Analysis of a Hybrid (Composite-Metal) Spur Gear Subjected to Stall Torque Using the Finite Element Method. by Brenton L Ewing An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT December 2013 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v TABLE OF SYMBOLS .................................................................................................. vii GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................... viii KEYWORDS .................................................................................................................... ix ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................... x ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... xi 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Material Properties ............................................................................................. 3 1.3 1.2.1 Tri-axial Braided Composite .................................................................. 3 1.2.2 AISI 9310 Gear Steel ............................................................................. 4 1.2.3 CYCOM PR 520 .................................................................................... 4 Hybrid Gear Specific Geometric Properties ...................................................... 4 2. Theory/Methodology ................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Lewis Bending Stress Equation ......................................................................... 6 3. Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Mathcad – Lewis Bending Equation .................................................................. 9 3.2 Abaqus FEA– Single Tooth ............................................................................ 10 3.3 Abaqus FEA– Single Tooth Bending with Fixed ID of Gear .......................... 12 3.4 Abaqus FEA – Solid Steel Gear Torsion ......................................................... 14 3.5 Abaqus FEA – Hybrid Gear Torsion ............................................................... 17 3.6 3.5.1 Void Composite ................................................................................... 20 3.5.2 Adhesive............................................................................................... 21 3.5.3 Outer Composite .................................................................................. 22 Abaqus FEA – Metal Gear with Lighting Holes Torsion ................................ 23 ii 4. Results and Discussion .............................................................................................. 25 4.1 Single Tooth Bending Analysis ....................................................................... 25 4.2 Torsion Analysis .............................................................................................. 27 4.2.1 Solid Metal Gear versus Gear with Lightening Holes ......................... 27 4.2.2 Hybrid Gear Components .................................................................... 29 5. Conclusion / Recommendations ................................................................................ 33 6. Appendix A: Mathcad- Lewis Bending Equation ..................................................... 34 7. References.................................................................................................................. 35 7.1 Software ........................................................................................................... 36 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Gear Data ............................................................................................................. 4 Table 2: Assumed Gear Properties .................................................................................... 5 Table 3: Results from Lewis Equation .............................................................................. 9 Table 4: Single Tooth FEA Results ................................................................................. 12 Table 5: Single Tooth Whole Gear FEA Results............................................................. 14 Table 6: Solid Metal Gear FEA Results .......................................................................... 16 Table 7: Hybrid Gear Modeling ...................................................................................... 17 Table 8: Hybrid Gear Assembly Legend ......................................................................... 19 Table 9: Void Composite FEA Results ........................................................................... 20 Table 10: Adhesive FEA Results ..................................................................................... 21 Table 11: Outer Composite FEA Results ........................................................................ 22 Table 12: Lightening Hole FEA Results ......................................................................... 24 Table 13: Single Tooth Summary .................................................................................... 25 Table 14: Single Tooth Results Neglecting Stress Concentrations ................................. 26 Table 15: Torsion Comparison- Solid Metal Gear versus Gear with Lightening Holes . 27 Table 16: Hybrid Gear Components, Stress .................................................................... 31 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Hybrid Gear Assembly Steps [1] ....................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Hybrid Gear Details [1] ...................................................................................... 2 Figure 3: Tri-axial Braided Composite and Single Unit Cell [2] ...................................... 3 Figure 5: Hybrid Gear Assembly....................................................................................... 5 Figure 4: Assumed Dimensions of Hybrid Gear ............................................................... 5 Figure 6: Gear Tooth as Cantilever Beam ......................................................................... 6 Figure 7: Lewis Form Factor Plot [7] ................................................................................ 7 Figure 8: Force applied to Tooth [7].................................................................................. 8 Figure 9: Single Tooth Loading and Boundary Conditions............................................. 10 Figure 10: Single Tooth FEA, fine mesh ......................................................................... 11 Figure 11: Single Tooth FEA, Displacement, fine mesh ................................................. 11 Figure 12: Single Tooth Gear Model with Localized Mesh Refinement ........................ 12 Figure 13: Single Tooth Coarse Mesh Bending Stress .................................................... 13 Figure 14: Single Tooth, Mesh Refinement, Displacement ............................................ 14 Figure 15: Solid Metal Gear, Fine Mesh, Stress .............................................................. 15 Figure 16: Solid Metal Gear, Fine Mesh, Radial Displacement ...................................... 16 Figure 17: Adhesive Connection ..................................................................................... 18 Figure 18: Hybrid Gear Assembly................................................................................... 19 Figure 19: Void Composite Fine Mesh ........................................................................... 20 Figure 20: Adhesive Fine Mesh ....................................................................................... 21 Figure 21: Outer Composite Fine Mesh .......................................................................... 22 Figure 22: Lightening Holes ............................................................................................ 23 Figure 23: Lightening Hole Fine Mesh Stress ................................................................. 24 Figure 24: Lightening Hole Fine Mesh Displacement .................................................... 24 Figure 25: Single Tooth FEA, Stress Comparison .......................................................... 26 Figure 26: Single Tooth FEA, Displacement Comparison .............................................. 26 Figure 27: Torsion FEA, Stress ....................................................................................... 28 Figure 28: Torsion FEA, Radial Displacement, tilted to show detail .............................. 28 Figure 29: Void Composite, Stress Gradients ................................................................. 29 Figure 30: Outer Composite, Stress Gradients ................................................................ 30 v Figure 31: Adhesive, Stress Gradients............................................................................. 30 Figure 32: Shear Stress versus Shear Strain, Composite [2] ........................................... 32 Figure 33: Tensile Stress versus Strain, Composite [2] ................................................... 32 vi TABLE OF SYMBOLS Symbol Description [units] E P θ D F Y Modulus of elasticity/ Young’s Modulus [ksi] or [psi] Diametral pitch [1/in] Pressure angle [degrees] Pitch diameter [in] Face width [in] Lewis Form Factor [-] σy σL Yield stress [ksi] or [psi] Wt ν Tangential load [lbf] Poisson ratio [-] rtooth Radial distance to gear tooth tip [in] Lewis Bending Stress [ksi] or [psi] Tc c Critical torque [lbf-in] Gear tooth tip arc length [in] fline h Wt per unit linear distance [lbf/in] Inner hub diameter [in] Lh Hub hexagonal length [in] Vl Void composite outer hexagonal length [in] Do Outer composite outer diameter [in] vii GLOSSARY 1. Elastic Modulus (Young’s modulus) – slope of the linear portion of a material’s stress-strain plot. 2. Yield Stress – amount of stress where a material begins to yield (plastically deform) 3. Spur Gear – gear in which the teeth are parallel to the gear shaft. This type of gear is used to transfer torsion across parallel shafts. 4. Face Width – thickness of the gear tooth measured parallel to main axis 5. Isotropic – a characteristic of a material which is independent of material orientation. 6. Involute – curve that follows an imaginary string as it is unwound from a cylinder. Modern gear tooth profiles are involutes. 7. Diametral Pitch – number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter 8. Pitch Diameter – diameter of the imaginary rolling cylinder that a gear replaces. 9. Pressure Angle – compliment of angle between line of force of gear tooth action and line connecting gear geometric centers. 10. Poisson Ratio – ratio that relates tangential to axial strain. 11. von Mises Stress – prediction of material failure (yielding) based upon a 3-d stress state which is converted into an equivalent tensile stress. viii KEYWORDS The following keywords are relevant to this report: spur gear, composite, torsion, tooth bending, finite element analysis, cohesive elements, Abaqus, mesh convergence ix ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank my wife, Hesti, for her tireless dedication. I would also like to thank Professor Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete for his support and guidance during this project. x ABSTRACT Reducing the weight of a component while maintaining strength requirements can be a design challenge and often one attribute is achieved at the other’s expense. This study explores an involute spur gear that has been lightened by replacing its center section with a composite material (see Figure 1 on page 2 for hybrid gear details). A casualty stall situation where the gear shaft is attempting to turn the gear but the gear teeth are prevented from moving develops stresses internal to the hybrid gear assembly. The Lewis bending equation is used to determine how much force is required to plastically deform the gear teeth. This load is then converted to a maximum torque value which is then applied to the entire gear. Two models of a single steel tooth (first model is a single tooth with a fixed base and the second model is a single tooth on a gear with the gear inside diameter fixed) are analyzed using the Abaqus Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software to verify results from the Lewis equation. This loading is then applied to a 3-d model of the hybrid gear in Abaqus to predict stress levels in the composite parts. Additional considerations include adhesive failure due to shear stresses at bonded interfaces. For comparison purposes, a solid metal gear is also analyzed and will be used as a baseline. Finally, a metal gear is analyzed with lightening holes to simulate a 20 percent reduction in weight (similar to the weight savings achieved with the composite center section). The analysis performed on the hybrid spur gear show large (>9) factors of safety for both the hybrid gear and a metal gear with arbitrary lightening holes. xi 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Lightweight components equate to less energy consumption while operating and is frequently characterized with an increased power to weight ratio. As technology in both manufacture and material refinement becomes more advanced, components can be designed to be lighter while still being able to meet or exceed strength and fatigue requirements. The spur gear is one such component that can benefit from a reduction in weight. Spur gears are useful for transmitting torque across parallel shafts. A conventional spur gear is made from a single material, usually metal, and is placed on a shaft. As this shaft rotates, the gear teeth mesh with another gear and power is transmitted across their interface. A hybrid configuration which consists of manufacturing a spur gear from both metal and composite materials has been proposed [1]. Figure 1 and Figure 2 depict assembling the gear and show final details. To build the gear, a metal hub is located centrally. A composite layer (outer composite 1 of 2) is then placed around the hub. Next, an outer ring of gear teeth is bonded using adhesive. To fill the void created between the hub and toothed ring, a layer of composite (named void composite) is fitted and bonded to the outer composite. Finally, the last composite section is bonded to the assembly (outer composite 2 of 2) and a curing process is specified at elevated pressures and temperatures. Figure 18 on page 19 shows the assembly in Abaqus. This multimaterial spur gear is approximately 20 percent lighter than a traditional steel gear. This study evaluates the performance of such a gear using analytical methods. The results are then compared to an equivalent metal gear with lightening holes. 1 Figure 1: Hybrid Gear Assembly Steps [1] Figure 2: Hybrid Gear Details [1] 2 1.2 Material Properties 1.2.1 Tri-axial Braided Composite The baseline composite material assumed in this study is a tri-axial braided carbon fiber and epoxy laminate. The fibers are TORAYCA T700S carbon fiber and the matrix is CYCOM PR 520 [2]. This is a relatively expensive and complicated material but the resulting lamina can be considered quasi-isotropic when several unit cells are included [2]. Figure 3 is a graphical representation of the material and the size of a unit cell. Figure 3: Tri-axial Braided Composite and Single Unit Cell [2] The axial direction (vertical blue arrow in Figure 3) consists of 24k (24 thousand) flattened tows of carbon fiber. A 24K flattened tow consists of twenty four thousand carbon fibers in a bundle which is then flattened. The inclined red arrows in Figure 3 show the bias direction (plus and minus 60 degrees off of the axial direction). These fibers are 12k flattened tows of carbon fiber. For many composite materials, material data can be looked up in tables, but for this unique material, no such data is readily available. Testing performed on this material is identified in [2]. For this study, the composite is considered to be completely isotropic with a modulus of elasticity of 6.4e6 psi and a Poisson ration of 0.3. These values were also used in [1] for modal analysis. 3 1.2.2 AISI 9310 Gear Steel The gear tooth and hub material are made from AISI 9310 steel and are case hardened. The material properties are a Young’s modulus of 29e6 psi and a Poisson ratio of 0.3 [3] 1.2.3 CYCOM PR 520 The bonded interfaces are assumed to be glued using the composite matrix. The properties for the matrix were obtained from [4]. The resin has the following characteristics: Young’s modulus: 0.58e6 psi, Poisson ration: 0.398 and a Shear Modulus of 0.12e6 psi. An arbitrary thickness of 0.001 inches was selected for analysis purposes. 1.3 Hybrid Gear Specific Geometric Properties The gear identified in [1] will be analyzed in this project. Table 1 presents the properties. Note: Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) model obtained [5] for analysis has a 20 degree pressure angle vice the 25 degree angle identified in [1]. Table 1: Gear Data 4 Several gear dimensions were assumed for this analysis because they were not specifically identified in [1]. Table 2 identifies these dimensions and assumed values; Figure 4 clarifies where dimensions are located while Figure 5 presents the hybrid assembly model with part callouts. Table 2: Assumed Gear Properties Variable h Value 0.5 Description Inner hub diameter Units in Lh 0.75 Hub hexagonal length in Vl Do 1.5 Void composite outer hexagonal length in 3.296 Outer composite outer diameter in Figure 4: Assumed Dimensions of Hybrid Gear Figure 5: Hybrid Gear Assembly Note: front outer composite not shown in isometric for clarity 5 2. Theory/Methodology 2.1 Lewis Bending Stress Equation The Lewis bending stress equation is one of the oldest (developed in 1892 according to [6]) and simplest equations to determine stresses in loaded gear teeth. Its simplicity is derived from the analogy of a gear tooth to a cantilever beam (Figure 6). Figure 6: Gear Tooth as Cantilever Beam According to the Lewis equation, the maximum bending stress at the tooth base is given by equation 2.1. 𝜎 𝑊𝑡 ∗𝑃 𝐹∗𝑌 [2.1] 𝐿= The variable, Y, above is the Lewis Form Factor. This non-dimensional constant is based off of the pressure angle, θ, of the gear and its number of teeth, n. Values for Y are typically found in tables or plots such as in Figure 7. 6 Figure 7: Lewis Form Factor Plot [7] As a tradeoff to the Lewis equation’s simplicity, there are several key assumptions and drawbacks involved. These assumptions and subsequent discussion are presented below: Radial component of load is neglected Dynamic effects are not considered Stress concentrations at tooth fillet are not considered Highest loading is based on single tooth loaded at tip of tooth Sufficient contact ratio is obtained (greater than 1.5) An important drawback to the Lewis equation is that the force transmitted to the gear due to the mesh is actually at an angle and not tangential as shown in Figure 8. The radial component of this force would yield a compressive stress in the tooth; this force is neglected in the Lewis equation. 7 Figure 8: Force applied to Tooth [7] The Lewis equation also does not include dynamic effects. The effect of cyclic loading can reduce allowable stress significantly. Since many gears are meant to operate at a high number of revolutions per minute and for sustained periods of time, the Lewis equation will not be accurate in these cases. Finally, the Lewis equation does not accurately predict stress concentrations that occur at the tooth base fillet. These concentrations are significant and will introduce a difference when comparing actual stresses and stresses obtained with the Lewis Equation. The assumption that the worst case loading occurs when a single tooth is loaded at its tip would actually not result in the highest stress. According to [6], an accurately machined gear set with a sufficient contact ratio (greater than 1.5) would have others gears sharing the load if a tooth was loaded at its tip. A more severe load case would be when a pair of teeth shares the load equally and that force is applied at the middle of the gear teeth. Even with the assumptions and limitations of the Lewis equation, its simplicity makes it a great starting point to determine stresses in gear teeth. The loads calculated by the Lewis equation will be used in this study to predict loading internal to the hybrid gear. 8 3. Analysis This section includes analysis for several different models and loadings. Section 3.1 presents a hand calculation of tooth bending stress using the Lewis bending equation. Section 3.2 explores FEA of a single tooth with a fixed base. Next, Section 3.3 depicts a further refinement of section 3.2. The gear inside diameter (ID) is now fixed while loading is applied to the tooth. After tooth bending is analyzed and critical loading is selected, analysis is shifted to torsion. Section 3.4 represents torsion on an idealized solid metal gear with a fixed ID. Section 3.5 analyzes torsion on the hybrid gear and presents results from FEA on all composite components as well as mesh convergence considerations. Finally, section 3.6 uses FEA to predict stresses and displacements on an idealized metal gear with arbitrary lightening holes which represent a 20 percent reduction in mass. After each section, results are summarized for convenience. The FEA portions of this section include modeling considerations and mesh convergence studies. 3.1 Mathcad – Lewis Bending Equation The following is the Lewis equation analysis which calculates the maximum tangential load on the tooth as well as some additional values such as different loads to be applied to the model. Table 3 summarizes results from this section. The Mathcad calculation is presented in Section 6 on page 34. Table 3: Results from Lewis Equation Variable Value Description Tangential load to initiate tooth bending (plastic deformation) Wt 1069 Fline 17,558 Line load based on Wt distributed along top of tooth lbf/in Tc 1959 Critical torque - most torque that can be applied lbf*in 9 Units lbf 3.2 Abaqus FEA– Single Tooth The single steel tooth was modeled as a deformable 3-d shell instead of a solid due to greater shell element performance in bending. This increase in performance is attributed to a rotational degree of freedom in addition to translation. Solid elements only contain translation degrees of freedom. The shell thickness is 0.25 inches which is equal to F, the face width of the gear. The loading was applied to the top of the tooth as a tangential shell edge load of Fline=17558 lbf/in which equates to a load of Wt=1069 lbf as calculated by the Lewis equation (see section 3.1, Mathcad – Lewis Bending Equation for calculation). The bottom edge of the shell has a fixed displacement and rotation boundary condition. Figure 9 below presents the rendered shell thickness as well as boundary conditions and loading. The shaded area represents the shell model. Figure 9: Single Tooth Loading and Boundary Conditions A convergence study was conducted to get a sense of confidence for the stress calculated by the Lewis equation. Since the stress concentration at the fillet is not accurately predicted by the Lewis bending equation, it is expected that FEA results will be larger than the stresses calculated by the Lewis equation. The model was meshed using reduced integration 8 node shell elements. 10 Figure 10 shows the bending stress in the single gear tooth with a fine mesh plotted on the deformed tooth. The center section clearly shows the neutral surface with compression and tension occurring at the expected locations. The mesh was refined until the solution became mesh independent. For analysis purposes, the deflection was also captured through the mesh convergence process. Figure 10: Single Tooth FEA, fine mesh Figure 11 shows the displacement of the single tooth under tangential loading. The distribution is as expected within the model. Results from the single tooth FEA mesh convergence study are located in Table 4. Figure 11: Single Tooth FEA, Displacement, fine mesh 11 Table 4: Single Tooth FEA Results Mesh Coarse # Elements 62 S_mises Max [psi] 162,207 % Difference U_R Max [in] 1.7340E-03 % Difference Finer 199 166,133 2.36% 1.7340E-03 0.000% Fine 1221 172,728 3.82% 1.7370E-03 0.173% 7481 179,811 3.94% 1.7370E-03 0.000% 30704 179,955 0.08% 1.7380E-03 0.058% Super Fine Ultra Fine 3.3 Abaqus FEA– Single Tooth Bending with Fixed ID of Gear In an attempt to more realistically predict the bending stresses in the gear tooth, an entire steel gear is modeled with a single gear tooth. The face width is F=0.25 inches and there is a hole in the center that would represent a 1-inch diameter shaft. The loading is applied as a shell edge load in shear similar to the loading in Section 3.2. Figure 12 presents the model with rendered shell thickness and localized mesh refinement near the single gear tooth. The boundary conditions for this model include a coupling constraint for the gear’s inside diameter (ID) to a reference point at the gear’s geometric center (not shown). This reference point is then fixed in all directions. Figure 12: Single Tooth Gear Model with Localized Mesh Refinement 12 The mesh started rather coarse and was refined locally until convergence was observed. The displacement of the tooth was also selected as a field output for convergence purposes as well as comparing values to the single tooth model in Section 3.2. The following figures present software outputs for varying meshes. Figure 13: Single Tooth Coarse Mesh Bending Stress Figure 13, above, identifies bending stresses in the gear tooth. Even with a very coarse mesh, the gradients are smooth and are located as expected. The neutral surface is well defined and located at the tooth center as anticipated. The stresses plotted at the base of the tooth below the fillet indicate the body portion of the gear does resist the loading as expected which offers a more accurate bending stress determination. Figure 14 plots displacement of the model. The displacement gradients are reasonable and show the base of the gear below the fillet has some small deflection referenced to the gear center, as expected. Table 5 presents a summary from this subsection. 13 Figure 14: Single Tooth, Mesh Refinement, Displacement Table 5: Single Tooth Whole Gear FEA Results % Difference 1206 S_22 Max [psi] 199,600 3005 191,700 -4.12% 3.28E-03 0.61% 10,081 25,986 50,144 216,000 220,700 222,500 11.25% 2.13% 0.81% 3.29E-03 3.31E-03 3.32E-03 0.12% 0.67% 0.18% Mesh # Elements COARSE Less Coarse Fine Finer Finest U_R Max [in] % Difference 3.26E-03 3.4 Abaqus FEA – Solid Steel Gear Torsion For this section the load case of concern is torsion and how the stress distributes in the center section of the solid metal gear. A gear is modeled with the teeth removed. There is a 1-inch diameter hole in the center to accept a shaft. The outer diameter (OD) of the gear is coupled to a reference point at the geometric center of the gear. This reference point is then fixed in all directions. The ID of the gear is coupled to a different 14 reference point. A torque of Tc=1959 in*lbf is then applied to this second reference point. This will simulate the shaft trying to turn the gear with the teeth providing complete resistance. The model consists of a 3-dimensional shell with a thickness of F=0.25 inches. The mesh contains 8-node shell elements with reduced integration. The mesh is initially coarse and is then refined significantly until outputs converge. Figure 15: Solid Metal Gear, Fine Mesh, Stress Figure 15 presents the stress distribution for a finely meshed model under a state of pure torsion. The stress is highest where the torque is applied and tapers down to zero as a function of the radial distance, as expected. 15 Figure 16: Solid Metal Gear, Fine Mesh, Radial Displacement Figure 16 shows how the radial displacement is distributed on a coarse mesh model. The highest displacement occurs at the inside diameter of the idealized gear. The outside diameter of the gear has a radial displacement of zero which reflects the fixed boundary condition. The displacement output is a function of radial distance from the gear center and is as expected. The model is meshed with an increasing number of elements until the outputs converge. The following figures present a fine mesh. Table 6 summarizes the results from this section. Table 6: Solid Metal Gear FEA Results # Elements S_mises Max [psi] 592 1682 3806 10,359 29,324 41,939 7180 7507 7845 8052 8226 8249 % Difference U_R Max [in] % Difference 4.36% 4.31% 2.57% 2.12% 0.28% 2.0146E-04 2.0095E-04 2.0107E-04 2.0118E-04 2.0130E-04 2.0135E-04 -0.256% 0.062% 0.052% 0.061% 0.024% 16 3.5 Abaqus FEA – Hybrid Gear Torsion This section places the composite-metallic gear in pure torsion with loading and boundary conditions similar to that in Section 3.4. The ID of the gear has a moment of Tc=1959 in*lbf applied and the OD of the gear is fixed. For this analysis each part was modeled separately and compiled into an assembly. Table 7 presents a summary of materials and elements used for each part. The metallic parts were meshed with linear elements to reserve computing resources for composite parts. Table 7: Hybrid Gear Modeling Part Material Element Type HUB AISI 9310 GEAR STEEL 3-D Solid 8-node (linear) brick with reduced integration and hourglass control Void Composite Composite 3-D Solid 20-node (quadratic) brick with reduced integration Outer Composite Composite 3-D Solid 20-node (quadratic) brick with reduced integration Tooth Ring AISI 9310 GEAR STEEL 3-D Solid 8-node (linear) brick with reduced integration and hourglass control Adhesive CYCOM® PR 520 3-D Linear 8-node cohesive element To assemble the gear, interactions were identified to allow the different part surfaces in contact to remain in contact. The hub served as the master surface and was connected to the void and outer composites using tie constraints with default connection options. This allows the surfaces to be connected such that during small deformations the interface will stay together. The void composite was then tied to the tooth ring. To complete the assembly, the outer composite is tied to the ‘top’ surface of the adhesive while the void composite and tooth ring were both tied to the ‘bottom’ surface of the adhesive. Figure 17 shows a graphical representation of the adhesive connections selected in Abaqus. 17 Figure 17: Adhesive Connection Figure 18 shows an exploded view of the hybrid gear assembly with an accompanying legend in Table 8. 18 Figure 18: Hybrid Gear Assembly Table 8: Hybrid Gear Assembly Legend Part Hub Void Composite Tooth Ring Adhesive Outer Composite Color Light Silver Gray Blue Green Red Quantity 1 1 1 2 2 The assembly is meshed initially very coarse to get a sense of where the stresses would be the highest. The assembly was then re-meshed with finer elements until the results converge. For each part, a table of results is presented as well as screenshots representing mesh densities. 19 3.5.1 Void Composite This subsection presents the analysis of the void composite from a coarse mesh to a very fine mesh. Figure 19 shows a finely meshed void composite with stress gradients plotted on the undeformed part. Stresses are highest at the inner hexagonal corners while the outer hexagonal features predict the lowest stress. Table 9 provides a summary of results obtained. Figure 19: Void Composite Fine Mesh Table 9: Void Composite FEA Results # Global Elements 4998 10,557 24,262 49,106 61,868 71,268 84,366 # Local Elements 656 1635 4088 10,320 12,520 16,650 18,810 Maximum von Mises Stress 1711.425 1870.064 2164.235 2223.565 2154.530 2222.889 2434.615 20 % Difference 8.48% 13.59% 2.67% -3.20% 3.08% 8.70% 3.5.2 Adhesive The adhesive layer connects the outer composites to the void composite and tooth ring. This part is also meshed coarsely initially and then re-meshed until the outputs converge. Figure 20 shows the stress distribution in the adhesive using a fine mesh. The largest stresses occur at the outer edge of the gear where the fixed boundary condition is implemented. The lowest stresses are observed where the adhesive interfaces with the void composite. A low stress region can be seen where this interface occurs. Table 10 presents mesh convergence data. Figure 20: Adhesive Fine Mesh Table 10: Adhesive FEA Results # Global Elements 4998 10,557 24,262 49,106 61,868 # Local Elements 594 1212 2494 4886 6147 Maximum von Mises Stress 311.148 362.371 376.071 400.120 403.593 21 % Difference 14.14% 3.64% 6.01% 0.86% 3.5.3 Outer Composite The outer composite is glued to the void composite and tooth ring on both sides of the gear. Similarly, the part is meshed very coarse and then refined until the change in stress does not vary significantly. Figure 21 depicts a fine mesh with stress gradients plotted on the undeformed component. The highest stresses occur at the inner hexagonal corners and the lowest stresses are at its outer radius. Table 11 summarized the results of the analysis. Figure 21: Outer Composite Fine Mesh Table 11: Outer Composite FEA Results # Global Elements 4998 10,557 24,262 49,106 61,868 71,268 84,366 # Local Elements 1160 2832 7176 14,090 18,110 20,745 26,214 Maximum von Mises Stress 1797.313 1992.864 2519.917 2330.974 2448.193 2390.645 2457.219 22 % Difference 9.81% 20.92% -8.11% 4.79% -2.41% 2.71% 3.6 Abaqus FEA – Metal Gear with Lighting Holes Torsion The last part of the analysis is to predict the stresses in a solid metal gear with a 20 percent reduction in mass achieved by the removal of material via lightening holes. The size and quantity of the holes were selected arbitrarily. Loading and boundary conditions are selected similar to those in Section 3.4. Figure 22 shows the model with holes drilled to reduce the mass. The model was initially meshed coarsely and then refined until the solution converged. Stresses and displacement field outputs were obtained. This model was meshed with 8-node quadratic shells. Figure 22: Lightening Holes Figure 23 depicts stress distributions in the metal gear with lightening holes. The highest stress occurs at the gear ID and the lowest stresses occur at the gear OD. Figure 24 presents displacements for a relatively fine mesh. The largest displacement occurs at the gear ID where the moment is applied and between the lightening holes and the ID. The lowest displacements occur between the lightening holes at a constant radial distance. Table 12 summarizes the outputs from this analysis. 23 Figure 23: Lightening Hole Fine Mesh Stress Figure 24: Lightening Hole Fine Mesh Displacement Table 12: Lightening Hole FEA Results # Elements 1313 8456 18,942 33,926 76,824 S_mises Max [psi] 8810 10,018 10,379 10,524 10,700 % Difference 12.06% 3.48% 1.38% 1.64% 24 UR MAX [in] 3.1126E-04 3.2290E-04 3.2241E-04 3.2410E-04 3.2590E-04 % Difference 3.603% -.153% 0.523 % 0.550% 4. Results and Discussion This section expands on results obtained from Section 3 and is divided into two subsections: single tooth analysis and torsion analysis. Comparisons between different analysis and modeling approaches are presented including commentary on results obtained. 4.1 Single Tooth Bending Analysis Results are to be presented for the three methods of predicting the bending stress in the single gear tooth. The first method used is the Lewis bending Equation (see section 3.1 for full analysis and assumptions). Next, in section 3.2, a model was created of a detached single tooth. The tooth base is fixed and the load is applied to the top surface. The last method is the FEA of a gear with a fixed inside diameter. The loading is also applied to the top surface of the tooth. Table 13 presents data for comparison. Table 13: Single Tooth Summary Max Bending Stress [psi] Displacement [in] Lewis Bending Section 3.1 Single Tooth FEA Section 3.2 Single Tooth FEA Fixed ID Section 3.3 130,534 N/A 179,955 1.7380E-03 222,500 3.3160E-03 The values of the bending stress varied from 130,534 [psi] to 222,500 [psi]. This is due to the simplifications and assumptions embedded in the Lewis Bending Equation which neglects stress concentrations at the base of the tooth. A side-by-side comparison of the bending stresses for both FEA models is presented in Figure 25. The bending stresses occur at the expected locations with clearly defined neutral surfaces. The right side of Figure 25 shows the stresses developing into the center of the gear. This likely contributes to the differences in stresses calculated. The model with the fixed ID of the gear is more realistic than the simple tooth with a fixed base. 25 Figure 25: Single Tooth FEA, Stress Comparison If one observes the stresses away from the stress concentration at the base of the tooth, the stresses are closer to the values calculated by the Lewis bending equation, as shown in Table 14. Table 14: Single Tooth Results Neglecting Stress Concentrations Max Bending Stress [psi] Lewis Bending Section 3.1 Single Tooth FEA Section 3.2 Single Tooth FEA Fixed ID Section 3.3 130,534 138,605 132,200 Figure 26: Single Tooth FEA, Displacement Comparison Figure 26 presents a comparison of displacement for the two FEA models. Similar to the stresses, the gear body below the base of the tooth experiences some measurable deflection. This accounts for the differences in the values predicted in the two models. For both models, the displacement gradients are similar and occur where expected. The tip of the tooth experiences the most deflection while the base does not move too much. The displacement gradient is a strong function of the radial distance and a weak function 26 of distance from the neutral surface. A numerical comparison of displacement predicted for both models is not performed different reference points. 4.2 Torsion Analysis This sub-section provides comparison of both stresses and displacements of the two FEA models under pure idealized torsion. These models include a solid metal gear and a gear with lightening holes. For the hybrid gear, results are presented to identify maximum stresses predicted in the composite parts and adhesive. The factors of safety presented in section are a worst case scenario which represents the upper limit of elastic deformation for bending of the gear tooth. 4.2.1 Solid Metal Gear versus Gear with Lightening Holes The first model is a solid metal gear under idealized, pure torsion. (see section 3.4 for analysis and modeling considerations). Next, in section 3.6, a model was created of a metal gear with several lightening holes. Table 15 presents data for comparison. Table 15: Torsion Comparison- Solid Metal Gear versus Gear with Lightening Holes Solid Gear Section 3.4 Gear with Lightening Holes Section 3.6 Max Bending Stress [psi] Maximum Displacement [in] 8249 10,700 2.30E-04 3.26E-04 Allowable Stress [psi] Factor of Safety 130,534 15.82 130,534 12.2 The stresses in the gear with lightening holes are larger that of the solid gear as expected since there is less material and stress concentrations are introduced. The displacement is also larger due to the increased deflection locally near the lightening holes. The allowable stress was calculated by using a 0.02 offset of the elastic modulus, 27 representing the yield stress. A side-by side comparison of the stresses and displacements are shown in Figure 27 and Figure 28, respectively. Figure 27: Torsion FEA, Stress The stresses shown above in Figure 27 are similar in that the highest stress is located at the ID of the gear and then decreases as a function of radial distance to a minimum value of zero at the gear OD. The stresses in the gear with lightening holes show that the geometry more efficiently distributes the stress through the gear in comparison to the solid gear where the outer 1/3 is a region of relatively low stress. Figure 28: Torsion FEA, Radial Displacement, tilted to show detail The radial displacements calculated for both the solid metal gear model and the model with lightening holes added are shown in Figure 28. The maximum displacement occurs at the center of the gear on both models which intuitively matches the loading and boundary conditions established. The lightening holes introduce higher displacements throughout the gear as expected while the outer third of the solid gear has relatively 28 small displacements. This low stress region corresponds to the lower stress areas in Figure 27. 4.2.2 Hybrid Gear Components The stress predictions for both the composite components and adhesive are presented in this sub section. The analysis for these parts is located in Section 3.5. For component identification please refer to Figure 18 on page 19. The void composite is situated at the center of the assembly and is located radially between the hub and outer tooth ring. Figure 29 shows stress distributions in this part. The stresses are highest at the inner hexagonal features and decrease as a function of radial distance. The lowest stresses occur at the outer hexagonal features where an interface with the outer tooth ring occurs. This is due to the stiffness of the outer metal ring limiting the displacement. Figure 29: Void Composite, Stress Gradients The outer composite is the outer most axial component of the hybrid gear. It is mounted on the hexagonal hub and attached to the assembly by a layer of adhesive. Stress gradients are plotted in Figure 30. There are two outer composites per assembly and they both have the same amount of stress due to the loading of the gear. 29 Figure 30: Outer Composite, Stress Gradients Similar to the void composite, the highest stresses in the outer composite are located at the inner hexagonal corners. The stress also decreases as radial distance is increases. The last part of the hybrid gear to be analyzed is the adhesive layer. This layer has the same footprint as the outer composite and secures the outer composite to both the void composite and outer tooth ring. There are two layers of adhesive in the gear assembly. Figure 31: Adhesive, Stress Gradients The adhesive layer analysis predicts highest stress at the outer most portion of the adhesive layer. This is likely due to the stiffness of the hub-composite interface where limited relative displacement occurs. This can be seen as the blue region of low stress that delineates the geometric envelope of the void composite in Figure 31. Radially beyond the void composite interface, higher relative displacement occurs between the 30 outer tooth ring and outer composite which contributes to the higher stress in the adhesive. The stress results of the hybrid gear composite components and adhesive are presented in Table 16. The stress levels for the composite and adhesive are very low and do not present significant loading with respect to failure. Factors of safety are calculated for both the composite components and adhesive. Table 16: Hybrid Gear Components, Stress Outer Composite Void Composite Adhesive Max Bending Stress [psi] 2457 2434 404 Allowable Stress [psi] Factor of Safety 25000 10.18 25000 10.27 3967 9.82 The allowable shear stress for the composite is determined from [2]. Testing was performed on a composite specimen and the following plots, Figure 32 and Figure 33, were obtained. The plotted ultimate strength in shear for the composite is 44.8 +/- 1.2 [ksi] [2]. Taking the lower bound of this result and multiplying by 1/3 leads to an allowable shear stress of 14,533 [psi]. The primary loading of the hybrid gear is torsion and an equivalent von Mises stress was calculated. For the factor of safety calculation, the von Mises stress is compared to tensile stress. A conservative value of 75 [ksi] was selected for the ultimate tensile strength (based on transverse direction properties, see Figure 33). This value is multiplied by 1/3 to obtain an allowable stress of 25 [ksi]. For the adhesive, the vendor data sheet [3] was used to identify a shear stress at failure of 8.9 [ksi] and a tensile stress at failure of 11.9 [ksi]. Since the FEA results have already converted the shear stress to an equivalent von Mises stress, a comparison to tensile stress was performed to obtain the factor of safety. Again, the ultimate tensile stress is multiplied by 1/3 to obtain an allowable stress of 3967 [psi] and a factor of safety was calculated. 31 Figure 32: Shear Stress versus Shear Strain, Composite [2] Figure 33: Tensile Stress versus Strain, Composite [2] 32 5. Conclusion / Recommendations The analysis performed in this study show that the hybrid spur gear can withstand torsional loading large enough to bend a gear tooth. Results also indicate that a gear with lightening holes can also sustain this load with a substantial factor of safety. It is noted that the loading applied to the models is an idealized case that does not indicate shafthub attachment. The load case in this study would simulate a gear completely welded to a rigid shaft. Actual connections would likely be a spline or a keyway machined into the hub. Further model refinement to include actual shaft connection details would likely yield more accurate results. The composite properties in this study were simplified to simulate an isotropic material due to each lamina containing a 0°/+60°/–60° braided structure (see Figure 3 on page 3), and the ply stacking sequence which rotates each ply 60° from the previous ply. This simplification is also validated by the size of the plies which contain more than one unit cell (see see Figure 3 on page 3). Additional accuracy could be realized if the plies were modeled individually with complete material properties for compression, tension and shear in both bias and transverse directions. From a manufacturing and cost point of view, the gear with lightening holes appears ideal in comparison to the hybrid gear. The gear could be made of solid metal and a simple machining process would introduce the holes yielding the mass reduction. This is in comparison to the assembly and curing process required for the hybrid gear. The reduction is mass used in this analysis for the lightening holes was not optimized and was arbitrarily selected to obtain a baseline for comparison. Further modifications to lightening hole geometry and their impact on stress levels and modal analysis would probably produce improvements over the baseline. The original hybrid spur gear was identified for use in rotorcraft applications [1]. This application would generate high revolutions per minute and cyclic loading for an extended number of cycles. Therefore, the endurance limit of the gear material would be a substantial consideration for stress analysis. 33 6. Appendix A: Mathcad- Lewis Bending Equation 34 7. References 1. Handschuh, Robert F., Gary D. Roberts, Ryan R. Sinnamon, David B. Stringer, Brian D. Dykas, and Lee W. Kohlman. "Hybrid Gear Preliminary Results -Application of Composites to Dynamic Mechanical Components." (2012): 1-18. Web. 24 Sept. 2012. Nasa Report NASA/TM—2012-217630. 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Web. 07 Sept. 2013. 8. Gibson, Ronald F. Principles of Composite Material Mechanics. 3rd ed. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis, 2012. Print. 35 9. Cook, Robert D. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 2002. 10. Corus Engineering Steels. N.p.: Corus Engineering Steels, n.d. Web. 20 Aug. 2013. < eering%20steels/AMS6265.PDF>. 11. "Composite Terminology." Composite Terminology. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. <>. 7.1 Software The following software was used to perform this study: Abaqus CAE 6.12, Commercial Version Mathcad 14 Microsoft Word 2007,2010 Microsoft Excel 2007,2010 36