Gems of Pedagogy 2011-2012 North Seattle Community College Participant: Dan Loos Project 5: Caring Project: Development and Analysis of a Student Survey about a Caring Learning Environment Survey 1 Caring The goal of Survey 1 was to gather information from my students about their perceptions of the characteristics of a caring learning environment. Students were asked to describe characteristics of caring and uncaring teachers, the responsibility of the care receiver (the student), and the one thing that they could remember that a caring teacher said or did that helped them to learn. The survey and student responses can be found at the end of this document. (Link to analysis of Survey 1.) Survey 2 The goal of Survey 2 was to find out if students would identify and agree that a particular teaching strategy was the most or more motivating than other teaching strategies, which in turn we might be able to infer would show a more caring instructor. The students read an article Popson’s Dilema found in the study skills textbook, On Course by Skip Downing. See a screen shot of the article below. (Link to Survey 2.) Survey 1 1. What is a caring teacher? Make a list of actions that a teacher does to show that he or she cares about you and your learning. 2. What is an uncaring teacher? Make a list of actions that demonstrates to you that the teacher is uncaring. 3. The teacher has set deadlines for the assignments to be turned in. A student is consistently late in turning in his/her homework assignments. The student usually has a reason for not turning in the work on time: didn’t feel well, had to work, had a doctor’s appointment, had a family event, etc. What actions should the teacher take to show that she or he cares about the student? Page 1 of 8 4. Others can’t make us change or make us learn. They can offer resources, support and encouragement, but we must individually do the learning and make the changes ourselves to create who we are. Do you agree (True) or disagree (false)? 5. When a teacher tries to show that he or she cares about a student, what responsibility does the student have? 6. Think about all of the teachers that you had. What was the one thing that a teacher did or said that made a difference in helping you to learn? This survey was posted to Angel on April 24, 2012 in the I-BEST support class ABE049 & ESL059, Dan Loos, instructor. Survey 1 (Caring) Student Responses Question: 1. What is a caring teacher? Make a list of actions that a teacher does to show that he or she cares about you and your learning. 1 MARIA Caring teacher is to teach you step by step or explain to you how it work. Learnings he show and explain to me the subject that I miss. If I don't understand the subject he helps me to understand. 2 SAFIA teacher does to show students cares about you and your learning. Help you with studying skills , helps you improving your grades and other class assignment. 3 VAN A teacher is caring when he or she makes clear to students what is expected, and provide assistance for success. 4 KATHY A caring teacher makes each student feel like they are in the right class. He or she talks with each student with the same intention and purpose in mind. A caring teacher is able to impart a supportive attitude toward each student. They also show through their actions that the students success is also their success. 5 ASHLEY I believe that a caring teacher is someone that not only gets up everyday to teach their students but also pays attention and cares about their well being. A caring teacher should be able to see and recognize a students learning behavior and somewhat be able to adapt to their learning situation. 6 ABRAHAM A caring teacher in my view is, a teacher who put enphasis on helping the student grasp the lesson not skip the lesson with out making sure that every student understands it or at least get some idea.Example: the willingnes of a teacher to help students in their lesson after class and give idvice....etc. 7 YUSHENG Clear idea of what we will be learning, the assignments are the grading policy is. caring teachers are prepared and organized. strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as child. Make sure any students understand. For,Example dan is great theacher, he is very patient to teach any student and help them to solve problem. 8 DADDY 1.He makes sure if i understand about what he is teaching. 2.Always he ask me the questions. 3.He's touching me by sending emails every week. 4.He always has his eyes on me when i do something on the computer. 5.He is always available to answer all my Page 2 of 8 9 TEKLE questions even the most mundane. 6.He is always on time in the class before me. 7.He has always been with myself for the computer lab to explain what i have been unable to understand nest during the class. 8.He always recapitalize the past lessons. 9.He always available to meet in his office. 10.He corrects my Writing,reading and speaking English as a ESL teacher. 11.He always gives me the advises. About Me, 1,A caring teacher who trays to help me to understand things. Not because of in order he/she to accomplish their job. 2,A caring teacher who disciplines me when I do wrong but in positive manner. 3,A caring teacher who has a zeal to see my success. About my learning, 1,A caring teacher is who is series follow me in responding the work to be done 2,A caring teacher who has ability to make things easy to understand 3, A caring teacher who has ability to communicate easily Survey: Survey 1 - Caring Question: 2. What is an uncaring teacher? Make a list of actions that demonstrates to you that the teacher is uncaring. 1 ALBACEA, Uncaring teacher doesn't help youu at all. Uncaring teacher doesn't help you or make MARIA P your understand to your subject. (991160641) 2 FRANK, Van A teacher who is unwilling or for any reason not assisting a student with personal (980459343) care to succeed. 3 SAFIA an uncaring teacher is a someone that doesnt care about you and your learning . For an example if a student failed his or her quiz . The teacher hasnt prepared the students take the test. 4 ASHLEY I think an uncaring teacher just comes to teach what the school wants them to teach. That they don't really care about the individual students learning, that they believe its all up to the student to improve their education. I do believe that the students need to take responsibility of their education but that the teacher should be able to help them get to where the student would want to go in the future. 5 KATHY An uncaring teacher shows partiality to their favorite students and ignores other students. The uncaring teacher in unavailable to answer questions or to be understanding of difficulities that may arrise with students they feel do not relate to . They also do not particularly feel anything for the success of all of their students. 6 ABRAHAM A teacher who doesn't care weather students are understanding the lesson or not.Example: skiping a lesson, ......ect. 7 YUSHENG A teacher do not care students And careless to teach students. 8 DADDY Honestly i do not anything concrete to say the above because I know where i come from. I wasn't able to do anything by self. But now because of my teacher i do. 9 TEKLE 1, An uncaring teacher is who does not have responsibilty on me. 2, An uncaring teacher is who don't need to know weither I am following him/her. 3,An uncaring teacher is who do see my weakness and not try to solve in positive manner. Page 3 of 8 Survey: Survey 1 – Caring Question: 3. A teacher has set deadlines for the assignments to be turned in. A student is consistently late in turning in his/her homework assignments. The student usually has a reason for not turning in the work on time: didn’t feel well, had to work, had a doctor's appointment, had a family event, etc. What actions should the teacher take to show that she or he cares about the student? 1 MARIA For me as a student it is my responsibility to finish and turned in all the assignment, but if I am having a hard time to understand homework or any assignment and needed time I have to talk my teacher to let me understand. The action for the teacher need to have a little extra time for the student. 2 VAN Stick to the deadline. Don't except execuses. Teachers have a responsibility of showing students that deadlines matter. However, there are some legit reasons why a deadline might be missed. Missing a deadline should not be habitual. That is caring. 3 ASHLEY In that situation, the student obviously doesn't care about school or their education. I think that a caring teacher would pull them aside after class and have a 'student - teacher' meeting and discuss why the student is turning in assignments late, maybe there is an underlining issue; and alos make sure that the student is aware of what they are doing to themselves. 4 KATHY The teacher could talk with the student and encourage him or her not to give up. Keeping in touch with that student with a quick check in could make all the difference between success or failure. And, also perhaps some direction toward more support services would be helpful. 5 ABRAHAM He should help the student to get the assigment done by extra time giving if there is possibilty. 6 SAFIA If he /she turn the assignment late the teacher should give half points. its better than a zero . Another example is ; if a studnet is consistently late in turning in his/her homework assignments , the teacher should have a conference or a coveration with the student. 7 YUSHENG Talk to them. If they havs real problem, it will be fine. Give him a chance to complete the home work unless 3 time to late. 8 DADDY 1.Just to make sure if the understand very well how to do his homework. 2.Make sure if the student cares about himself to do the assignment. 9 TEKLE Descipline him by giving him/her worning.If they did not submite their assinment due to time they might miss points. Survey: Survey 1 – Caring Question: 4 Others can’t make us change or make us learn. They can offer resources, support and encouragement, but we must individually do the learning and make the changes ourselves to create who we are. Do you agree or disagree? Agree: 100% Survey: Survey 1 - Caring Page 4 of 8 Question: 5. When a teacher tries to show that he or she cares about a student, what responsibility does the student have? 1 MARIA Student responsibility are be on time, called early when sick, if you have appointment you need to tell your teacher a head of time, turn in your assignment and homework on time. 2 VAN Reciprocate by doing the work as instructed, cross every T and dot every i, so that the teacher knows, he or she is not wasting time that could be give to someone who will take advantage of the caring. 3 ASHLEY When a teacher goes out of their way to show to the student that they care I believe that the responsibity of the students education then falls completely in the students hands. Out of respect I think that the student should then do what the teacher is asking of them. 4 KATHY The student needs to be receptive, coorperative, and make every effort to show gratitude. 5 ABRAHAM He should study hard after class,work on asssigments, prepare for the test and attend class regularly. 6 SAFIA study ,practice , ask more question etc. 7 YUSHENG Teacher-Sorry, I have a problm with my XX, please, sent me a mail for your quetion. Student-Are you Okay? I hope you Okay! 8 DADDY Show to the teacher that is also available to learn by making a great effort. 9 TEKLE He/She has supposed to care about himself/herself as well as what the teachers they do. I have to do my own part for it is for my own benefite. Survey: Survey 1 - Caring Question: 6. Think about all of the teachers that you had. What was the one thing that a teacher did or said that made a difference in helping you to learn? 1 MARIA It help me when they are teaching in class that show us or tell us if we can't find. And also the syllabus for homework and assignment it really help me to understand what need to be done. 2 VAN You can do this! I will help you succeed. 3 ASHLEY My middle school teacher saw that I was having trouble with reading/writing words and numbers. Not that I couldn't read or write at my grade level but that I would get these things mixed up. She pulled me aside and had me take tests that proved that I was dyslectic and then showed and trained me ways for me to learn and understand better as a student. 4 SAFIA Supporting and tutoring etc 5 KATHY They showed a caring attitude. But, truely in my opinion, not everyone can be a caring teacher. Teaching is a job and a demanding one at that. I do think that it can be a very rewarding one emotionally, when it is enjoyed by the teacher. 6 ABRAHAM Moral support. 7 YUSHENG Read it carefull and speak it loud, it is good for you memorizing. 8 DADDY The only thing was about this that report resentment by what I was. A novice who needs lots of attention, support and encouragement order to move forward. 9 TEKLE To develope self learning skill,to follow the instruction and learn from others. Page 5 of 8 Analysis/Summary of Investigation (Caring) Survey 1 The students surveyed all agreed that they are responsible for their own learning. (See responses to question 4, Survey 1.) The students’ responses to question 5 in Survey 1 also reveal that they understand that there is reciprocity involved in caring relationships. They felt they should show effort, follow the teacher’s suggestions and demonstrate and follow through with class rules and policies. The students had a variety of descriptions of a caring teacher. They felt that a caring teacher is clear about expectations, provides help, pays attention to learning, adjusts to student learning needs, attempts to help all students understand by providing assistance after class if needed, verifies that students understand, demonstrates excitement about student accomplishments, and gives equal respect and attention to all students. I believe this group of students understands that caring is not one direction, i.e. that caring does involve interdependent behaviors between the care giver and care receiver. From their responses and what I have observed in my work with them in class, the students have not demonstrated that they have expected to be spoon fed nor have they demonstrate a lack of responsibility for their own behaviors or actions. In fact, they have described many of the best practices of classroom instruction established through pedagogical research. Survey 2 See reading passage at end of document. Question 4 Responses: For the professor whom you chose as giving the best advice, why did you choose that professor’s response? 1 2 3 4 KATHY MARIA I choose Professor Gonzales, because not all student learn by talking. There are P individual. Some student learn by listening, seeing, writing, reading etc. As student I learn by showing me and redo it by myself. Sometime I need some explanation how to get it the information. ASHLEY I chosed Professor Assante because as a student myself I believe that most people are getting a higher education to be able to get a good job and paycheck. When students know that a class is important to reaching that goal they will want to do well and know everything that the class has to offer. VAN Mr. Donnelly forces his students to be responsible in his class. When the student(s) isn't responsible, he or she is force to realize their lack of seriousness toward doing the work. His advise excited me and motivated me. It made me feel responsible and trusted to make good choices. I choose Egret advice because many people work together, they will learning more fast. 5 HUANG, YUSHENG 6 TEKLE Because its a relevant Page 6 of 8 Page 7 of 8 Analysis of Survey 2 This is a short analysis of survey 2. I thought that students would be in agreement about which professor had given the best advice in helping a teacher who was depressed about the performance and behaviors of his class and who had essentially given up on his class. In fact, the student responses in survey 2 seemed to be all over the place and each of the respondents seemed to identify with the advice given by a different professor. This result may demonstrate that I have a class of students that have diverse learning styles or that a particular professor’s advice met a specific care need of the survey respondent. One of the professors suggested giving quizzes at the beginning of every class and taking away points for being absent. He felt grades were the only way to motivate students. I didn’t think any of my students would agree with this advice, but one student did. I thought they would select Professor Fanning as giving the best advice. However, they didn’t. I guess I identified highly with Professor Fanning and was hoping my students would confirm my choice in their responses. Again, there is room for a variety of teaching approaches/styles and different students may prefer and have their needs met by one or more of these teaching approaches or styles. Screen shot of the reading passage: Popson’s Dilemma Page 8 of 8