Modern World Civ disclosure

World Civilizations II Disclosure
Teacher: Layne Carter
Course Objective:
History: Students will gain an understanding of World History. Specifically we will examine the
Renaissance up to modern civilizations. This class will emphasize historical content, reading, writing, and
discussion of history.
Text: Students will read articles from
Exams and Quizzes:
Typically there will be an exam or quiz on Fridays. Make up for the quiz and or exams need to be
completed by the following Wednesday during consultation time, or make other arrangements.
Assignments are due on each assigned due date. Students have till the following Friday of an
assignment’s due date to turn it in late. After that day the assignment will not be accepted!
Students who sneak in a missing assignment in after the due date without any discussion
with the teacher will have their citizenship marked down.
Participation Points:
Each day will be worth 5 points for participating. Active Participation will be awarded. If you
choose to not participate you will lose the points for the day, this includes sleeping in class, being
unprepared, disrupting discussions, not working on assignments when time is given in class. If you are
absent you will lose the points for that day. The Trimester is worth 300 points. Points will be recorded
daily and input into the grades weekly.
Students who are absent due to a school activity will be excused from the participation points for
that day.
Participation Scale
5: I participated fully in the discussions by taking notes and when appropriate
made comments. I also used the time given to me in class to work on my
assignments. If my assignment was finished, I found other non disruptive
productive things to do. (hanging out and listening to music cannot be
considered productive)
4: I participated in the discussion by taking good notes and when appropriate made
comments. I also used the time given to me in class to work on my assignments.
If my assignment was finished, I found other non disruptive productive things to
do. However, at times I was disruptive to the classroom atmosphere when it is
not appropriate.
3: I somewhat participated in the discussion by taking notes and when appropriate
made comments. My notes are incomplete! I also used some of the time given to
me in class to work on my assignments. If my assignment was finished, I did not
find other non disruptive productive things to do. I am generally disruptive
when it is not appropriate. Also I was not prepared today for class.
2: I somewhat participated in the discussion by taking some notes. Most of my time
was spent talking, sleeping, or disrupting the discussion. My notes are
incomplete! I did not use the time given to me in class to work on my
assignments. If my assignment was finished, I did not find other non disruptive
productive things to do. I am often disruptive when it is not appropriate. Also I
was not prepared today for class.
1: I somewhat participated in the discussion. Most of my time was spent talking,
sleeping, or disrupting the discussion. My notes are incomplete! I did not use
the time given to me in class to work on my assignments. If my assignment was
finished, I did not find other non disruptive productive things to do. I am often
disruptive when it is not appropriate. Also I was not prepared today for class. I
really didn’t make an attempt to “be” in class today.
0: I did nothing today in class at all!!! Unexcused absences will also receive a 0.
Parent excused absences will also receive a 0. (Unused hall passes are designed
for parent excused absences. All students receive 4 hall passes worth 10 points
Extra Credit:
Each unused hall pass may be turned in for 10 extra credit points
There may be other extra credit opportunities.
Grading Scale
A………. 94
B+……... 86
B………. 84
B-……… 80
C+……... 76
C………. 74
C-……… 70
D+……... 66
D………. 64
Grading in this class will be weighted. Meaning that each category will account for a percentage
of your grade. The following are the categories and how they will be weighted.
Document Analysis----30%
Quizzes and Tests----35%
Classroom Rules:
Do not infringe on the rights of others to learn!!!
Be Prepared: Textbook, notebook, pen, and assignments that are due.
Do not talk out of turn. Raise your hand.
Put forth your best effort.
No food or drinks. Water is the exception.
Procedure of Discipline
1. Verbal warning
2. Seating rearrangement
3. Hallway conference
4. Temporary classroom expulsion
Student Name_________________________________________
Parent/guardian signature_______________________________
Hall Passes You have Four Hall Passes to use during the Trimester. If you do not use them, they can
be turned in at the end of the Trimester for 10 points each.
Mr. Carter
Mr. Carter
MHS Hall Pass
MHS Hall Pass
10 points
10 points
Mr. Carter
Mr. Carter
MHS Hall Pass
MHS Hall Pass
10 points
10 points