Partnership Commitment Charter Name of HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY Represented by (Name of Project Manager), Project Manager Organization Address And Name of PRIVATE PARTNER Represented by (Name of contact person) Address 1 OBJECTIVE OF AGREEMENT Italicized text is for your information only. Please remove before finalizing agreement. Potential private partners to help achieve the goals and objectives of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge could include: The food industry (producers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and associations) Health care (insurance and pharmaceuticals) The sports and athletics industry (teams, associations, retailers of equipment and apparel) Retailers/manufacturers of children’s products Media and entertainment (radio, television and other media). Marketing/Public Relations (advertising agencies, PR firms) The Healthy Kids Community Challenge is unique in its approach to promoting healthy living messages to families and children in Ontario. One of the unique characteristics of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge is that it is built on the principle that working across sectors will increase the opportunities to promote healthy behaviour changes in children. In order to maximize the reach of the healthy living message and to promote healthy behaviour change in children, best practice has demonstrated that it is essential to work across all sectors including health care leaders, non-profit organizations, and private partners. The objective of this agreement is to ensure that the Healthy Kids Community will achieve an effective partnership with private partners that is based on a vested interest and leverages each other’s assets in the best interests of children. This agreement is intended to ensure that each private partner and Healthy Kids Community agree to work together to achieve the greater goals of the program – healthy weights for children. As well, the private partner and the Healthy Kids Community must confirm their objective and commitment to fostering an environment of trust, openness, transparency and accountability in working towards the goals of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge and in the best interests of children. This agreement will outline the mutual obligations of (PRIVATE PARTNER) and (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) in working together to support the objectives of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge in (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY). OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRIVATE PARTNER As agreed to by the HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY and the PRIVATE PARTNER, the PRIVATE PARTNER has agreed to provide the following support the HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY in support of The HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Note: Potential private partners could be involved with the following activities: o Contributing funding for the planning, implementation or evaluation of initiatives. o Providing in-kind support (e.g., printing materials, media space, supplies/equipment) o Sharing knowledge and expertise (e.g., data on consumer behaviours, social marketing expertise) 2 o o Mobilizing and encouraging employees to join The Healthy Kids Community Challenge in their communities Other initiatives as agreed to by the HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY and the PRIVATE PARTNER The (PRIVATE PARTNER) can: Include The Healthy Kids Community Challenge as part of the (PRIVATE PARTNER)’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy Freely publicize its participation in The Healthy Kids Community Challenge in (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) pending approval of the (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) represented by the Project Manager. o It can, for example, print The Healthy Kids Community Challenge logo and/or program name together with such a phrase as « …, partner in the Healthy Kids Community Challenge in (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY)» on all documents of a commercial, scientific, economic or advertising nature disseminated to third parties, as well as on the (PRIVATE PARTNER) website. In turn, the (PRIVATE PARTNER) commits to: 1. Fostering an environment of trust, openness, transparency and accountability in working towards the goals of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge and in the best interests of children. 2. Not undertaking any company or product marketing directly to the target population of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge during any of the planned activities and/or initiatives associated with The Healthy Kids Community Challenge. 3. Submitting communication products that refer to the Healthy Kids Community Challenge to the (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) Project Manager for approval prior to distribution. This includes all means of multi-media distribution, with the exception of initiatives of a purely internal nature (such as documents distributed to the partner’s employees). 4. Examples of communication products and initiatives are (this list is not exhaustive): a. Speeches at conferences, seminars, meetings; b. Publications in books, magazines, collections, official documents, intended or not for the wider public; c. Distribution by television, telephone, web-based or other electronic means, whatever the geographical territory it intends to reach and whatever the nature of the communication may be; d. Communication of a scientific, commercial, cultural, sociological nature or less significant; e. Use as a documentary or basis for fiction. 3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY LOCAL STEERING COMMITTEE (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) Project Manager and local steering committee commit to: 1. Fostering an environment of trust, openness, transparency and accountability in working towards the goals of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge and in the best interests of children. 2. Placing the (PRIVATE PARTNER) logo next to the logos of all multi-sectoral collaborating partners on all communication tools created by (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) within the scope of The Healthy Kids Community Challenge. 3. Reviewing the content, the outline and method of dissemination of every (PRIVATE PARTNER) communication product and initiative related to The Healthy Kids Community Challenge in (HEALTHY KIDS COMMUNITY) and communicating its decision to (PRIVATE PARTNER) within two weeks at most. Name of Healthy Kids Community: Represented by: 4 (Name of Project Manager) Signature:....................................................... Date: Name of Private Partner: Represented by: Title: Signature:………………………………………. Date: 5