PRESERVATION / PROTECTION OF ARCHIVES IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Jozef Hanus Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic Department of Archives and Registries Križkova 7, 811 04 Bratislava Slovak Republic Who am I? Chemical engineer - graduated 1973 Chemical-Technological Faculty, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava Head, Department of Archives Preservation at the Slovak National Archives since 1974 PhD. in macromolecular chemistry and technology - 1987 International Council on Archives - Committee on Preservation since 1980 International Council on Museums - Working group for conservation of graphic documents – since 1995 International Institute for Archival Science Trieste-Maribor External lecturer at the Comenius University Bratislava – Preservation of archives Participant at the EU projects – MIP, PaperTreat, COST D42 Research stays - National Archives Canada – Ottawa 1991, - CRCDG Paris 1998, 2000, 2002, - University La Rochelle 2004 Director, Archives and Registries Department, Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic – since January 1, 2009 The Archives in the Slovak Republic are controlled by two principal legal provisions the Act no. 395/2002 on Archives and Registries and on the Amendments of Certain Acts adopted by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on 17 May 2002 the Decree no. 628/2002 of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic from 29 October 2002 by which some provisions of the Act on Archives and Registries are executed Ministry of Interior of the SR Section of Public Administration Personnel Department Economical Department methodology Slovak National Archives Independent budgetary unit with legal competency Department of Archives & Registries Other structures Legislative Department State Central Mining Archives 7 State Regional Archives 37 District Archives, 2 Municipal Archives (Bratislava, Košice) within the competency of the local state district authorities Ministry of Interior of the SR Other structures Section of Public Administration Personnel Department Economical Department Department of Archives & Registries Slovak National Archives Legislative Department methodology State Central Mining Archives 7 State Archives with regional territorial competence 37 branches of State Regional Archives Archives of the City of Bratislava Archives of the City of Košice - self-government municipality of Košice the Act no. 395/2002, Article 4 System of Archives (1) Public Archives and Private Archives shall form a system of Archives. (2) Public Archives shall mean; a) State Central Archives and State Archives with regional territorial competence; b) Archives of state authorities, state budgetary organisations and state contributory organisations; c) Municipal Archives and the Archives of self-government regions; d) Archives of legal persons stipulated by law; e) Archives of legal persons and Archives of physical persons that represent the public administration authorities. Network of the state archives SR SA Bytča ŠA Nitra Branches 1. Nitra 2. Bojnice 3. Komárno 4. Levice 5. Nové Zámky 6. Topoľčany Branches 1. Čadca 2. Dolný Kubín 3. Lipt. Mikuláš 4. Martin 5. Považská Bystrica 6. Žilina SA Levoča Branches 1. Levoča 2. Poprad 3. Spišská Nová Ves 4. Stará Ľubovňa SA Prešov Branches 1. Prešov 2. Bardejov 3. Humenné 4. Svidník 5. Vranov nad Topľou SNA SA Košice SA B. Bystrica ŠÚBA B. Štiavnica SA Bratislava Archives of the Capitol of the SR Bratislava Branches 1. Modra 2. Skalica 3. Šaľa 4. Trenčín 5. Trnava Branches 1. B. Bystrica 2. B. Štiavnica 3. Kremnica 4. Lučenec 5. Rim. Sobota 6. Veľký Krtíš 7. Zvolen Branches 1. Košice 2. Michalovce 3. Rožňava 4. Trebišov More than 400 employes 185 000 running metres Basic principles and conditions for protection / preservation §§§ Legal provisions §§§ Practical preservation • preventive measures • conservation and restoration §§§ Legal provisions §§§ Declaration of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on preservation of cultural heritage from February 28, 2001 the Act no. 395/2002 on Archives and Registries and on the Amendments of Certain Acts from 17 May 2002 the Decree no. 628 of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic from 29 October 2002 by which some provisions of the Act on Archives and Registries are executed Protection in legislation Article 2 Definitions (8) Protection of archives, shall mean a complex of specialised activities intended for their preservation and protection against theft and destruction. (10) Conservation copy of archives (hereinafter referred to as “conservation copy”), shall mean a copy of the archives that is usually saved on microfilm in order to preserve the information that the archives contain. Protection in legislation Article 3 Basic provisions (1) Archival heritage shall form an integral part of the cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic. The state shall be obliged to provide for the preservation of archival heritage and everyone shall be obliged to provide collaboration to the state with respect to it. (2) The acquisition of archives, protection of archives, their processing and access to the information contained in archives, shall be subject to public interest. Protection in legislation Article 7 Archives obligations Archives shall be obliged: c) to protect archives; h) to develop a program for the execution of conservation copies and inform the Slovak National Archives about this program; i) to provide and send one issue of the conservation copy of the most significant archives to the Slovak National Archives. Microfilming laboratories in State Archives SA Bytča SA Levoča ŠA Nitra Slovak National Archives SA Košice SA B. Bystrica SA Bratislava Article 12 Conditions for access to archives (1) Everyone shall be allowed to access the archives located in Archives and the archival information system (hereinafter referred to as “access to archives”), if not otherwise stipulated by this act. (3) Archives shall only submit an original of archives for their study in exceptional cases, whilst it shall always submit a copy of archives, if: a) it concerns archives created before 1526; c) any damage or possibility of damage could occur upon their study. What is to be digitized primarily? Survey of charters till 1526 Archives Parchment 23. – 25. 5. 2007 Hanged seals Paper TOGET - HER Archívne dni Žilina Slovak National Archives – digitization equipment Atlas Archívne dni Žilina Slovak National Archives– Scanning back-side Betterlight 6000 SA Levoča Slovak National Archives – Microfilm scanner State Central Mining Archives Banská Štiavnica Scanner Cruse for maps Archívne dni Žilina Article 12 Conditions for access to archives (7) Archives shall only allow access to archives in the form of public exhibition in exceptional cases, upon a contract and the settlement of the cost incurred in the execution of copies of archives and their transport. The exhibitor shall be obliged to insure the archives. The extent of degradation reactions – and thus the extent of damage depends on: Ability of material to absorb the radiation The amount of absorbed radiation The energy carried by this radiation Cummulative effect of light (illumination) radiation reflection object absorbtion transmittance In archives premises and exhibition areas light sources of the following intensity illumination should be used a) up to 500 lux in search room, b) up to 200 lux in storage areas, c) up to 50 lux in exhibition areas. Exhibits Recommended values of illumination intensity (lx) The least sensitivity Stone, metal, glass, ceramics, jewels, enamel, minerals sensitive Oil and tempera paintings, horn, bones, ivory, colourless leather, furniture, ebonite, b&w photographs 150 – 200 Highly sensitive Water colours, textile, tapestry, drawings, prints, stamps, manuscripts, illuminations, wall papers, colour photographs and slides, natural and botanic exhibits, some minerals 50 Recommended maximum limits: Proportion of UV - 75 μW/lumen Total UV - 20 mW/m2 No limits Article 25 Protection of archives during exhibition (1) Archives shall be exhibited in closed, dustproof showcases. The total value of illumination must not exceed 18 000 lux.hours/year, if concerning inks, dyes and light sensitive pigments. The temperature in showcases shall be kept within 16° C to 20° C and with relative air humidity from 45 % to 55 %. Article 13 Access restriction (2) Archives shall restrict access to archives if: c) upon their use, damage or the possibility of damage to them could occur; Registries Article 16 Rights and obligations of a registry creator (2) A creator of a registry shall be obliged: c) to provide for the stability of a registry record; if a registry record is made on paper, the paper has to comply with requirements specified by a technical standard; e) to locate the registry in premises that guarantee its preservation; Paper for documents STN ISO 9706 Changes of folding endurance for alkaline and two acidic papers during accelerated ageing at 105 oC 200 ALKALINE ACIDIC 1 ACIDIC 2 180 160 Double folds 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 3 6 days 12 24 The Decree no. 628/2002 of the Ministry of Interior of the SR by which some provisions of the Act on Archives and Registries are executed covers also field of protection and preservation of archival documents and registry records in its second part “PROTECTION / PRESERVATION OF ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTS AND REGISTRY RECORDS” the above mentioned Regulation specifies in details the subject and types of preservation, protection as well as rooms and storage space of archives and different precautions connected with them; one of the most important articles within the Regulation is Article 24 defining the most important external and internal degradation factors (physical, chemical, microbiological) which may cause deterioration of physical conditions of archival documents and deals with protection against them; Article 16 Subject of protection (1) The protection of archives placed in Archives shall include activities and measures intended for their preservation and protection against theft and damage caused by: a) the formation of a record on a carrier that does not allow its preservation; b) placing archives in premises that do not comply with requirements pursuant to this Decree, c) handling, d) fire, e) water, f) degrading factors, g) exhibiting. Article 17 Types of protection (1) The protection of archives against damage shall be ensured through preventive protection, conservation and restoration. The protection of registry records shall be ensured preventively. (3) Conservation shall mean a complex of procedures, technologies and means for the preservation of integrity and the stabilisation of the content and physical condition of archives, as well as procedures for eliminating and minimizing any degrading factors causing their damage. (4) Restoration shall mean a complex of procedures, technologies and means for the reconstruction of the original condition and improvement of the physical condition of damaged archives. The Decree no. 628 of the Ministry of Interior of the SR Conservation and restoration treatment of archival documents are inevitable part of their active preservation which are provided by specialised workplaces. Archival documents cannot be treated by conservation and restoration processes outside the network of state archives system. The Regulation contains the basic rules also for this field of work. Present situation in conservation / restoration Slovak National Archives – Department of Archives Preservation – 11 persons (5 university degree, 6 – secondary school level) . State Archives Banská Bystrica – 2 (secondary school level) State Archives Levoča - 2 (secondary school level) State Archives Prešov - 1 (secondary school level) Further development in preservation / protection Government resolution n. 1201 from December 17, 2003 approved Strategy of development of state archives established by the Ministry of Interior according to the Act 395/2002 till 2010/2015 To complete Department of Archives preservation in the Slovak National Archives as the whole –Slovak competency work-place for complex preservation, conservation and restoration including mass conservation treatment of archival documents To create in the Slovak National Archives specialised workplace for conservation and restoration of photographic documentsko Preservation of electronic documents To establish laboratories for conservation and restoration (each with 2 persons) in the State Mining archives in Banská Štiavnica and in all (8) state archives with regional competencies Acidic paper – one of the basic problems in preservation of archives, libraries and other cultural institutions cca 1850 Wood / woodpulp as the raw material for papermaking (lack of rags) Acid-rosin sizing demanding pH about 4,5 for good retention of rosins to fibres Auto-degradation of paper created at its production caused mainly by acid hydrolysis Bad quality paper just after its production Acidic papers - problems in Slovakia Archives Slovak National Archives Total 30 km Period 1850-present 23-25 km Other Slovak State Archives Total 130 km Period 1850-present 85-95 km Libraries Slovak National Library Total 3,8 mil. volumes Period 1850-present 2,5 mil. volumes Other Slovak Libraries Total 46,2 mil. volumes Period 1850-present 44.5 mil. volumes • • • Long-term random cooperation (SNA, SNL, FCHFT STU, SAS) The problems of acidic paper degradation and necessity of their solution Awareness of endangered cultural heritage and necessity of its preservation resulted in “Preservation, stabilisation and conservation of traditional information carriers in the Slovak Republic – KNIHA SK” State programme of research and development financed by the Ministry of Education of the SR within the framework of the State programme “Current problems of the society development” coordinated by the Faculty of Chemical & Food Technology STU The principal aim - to propose optimal solution of the problem of preservation of traditional information carriers, especially of documents on acidic paper; broader aspect – preservation of cultural heritage Its first phase was realized from 10/2003 - 12/2005 The second 01/2006 – 12/2008 Structure of the Programme & Some Results Coordination • the scientific and technological potential of the key institutions in the field of cultural heritage preservation – Slovak University of Technology / Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak National Archives, Slovak National Library and Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Science - have joined into a consistent researcheducational system and association "Consortium Book SK“; • concentration of scientific capacity in the field of technology of preservation, stabilization and conservation of ligno-cellulosic (LC) macromolecular materials in the SR. Shared specialized national library of the SR for the field of cultural heritage preservation technology • database of relevant literature information in the field; search in patent databases (e.g. present database contains relevant american, european and canadian patents from 1968 up to now); • digitization and full-text information retrieval, etc. – all information available for all participants of the programme National shared potential of instruments and devices for education and research of cultural heritage preservation • it enables all partners to use all laboratory devices and equipments in each institution for the purposes of the project free of charge • creation of central testing laboratory at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology for the purposes of the project; • it is supposed to be converted to the Technological centre for cultural heritage protection and preservation having a character of applied research laboratories in the 2nd stage of the project. Methods of classification and assessment of library and archival documents according to historical-cultural and technical criteria • Document classification from the point of view of preservation priority and from the point of view of possible individual technological processes. Cultural heritage of the SR, stored on paper carriers of historical books, is partially classified not only from the cultural-historical point of view, but also according to Development of new modification systems for deacidification and strengthening of acidic paper Research, development and testing of our modification systems (University – research, new ideas, continuous cheap working power - students) New information on indoor quality environment for long-term storage of library & archives materials Microbiological Air quality (air pollution) Volatile compounds from archives and library materials Behaviour of acidic paper in alkaline boxes during a long-term storage Education • As a consequence of the project KNIHA SK in 2004–2005 the interest of young generation, scientists and teachers considerably increased also in the field of technical education for cultural heritage preservation. • Conditions for academic education, bachelor projects, diploma works and dissertation theses are being improved. • The interest of young generation is of key importance for qualified preservation of its own cultural heritage in the SR. The social importance of project KNIHA SK is strongly felt also in the field of intensification of education in chemistry and technology of preservation of traditional carriers of cultural heritage. • Preparation of a new study course – conservation technology Impact of KNIHASK on motivation and education of university students in the field of chemistry and technology of preservation of cultural heritage in the Slovak Republic in period of 2002 (before starting the project) to 2007 CONCLUSIONS Selected articles – presented not in the successive order but marked in the same way as in the original Act and Regulation - illustrate the main goals, changes and the scope of their application. Apart from other things, the new adopted legal provisions provide an excellent basis for quality improvement in the field of archives protection and preservation. Their practical application in real life, however, will need a lot of effort, energy and financial support as well in order to meet all the requirements given by the law. Acknowledgement The organizers of the conference for kind invitation Thank you for your attention