BY 124 SI 09/02/15 Raylan's Session 2 has a comprehensive list of

BY 124 SI 09/02/15
Raylan’s Session 2 has a comprehensive list of possible questions on Chapter 29, so go
check it out. Also, her session 3 is the same, just on Chapter 30. With all those questions and
information from my worksheets, that should be a lot of good practice.
Memorize and understand Figure 30.2. Know all of the vocab and figures shown in class.
Gymnosperm = “naked” seed.
What are the characteristics and benefits of seed plants?
Seed plants have reduced gametophytes, heterospory, ovules (seeds are fertilized
ovules), and pollen. Help deal with drought and also freed seed plants from requiring
water for fertilization (broader reproduction). Sporophyte dominant; seed is
protected by integument.
Don’t get confused with the introduction of heterospores. Like before, spores will still
develop into the gametophyte; however, these seed plants have two types of spores: micro
and megaspores. Microspores give rise to the male gametophyte (which is enclosed in a
pollen grain). Megaspores give rise to the female gametophyte (which is enclosed in an
What is the opening of the ovule called?
What are the advantages of seeds?
Can remain dormant; the embryo has a supply of stored food; can be transported
long distances by wind or animals.
Discuss pine life cycle (Figure 30.4). Know all terms and steps on the figure. Key thing to
note: megasporangium usually only make 4 megaspores, and ONE of megaspores will
survive to develop into the female gametophyte; whereas, microsporangium will make
many, many microspores (which is why there’s so much pollen). In the figure, pollination
occurs before the megasporocyte undergoes meiosis, and fertilization occurs after
everything has developed. This can explain why the gymnosperm life cycle is so long (she
said it’s 3 years long in class).
What food supply does embryos in the gymnosperm seeds use?
The female gametophyte tissue (haploid; n)
What is a fruit?
A mature ovary; seeds are mature ovules
Know vocab: stamen, filament, anther, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, petals, and sepals.
What’s distinct about flower plants (angiosperms)?
Fruit, flowers, and double fertilization
Discuss angiosperm life cycle (Figure 30.12). Note that the pollen grain consists of a
generative cell and a tube cell. The generative cell will divide into 2 sperm cells (one will
fertilize the egg and one will fertilize the central cell polar nuclei). Know that the seed
consists of the embryo (2n), the endosperm (3n), and the seed coat (2n).
What’s the food source of the embryo?
The endosperm
What are the 3 basic plant organs? What are the 2 organ systems?
Roots, stems, and leaves; shoots system (stems and leaves) and root system
Know the vocab for these organs: apical bud, node, internode, blade, petiole, axillary bud,
taproot, and lateral roots.
What are adventitious roots? Know some common modifications of stems, leaves, and
Roots that develop from an unusual source such as the stem; a rhizome is a
horizontal shoot growing below surface (ginger); potato is a stem; onion is a
modification of leaves, roots can have different variations. Leaves can have tendrils,
What are the 3 tissues that will make up the organs?
Dermal, vascular, and ground