
The Scarlet Letter Test
Characters/ Quotes
Match the following descriptions and quotes with the characters. The quotes are
DESCRIBING the character. Some letters will be used more than once.
A. Governor Winthrop
B. Pearl
C. Arthur Dimmesdale
D. Roger Chillingworth
E. Hester Prynne
A. Mistress Hibbins
B. Nathaniel Hawthorne
C. Governor Bellingham
The man’s mansion that Hester visits to give gloves and discuss the custody
of Pearl
The “living version” of the scarlet letter
A respected member of the community, when he dies, people claim to see an
“A” for “Angel” in the sky
The physician in the community and also a symbol of evil
"When he found the eyes of Hester Prynne fastened on his own, and
saw that she appeared to recognize him, he slowly and calmly raised his
finger, made a gesture with it in the air, and laid it on his lips."
Lady who was accused of performing witch-craft and was called to work
with the “Black Man” in the forest
“The young woman was tall, with a figure of perfect elegance on a large
scale. She had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the
sunshine with a gleam”
Hester Prynne’s lover and Pearl’s father
“In giving her existence, a great law had been broke, and the result was a
being whose elements were perhaps beautiful and brilliant, but all in
The author of The Scarlet Letter
Multiple Choice
Dimmesdale promises to stand with Hester and Pearl on this day
A. The following day at noon
B. Judgment day
C. He never promises to stand with them
D. When Chillingworth reveals his identity
Dimmesdale’s mysterious disease is related to
A. Medication he has been taking
B. Pearl’s mysterious behavior
C. Hester’s love
D. Guilt
Hawthorne does not employ this technique throughout his writing in The
Scarlet Letter
A. Shallow characterization
B. Symbolism
C. An overemphasis of the Puritanical religion
D. Complex character development
Hester and Dimmesdale plan to escape their suffering by
A. Boarding a ship to Europe
B. Tricking Chillingworth
C. Getting married in Boston
D. Having another child
The people of the community believe Pearl comes from
A. An orphanage
B. Another country
C. The devil
D. The pastor
This structure is used for public humiliation and to represent sin
A. Hester’s house
B. The church
C. The scaffold
D. The forest
Hester decides to keep Chillingworth’s identity a secret because
A. She doesn’t want people to know that they were married
B. She wants to protect Dimmesdale
C. She wants him to love her secretly
D. None of the above
The seven coordinating conjunctions used to make a compound sentence are
A. For, And, Nor, But, Other, Yet, So
B. From, At, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
C. From, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, Some
D. For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
Pearl continues to ask Hester
A. What the scarlet “A” stands for
B. Who her father is
C. Why they live in Boston
D. Where she comes from
Pearl feels the most comfortable
A. Playing with the other Puritan children
B. In the forest
C. In the confines of Hester’s house
D. On the scaffold
Three major scenes (with all of the main characters present) in the novel
take place
A. In the forest
B. At the Governor’s house
C. At the church
D. On the scaffold
When confessing his sin to the people of Boston, Dimmesdale
A. Proposes to Hester
B. Dies
C. Gets applauded
D. Runs away
Pearl does not recognize her mother
A. When she takes off the scarlet letter
B. In the governor’s house
C. When playing in the forest
D. None of the above
These characters are buried next to each other
A. Hester and Pearl
B. Hester and Chillingworth
C. Dimmesdale and Chillingworth
D. Hester and Dimmesdale
Pearl receives an inheritance from
A. Dimmesdale
B. Hester
C. Governor Bellingham
D. Chillingworth
Short Answer: Answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences.
26. Write the formula for a compound sentence, and provide an example that relates to
The Scarlet Letter. (Hint: there are 4 parts)
27. Explain the difference between indirect characterization and direct characterization.
Provide an example of Hawthorne’s use of both.
28. Throughout the duration of the novel, the scarlet “A” Hester wears changes meaning.
What does it stand for in the beginning, and what does it mean by the end? Explain the
significance of the change. How does the Puritans attitude towards Hester change, as well?
29. Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Hester dresses Pearl in elaborate, embellished fashions.
Why does Hester do this? What is the significance behind this choice?
30. What is the difference between denotation and connotation? Provide an example of a
word, along with its denotation and connotation.
Essay Questions: Answer the following questions in TWO paragraphs. (Whatever you
do, do not leave these questions blank!)
31. How has our society and culture been influenced by the Puritans? What events in The
Scarlet Letter reflect the beliefs and ideals of our culture today? How has our society’s
ideals evolved over time?
32. It could be said that the protagonist of The Scarlet Letter is not Hester Prynne. Discuss
whether or not she is. Is a protagonist defined by his/her antagonist? Explain.