State Assignment

State Assignment
The problem:
Assign a unique code to each state to produce a minimal binary logic level
1. |S| states,
2. at least log |S| state bits (minimum width encoding),
3. at most |S| state bits (one-hot encoding)
estimate impact of encoding on the size and delay of the optimized
Most known techniques are directed towards reducing the size. Difficult
to estimate delay before optimization.
 2n 
There are  S  S ! possible state assignments for 2 codes (n   log |S|  ),
 
since there are that many ways to select |S| distinct state codes and
|S|! ways to permute them among the states.
State Assignment
Techniques are in two categories:
Heuristic techniques try to capture some aspect of the process of
optimizing the logic, e.g. common cube extraction.
1. Construct a weighted graph of the states. Weights express
the gain in keeping the codes of the pair of states ‘close’.
2. Assign codes that minimize a proximity function (graph
embedding step)
Exact techniques model precisely the process of optimizing the
resulting logic as an encoding problem.
1. Perform an appropriate multi-valued logic minimization
(optimization step)
2. Extract a set of encoding constraints, that put conditions on
the codes
3. Assign codes that satisfy the encoding constraints
SA as an Encoding Problem
State assignment is a difficult problem: transform ‘optimally’
• a cover of multi-valued (symbolic) logic functions into
• an equivalent cover of two-valued logic functions.
Various applications dictate various definitions of optimality.
Encoding problems are classified as
1. input (symbolic variables appear as input)
2. output (symbolic variables appear as output)
3. input-output (symbolic variables appear as both input and
State assignment is the most difficult case of input-output
encoding where the state variable is both an input and
Encoding Problems: status
•well understood theory
•efficient algorithms
•many applications
•well understood theory
•no efficient algorithm
•few applications
•well understood theory
•no efficient algorithm
•few applications
•basic theory developed
•algorithms not yet mature
•few applications
•no theory
•heuristic algorithms
•few applications
•no theory
•heuristic algorithms
•few applications
Input Encoding for TwoLevel Implementations
Reference: [De Micheli, Brayton, Sangiovanni 1985]
To solve the input encoding problem for minimum
product term count:
1. represent the function as a multi-valued function
2. apply multi-valued minimization (Espresso-MV)
3. extract, from the minimized multi-valued cover, input
encoding constraints
4. obtain codes (of minimum length) that satisfy all input
encoding constraints
Input Encoding
Example: single primary output of an FSM
3 inputs: state variable, s, and two binary variables, c1 and c2
4 states: s0, s1, s2, s3
1 output: y
y is 1 when following conditions hold:
(state = s0 ) and c2 = 1
(state = s0 ) or (state = s2 ) and c1 = 0
(state = s1 ) and c2 = 0 and c1 = 1
(state = s3 ) or (state = s2 ) and c1 = 1
for output
Values along the
state axis are not
Input Encoding
Function representation
• Symbolic variables represented by multiple valued (MV) variables Xi
restricted to Pi = { 0,1,…,ni-1 }.
• Output is a binary valued function f of variables Xi
f : P1  P2  …  Pn B
• S  Pi and literal X S is as:
Xi S = {1 if XiSi
{0 otherwise
Example: y = X {0}c2+ X {0,2}c1’+ X {1}c1c2’ + X {2,3}c1 (only 1 MV variable)
The cover of the function can also be written in positional form:
-1 1000 1
0- 1010 1
10 0100 1
1- 0011 1
Input Encoding
y = X {0}c2+ X {0,2}c1’+ X {1}c1c2’ + X {2,3}c1
Minimize using classical two-level MV-minimization (Espresso-MV).
Minimized result:
y = X {0,2,3} c1 c2+ X {0,2}c1’+ X {1,2,3}c1c2’
Input Encoding
Extraction of face constraints:
y = X {0,2,3} c1 c2+ X {0,2}c1’+ X {1,2,3}c1c2’
The face constraints are: (assign codes to keep MV-literals in
single cubes)
(s0, s2, s3)
(s0, s2)
(s1, s2, s3)
• two-level minimization results in the fewest product terms
for any possible encoding
• would like to select an encoding that results in the same
number of product terms
• each MV literal should be embedded in a face (subspace or
cube) in the encoded space of the associated MV-variable.
• unused codes may be used as don’t cares
Input Encoding
Satisfaction of face constraints:
• lower bound can always be achieved (one-hot encoding will do it),
– but this results in many bits (large code width)
• for a fixed code width need to find embedding that will result in
the fewest cubes
Example: A satisfying solution is:
s0 = 001, s1 = 111, s2 = 101, s3 = 100
The face constraints are assigned to the following faces:
(s0, s2, s3)
(s0, s2)
(s1, s2, s3)
Encoded representation:
= X
{0,2,3} c
1 c2 +
X {1,2,3}c1c2’
x2’ c1 c2+ x2’ x3 c1’+ x1 c1c2’
Note: needed 3 bits instead of the minimum 2.
Procedure for Input
A face constraint is satisfied by an encoding if the supercube
of the codes of the symbolic values in the literal does not
contain any code of a symbolic value not in the literal.
Satisfying all the face constraints guarantees that the
encoded minimized binary-valued cover will have size no
greater than the multi-valued cover.
Once an encoding satisfying all face constraints has been
found, a binary-valued encoded cover can be constructed
directly from the multi-valued cover, by
• replacing each multi-valued literal by the supercube
corresponding to that literal.
Satisfaction of Input
Any set of face constraints can be satisfied by one-hot
encoding the symbols. But code length is too long …
Finding a minimum length code that satisfies a given set
of constraints is NP-hard
[Saldanha, Villa, Brayton, Sangiovanni 1991].
Many approaches proposed. The above reference
describes the best algorithm currently known, based on
the concept of encoding dichotomies.
[Tracey 1965, Ciesielski 1989].
Satisfying Input Constraints
Ordered Dichotomy:
• A ordered dichotomy is a 2-block partition of a
subset of symbols. Example: (s0 s1;s2 s3)
– Left block is s0,s1 - associated with 0 bit
– Right block is s2 s3 - associated with 1 bit
• A dichotomy is complete if each symbol of the
entire symbol set appears in one block
– (s0;s1 s2) is not complete but (s0 s1;s2 s3) is
• Two dichotomies d1 and d2 are compatible if
1. the left block of d1 is disjoint from the right
block of d2, and
2. the right block of d1 is disjoint from the left
block of d2.
Satisfying Input Constraints
• The union of two compatible dichotomies, d1 and
d2, is (a;b) where
1. a is the union of the left blocks of d1 and d2
2. b is the union of the right blocks of d1 and d2.
• The set of all compatibles of a set of dichotomies
is obtained by
– a initial dichotomy is a compatible
– the union of two compatibles is a compatible
Example: initial
(0 1;2) (1:4) (3:2) (2;4)
generated: (0 1 ;2 4) (0 1 3;2) (1 3;2 4) (1 2;4)
(0 1 3;2 4)
• Dichotomy d1 covers d2 if
1.the left block of d1 contains the left block of d2, and
2.the right block of d1 contains the right block of d2
(s0;s1 s2) is covered by (s0 s3;s1 s2 s4)
• A dichotomy is a prime compatible of a given set if it is
not covered by any other compatible of the set.
• A set of complete dichotomies generates an encoding:
Each dichotomy generates a bit of the encoding
– The left block symbols are 0 in that bit
– The right block symbols are 1 in that bit
Example: (s0 s1;s2 s3) and (s0 s3;s1 s2) ==>
s0=00, s1=01, s2=11, s3=10
Input constraint satisfaction
Initial dichotomies:
• Each face constraint with k symbols generates 2(n-k) initial
dichotomies (symbol set (s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5))
– (s1 s2 s4) ==> (s1 s2 s4;s0) (s1 s2 s4;s3) (s1 s2 s4;s5)
(s0;s1 s2 s4) (s3;s1 s2 s4) (s5;s1 s2 s4)
• Also require that each symbol is encoded uniquely
(s0;s1) (s0;s2) …
(s1;s2) …
(s5;s0) (s5;s1) …
n2-n such additional initial dichotomies
• All initial dichotomies, { d }, must be satisfied by encoding - a
dichotomy, d, is satisfied by a set of encoding dichotomies if there
exists a bit where the symbols in left block of d are 0 and the
symbols in right block of d are 1.
Note: can delete any initial dichotomy d that is covered by another e,
since since satisfaction of e implies satisfaction of d.
Input constraint satisfaction
1. Given set of face constraints, generate
initial dichotomies.
2. Generate set of prime dichotomies.
3. Form covering matrix
Rows = initial dichotomies
Columns = prime dichotomies
A 1 is in (i, j) if prime j covers dichotomy i.
4. Solve unate covering problem
Efficient generation of
prime dichotomies
1. Introduce symbol for each initial dichotomy
2. Form a 2-clause for each dichotomy a that is
incompatible with dichotomy b i.e. (a+b)
3. Multiply product of all 2-clauses to SOP.
4. For each term in SOP, list dichotomies not in term
- these are the set of all primes dichotomies.
Example: initial dichotomies (a b c d e)
ab,ac,bc,cd,de are incompatibles
CNF is (a+b)(a+c)(b+c)(c+d)(d+e) =
Primes are cUe, bUe, bUd, aUe, aUd
Efficient generation of
prime dichotomies
Procedure for multiplying 2-CNF expression E
Procedure cs(E)
x = splitting variable
C = sum terms with x
R = sum terms without x
p = product of all variables in C except x
q = cs(R)
result = single_cube_containment(x q + p q)
Note: procedure is linear in number of primes
Applications of Input
• PLA decomposition with multi-input decoders
[Sasao 1984, K.C.Chen and Muroga 1988, Yang and
Ciesielski 1989]
• Boolean decomposition in multi-level logic
optimization [Devadas, Wang, Newton, Sangiovanni
• Communication based logic partitioning [Beardslee
1992, Murgai 1993]
• Approximation to state assignment [De Micheli,
Brayton, Sangiovanni 1985, Villa and Sangiovanni
Input Encoding: PLA
Consider the PLA:
y1 = x1 x3 x4’ x6+ x2 x5 x6’ x7 + x1 x4 x7’ + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x3’ x5’ x6’ x7’
y2 = x2’ x4’ x6+ x3 x4’ x6 + x2’ x5 x6’ x7 + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x1’ x3’ x5’ x6’ x7’ + x2’ x4’ x5’ x7’
Decompose it into a driving PLA fed by inputs {X4, X5, X6, X7 } and a
driven PLA fed by the outputs of the driving PLA and the remaining
inputs {X1, X2, X3 } so as to minimize the area.
y1 y2
x4 x5 x6
x4 x5 x6 x7
Input Encoding: PLA
y1 = x1 x3 x4’ x6+ x2 x5 x6’ x7 + x1 x4 x7’ + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x3’ x5’ x6’ x7’
y2 = x2’ x4’ x6+ x3 x4’ x6 + x2’ x5 x6’ x7 + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x1’ x3’ x5’ x6’ x7’ + x2’ x4’ x5’ x7’
Projecting onto the selected inputs there are 5 distinct
product terms:
x4’ x6 , x5 x6’ x7 , x4 x7’ , x5’ x6’ x7’ , x4’ x5’ x7’
Product term pairs (x4 x7’ , x5’ x6’ x7’ ) and ( x5’ x6’ x7’ , x4’ x5’
x7’ ) are not disjoint.
PLA Decomposition
y1 = x1 x3 x4’ x6+ x2 x5 x6’ x7 + x1 x4 x7’ + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ + x3’ x5’ x6’ x7’
y2 = x2’ x4’ x6+ x3 x4’ x6 + x2’ x5 x6’ x7 + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x1’ x3’ x5’ x6’ x7’ + x2’ x4’ x5’ x7’
To re-encode make disjoint all product terms involving selected inputs:
y1 = x1 x3 x4’ x6+ x2 x5 x6’ x7 + x1 x4 x7’ + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x 3’ x 4’ x 5 ’ x 6’ x 7’
(using reduce)
y2 = x2’ x4’ x6+ x3 x4’ x6 + x2’ x5 x6’ x7 + x1’ x3’ x4 x7’ +
x 1’ x 3 ’ x 4 ’ x 5 ’ x 6 ’ x 7 ’ + x 2 ’ x 4 ’ x 5 ’ x 6 ’ x 7 ’
(using reduce)
Projecting on the selected inputs there are 4 disjoint product terms:
x 4’ x 6 , x5 x 6’ x 7 , x 4 x 7’ , x4’ x 5’ x 6’ x 7’
View these as 4 values 1,2,3,4 of an MV variable S:
y1 = x1 x3 S {1} + x2 S {2} + x1 S {3} + x1’ x3’ S {3} + x3’ S {4}
y2 = x2’ S {1} + x3 S {1} + x2’ S {2} + x1’ x3’ S {3} + x1’ x3’ S {4} + x2’ S {4}
Input Encoding: PLA
y1 = x1 x3 S{1} + x2 S{2} + x1 S{3} + x1’ x3’ S{3} + x3’ S{4}
y2 = x2’ S{1} + x3 S{1} + x2’ S{2} + x1’ x3’ S{3} + x1’ x3’ S{4} + x2’ S{4}
Performing MV two-level minimization:
y1 = x1 x3 S {1,3} + x2 S {2} + x3’ S {3,4}
y2 = x2’ S {1,2,4} + x3 S {1} + x1’ x3’ S {3,4}
Face constraints are:
(1,3 ), (3,4 ), (1,2,4 )
Codes of minimum length are:
enc(1 ) = 001, enc(2 ) = 011, enc(3) = 100, enc(4) = 111.
Input Encoding: PLA
The driven PLA becomes:
y1 = x1 x3 x9’ + x2 x8’x9 x10 + x3’ x8
y2 = x2’ x10 + x3 x8’x9’x10 + x1’ x3’ x8
The driving PLA becomes the function:
f: {X4, X5, X6, X7}  {X8, X9, X10}
f(x4’ x6 ) = enc( 1 ) = 001
f(x4 x7’ ) = enc( 3 ) = 100
y1 y2
x8, x9, x10
x4 x5 x6
x4 x5 x6 x7
f(x5 x6’ x7 ) = enc( 2 ) = 011
f(x4’ x5’ x6’ x7’ ) = enc( 4 ) = 111
Represented in SOP as:
x8 = x4 x7’ + x4’ x5’ x6’ x7’
x9 = x5 x6’ x7 + x4’ x5’ x6’ x7’
x10 = x4’ x6 + x5 x6’ x7 + x4’ x5’ x6’ x7’
Result: Area before decomposition: 160.
Area after decomposition: 128.
Output Encoding for
Two-Level Implementations
The problem:
• find binary codes for symbolic outputs in a logic function so
as to minimize a two-level implementation of the function.
• Assume that we have a symbolic cover S with a symbolic
output assuming n values. The different values are denoted
v0, … , vn-1.
• The encoding of a symbolic value vi is denoted enc(vi).
• The onset of vi is denoted ONi. Each ONi is a set of Di
minterms {mi1, …, miDi }.
• Each minterm mij has a tag indicating which symbolic value’s
onset it belongs to. A minterm can only belong to one
symbolic value’s onset.
Output Encoding
Consider a function f with symbolic outputs and two different encoded
realizations of f :
0001 out1
0001 001
0001 10000
00-0 out2
00-0 010
00-0 01000
0011 out2
0011 010
0011 01000
0100 out3
0100 011
0100 00100
1000 out3
1000 011
1000 00100
1011 out4
1011 100
1011 00010
1111 out5
1111 101
1111 00001
• Two-level logic minimization exploits the sharing between the different
outputs to produce a minimum cover.
In the second realization no sharing is possible. The first can be
1111 001
minimized to:
1-11 100
0100 011
0001 101
1000 011
00-- 010
Dominance Constraints
Definition: enc(vi) > enc(vj) iff the code of vi bit-wise
dominates the code of vj, i.e. for each bit position where vj has
a 1, vi also has a 1. Example: 101 > 001
If enc(vi ) > enc(vj ) then ONi can be used as a DC set when
minimizing ONj.
symbolic cover encoded cover minimized encoded cover
0001 out1
0001 110
0001 110
00-0 out2
00-0 010
00-- 010
0011 out2
0011 010
Here enc(out1) = 110 > enc(out2) = 010. The input minterm
0001 of out1 has been included into the single cube 00-- that
asserts the code of out2.
Algorithms to exploit dominance constraints implemented in Cappucino (De
Michelli, 1986) and Nova (Villa and Sangiovanni, 1990).
Disjunctive Constraints
If enc(vi ) = enc(vj ) + enc(vk ), ONi can be minimized using ONj
and ONk as don’t cares.
symbolic cover encoded cover minimized encoded cover
101 out1 1
100 out2 1
111 out3 1
11 1
01 1
10 1
01 1
10 1
Here enc(out1) = enc(out2) + enc(out3). The input minterm 101 of out1
has been merged with the input minterm 100 of out2 (resulting in 10-)
and with the input minterm 111 of out3 (resulting in 1-1). Input minterm
101 now asserts 11 (i.e. the code of out1), by activating both cube 10that asserts 01 and cube 1-1 that asserts 10.
Algorithm to exploit dominance and disjunctive constraints
implemented in esp_sa (Villa, Saldanha, Brayton and Sangiovanni,
Exact Output Encoding
Proposed by Devadas and Newton, 1991.
The algorithm consists of the following:
1. Generate generalized prime implicants (GPIs) from the
original symbolic cover.
2. Solve a constrained covering problem,
• requires the selection of a minimum number of GPIs that
form an encodeable cover.
3. Obtain codes (of minimum length) that satisfy the encoding
4. Given the codes of the symbolic outputs and the selected
GPIs, construct trivially a PLA with product term
cardinality equal to the number of GPIs.