, s orbital, one electron) 1s2 1s2, 2s1 Vitalism: During the 1780s scientists began to distinguish between organic compounds and inorganic compounds. Organic compounds were defined as compounds that could be obtained from living organisms. Inorganic compounds were those that came from nonliving sources. Along with this distinction, a belief called "vitalism" grew. According to this idea, the intervention of a "vital force" was necessary for the synthesis of an organic compound. Such synthesis, chemists held then, could take place only in living organisms. It could not take, place in the flasks of a chemistry laboratory. Between 1828 and 1850 a number of compounds that were clearly "organic" were synthesized from sources that were clearly "inorganic."The first of these syntheses was accomplished by Friedrich Wohler in 1828. Wohler found that the organic compound urea (a constituent of urine) could be made by evaporating an aqueous solution containing the inorganic compound ammonium cyanate O + NH4 NCO heat Ammonium cyanate H2N C NH2 Urea THE STRUCTURAL THEORY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: The most fundamental theorie in chemistry: the structural theory. 1) The atoms of the elements in organic compounds can form a fixed number of bonds. The measure of this ability is called valence. Carbon is tetravalent; that is, carbon atoms form four bonds. Oxygen is divalent; oxygen atoms form two bonds. Hydrogen" and (usually) the halogens are monovalent; their atoms form only one bond. C O Carbon atoms are tetravalent H Oxygen atoms are divalent Cl Hydrogen and halogen atoms are monvalent 2) A carbon atom can use one or more of its valences to form bonds to other carbon atoms. Carbon-carbon bonds C C C C C C Single bond Double bond Triple bond THE STRUCTURAL THEORY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: The most fundamental theorie in chemistry: the structural theory. 1) The atoms of the elements in organic compounds can form a fixed number of bonds. The measure of this ability is called valence. Carbon is tetravalent; that is, carbon atoms form four bonds. Oxygen is divalent; oxygen atoms form two bonds. Hydrogen" and (usually) the halogens are monovalent; their atoms form only one bond. We can appreciate the importance of the structural theory if we consider now one simple example. These are two compounds that have the same molecular formula, C2H6O, but these compounds have strikingly different properties. One compound, called dimethyl ether, is a gas at room temperature; the other compound, called ethyl alcohol is a liquid. Dimethyl ether does not react with sodium; ethyl alcohol does, and the reaction produces hydrogen gas or or H H H C C H H H .. O .. H H C H .. O .. H C H H Ball- and stick models and structural formulas for ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether Isomerism, Constitutional isomers More than 7 million organic compounds have now been isolated in a pure state and have been characterized on the basis of their physical and chemical properties. Such compounds are called isomers. Different compounds with the same molecular formula are said to be isomeric, and this phenomenon is called isomerism. Ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether are examples of what are now called constitutional isomers. Constitutional isomers are: different compounds that have the same molecular formula, but differ in their connectivity, that is, in the sequence in which their atoms are bonded together. Constitutional isomers usually have different physical properties (e.g., melting point, boiling point and density) and different chemical properties. The differences however may not always be as large as those between ethyl alcohol and dimethyl ether. Lewis structures are a way to write chemical compounds where all the atoms and electrons are shown. Sometimes, people have a lot of trouble learning how to do this. However, using the methods on this page, you should have very little trouble. The first method given allows you to draw Lewis structures for molecules with no charged atoms, while the second allows you to do it for charged molecules (such as polyatomic ions). How to draw Lewis structures for molecules that contain no charged atoms 1) Count the total valence electrons for the molecule: To do this, find the number of valence electrons for each atom in the molecule, and add them up. 2) Figure out how many octet electrons the molecule should have, using the octet rule: The octet rule tells us that all atoms want eight valence electrons (except for hydrogen, which wants only two), so they can be like the nearest noble gas. Use the octet rule to figure out how many electrons each atom in the molecule should have, and add them up. The only weird element is boron - it wants six electrons. 3) Subtract the valence electrons from octet electrons: Or, in other words, subtract the number you found in #1 above from the number you found in #2 above. The answer you get will be equal to the number of bonding electrons in the molecule. 4) Divide the number of bonding electrons by two: Remember, because every bond has two electrons, the number of bonds in the molecule will be equal to the number of bonding electrons divided by two. 5) Draw an arrangement of the atoms for the molecule that contains the number of bonds you found in #4 above: Some handy rules to remember are these: Hydrogen and the halogens bond once. The family oxygen is in bonds twice. The family nitrogen is in bonds three times. So does boron. The family carbon is in bonds four times. 6) Find the number of lone pair (nonbonding) electrons by subtracting the bonding electrons (#3 above) from the valence electrons (#1 above). Arrange these around the atoms until all of them satisfy the octet rule: Remember, ALL elements EXCEPT hydrogen want eight electrons around them, total. Hydrogen only wants two electrons Let's do an example: CO2 1) The number of valence electrons is 16. (Carbon has four electrons, and each of the oxygens have six, for a total of 4 + 12 = 16 electrons). 2) The number of octet electrons is equal to 24. (Carbon wants eight electrons, and each of the oxygens want eight electrons, for a total of 8+16 = 24 electrons). 3) The number of bonding electrons is equal to the octet electrons minus the valence electrons, or 8. 4) The number of bonds is equal to the number of bonding electrons divided by two, because there are two electrons per bond. As a result, in CO2, the number of bonds is equal to 4. (Because 8/2 is 4). 5) If we arrange the molecule so that the atoms are held together by four bonds, we find that the only way to do it so that we get the following pattern: O=C=O, where carbon is double-bonded to both oxygen atoms. 6) The number of nonbonding electrons is equal to the number of valence electrons (from #1) minus the number of bonding electrons (from #3), which in our case equals 16 - 8, or 8. Looking at our structure, we see that carbon already has eight electrons around it. Each oxygen, though, only has four electrons around it. To complete the picture, each oxygen needs to have two sets of nonbonding electrons, as in this Lewis structure: CHEMICAL BONDS: THE OCTET RULE Ionic Bonding - Bond between ions whose charges attract each other - One atom gives electrons and one atom takes electrons. Example Covalent Bonding - two atoms each sharing electrons within a molecular orbital COVALENT MOLECULES AND THE OCTET RULE The idea that a molecule could be held together by a shared pair of electrons was first suggested by Lewis in 1916. Although Lewis never won the Nobel prize for this or his many other theories. Lewis indicated the formation of a hydrogen molecule from two hydrogen atoms with the aid of his electron-dot diagrams as follows: H2 . H + .H H:H or H H Lewis also suggested that the tendency to acquire a noblegas structure is not confined to ionic compounds but occurs among covalent compounds as well. In the hydrogen molecule, for example, each hydrogen atom acquires some control over two electrons, thus achieving something resembling the helium structure. Similarly the formation of a chorine molecule from its atoms can be represented by Cl 2 .. .. :Cl . . .. + :Cl .. .. .. or .. .. Cl : : Cl Cl : :Cl : .. .. .. .. Again a pair of electrons is shared, enabling each atom to attain a neon structure with eight electrons (i.e., an octet) in its valence shell. Similar diagrams can be used to describe the other halogen molecules: .. .. or .. :F..: F..: :..F .. .. or .. : Br Br: :Br : .. .. .. .. or .. :I..: ..I: :..I .. F : .. .. Br: .. .. I: .. In each case a shared pair of electrons contributes to a noble-gas electron configuration on both atoms. Since only the valence electrons are shown in these diagrams, the attainment of a noble-gas structure is easily recognized as the attainment of a full complement of eight electron dots (an octet) around each symbol. In other words covalent as well as ionic compounds obey the octet rule. The octet rule is very useful, though by no means infallible, for predicting the formulas of many covalent compounds, and it enables us to explain the usual valence exhibited by many of the representative elements. According to Lewis’ theory, hydrogen and the halogens each exhibit a valence of 1 because the atoms of hydrogen and the halogens each contain one less electron than a noble-gas atom. In order to attain a noble-gas structure, therefore, they need only to participate in the sharing of one pair of electrons. If we identify a shared pair of electrons with a chemical bond, these elements can only form one bond. A similar argument can be extended to oxygen and the group VI elements to explain their valence of 2. Here two electrons are needed to complete a noble-gas configuration. By sharing two pairs of electrons, i.e., by forming two bonds, an octet is attained: Nitrogen and the group V elements likewise require three electrons to complete their octets, and so can participate in three shared pairs: Finally, since carbon and the group IV elements have four vacancies in their valence shells, they are able to form four bonds: Draw Lewis structures and predict the formulas of compounds containing (a) P and Cl; (b) Se and H. Solution a) Draw Lewis diagrams for each atom. Since the P atom can share three electrons and the Cl atom only one, three Cl atoms will be required, and the formula is b) Since Se is in periodic group VI, it lacks two electrons of a noble-gas configuration and thus has a valence of 2. The formula is (CIO3-) 1. We find the total number of valence electrons of all the atoms including the extra electron needed to give the ion a negative charge: 7 + 3(6) + 1 = 26 Cl O3 e- 2. We use three pairs of electrons to form bonds between the chlorine atom and the three oxygen atoms: O O Cl O 3. We then add the remaining 20 electrons in pairs so as to give each atom an octet. .. O: : .. .. O: :O.. Cl .. .. - If necessary, we use multiple bonds to give atoms" the noble gas configuration. The carbonate ion (CO3-2) illustrates this. -2 .. :O ..O :.. C .. O: .. Formal Charge • Formal charge: the charge on an atom in a molecule or polyatomic ion - write a Lewis structure for the molecule or ion - assign each atom all of its unshared (nonbonding) electrons and one-half its shared (bonding) electrons - compare this number with the number of valence electrons in the neutral, unbonded atom Formal charge = No. of valence electrons in unbonded atom- - No of unshared electrons + one half of all shared electrons Formal charge = No. of valence electrons-(No of bonds around this atom+No of unshared electrons) – if the number assigned to the bonded atom is less than that assigned to the unbonded atom, the atom has a positive formal charge – if the number is greater, the atom has a negative formal charge • Example: draw Lewis structures and show all formal charges for these ions NH4 + OH - CH3 - CH3 NH3 + CH3 OH2 + HCO3 - CO3 2- CH3 CO2 - BF 4 - An alternative method for calculating formal charge is to use the equation: S -U F = Z2 Where F is the formal charge, Z is the group number, S equals the number of shared electrons, and U is the number of unshared electrons. H .. + H:N : H .. H For hydrogen: valence electrons of free atoms =1 subtract assigned electrons = -1 Formal charge =0 For nitrogen: valence electrons of free atoms =5 subtract assigned electrons =-4 Formal charge =+1 Charge on ion = (4)(0) + 1 = +1 Let us next consider the nitrate ion (NO3-), an ion that has oxygen atoms with unshared electron pairs. Here we find that the nitrogen atom has a formal charge of + 1, that two oxygen atoms have formal charges of -1, and that one oxygen has a formal charge equal to 0. .. :O : .. .. .. :O :: N : O: .. Formal charge = 6 -7 = -1 Formal charge = 5 -4 = +1 Formal charge = 6 -6 = 0 Charge on ion = 2(-1) + 1 + 0 = -1 Molecules, of course, have no net electrical charge. Molecules by definition are neutral. Therefore, the sun of the formal charges on each atom making up a molecule must be zero. Consider the following examples: Formal charge = 5 -5 = 0 .. H N H H or .. H:N .. : H H Charge on molecule = 0+ 3(0) = 0 Formal charge = 1 -1 = 0 Water Formal charge = 6 -6 = 0 .. H O .. H or .. H:O : H .. Charge on molecule = 0+ 2(0) = 0 Formal charge = 1 -1 = 0 Draw all possible structure, Lewis structure and calculate formal charge for CH2N2 H C N N H No. of valance electrons of the molecules are: H = 2X1 =2 C = 1X4 =4 N =2X5 = 10 Total = 2+4+10 = 16 If we replaced each bond with two electrons the structure became as follows H:c:::N:N:H The total electrons in the above 12 remaining 4 electrons If we complete the outer shell for each atom according to octet rule and hydrogen as duet .. H:c:::N:N:H .. Formal charge calculation: Z-S/2-U Z =group No., S = total No. of electrons sharing in bonds, U = Unshared electrons .. H:c:::N:N:H .. For Hydrogen: Z = 1; S=2 ,U=0 1-2/2-0 =0 For Carbon: Z = 4; S=8 ,U=0 4-8/2-0 =0 Middle Nitrogen: Z = 5; 5-8/2-0 = +1 S=8 ,U=0 .. H:c:::N:N:H .. Nitrogen attached to hydrogen: Z = 5; 4 S=4 ,U= FC = 5-4/2-4 = -1 The shape of molecule after putting formal charge: +1 -1 .. H:c:::N:N:H .. H2N C N No. of valance electrons of the molecules are: H = 2X1 =2 C = 1X4 =4 N =2X5 = 10 Total = 2+4+10 = 16 H2N C N If we replaced each bond with two electrons the structure became as follows H .. H:N:C:::N The total electrons in the above 10 remaining 6 electrons If we complete the outer shell for each atom according to octet rule and hydrogen as duet H .. .. H:N:C:::N .. H .. .. H:N:C:::N .. Formal charge calculation: Z-S/2-U Z =group No., S = total No. of electrons sharing in bonds, U = Unshared electrons For Hydrogen: Z = 1; S=2 ,U=0 1-2/2-0 =0 For Carbon: Z = 4; S=8 ,U=0 4-8/2-0 =-0 Nitrogen: Z = 5; 5-6/2-2 = 0 S=6 ,U=2 H .. .. H:N:C:::N .. Nitrogen attached with hydrogen: Z = 5; U=2 5-6/2-2 = 0 Formal charge in all atoms = 0 S=8 , H C N N H No. of valance electrons of the molecules are: H = 2X1 =2 C = 1X4 =4 N =2X5 = 10 Total = 2+4+10 = 16 If we replaced each bond with two electrons the structure became as follows H .. H:C::N::N H .. H:C::N::N The total electrons sharing in bonds in the above 12 remaining 4 electrons If we complete the outer shell for each atom according to octet rule and hydrogen as duet H .. .. H:C::N::N .. H .. .. H:C::N::N .. Formal charge calculation: Z-S/2-U Z =group No., S = total No. of electrons sharing in bonds, U = Unshared electrons For Hydrogen: Z = 1; S=2 ,U=0 1-2/2-0 =0 For Carbon: Z = 4; S=8 ,U=0 4-8/2-0 =-0 Middle Nitrogen: Z = 5; 5-8/2-0 = +1 S=8 ,U=0 H .. .. H:C::N::N .. Middle Nitrogen: Z = 5; S=8 ,U=0 FC = 5-8/2-0 = +1 End molecule Nitrogen: Z = 5; S=4 ,U=4 FC = 5- 4/2-4 = -1 The molecule after putting charge in atoms H .. +1 -1 H:C::N::N H C N N H No. of valance electrons of the molecules are: H = 2X1 =2 C = 1X4 =4 N =2X5 = 10 Total = 2+4+10 = 16 If we replaced each bond with two electrons the structure became as follows H .. H:C:N:::N H .. H:C:N:::N The total electrons sharing in bonds in the above 12 remaining 4 electrons If we complete the outer shell for each atom according to octet rule and hydrogen as duet H .. H:C:N:::N: .. H .. H:C:N:::N: .. Formal charge calculation: Z-S/2-U Z =group No., S = total No. of electrons sharing in bonds, U = Unshared electrons For Hydrogen: Z = 1; S=2 ,U=0 1-2/2-0 =0 For Carbon: Z = 4; S =6 ,U=2 4-6/2-2 =-1 Middle Nitrogen: Z = 5; 5-8/2-0 = +1 S=8 ,U=0 H .. H:C:N:::N: .. End Nitrogen: Z = 5; S=6 ,U=2 5-6/2-2 = 0 The molecule after putting charge in atoms H ..-1 +1 H:C:N:::N: .. H N N C H No. of valance electrons of the molecules are: H = 2X1 =2 C = 1X4 =4 N =2X5 = 10 Total = 2+4+10 = 16 If we replaced each bond with two electrons the structure became as follows H .. H:N:N:::C H .. H:N:N:::C The total electrons sharing in bonds in the above 12 remaining 4 electrons If we complete the outer shell for each atom according to octet rule and hydrogen as duet H .. .. H:N:N:::C .. H .. .. H:N:N:::C .. Formal charge calculation: Z-S/2-U Z =group No., S = total No. of electrons sharing in bonds, U = Unshared electrons For Hydrogen: Z = 1; S=2 ,U=0 1-2/2-0 =0 For Carbon: Z = 4; S =6 ,U=2 4-6/2-2 =-1 Middle Nitrogen: Z = 5; 5-8/2-0 = +1 S=8 ,U=0 H .. .. H:N:N:::C .. End Nitrogen: Z = 5; S=6 ,U=2 5-6/2-2 = 0 The molecule after putting charge in atoms H +1 .. -1 .. H:N:N:::C .. H N C N H No. of valance electrons of the molecules are: H = 2X1 =2 C = 1X4 =4 N =2X5 = 10 Total = 2+4+10 = 16 If we replaced each bond with two electrons the structure became as follows H:N::C::N:H H:N::C::N:H The total electrons sharing in bonds in the above 12 remaining 4 electrons If we complete the outer shell for each atom according to octet rule and hydrogen as duet .. .. H:N::C::N:H Formal charge calculation: Z-S/2-U Z =group No., S = total No. of electrons sharing in bonds, U = Unshared electrons .. .. H:N::C::N:H For Hydrogen: Z = 1; S=2 ,U=0 1-2/2-0 =0 For Carbon: Z = 4; S =8 , U =0 4-8/2-0 =0 Nitrogen: Z = 5; S=6 ,U=2 5-6/2-2 = 0 Formal charge in all atoms = 0 Who is discovered that the "vital force“ not required to synthesis organic compounds a. Berzelius, b. Frederich Wöhler , c.August Kekulé Constitutional isomers are different compounds that: have the different molecular formula, usually have different physical properties, have the same molecular formula The compound C4H9OH is an isomer of (1) C3H7COCH3; (2) C2H5OC2H5; (3) CH3COOC2H5; (4) CH3COOH. Organic compounds must contain: (1) oxygen; (2) nitrogen; (3) hydrogen; (4) carbon 1.2b Electronegativity Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself, and generally increases as one move from left to the right across the periodic table. least to most Electronegative Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F electronegative Electronegativity also increases as we go from the bottom to the top of a column in the periodic table. least to most electronegative I < Br < Cl < F electronegative Elements that easily lose electrons and attain a positive charge are called electropositive elements. Alkali metals are electropositive elements. 1.2c Bonding Atoms can become bonded with each other, and their electronic structure governs the type of bond formed. The main two types of bonds that are formed are called ionic and covalent. Ionic Bond Ionic bonding is important between atoms of vastly different electronegativity. The bond results from one atom giving up an electron while another atom accepts the electron. Both atoms attain a stable nobel gas configuration. In the compound lithium fluoride, the 2s1 electron of lithium is transferred to the 2p5 orbital of fluorine. The lithium atom gives up an electron to form the positively charged lithium cation with 1s2, 2s0 configuration, and the fluorine atom receives an electron to form a fluoride anion with 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 configuration. Thus the outer energy levels of both ions are completely filled. The ions are held together by the electrostatic attraction of the positive and negative ions. + Li + F 1S2 1S2 2S1 2S2, 2P5 Li + 1S2 2S0 F - 1S2 2S2, 2P6 Extreme examples: 1. In Cl2 the shared electron pairs is shared equally 2. In NaCl the 3s electron is stripped from the Na atom and is incorporated into the electronic structure of the Cl atom - and the compound is most accurately described as consisting of individual Na+ and Cl- ions For most covalent substances, their bond character falls between these two extremes Bond polarity is a useful concept for describing the sharing of electrons between atoms •A nonpolar covalent bond is one in which the electrons are shared equally between two atoms •A polar covalent bond is one in which one atom has a greater attraction for the electrons than the other atom. If this relative attraction is great enough, then the bond is an ionic bond Electronegativity A quantity termed 'electronegativity' is used to determine whether a given bond will be nonpolar covalent, polar covalent, or ionic. Electronegativity is defined as the ability of an atom in a particular molecule to attract electrons to itself (the greater the value, the greater the attractiveness for electrons) Electronegativity is a function of: the atom's ionization energy (how strongly the • atom holds on to its own electrons) •the atom's electron affinity (how strongly the atom attracts other electrons) (Note that both of these are properties of the isolated atom) For example, an element which has: •A large (negative) electron affinity •A high ionization energy (always endothermic, or positive for neutral atoms) Will: Attract electrons from other atoms •Resist having its own electrons attracted away Such an atom will be highly electronegative Fluorine is the most electronegative element (electronegativity = 4.0), the least electronegative is Cesium (notice that are at diagonal corners of the periodic chart) Table of Electronegativities 1A 1 H 2.1 2A 3 Li 1.0 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 1B 2B 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 2 He 4 Be 1.5 5 B 2.0 6 C 2.5 7 N 3.0 8 O 3.5 9 F 4.0 10 Ne 11 Na 0.9 12 Mg 1.2 13 Al 1.5 14 Si 1.8 15 P 2.1 16 S 2.5 17 Cl 3.0 18 Ar 19 K 0.8 20 Ca 1.0 21 Sc 1.3 22 Ti 1.5 23 V 1.6 24 Cr 1.6 25 Mn 1.5 26 Fe 1.8 27 Co 1.9 28 Ni 1.9 29 Cu 1.9 30 Zn 1.6 31 Ga 1.6 32 Ge 1.8 33 As 2.0 34 Se 2.4 35 Br 2.8 36 Kr 3.0 37 Rb 0.8 38 Sr 1.0 39 Y 1.2 40 Zr 1.4 41 Nb 1.6 42 Mo 1.8 43 Tc 1.9 44 Ru 2.2 45 Rh 2.2 46 Pd 2.2 47 Ag 1.9 48 Cd 1.7 49 In 1.7 50 Sn 1.8 51 Sb 1.9 52 Te 2.1 53 I 2.5 54 Xe 2.6 55 Cs 0.7 56 Ba 0.9 57 La 1.1 72 Hf 1.3 73 Ta 1.5 74 W 1.7 75 Re 1.9 76 Os 2.2 77 Ir 2.2 78 Pt 2.2 79 Au 2.4 80 Hg 1.9 81 Tl 1.8 82 Pb 1.9 83 Bi 1.9 84 Po 2.0 85 At 2.2 86 Rn 2.4 87 Fr 0.7 88 Ra 0.9 89 Ac 1.1 104 Rf 105 Db 106 Sg 107 Bh 108 Hs 109 Mt 110 Ds 111 112 Uuu Uub 113 Uut 114 115 116 Uuq Uup Uuh 1.2b Electronegativity: Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself, and generally increases as one moves from left to the right across the periodic table. Least electronegative Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F most electronegative Increasing of electronegativity If we look to the above periodic table in group seven we find: Least electronegative I < Br < Cl < F Increasing of electronegativity most electronegative General trends: •Electronegativity increases from left to right along a period •For the representative elements (s and p block) the electronegativity decreases as you go down a group •The transition metal group is not as predictable as far as electronegativity. Electronegativity and bond polarity We can use the difference in electronegativity between two atoms to gauge the polarity of the bonding between them Compound Electronegativity Difference Type of Bond F2 4.0 - 4.0 = 0 Nonpolar covalent HF LiF 4.0 - 2.1 = 1.9 4.0 - 1.0 = 3.0 Polar covalent Ionic (noncovalent) Ionic Bond Ionic bonding is important between atoms of vastly different electronegativity. The bond results from one atom giving up an electron while another atom accepts the electron. Both atoms attain a stable nobel gas configuration. In the compound lithium fluoride, the 2s1 electron of lithium is transferred to the 2p5 orbital of fluorine. The lithium atom gives up an electron to form the positively charged lithium cation with 1s2, 2s0 configuration, and the fluorine atom receives an electron to form a fluoride anion with 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 configuration. Thus the outer energy levels of both ions are completely filled. The ions are held together by the electrostatic attraction of the positive and negative ions. •Covalent Bond: A covalent bond is formed by a sharing of two electrons by two atoms. A hydrogen atom possessing the 1s1 electron joins with another hydrogen atom with its 1s1 configuration. The two atoms form a covalent bond with two electrons by sharing their electrons. H . +.H H .. In hydrogen fluoride, HF, the hydrogen 1s electron is shared with a 2p5 electron in fluorine (1s2, 2s2, 2p5), and the molecule is now held together by a covalent bond. In this case, the fluorine atom is much more electronegative than the hydrogen atom and the electrons in the bond tend to stay closer to the fluorine atom. This is called a polar covalent bond, and the atoms possess a small partial charge denoted by the Greek d symbol. BOND POLARITY AND DIPOLE MOMENTS; • You will recall that the polarity of a bond is determined by determining the difference in the electronegativities. If a molecule is diatomic (2 atoms) there is often only one bond and that will determine whether the molecule is polar. • For ex. the H−F bond is polar with fluorine being the more electronegative. A partial negative charge resides on the fluorine atom and partial positive charge. H F d+ d - •The arrow points to the center of negative charge while the tail is at the center of positive charge. a dipole moment means that the molecule has two poles. • The situation is clear-cut with HF. It becomes more difficult with 3 or more atoms in a molecule because the individual dipoles can cancel each other out. •Here are some basic guidelines to determine if a molecule is polar or nonpolar. Later you will be shown how to determine the dipole moment with the arrow shown above. HOW TO DETERMINE MOLECULAR POLARITY (EXCLUDING DIRECTION OF DIPOLE MOMENT • Molecules that are not totally symmetrical are polar molecules. In a polar molecule, electron density accumulates toward one side of the molecule giving that side a slight negative charge δ-, and the other side a slight positive charge of equal value δ+. Polar molecules are said to possess a dipole moment which means that it has 2 poles (+ and -). A polar molecule is a dipole• Polarity is due to the polarity of the bonds and the lone pairs on the central atom. One lone pair on the central atom makes the molecule polar. This only works for one lone pair, not 2, 3, 4, etc. If more than one lone pair, determine the polarity from the bonded atoms. To determine if a molecule is polar (has a dipole moment): 1. Draw an acceptable Lewis dot structure. 2. Predict the electron-pair geometry. 3. Determine whether the molecule is totally symmetrical. 4. An analogy for polarity is to imagine that an object is being pulled in directions determined by the electronegativities of the atoms. If the forces are equal, the object will not move (nonpolar). Criteria for polarity: •If a molecule is diatomic (2 atoms) and the atoms are different, it is polar. • A molecule having just one lone pair of electrons is polar. • If all of the terminal atoms are the same and there are no lone pairs of electrons around the central atom, the molecule is totally symmetrical and nonpolar. • If the molecule is not symmetrical, it is polar. The terminal atoms are different and the dipole moments do not cancel each other out. (Pulling moves the object). Examples:Predict whether the following molecules are polar or nonpolar (a) CO2 (b) CH2O (c) CCl4 (d) CCl2F2 (a) CO2 In CO2, the two bond dipoles cancel Non polar O C O When the bond dipoles are equal and point in opposite directions the centers of + and – charges are both on the central atom. Thus, the absence of a molecular dipole in CO2 suggests that the molecule is linear. (b) the dipolar nature of a polyatomic molecule depends on both the bond polarity and molecular geometry. The net effect of these bond dipoles is that the center of positive charge is located approximately on the carbon atom and the center of negative charge lies near the oxygen atom. H O H H d+ d - O H polar (c) Chlorine is more electronegative than carbon. Therefore CCl4 has four bond dipoles. These polar bonds are arranged in symmetric tetrahedral fashion about the central carbon atom. In this situation the centers of positive and negative charge on the carbon atom. The bond dipoles have canceled each other and the molecule as a hole does not possess a dipole moment. Nonpolar Cl C Cl Cl Cl HOW TO DETERMINE THE DIRECTION OF THE DIPOLE MOMENT Strategy Perform the following steps: Look up the electronegativity of each atom. Draw the molecule in 3-dimensional space. Determine the polarity of each bond and the net polarity on each atom. Draw the dipoles and determine the direction (if any) of the molecule dipole moment Solution: C = 2.5, H = 2.1, Cl = 3.0 H H H C C C Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Dipole Moment Cl Cl Example Dipole Moment Does CHCl3 (a tetrahedral molecule with carbon at the center) have a dipole moment? If so, show the orientation of the dipole moment Polarity, solubility, and miscibility Solvents and solutes can be broadly classified into polar (hydrophilic) and non-polar (lipophilic or hydrophobes). The polarity can be measured as the dielectric constant or the dipole moment of a compound. The polarity of a solvent determines what type of compounds it is able to dissolve and with what other solvents or liquid compounds it is miscible with. As a rule of thumb, polar solvents dissolve polar compounds best and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar compounds best: "like dissolves like". Strongly polar compounds like inorganic salts (e.g. table salt) or sugars (e.g. sucrose) dissolve only in very polar solvents like water, while strongly non-polar compounds like oils or waxes dissolve only in very non-polar organic solvents like hexane. Similarly, water and hexane (or vinegar and salad oil) are not miscible with each other and will quickly separate into wo layers even after being shaken well. Protic and aprotic solvents Polar solvents can be further subdivided into polar protic solvents and polar aprotic solvents. Water (H-O-H), ethanol (CH3-CH2-OH), or acetic acid (CH3-C(=O)OH) are representative polar protic solvents. A Polar aprotic solvent is acetone (CH3-C(=O)-CH3). In chemical reactions the use of polar protic solvents favors the SN1 reaction mechanism, while polar aprotic solvents favor the SN2 reaction mechanism. Protic solvent In chemistry any solvent that carries hydrogen attached to oxygen as in a hydroxyl group or nitrogen as in a amine group is called a protic solvent. Common characteristics: solvents display hydrogen bonding solvents are acidic solvents are able to stabilise ions cations by unshared free electron pairs anions by hydrogen bonding Examples are water, methanol, ethanol, formic acid and ammonia. Aprotic solvents are solvents that share ion dissolving power with protic solvents but lack acidic hydrogen. These solvents generally have high dielectric constants and high polarity examples are dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethylformamide and hexamethylphosphorotriamide. 1.3 Bonding in Carbon Compounds The property of carbon that makes it unique is its ability to form bonds with itself and therefore allows a large number of organic chemicals with many diverse properties. Carbon has the property of forming single, double and triple bonds with itself and with other atoms. This multiple bond ability allows carbon compounds to have a variety of shapes. In all carbon compounds, carbon forms four bonds. The types of bonds used by the carbon atom are known as sigma (s ) and pi (p) bonds. Different combinations of these bonds lead to carbon single bonds, double bonds and triple bonds. Hybridization 1.3a The Carbon-Hydrogen Single Bond-The Sigma (s) Bond: By far most of the bonds in carbon compounds are covalent bonds found commonly in the carbon-hydrogen single bond. In carbon (1s2, 2s2, 2p2) one of the electrons of the 2s2 orbital is promoted to the third 2p0 orbital. The s and three p orbitals hybridize to form four new orbitals of equal energy called sp3 hybrid orbitals. The electrons in the four sp3 hybridized orbitals bond by overlap with the 1s1 hydrogen orbital. The single covalent bond is called a sigma (s) bond. The sp3 bonds arrange themselves as far from each other as possible, the shape of a molecule of methane, CH4, is tetrahedral with 109.5o bond angles. The unique property of carbon that differentiates it from the other elements and allows the formation of so many different organic compounds is the ability of carbon to bond with itself through covalent bonding. Thus, addition of another carbon atom to methane results in ethane which has covalent sigma bonds to the hydrogen atoms and a covalent sigma bond between the carbon atoms. Addition of more carbon atoms leads to many more compounds. 1.3b. The Carbon-Carbon Double Bond-The Pi (p) Bond: Carbon forms a wide variety of compounds that contain carbon bonded to another carbon with a double bond between the two atoms. These compounds are classified as alkenes (older naming calls them olefins). The orbital model below explains the carbon-carbon double bond. The carbon electron configuration shows one s electron being promoted to a p orbital. But now only three orbitals are mixed, a s orbital and two p orbital, that are called sp2 hybrid orbitals and are used to form single bonds (sigma bonds). The p orbital contains one electron. 1.3b. The Carbon-Carbon Double Bond-The Pi (p) Bond: Carbon forms a wide variety of compounds that contain carbon bonded to another carbon with a double bond between the two atoms. These compounds are classified as alkenes (older naming calls them olefins). The orbital model below explains the carbon-carbon double bond. The carbon electron configuration shows one s electron being promoted to a p orbital. But now only three orbitals are mixed, a s orbital and two p orbital, that are called sp2 hybrid orbitals and are used to form single bonds (sigma bonds). The p orbital contains one electron. When carbon forms a bond with an electronegative atom such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur or a halogen, the bond is a polar covalent bond with the electrons of the bond residing closer to the electronegative atom. 1.3c The Carbon-Carbon Triple Bond Another type of bond that carbon forms with itself is the triple bond found in a class of compounds called alkynes. After promotion of the 2s electron to a 2p orbital, one s orbital mixes with one p orbital to give two hybrid sp orbitals. The two remaining p orbitals are used to make p bonds. Thus the carbon is bound by a sigma bond to hydrogen from one of the sp hybrid orbital, to the other carbon atom by a sigma bond from one of the sp hybrid orbitals, and the two carbon atoms are bound by two pi bonds from side-to-side overlap of the two p orbitals. The sp hybrid orbitals position themselves 180o apart and thus a molecule of ethyne is linear with the hydrogen atoms 180o apart. THE BREAKING AND FORMING _OF BONDS HOMOLYSIS AND HETEROLYSIS OF COVALENT BONDS: Any Organic Reaction: including making or breaking of bonds. If we consider a hypothetical molecule A:B, its covalent bond may break in three possible ways: (1) A:B (2) (3) . . A + B + A: + B + A + :B Homolysis Heterolysis REACTIVE INTERMEDIATES IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Organic reaction that take place in more than one step involve the formation of an intermediate C:Z Homolysis C . Z + Carbon radical (or free radical) . Heterolysis of a bond to carbon can lead either to a trivalent carbon cation or carbon anion. + C C:Z Heterolysis - + Z: Carbocation (or carbonium ion) - + C: + Z Carboanion Carbanions • Eight electrons on C: 6 bonding + lone pair • Carbon has a negative charge. • Destabilized by alkyl substituents. • Methyl >1 > 2 > 3 Carbenes • Carbon is neutral. • Vacant p orbital, so can be electrophilic. • Lone pair of electrons, so can be nucleophilic. Bond Dissociation Energies... • The total energy required to break the bond between 2 covalently bonded atoms • High dissociation energy usually means the chemical is relatively unreactive, because it takes a lot of energy to break it down. Reagents Types in Organic Reactions Nucleophile: nucleophile means “nucleus-loving” it has a negatively polarized, electron-rich atom. A nucleophile may be a neutral molecule or an anion. Examples include ammonia, water, Lewis bases are nucleophiles. .. H3N .. H2O: .. HO : .. .. :Cl..: Some nucleophiles (electron-rich) Free radical substitution Like chlorination of methane i.e. homolytic breaking of covalent bonds Overall reaction equation CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl Conditions ultra violet light excess methane to reduce further substitution Free radical substitution mechanism Cl Cl . H3C H Cl . Cl H3C . Cl . . Cl . H3C initiation step Cl H CH3 Cl CH3 Cl Cl . two propagation steps Cl . H3C Cl . . H3C UV CH3 CH3 CH3 termination step minor termination step Nucleophilic substitution OH- ion with 2-bromo,2-methylpropane - CH3 dd+ CH3 C Br CH3 CH3 Br CH3 CH3 C+ CH3 C CH3 Br OH CH3 OH2-methylpropan-2-ol Nucleophilic substitution cyanide ion with iodoethane CH3CH2CN + Ipropanenitrile CH3CH2I (ethanol) + CN-(aq) cyanide ion with 2-bromo,2-methylpropane (CH3)3CBr(ethanol) + CN- (aqueous) (CH3)3CCN + Br- 2,2-dimethylpropanenitrile Nucleophilic substitution hydroxide ion with bromoethane CH3CH2Br + OH- aqueous) CH3CH2OH + Brethanol hydroxide ion with 2-bromo,2-methylpropane (CH3)3CBr + OH- aqueous) (CH3)3COH + Br2-methylpropan-2-ol Electrophilic Substitution Nitration of benzene Where an H atom attached to an aromatic ring is replaced by an NO2 group of atoms C6H6 + HNO3 C6H5NO2 + H2O Conditions / Reagents concentrated HNO3 and concentrated H2SO4 50oC Electrophilic substitution mechanism (nitration) 1. Formation of NO2 the nitronium ion + HNO3+ 2H2SO4 NO2 + 2HSO42. Electrophilic attack on benzene - O + H3O+ SO3H NO2 + H2SO4 3. Forming the product and re-forming the catalyst Bromination of benzene Where an H atom attached to an aromatic ring is replaced by a Br atom electrophilic substitution C6H6 + Br2 C6H5Br + HBr R = alkyl group Conditions / Reagents Br2 25oC and anhydrous AlBr3 Electrophilic substitution mechanism Br .. .. + Br + AlBr3 Br + Br AlBr3 2. Electrophilic attack on benzene Br Bromobenzene + H .. Br + AlBr3 3. Forming the products and re-forming the catalyst Addition Reactions Electrophilic addition bromine with propene CH3CH=CH2 + Br2 CH3CHBrCH2Br 1,2-dibromopropane hydrogen bromide with but-2-ene CH3CH=CHCH3 + HBr CH3CH2CHBrCH3 2-bromobutane Electrophilic addition mechanism bromine with propene carbocation H3C C H C d+ H H H3C + C H C Br :Br Br Br d H3C 1,2-dibromopropae C H C Br Br H H H H Electrophilic addition mechanism hydrogen bromide with trans but-2-ene H C H3C C d+ CH3 H carbocation H + CH3 C C H H3C :Br H d Br H C 2-bromobutane H H3C C Br H CH3 H Nucleophilic Addition addition of hydrogen cyanide to carbonyls to form hydroxynitriles RCOR + HCN RCHO + HCN RC(OH)(CN)R RCH(OH)CN Conditions / Reagents NaCN (aq) and H2SO4(aq) supplies H+ supplies the CN- nucleophile Room temperature and pressure Nucleophilic Addition Mechanism hydrogen cyanide with propanone CH3COCH3 + HCN CH3C(OH)(CN)CH3 NaCN (aq) is a source of cyanide ions d+ dO CH3 C CH3 CN H+ C N from H2SO4 (aq) O CH3 C CH3 H+ CN O CH3 C H CN CH3 2-hydroxy-2methylpropanenitrile Electrophilic addition Reaction hydrogen bromide with trans but-2-ene H CH3 C C CH3 H d+ H Br d- H CH3 C + Br- H carbocation C H CH3 H H CH3 C C Br CH3 H 2-bromobutane Free radical addition addition polymerisation of ethene i.e. homolytic breaking of covalent bonds Overall reaction equation n H2C=CH2 ethene [ CH2CH2 ]n polyethene Conditions free radical source (a species that generates free radicals that allow the polymerisation of ethene molecules) Free radical addition mechanism R H2C H2C CH2 CH2 R R R R H2C H2C initiation step CH2 R H2C CH2R CH2 CH2CH2R chain propagation steps Addition of H2C=CH2 repeats the same way until: R(CH2)nCH2 H2C(CH2)mR termination step R(CH2)nCH2 CH2(CH2)mR polyethene Elimination Reaction • Addition and elimination reactions are exactly opposite. A p bond is formed in elimination reactions, whereas a p bond is broken in addition reactions. • Elimination reactions are the reversal of addition reactions H -H2O OH H -HBr Br Elimination Reactions • A-B A + B • Hybridization change occurs • sp3 to sp2 or sp2 to sp sp3 KOH/ethanol + KBr + H2O Br sp2 Rearrangements • Relatively uncommon • Groups migrate • Different atom connections result OH O heat Representative Carbon Compounds 1 Carbon-Carbon Covalent Bonds 1) Carbon’s ability to form as many as four strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to form strong bonds to hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorous. 2) Carbon can make the vast number of different molecules Required for complex living organisms. Methane and Ethane: Representative alkanes 1)Methane and ethane are two members of a broad family of Organic compounds called hydrocarbon 2) Hydrocarbons are compounds whose molecules contain only Carbon and hydrogen atoms - alkanes 3) Hydrocarbons whose molecules have a carboncarbon double bond are called alkenes, and those with a carbon-carbon triple bond are called alkynes Saturated compounds and unsaturated compounds 1) Generally speaking, compounds such as the alkanes, whose Molecules contain only single bonds are referred to as saturated compounds 2) Compounds with multiple bonds, such as alkenes, alkynes, and aromatic hydrocarbons are called unsaturated compounds Benzene: A representative aromatic hydrocarbon H H H H H H H H H H H H Kekule structures or resonance hybrid or C6H5- or Ph- phenyl group CH3 or C6H5CH2- ( Benzyl group Functional Groups The molecules of compounds in a particular family are characterized by the presence of a certain arrangement of atoms Called a functional groups 1) Ethyne-----triple bond 2) Ethene-----double bond 3) Ethane--- C-H and C-C bond 4) Alcohol----Hydroxyl group (-OH) (R-OH) Alkyl groups and the symbol R They are groups that would be obtained by removing a hydrogen Atom from an alkane Alkane alkyl Group Me- CH3- CH4 Methane Methyl group CH3CH3 CH3CH2- or C2H5- Ethane Ethyl group CH3CH2CH3 (CH3)2CH- Propane R Isopropyl group H Abbreviation R EtR R is used as a general symbol to represent any alkyl group i-Pr- H R Functional Groups On great advantage of the structural theory is that it enables us to classify the vast number of organic compounds into a relatively small number of families based on their structures. The molecules of compounds in a particular family are characterized by the presence of a certain arrangement of atoms called a functional group. A functional group is the part of a molecule where most of its chemical reactions occur. It is the part that effectively determines the compound's chemical properties (and many of its physical properties as well). Alkyl Groups and the Symbol R: Alkane Alkyl Group CH4 Methane CH3- Abbreviation Me- Methyl group CH3CH3 Ethane CH3CH2- or C2H5 - CH3CH2CH3 Propane CH3CH2CH2- CH3CH2CH3 Propane H3C-CH-CH3 Isopropyl group Et- Ethyl Pr- Propyl group i-Pr- 2o Carbon 1o Carbon H H H H H H C C Cl H H 1o Alkyl chloride H C C C H H Cl H 2o Alkyl chloride 3o Carbon H H3C C Cl CH3 3o Alkyl chloride Although we use the symbols 10, 20, 30, we do not say first degree, second degree, and third degree; we say primary, secondary, and tertiary. 2.10 Alcohols 1) As hydroxyl derivatives of alkanes. 2) As alkyl derivatives of water. O CH3CH3 This is the functional group of an alcohol H H CH3CH2 109 O 0 H Ethane Ethyl alcohol or ethanol 105 O 0 H water Primary alcohol, secondary alcohol and tertiary alcohol CH3CH2OH Ethanol CH3CH2CH2OH Propanol CH2OH Primary alcohol Geraniol CH2OH Benzyl alcohol H H3C C CH3 Isopropanol OH Secondary alcohol OH 2-Isopropyl-5-methyl-cyclohexanol (found in peppermint oil) CH3 OH Phenyl ethyl alcohol CH3 H3C OH Tert-butanol CH3 triphenyl alcohol Tertiary alcohol OH (Ph)3C-OH H3C H H H O OH Norethindrone Ethers Ethers have the general formula R-O-R or R-O-R’ may be an alkyl group different from R. They can be thought of as derivatives of water in which both hydrogen atoms have been Replaced by alkyl groups. The bond angle at the oxygen atomOf an ether is only slightly larger than that of water. General formula for an ether Fuctional group C-O-C R H3C R' O R : or O R O CH3CH2OCH2CH3 H3C Dimethyl ether O Ethylene oxide Diethyl ether O O Tetrahydrofuran (THF) Phenyl methyl ether Amines This classification is based on the number of organic groups That are attached to the nitrogen atom R N H R N H R N H R A Primary (1o ) amine CH3NH2 Methyl amine CH3CH2NH2 R Ethyl amine NH2CH2CH2CH2CH2NH2 Putrescine A secondary (2o ) amine A tertiary (3o ) amine (CH3)2NH dimethyl amine (CH3CH2)2NH NH (CH3)3N diethyl amine hexahydropyrodine trimethyl amine (CH3CH2)3N triethyl amine NH2 Amphetamine The Structures of Amines N CH3 CH3 CH3 1. It is a trigonal pyramidal shape, like ammonia. 2. The bond angle is 108.7o 3. The nitrogen atom of an amine is a SP3 hybridized, this means that the unshared electron pair occupies an sp3 orbital. Aldehydes and ketones Aldehydes and ketones both contain the carbonyl group---a group in which a carbon atom has a double bond to oxygen O the carbonyl group Aldehydes Ketones Formaldehyde HCHO Acetaldehyde CH3CHO Benzaldehyde C6H5CHO Acetone CH3COCH3 Ethyl methyl ketone CH3CH2COCH3 Acetophone C6H5COCH3 Functional group An atom or a group of atoms that is part of a larger molecule and that has a characteristic chemical reactivity • Structural features that allow for classification of compounds into families Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example CH3 Alkene C C H3C CH2 Limonene Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example OH C CH3 C Alkyne C C O Norethindrone H Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example Cl Alkyl Halide R X Cl Cl Cl Cl X = F, Cl, Br, I Cl 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane Lindane Organic Functional Groups Class Alcohol Functional Group Example CH3 R OH OH H3C CH3 2-Isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanol Menthol Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example HO (CH2)4CH3 H3C Ether R O R' O 9 H3C CH3 -Tetrahydrocannabinol THC Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group O Aldehyde R C H Example H O C C C H Cinnamaldehyde H Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example CH3 O O Ketone R C R' CH3 Jasmone Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example CH3 Carboxylic Acid O R C CH3 C OH O CH3 Ibuprofen OH Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example O O Ester R C C O R' O OH Methyl salicylate CH3 Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example H3CO Amine NH2 N R R' R" H3CO OCH3 Mescaline Organic Functional Groups Class Functional Group Example CH2CH3 O O Amide R C N C N CH2CH3 R' R" N CH3 N H Lysergic acid diethylamide LSD Organic Functional Groups Organic Functional Groups • Paclitaxel (TAXOL, isolated from the Pacific yew tree, Taxus brevifolia), is clinically useful in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Identify the functional groups in TAXOL. O H5C6 O C6H5 O C C N H H3C H3C C O CH3 O O CH3 OH CH3 OH HO H5C6 O C O O O C O CH3