CELTA/PTLLS ASSESSMENT AND LEARNING RECORD KEEPING SESSION OBJECTIVES: Identify when, why and how EFL/ESOL students are assessed. Evaluate strengths and limitations of assessment methods to meet individual learner needs. Examine the role of peer and self assessment. Raise awareness of different exams available for EFL/ESOL learners. Describe the types of records you would keep as a teacher/trainer in the LLS and explain why these are necessary. WHAT WORDS TO YOU THINK YOU’D SEE IN A DEFINITION OF ‘ASSESSMENT’? “…all those activities and processes involved in judging performance or measuring learner achievement.” Mary Francis & Jim Gould Fast Track to Training, 2000 DISCUSS IN PAIRS When do you assess? Before, at beginning, middle and end of course Why do you assess? To assess current ability, to check progress and achievement What do you assess? speaking & listening, reading and writing WHEN AND WHY DO WE ASSESS? When At enrolment/interview Near beginning of course During End Why Type (the technical name for this) WHEN AND WHY DO WE ASSESS? When Why Type (the technical name for this) At enrolment/interview To ascertain language ability and level To identify learning difficulties To make sure student is placed in appropriate class/level Initial assessment Near beginning of course During End To establish existing knowledge, experience and skills. To identify ss’ strengths and areas of weakness in order to inform lesson planning and plan personal and individualised programmes To inform both trainer and learner of progress. Informal classroom tests, activities, exam practice, etc to measure/check progress To check objectives have been achieved. Formal tests, external exams to measure achievement Diagnostic assessment Formative assessment Summative assessment PLACEMENT TESTING Discussion Look at the initial assessment materials. What information will they give you about students before they join a class? GENERALLY WHAT DO YOU ASSESS? Speaking and Listening (accuracy and fluency) Reading Writing Grammar Vocabulary Appropriacy HOW DO WE ASSESS? Make a list of the different ways in which you can assess your learners. Now look at the list and identify the strengths and limitations of each of these methods? ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES? Peer assessment: Self-assessment: Activity What do the following features of assessment mean to you? validity reliability fairness sufficiency Definitions of key features of appropriate assessment The test will cover a range of the whole course/training. Tests what is supposed to be tested. All students have an equal opportunity to pass the test. With same teaching and learning, results will be similar for different groups of students. Key features of appropriate assessment (look at list from previous slide) Definitions of key features of appropriate assessment The test will cover a range of the whole course/training. Key features of appropriate assessment Sufficiency Tests what is supposed to be tested. Validity All students have an equal opportunity to pass the test. Fairness With same teaching and learning, results will be similar for different groups of students. Reliability ESOL EXAMS Discussion Which EFL/ESOL exams have you heard of? Cambridge EFL / Cambridge ESOL Skills for Life / Trinity ESOL Skills for Life…….. Why is it important to know about different exams available? because you might have to teach them DIFFERENT EXAMS AVAILABLE Cambridge International Exams 1. KET (Key English Test): Entry 2 2. PET (Preliminary English Test): Entry 3 3. FCE (First Certificate): L1 4. Advanced: L2 5. Proficiency: L3 6. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) DIFFERENT EXAMS AVAILABLE Cambridge ESOL Skills for Life Entry 1-3 Levels 1 & 2 Trinity ESOL Skills for Life…and others….. The format of exam boards is different but the standard is the same at each level. DIFFERENT EXAMS AVAILABLE Activity Getting to grips with different ESOL exams. Look at the exams and decide if they are fow lower or higher levels. HOW IMPORTANT ARE EXAMS? ESOL SKILLS FOR LIFE Students often want/need them. FE colleges need them to get funding. Success rates = money ESOL Students have to take them. You have to teach them. RECORD KEEPING Look at the activities together on the subject of record keeping. RECORD KEEPING Portfolio Results/grades Tracking sheets ILPS Initial assessment tests Observation records Assignment Front Sheets Learner diaries Photos WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF KEEPING RECORDS? INTERNAL reasons Monitor performance Track achievement Identify areas needing improvement Data purposes (Quality Assurance) Funding Ofsted expectations EXTERNAL reasons Examiners External Verifiers Employers Parents/Guardians Ofsted