Quarterly p-ISSN 1898-2255 e-ISSN 2392-1625 Vol. 15, No. 1/2016 www.economicsandlaw.pl Article details: Received: Revised: Accepted: Authors names (and initials), Title, „Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law”, Polszakiewicz B., Boehlke J. (ed.), Vol. 15, No. 1/2016, pp. …–…. DOI: NAME AND LAST NAME*, NAME AND LAST NAME** (STYLE: AUTHOR) TITLE (STYLE: TITLE OF ARTICLE) SU M M AR Y ( ST YL E: S UM M AR Y) Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary. Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary Text of summary. (style: Text of summary) Keywords: minimum three words. JEL Classification: minimum 2 classifications JEL. (style: Keywords) INTRODUCTION (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) Text of Introduction Text of Introduction Text of Introduction Text of Introduction. Text of Introduction Text of Introduction Text of Introduction Text of Introduction. (style: Text of article) * Name and last name, name of university, name of faculty, name of department, corresponding address, phone: +…, e-mail: … (corresponding author). (style: Footnotes) ** Name and last name, name of university, name of faculty, name of department, corresponding address, phone: +…, e-mail: …. Funding sources for the article. © 2016 Nicolaus Copernicus University. All rights reserved. 2 NAME AND LAST NAME (STYLE: HEADER – AUTHOR) 1. THE CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. (style: Text of article) 1.1. TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER (STYLE: TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER) Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. (style: Text of article) 2. THE METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. (style: Text of article) 2.1. TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER (STYLE: TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER) Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. (style: Text of article) 3. THE RESEARCH PROCESS (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. (style: Text of article) 3.1. TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER (STYLE: TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER) Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. EKONOMIA I PRAWO. ECONOMICS AND LAW , VOL. 15, NO. 1/2016 TITLE (STYLE: HEADER – TITLE) 3 Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. (style: Text of article) 4. THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter Text of chapter. (style: Text of article) 4.1. TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER (STYLE: TITLE OF SUBCHAPTER) Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter Text of subchapter. CONCLUSIONS (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions. Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions Text of conclusions. (style: Text of article) BIBLIOGRAPHY (STYLE: TITLE OF CHAPTER) The first item of bibliography The first item of bibliography The first item of bibliography The first item of bibliography, DOI number (e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3932(03)00024-2). The second item of bibliography The second item of bibliography The second item of bibliography The second item of bibliography, DOI number (e.g. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3932(03)00024-2). (style: Bibliography) EKONOMIA I PRAWO. ECONOMICS AND LAW , VOL. 15, NO. 1/2016 4 NAME AND LAST NAME (STYLE: HEADER – AUTHOR) General guidelines: the length of the article should be in the range of 20 000–25 000 marks (including spaces); this template is based on a few formatting styles. Detailed description of each of them can be found in style section; the article should consist of following parts: Summary, Keywords, JEL Classification, Introduction, Chapters, possible Subchapters, Conclusions and Bibliography; chapters describing: Current state of knowledge, Methodology of research, Research process, Results of research are required; the Summary should be about 200–250 words and reflect structure of an article (theoretical background, material, methods, main thesis). The motivation to undertake research, analysis of the importance of individual problems and description of content of article should not be included in Summary. Keywords should not repeat the title of the article; the title of article and titles of chapters and subchapters should be short and numbered. 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Axis (without titles) and legend should be formatted: font Arial Narrow 9 point. 50 40 30 20 10 0 2005 2006 kredyt techniczny 2007 2008 kredyt lombardowy Figure 1. Title of figure (style: Figure — title) Source: Own preparation based on … (style: Source) EKONOMIA I PRAWO. ECONOMICS AND LAW , VOL. 15, NO. 1/2016 2009 TITLE (STYLE: HEADER – TITLE) 7 equations: should be prepared as a Microsoft Equation objects (font Cambria Math, 11 points) and numbered according to the following formula (style: Equation): 𝑥= −𝑏±√𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐 , 2𝑎 (1) where: 𝑥 — …, (style: Equation — where) 𝑎 —…, 𝑏 — …, 𝑐—…. the fequation should contain a punctuation mark placed in the equation editor. tables: should have a width of 12.5 cm, be centered and have the option to roll off the text (the available options in the properties of the table); Table 1. Title of table (style: Table — title) OKRE S (STYLE: TABLE — HEADLINE) ODCHYLENIE STÓP OD STOPY REFERENCYJNEJ W PKT. BAZOWYCH, (ŚREDNIOROCZNIE) ŚREDNIA STOPA REFERENCYJN A (W %) O/N SW 2W 1M POLONIA 2001 16,13 142 42 2002 8,82 90 60 2003 5,67 28 8 7 9 2004 5,79 40 11 10 15 2005 5,34 21 6 6 9 29 2006 4,06 10 6 6 7 16 2007 4,4 19 9 11 16 23 2008 5,72 30 16 19 30 32 2009 3,77 69 23 14 11 89 32 (style: Table — text) Information: The text of the additional information regarding the content of the table (style: Table — info) Source: Own preparation based on … (style: Source) Technical guidelines for bibliography: items listed in the Bibliography should be arranged alphabetically by the surname of authors (and chronologically for the same author) or editors (in the case of collective works) and prepared according to the formula provided in this file; please do not number the items of Bibliography; EKONOMIA I PRAWO. ECONOMICS AND LAW , VOL. 15, NO. 1/2016 8 NAME AND LAST NAME (STYLE: HEADER – AUTHOR) for items listed in the Bibliography should be given DOI number (if the item it has one) as shown in this file. DOI identifier can be determined by using the search engine, whose address is given on the journal's website in section "Information for Authors". References to other publications and bibliography should be prepared in a way that is illustrated by the following examples: 1. Books — the initials of the name and the author's last name (or the name of the institution), Title of book, publisher, place and year of publication. Footnote: U. Bindseil, Monetary Policy Implementation: Theory, Past and Present, Oxford Uniwersity Press, New York 2004, p. 17. Bibliography: Bindseil U., Monetary Policy Implementation: Theory, Past and Present, Oxford Uniwersity Press, New York 2004. 2. Collective works — the initials of the name and the author's last name, Title of the part of book, [in:] the first letter of the name and the editor’s surname (ed.), Title of book, publisher, place and year of publication. Footnote: A. Sławiński, Stabilizowanie inflacji, [in:] A. Sławiński (ed.), Polityka pieniężna, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2011, p. 20–22. Bibliography: Sławiński A., Stabilizowanie inflacji, [in:] A. Sławiński (ed.), Polityka pieniężna, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2011. 3. Articles published in periodicals — the initials of the name and the author's last name, Title of the article, "The title of periodical", volume (number)/year of publication. Footnote: B. Bernanke, J. Boivin, Monetary Policy in a Data-Rich Enviroment, „Journal of Monetary Economics”, Vol. 50, No. 3/2003, p. 525–546. Bibliography: Bernanke B., Boivin J., Monetary Policy in a Data-Rich Enviroment, „Journal of Monetary Economics”, Vol. 50, No. 3/2003, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3932(03)00024-2. 4. Material from websites — the initials of the name and the author's last name (or the name of the institutions), Title, website address (date of visit the website). Footnote: P. Krugman, The Theory of Interstellar http://www.princeton.edu/~pkrugman/interstellar.pdf, p. 2, (25.11.2012). Trade, Bibliography: Krugman P., The Theory of Interstellar http://www.princeton.edu/~pkrugman/interstellar.pdf (25.11.2012). Trade, 5. Other materials — the initials of the name and the author's last name (or the name of the institution), Title of material, publisher, place and year of publication. Footnote: R. Horváth, J. Seidler, L. Weill, Bank Capital And Liquidity Creation. GrangerCausality Evidence, EBC Working Paper Series, No 1497/2012, EBC, Frankfurt am Main 2012, p. 10. Bibliography: Horváth R., Seidler J., Weill L., Bank Capital And Liquidity Creation. Granger-Causality Evidence, EBC Working Paper Series, No 1497/2012, EBC, Frankfurt am Main 2012. EKONOMIA I PRAWO. ECONOMICS AND LAW , VOL. 15, NO. 1/2016 TITLE (STYLE: HEADER – TITLE) 9 Footnote: UNCTAD, World Investment Report.Towards a New Generation of Investment Policies, UNCTAD, New York and Geneva, 2012, p. 21. Bibliography: UNCTAD, World Investment Report.Towards a New Generation of Investment Policies, UNCTAD, New York and Geneva, 2012. Footnote: Rozporządzenie MSWiA z 27 listopada 2006 r. w sprawie sporządzania i doręczania pism w formie dokumentów elektronicznych, Dz.U., nr 227, poz. 1664. Bibliography: Rozporządzenie MSWiA z 27 listopada 2006 r. w sprawie sporządzania i doręczania pism w formie dokumentów elektronicznych, Dz.U., nr 227, poz. 1664. Footnote: C. Kochalski, Analiza strategiczna kosztów w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem, praca doktorska, Akademia Ekonomiczna, Poznań, (maszynopis niepublikowany), 1999, p. 10. Bibliography: Kochalski C., Analiza strategiczna kosztów w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem, praca doktorska, Akademia Ekonomiczna, Poznań, (maszynopis niepublikowany), 1999. EKONOMIA I PRAWO. ECONOMICS AND LAW , VOL. 15, NO. 1/2016