Kew Association Football Club (KAFC) - Registration Form

U7 – U11
Kew Association Football Club
Riverside Drive
TW10 7RX
Mobile: 07920 565 330
This document outlines what is required to have your son/daughter become a member and registered player for Kew
Association Football Club (“KAFC”) for season 2015/16.
Please find below a list for you to work through. Each item needs to be completed. The application will only be
processed once all the components have been received by the club.
All forms are available to print out from the club’s website: under the “Club Info – 15/16
Registration Process” tabs.
For players who played last season:1. Two recent passport photos. Please write the players name clearly on the back of the photo with the name of
team (e.g. U8 Lions). Any non passport photo will be rejected.
2. Code of Conduct Form, please complete, watch the video on FA respect rules and have signed by your son or
daughter and their parent/guardian.
3. Kew Association Football Club Registration Form, please complete and have signed by the player’s
4. Payment of player’s subs
For new players to the club:1. All of 1 to 4 above.
2. A photocopy of player’s birth certificate or passport.
If application after 31st July 2015:1. All of 1 to 4 above.
2. League Registration Form, please complete and have signed by your son
Subs for the 2015/ 16 season are £250 or £270 via installments
This can be paid via the following options:1. cheque/s made payable to “Kew Association F.C.”. This amount can be for a one off payment of £250 or by
three cheques (total £270), one immediately for £150, one postdated for 1st November 2015 for £60 and one
postdated to 1st February 2016 for £60. (player’s initial and surname, team name. e.g. TSmithU8Tigers)
2. Electronic bank account transfer:
A/c number:
Sort Code:
23 – 05 – 80 (Metrobank)
If paying via installments, it will be the same amounts and deadlines as detailed above.
By cash. If paying via installments, it will be the same amounts and deadlines as detailed above.
If you do not think you can make payments to the required level you need to put in writing, to the Club Committee, the
U7 – U11
detailed reasons why you think your son/daughter should be able to play on reduced subs and state what amount can
be paid. The club is very sensitive on this subject and the Committee wish to allow all children the opportunity to play.
Please return all the above in person to your manager or to Lisa Sparkes on Registration days which will be set up and
communicated via the managers.
If you have any questions please contact Lisa Sparkes on 07951 271 541.
The sooner you return all the paperwork the sooner your son or daughter will be signed for the club and be eligible to
play in League and Cup games. Please note that players are only eligible to play if they are fully paid up to date with
club subs.
The club reserve the right to remove players cards for late or non-payment of subs, Please contact Miss Lisa Sparkes
immediately on 07951 271 541, if you are experiencing difficulty meeting the deadlines given.
John Kane
Kew Association F.C.
Club Secretary
U7 – U11
Kew Association Football Club (K.A.F.C.) - Registration Form 2015/16
Player's Full Name
Player Address
including Postcode:
Player Mobile
Parent/Guardian Full Name
Address including
Parent/Guardian Mobile
Player Email Address
Parent/Guardian Email
Player’s Date of Birth
Name of Person to Contact
in an Emergency
Player Medical
Issue/s (please write
“None” if no
Medical Issues)
Relationship to Player of
Person to Contact in
Please indicate
Mobile/Phone Number of
Person to Contact in an
Please indicate
which school your
child attends
If sufficient players have signed up on a full time basis arrangements for temporary members on a “Pay as Play
arrangement can be agreed at £30 up front and £10 per game. If a player joins after the season has started they
may be eligible for a discount on the full £250/270.
By completing this form, it is agreed you/your child can receive emergency medical treatment (which may
include medication, anesthetic or blood transfusion) as considered necessary by the medical authorities
By completing and signing this form the above player or parent/guardian of the player (if player Under 18)
agrees to abide by K.A.F.C., Kew and Ham Sports Association (K.H.S.A.), Football Association (F.A.), Surrey Youth
League (SYL), and any other applicable Codes of Conduct. Please note that should any of the above contact
details change whilst a member of the club the player/parent/guardian must immediately inform the club of
the changes.
Unless the club is advised in writing (letter or e-mail), you agree to photos of you/your child being published,
un-named, on the club website and other publications approved by the club.
U7 – U11
For further information please visit the club’s website at where you can find news bulletins, results,
and fixtures.
K.A.F.C. is a Community Club providing an environment for players of all ages and ability to enjoy the game of football,
to compete fairly, skillfully and within the rules of the game
Player’s or Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature:
(Parent to sign if Player Under 18 at date of signature)
Kew Association Football Club (K.A.F.C.) - Code of Conduct 2015/16
All Club Officials must acknowledge and adhere to the Child Protection Policy. This policy is for all age groups
and is available in hard copy or electronically for all persons associated with the respective Teams and Club.
Each Team’s associated League's Management committee has the right to inspect the policy at any time
during the playing season.
All Officials and Players must abide by the Laws of the Football Association (F.A.) and any rules detailed in the
Handbook of each Team’s respective League.
It is a requirement of membership to K.A.F.C. that all Club Officials, Managers, Assistant Managers, Coaches,
or any other person/s who represent the Team/s will ensure the wellbeing and safety of all Players,
Spectators and Officials (including Non-Official) at all times whilst engaged in any playing which are governed
by each respective League.
All Club Officials, Managers, Assistant Managers, Coaches or Committee member/s are responsible for the
behaviour of their Team Players and Supporters (relevant behaviour will include the use of bad language,
aggressiveness, gestures or physical contact. These behavior’s, as well as any other behaviour deemed
inappropriate by the Club, will not be tolerated and disciplinary action may be taken not only by K.A.F.C., but
also by the County Football Association and the respective League).
All incidents that are associated with the above clause, including the conduct and behaviour of any opposition
and their associated Supporters and Officials must be reported immediately to the Club's appointed Welfare
officer. Failure to do so may result in a fine from the County Football Association, the respective League and
Racism or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated at K.A.F.C.
All managers and club officials will ensure that they instil within their players and supporters the conduct of
fair play, sportsmanship and equality both on and off the field of play.
All persons connected to K.A.F.C must adhere to and promote the club’s policy of 'ZERO TOLERANCE'
All parents/guardians of players under 18 must read and acknowledge the K.A.F.C’s Rules and General Information.
I (or parent/guardian if player under 18 at date of signing) have read the above Code of Conduct and accept that it is
a requirement of K.A.F.C.
U7 – U11
Player’s Full Name:
Team Name: (e.g. U14 Colts)
Player Signature:
If Player is U18 Parent/Guardian Complete Full
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Confirmation that I have visited and watched the
respect video. Please copy and paste this link into
your browser.
Parents Signature
Players Signature
U7 – U11
Youth Development Philosophy
Kew Association FC (“Kew”) is dedicated to providing football for children of all abilities. As a club we take
great pride in offering a child at 4 years of age through Ham Hawks, the opportunity to play at Kew AFC for
the next 14 years, right through to U18, and then on into the adult section.
Our philosophy is based entirely around the development of the player, not only in terms of skills, but also how
they should behave towards each other, the referee and the opposition.
Children’s football has changed dramatically over the past 5 years, and Kew has embraced the changes by
providing dedicated mini pitches and ensuring all coaches involved in mini football must have taken their FA
Level 1 badge and the FA Youth Module 1 is highly recommended. The latter is likely to become a mandatory
requirement over the next couple of years.
Kew want to produce highly imaginative and technical players who are not frightened to try their skills
on the pitch. A pressure free environment is key to achieving this
We do not measure success based on whether a team has won or lost. Rather we look at
performance, effort and what has been learnt
However, winning is not a dirty word at Kew. Winning can make the game even more enjoyable and
helps with a child’s confidence – we don’t send teams out to lose
We do this by creating an environment in which winning is fun, but not with a win-at-all-costs
mentality. Sometimes the greatest learning experience comes through a defeat
Our coaches are not afraid to allow the children to try things differently. We want them to take
ownership of their game and training
A child will only develop by playing the game. We encourage our coaches to rotate players and the
positions they play in, so that they experience as many different aspects of the game as they can at a
young age
We stream our players based on their current ability into different teams from U8 upwards. This
allows a child to develop in an environment that they feel comfortable with and at their own pace
Managers are encouraged to discuss players to determine whether a player’s development would be
improved by moving to a more demanding or less demanding level, depending on the situation.
If children join Kew at U7 level and are all still playing at the club at U18 and beyond, then we have
done our job correctly – both as coaches and as a club. That is success
Below is a quote that we would like parents to read and reflect on before they watch their child play
football at Kew:
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career: I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to
take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
Michael Jordan (Chicago Bulls 1984 – 1998) – arguably the best basketball player of all time.
U7 – U11
Club Application & Fees
Any player accepted by the club is required to complete in full a Club Registration Form with current and accurate
information. Registration is the only way a K.A.F.C. Youth Player is permitted to participate in games with the
appropriate league during the football season. Players are obliged to provide details to the club of any current or
potential medical conditions. The club regards this information as data protected and as such all information
provided will be held by the club’s Welfare Officer and disclosed only to the appropriate manager of that team. It is
a requirement of every registered player and/or parent of the player to immediately inform the club of any changes
to contact details, such as home address or email address from the original contact details provided at the start of
the season. If a player cannot be contacted then the club reserves the right to take away their registration which
will stop them from playing.
All players need to register each new season. Two passport photos are required in order to apply for new league
I.D. cards. Managers and/or the club’s Youth Secretary will inform players and parents about the deadline for this
For new players a copy of either a birth certificate or passport is required. Originals of these documents will not be
accepted. Managers and/or the club’s Youth Secretary will inform players about the deadline for this requirement.
Fees are set by the club prior to the start of registration so every player and parent/guardian is aware of the cost
before making a commitment. The cost can be spread over the season as outlined by the club, normally by
providing post-dated cheques. Please note that the club applies severe penalties to meet the costs of dealing with
cheques that are rejected by the club’s bank. If sufficient players have joined a team then it may be possible for
players to join on as temporary members on a “Pay as Play” basis with the agreement of the club.
Please note: Full time members will always have priority of selection when available over temporary pay as you play
Should a player have difficulty meeting fee criteria they should liaise in writing with the club’s Youth Secretary who
will take the written request to the club’s Committee to consider any discount.
No fees or part of shall be returned after December 31 during a playing season should a player decide to leave or
transfer to another club. There may be a refund available should a player leave before this date or becomes injured
after this date and cannot play.
Should any player at the end of the season owe any money to the club or has not returned kit as requested then they
will immediately be suspended by the club. The club will inform the Surrey County or Amateur Football Association,
as applicable, of the debt to prevent the player moving to another club without addressing the debt. The player will
only be considered for reinstatement to the club once what is owed or due is fully repaid and also the full amount of
the following year’s subs is paid upfront before the commencement of the season.
The Youth Section of the club aims to provide playing opportunities for most age groups and for both boys and girls.
Age groups range for inter club football games from Under 7’s to Under 18’s. The number of teams registered to
play each year is primarily dictated by the number of players who want to play at a particular age level, the
willingness of a manager to organise the team and the available pitches to play the games.
The club will promote the Youth Section to the local community on a regular basis in order to attract new players and
m anagers to the Club. All people connected with the club are encouraged to promote opportunities for playing and
U7 – U11
managing at the club.
The club pays for one weekly session of training during the Football Season for each team, broadly September to
April. In the closed season training can be arranged on a paid for basis at discounted member rates but is
dependent on the availability of a manager to organise sessions in the off-season. Practice facilities and times
cannot be guaranteed as the club does not fully control its own facilities outside of the football season.
It is important for players to know that training is equally as important as playing in games. K.A.F.C. take this very
seriously. Most teams have qualified coaches. Training is the most vital part of this club’s success and for that
reason several points must be made clear and understood by all players. To that end all Players must observe the
In the playing season training is compulsory for registered players when a practice session can be organised.
If a p layer does not attend training they will significantly reduce their chances of playing in games, unless
there is a valid excuse and the manager is informed before the event. Continued absence will seriously
jeopardise their position within their respective team. Managers have the discretion to deregister players
from the team at any time and lack of commitment can be one of the reasons for deregistration.
Training will start on a day and time specified by the team manager. Players should arrive at least 10 minutes
before the practice start time in order to be ready for the start of practice.
It is important that players listen and behave as per the Code of Conduct of the club. If a manager or coach
gives an instruction or offers advice it is important to listen and acknowledge. This will significantly help
both the team and players develop to the best of their ability.
Training involves hard work. This is fundamental to a team’s success.
This is reflected in training and if players work hard and focus on getting things right in training, then this
most likely lead to success and enjoyment for all involved.
Playing kit (shirt, shorts and socks) will be loaned to registered players for the duration of the season. It is the
player’s responsibility to look after the kit. If the kit is damaged or lost whilst in the player’s possession (outside of
playing conditions) there may be a charge for a replacement. The Kit must be returned to the Club as the end of
each Season.
Match Kit (any part of) should not be worn to training sessions.
Please note that the playing kit (shirts and shorts) remain the property of K.A.F.C. at all times. Also note that waiting
times for any kit to be provided can be long.
Code of Conduct
The club is determined to be a model for other clubs, the League and the F.A., particularly in the way players and
managers conduct themselves both on and off the field.
The Club has introduced a “Zero Tolerance” policy. Please note this policy applies not only to visiting players, club
officials and supporters but also to all club personnel, both at home and away.
K.A.F.C. is a Charter Standard Club and as such requires all club members conduct themselves appropriately on and
off the field.
U7 – U11
Please refer to the Club’s Code of Conduct. This must be signed by all players or parents/guardians of players, managers
and club officials before participating in club activities.
Discipline & Fines
If players abide by the criteria as outlined above there should be no issues with discipline and fines.
Fines may be given in two ways. The most common are those as a result of cautions issued during a game in the form
of a yellow card (Caution) or red card (Dismissal). Please refer to the relevant League Rules for the levy on each
Fines are not covered by club fees and therefore will not be paid by the club on behalf of any player or club official.
Fines may be issued by the club to any player or club official if found in breach of the club’s Code of Conduct.
In addition, to any fine received the person concerned will receive an additional £2 administration fee from the club.
They may also receive further disciplinary action from the club and the league.
If a player receives a caution during a game they may receive a fine. They will receive a letter/email from the club’s
Youth Secretary indicating the amount that needs to be paid. The player must pay this immediately. Failure to do
so will result in the player being suspended by the club until the fine is paid.
There is no appeal against a Yellow Card, Red cards are subject to appeal but only with video evidence.
Health &
Every effort will be made to secure the health and safety of players, club officials and supporters whilst within the
perimeter of the club. This effort can only be made if all parties concerned behave and conduct themselves
All managers must carry a First Aid Kit to both practices and games and there will be a qualified first aider on the
premises at all times practice or games are taking place.
All incidents relating to Health and Safety must be reported to the club’s Welfare Officer.
K.A.F.C. offers no guarantee on Health and Safety whilst outside the perimeter of the club premises.
Unless written non-consent is received photography is allowed within the grounds and the Club’s Welfare Officer will
ensure that all parties concerned are approved. If any person has any concerns please liaise with a club team
manager or the club’s Welfare Officer.
The club has an appointed Welfare Officer. All incidents for concern must be reported to the Welfare Officer. Failure
to do so may place the club’s status in jeopardy or result in a fine.
U7 – U11
Club Officials
(May 2015)
Chairman (Committee Member)
Stuart Whitwell
Club Secretary (Committee Member)
John Kane
Youth Secretary (Holding Position)
Lisa Sparkes
Communications Officer (Committee Member)
Emma Walshe
Treasurer (Committee Member)
Mark Swainson
Welfare Officer (Committee Member)
Craig Evans
Kit Officer (Committee Member)
Youth Development Officer
Mark Edwards
Fixtures Secretary
Peter Kitchen (Senior Section) / TBC (Youth Section)
The club welcomes all players, managers, club officials and supporters and wishes everyone involved with the club the
very best for every season.
K.A.F.C. wants everyone to work hard and enjoy their experiences with the club and making the club an excellent
example to all other football clubs.
Any person who has questions or concerns about these rules and information should contact the Youth Section