Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care DB and eCRF development Type of document Standard Operating Procedure Document code JCDM/PR9002 Current version 1.1, 28-11-2013 previous version Original date Scope Auteur(s) Reviewer(s) 1.0, 05-02-2014 28-11-2013 Datamanagement , eCRF and database S.L. Schmikli J. Schotsman Validation Summary of changes ______________________________ Name Procesowner _______________ Date __________________________ Signature ______________________________ Name Quality controller Minor textual _______________ Date __________________________ Signature © Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, Netherlands. Alle rights preserved. This document contains confidential information. Transfer of this information to third parties without written permission of the Julius Center is prohibited. The same applies to to copies of this document or parts of this document. Julius Center CONTENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS INTRODUCTION AIM LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES PROCEDURES REFERENCES Document1Document1 Confidential. Valid only on the day of printing;23/03/2016 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 2/5 Julius Center 1. ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS SOP JC RO2 JCDM eCRF GCP Standard Operating Procedure Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, UMC Utrecht Research Online 2 Data Management of Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, UMC Utrecht Electronic Case Report Form Good Clinical Practice 2. INTRODUCTION At JCDM, eCRF’s are designed using Research Online (RO2). RO2 is a web-based tool to gather digital clinical research data. It has been developed according to GCP rules containing monitoring options, full audit trails access control and version tracking of eCRF’s. 3. AIM The aim of this procedure is to define the key processes in designing the eCRf and the associated database. Details about these processes can be found in specific work instructions. 4. LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS For clinical trials the minimum standards is based on ICH-GCP (http://www.ich.org/) * Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting trials that involve the participation of human subjects. * Compliance with this standard provides public assurance that the rights, safety and well-being of trial subjects are protected and that the clinical trial data are credible. Document1Document1 Confidential. Valid only on the day of printing;23/03/2016 3/5 Julius Center 5. ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES ROLES RESPONSIBILITY Administrator/ Senior Data Manager (SDM) approve on the documentation of data structure for a study/project approve any amendments or checklist and agree with timeline of DB development design a system for data collection make sure the collected data can be output in the way it is suitable for analysis preparation training documentation of data collection system Draft necessary documentation Create studies Assign Data Managers to a study. develop a user-friendly data collection system make sure the collected data can be output to enable analysis provide the necessary documents (e.g. protocol, amendments, etc.) and information needed to develop a data collection system timely inform the responsible Data Manager of the status of the project approve the final eCRF interface Researcher/Data entry specialist (RDE) perform Data Entry at the research location End User (EU) data entry by study participants Data Manager (DM) Project Leader or delegated researcher (PL) 6. PROCEDURES 6.1 Planning Before starting DB/eCRF development and design, the SDM analyses what is needed according to the request from the PL. SDM carries out the following tasks associated to the intake process (See SOP JCDMPO_PR01 Verwerven en Initiëren Opdracht): a. Review proposed work and current forms (paper CRF). b. Collect information on user-requirements, system-requirements, and other requirements if applicable. c. Develop a project plan and delegate the work to appropriate personnel, normally a data manager. 6.2 Design and development d. Define a study (SDM). e. Assign data manager(s), if necessary with a new accounts (SDM). Document1Document1 Confidential. Valid only on the day of printing;23/03/2016 4/5 Julius Center f. g. h. i. j. Draft a data dictionary for documentation of the DB/eCRF structure (DM). Define data export module (DM). Design a user-friendly interface for Data entry specialist/ End-user (DM). Coding of programming need to be applied for technical issue solving (DM). Use versioning for the DB/eCRF system to ensure everyone is working on the same platform (DM). k. Assign Researcher/Data entry specialist(s) and provide rights to add study participants/end users. l. General work instructions for design (JCDM WI021) and specific work instructions to define a study (JCDM WI012), user and site management (JCDM WI016), and to apply complex rules in the forms (JCDM WI022) are available. 6.3 Testing and validation Testing and validation will be carried out before the DB/eCRF system is released for LIVE data entry. 6.4 Implementation and training If applicable, implementation and training phase will be carried out before the DB/eCRF system is released for LIVE data entry. 6.5 Maintenance and Evaluation The DB/eCRF should be continuously monitored by a process to capture user feedback about the system to identify system errors, missing functionality or increased functionality. 7. References a. Association for Data Management in the Tropics, ADMIT-003-00-SOP-database and eCRF Design, Version 1.0, 10-JAN-2013 Document1Document1 Confidential. Valid only on the day of printing;23/03/2016 5/5