Earth's Atmosphere Earths Atmosphere [Autosaved]

Earth’s Atmosphere
Thin layer of gases that surround and protect our planet.
Consists of five layers that interact with each other to circulate
these gases and protect us from the harms of space.
Nitrogen 78%
Oxygen 21%
Argon .9%
Carbon Dioxide .04%
Other .06%
The lowest layer of the atmosphere. This is where all life
6-10 Miles from Earth
This is the layer where clouds develop, birds fly, and
pollution collects ( some pollutants escape to the next layer )
The second layer of the atmosphere.
10 – 30 Miles high
This layer acts to slow down radiation and includes the
Ozone Layer.
The stratosphere has higher temperatures than troposphere
due to the UV rays from the sun.
Ozone Layer
The Ozone layer protects our planet from harmful UV
(ultraviolet) radiation from the sun.
A chemical reaction takes place absorbing the UV radiation
and releasing IR (infrared) radiation.
This process warms the stratosphere.
Remember those pollutants from the Troposphere? They
slowly break down the Ozone Layer.
The third layer of the atmosphere.
30 – 50 miles high
The mesosphere is cooler than the Stratosphere and acts as a
shield against space debris.
Scientists know less about this layer than any other layer
due to its difficulty to study.
The fourth layer of our atmosphere.
50 – 350 miles high
Temperatures range from 500 – 2000 degrees Celsius.
(932—3,632 degrees Fahrenheit)
The space shuttles, ISS, and some satellites orbit Earth in the upper
layer of the Thermosphere.
Home of the Southern and Northern lights.
• composed of highly charged particles in the atmosphere,
Overlaps with and shares the same space with the
electrically neutral thermosphere.
The fifth and outermost layer of the atmosphere.
The exosphere gradually becomes outer space so there is no
clear height of this layer.
Unstable molecules escape into space. This is where most
satellites orbit the Earth
Earth’s Layers
What is the function of the different layers?
Do they serve any purpose?
Earth’s Layers
On the next
available page,
illustrate the layers
of the atmosphere
and label them with
any information you
find useful.
Ozone Layer
Convection is the
transfer of heat by the
actual movement of
the heated material.
Convection currents
drive the weather.
Resources / Exploration
Five Layers: