Teacher Name: ____Sarah Campbell__ Appraiser Name: ____Mrs

Teacher Name: ____Sarah Campbell__
Subject: _____7th Grade Pre-AP English____
Appraiser Name: ____Mrs. Bowes___
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Date: Tuesday, January 7, 2013
Learning goals (ex: at beginning of unit based on pre-assessment)
At the beginning of unit based on pre-assessment, the learning goals include the following:
Reading and writing non-fiction and fiction texts with an emphasis on expository writing.
The student will be able to identify, articulate, and refine the steps in the writing process within
the nuances of fiction as compared to non-fiction.
The student will be able to extend evidence and rhetoric in response to argumentation and
evaluation of a text.
The student will be able to logically organize compelling thoughts, opinions, and ideas in
response to a text.
The student will be able to analyze, evaluate, and generate specific details to design culturally
appropriate descriptions for character development in a text.
The class is designed for group collaboration, independent study, and interest-based initiation
for further research, investigation, and inquiry. Students are assigned seats at centers and are
required to maintain interactive notebooks, data folders, and writing portfolios of published
works. Students must have at least one teacher conference upon readying a piece for
publication. The 6-Traits +1 Writing Packets are available for extension and intervention
depending on student needs covering grammar, organization, voice, rhetoric, literary devices,
and publishing.
Students will swap seats. They will choose a seat at a table where they haven’t been
assigned before. They can only sit with one other person who has been at their table before
(no more than one).
1. Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Vocabulary practice – Unit 9 Familiar words used in response to the prompt:
Using 3-5 terms from the Unit 9 vocabulary list, create your vision for 2014. What should it look like?
Feel like? Sound like? What do you want to say you accomplished at the end of this year?
2. Story Telling (5 minutes)
Talk through the elements of good stories.
1. Exposition – Character and Setting
2. Rising Action – Types of Conflict
3. Climax
4. Falling Action
5. Resolution
Allow students to brainstorm events over the break that may be well suited for a good story.
Who were the players?
Where did you go?
Teacher Name: ____Sarah Campbell__
Subject: _____7th Grade Pre-AP English____
Appraiser Name: ____Mrs. Bowes___
What conflicts were on the rise?
What conflicts were reignited?
What conflicts were initiated?
What conflicts were buried?
What conflicts were resolved?
What conflicts were set aside?
Describe the happy endings and where they seem to lead.
Describe the tragic demise and how it will affect the story.
Describe the unknowns and whether they threaten the balance.
3. Story Chain – Have students use their notes and journals to develop their story chains. (25 minutes)
1. Begin the story on your page. (3 minutes)
2. Pass your paper to the right when signaled.
3. Read the story. (2 minute)
4. Continue the story, maintaining the intended line of conflict and adding personal events.
(3 minutes)
5. Pass your paper to the right when signaled.
6. Continue steps 2-5 until everyone has written on each paper.
4. Finalize your Essay (10 minutes)
Read your story to your group. Look for areas where you can add literary devices, revise
awkward sentences, or provide transitions and revise. Choose the best story or combine all
stories to present.
5. Supplies/Weekly Overview (5 minutes)
Check all syllabus-listed items.
Model the handout, 2014 Goals Sheet (Edmodo).
Review the calendar for the week.
6. Exit Ticket
Complete the POW Bubble 2014 Goal and post in the room or in the hall.
7. Homework
For homework, you will complete your 2014 Goals Sheet and include at least 5 vocabulary
words from Unit 9.
Essential Questions
1. List the ways your high or low vocabulary (as you see it) has influenced your learning.
2. How does your approach to saying new words differ from your approach to writing new
3. Think about the ideas presented in your story from the break. Based on your experiences,
which details do you agree with keeping and which do you need to revise? Why?
4. Generate a response to your final story after all students at your table contributed.
Teacher Name: ____Sarah Campbell__
Subject: _____7th Grade Pre-AP English____
Appraiser Name: ____Mrs. Bowes___
Summarize, expand a theme, and/or validate with quotes, personal anecdotes, and logical
5. Create at least one new detail that also incorporates this week’s vocabulary list into your
final creative writing.
Formative Assessment (Result Indicator):
How will you evaluate the understanding of every student? Ex: clickers, white boards, exit tickets, etc.
(PL-2: Collects, tracks and uses student data to drive instruction)
1. POW exit ticket
2. Share Out from Group Collaboration
Intervention for those that did not meet mastery:
The students have the opportunity to work with peers to enhance their learning. The class is
designed for group collaboration, independent study, and interest-based initiation for further
research, investigation, and inquiry. Students who need additional support may attend
tutorials daily before school, at lunch, and after school.
Enrichment for those that met mastery: The 6-Traits +1 Writing Packets are available for
extension and intervention depending on student needs covering grammar, organization, voice,
rhetoric, literary devices, and publishing.
Homework Extension, Independent practice:
Students will respond to a prompt on Edmodo nightly. Prompts connect with experiences,
family, and college goals.
Tuesday, January 7, 2013 – Post on Edmodo your creative writing.