Early Peoples powerpoint

Ancient Romans
Early People of Italy
Among the Italic-language speakers were the
Latins. They migrated from across the Alps from
central Europe in about 1000 B.C.
Legends tell that in 753 B.C. the Latin people
founded a village that became the city of ________.
The Italian Peninsula
The city of Rome was
built in an area on a
group of seven hills with
fertile soil and a good
location for trade. The
Tiber River near the
center of the Italian
Peninsula, provided a
route to the Mediterranean
Sea and to other
People From The North
Across the Tiber River, northeast of Rome lived a
people called the _____________.
Etruscans In time, the
Etruscans became the dominant culture on the
Italian Peninsula. They traded with the Greeks
and adopted their alphabet as well as other features.
The Etruscans
Their city-states had the same system of
government and shared a common purpose.
Etruscan Control
• The governments formed a
confederation which is
a group of governments
joined together for a
common purpose. They
built a strong ________
which enabled them to
control neighboring
peoples, including Rome.
Etruscan Control
Etruscan kings ruled Rome for over 100 years.
In ancient times, swastikas were a
symbol of good luck
A New Form of Government
• In 509 B.C. the Romans rebelled against the
Etruscans and formed a _______________.
Elected Leaders
• They elected leaders
called consuls
__________ to
represent them in an
assembly, to make laws,
to run the army, and to
run the government.
They shared power, but
veto or
either could _______,
reject, the actions of the
In an
• In an emergency,
one ruler could be
given complete power
for six months.
Everyone had to
follow the orders of
the _________________.
The Senate
Senate was Rome’s most powerful
• The ____________
governing body. Members of the Senate
served for life. Its first members were
patricians or wealthy descendants of
Rome’s first settlers.
The Common People
The patricians controlled the government while
the plebeians
____________, or common people had little say.
Angry about their lack of representation, in 471
B.C. they called for their own assembly and
stopped working and marched out of Rome.
The Plebeian Assembly
Without workers to farm, make and sell goods,
and protect the city and its inhabitants, the
people of Rome faced eventual starvation and
danger from enemy attacks. They set up an
assembly and elected leaders called
Tribal Assembly
Tribal assembly represented all Roman
• The ____________________
Roman Society
• A Roman’s position in society was based on
family _________
wealth and __________.
The Upper Class
• The upper class (PATRICIANS) included
important government officials.
SPQR - an initialism from a Latin phrase,
Senatus Populusque Romanus ("The
Senate and the People of Rome" or "The
Senate and Roman People"), referring to
the government of the ancient Roman
Republic, and used as an official
signature of the government
The Lower-Class
The Roman lower class (PLEBEIANS) was made
up of all other citizens. They included craft
workers, farmers, foot soldiers, and merchants.
They lived in apartment-like homes.
The Bottom Class
SLAVES were at the bottom of Roman society.
They were not citizens and had little protection
under the laws.
Head of Household
• In all Roman social classes, men were the
heads of households. However, women did
help in decision making in their own homes.
Women did take an active role in society, but
were not allowed to participate in