VEX Tumbler SoW

Activity: The build and programme of a VEX Tumbler Robot in order to achieve
autonomous control and application of sensors in different environments.
Project overview / Scheme of work
Project overview
As a project encouraging team work, this unit bears expectation that pupils will relatively new to the VEX robotics platform and Easy C program. It is recommended that
teachers familiarize themselves with the resources first before launching this unit.
The project concentrates on the design and manufacture of a TD Tumbler using VEX robotics parts. The build is relatively simple ensuring success for all pupils new to VEX
robotics. Once the build is complete, pupils must design and create a unique Easy C program which will give desired control of the robot, using sensors which must also be
carefully fitted to the Tumbler frame depending on the application. Through the project pupils will be able to develop a keen and focused level of knowledge of robotics
design, but in the context of VEX parts.
The pupils will spend time considering structures for a solid design and build, motion including motors and motor application, power including how batteries work and are
applied to robots, sensors including different types and how they are applied in different situations, and control, including the design of programs for the VEX cortex.
The project can be extended in the following ways:
- Introducing Autodesk Inventor as a method of building a virtual Tumbler and animating its design and operation.
- adapting and introducing new challenges (lessons 7-11) to create new scenarios.
- Mathematics: the consideration of distance, load and application of force and friction.
- Science: the analysis of the robot and how it could apply forces in context beyond the challenges
D&T concepts
- identify and solve their own design problems and understand how to reformulate problems given to them
- use a variety of approaches, such as bio mimicry and user-centered design, to generate creative ideas and avoid stereotypical response
- develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches, detailed plans, 3-D and mathematical modelling, oral and digital
presentations and computer based tools
and use specialist tools, techniques, processes, equipment and machinery precisely, including computer-aided manufacture
- investigate new and emerging technologies
Technical knowledge
- understand and use the properties of materials and the performance of structural elements to achieve functioning solutions
- understand how more advanced mechanical systems used in their products enable changes in movement and force
- understand how more advanced electrical and electronic systems can be powered and used in their products, such as circuits with heat, light, sound and movement as
inputs and outputs
- apply computing and use electronics to embed intelligence in products that respond to inputs such as sensors, and control outputs such as actuators, using programmable
components such as microcontrollers
Scheme of work
This scheme of work is flexible in its duration, especially when considering the time allowance for programming and testing using computers available in your department.
The programing design element and its application to a sensing Tumbler make task is the focus of the project, but the make can be removed to provide a program design
only project.
Lesson Objectives
Suggested preliminary activities.
 Establish what I will be aiming to
achieve in the project.
 Learn about robots, force and
 Be able to label features of a DC
Description of activity
Introduction to the project a discussion about
robots students know or maybe interact with.
Students discuss VEX and the Tumbler, and
review the sub systems used.
Pupils learn about terminology for robotics,
and make notes/fill in the hand out about the
definitions of each term.
Pupils learn about DC motors (optional
inclusion of motors here, see below).
Students discuss and make notes on the DC
motor, label a diagram, could link to youtube
videos on DC motors. VEX motors can be
introduced at this point if desired.
Summarize the learning and test students as
a group/individuals using plenary
Research the wider
area of robotics
and present a
history of recent
Lesson PowerPoint file.
Exemplar products.
Tumbler Kits.
Sensor Kits.
Hand outs.
Optional: DC motors and batteries.
VEX motors.
Develop an understanding of
simple frame design and the
building techniques required to
create simple robot design
Understand how motion is
created in robotics and how
different types of motion can be
Students are to be divided into teams for the
Tumbler build commencing next lesson.
Students should form teams and have roles
within each team. These include: builder,
leader, CAD designer, programmer, analyst.
Pupils discuss the function of all the parts
shown on the board and complete a table of
analysis outlining their ideas before
confirming the actual functions.
Pupils learn about structures and strong
structural design. This is applied to VEX
structural parts and can be demonstrated
using practical joining using screws and nuts.
Pupils as a class discuss and build a solid
structure using VEX structural parts. Angle
parts are applied only.
Pupils watch a short video on how VEX robots
are built, before pupils work in groups to
build the VEX Tumbler frame as a solid frame.
Pupils will need to apply all the parts from the
starter task.
Pupils discuss the questions in the plenary
task and respond to these either written or
Students discuss the function of all the parts
shown on the board and complete a table of
analysis outlining their ideas before
confirming the actual functions.
Pupils discuss the terms relating to
movement using Robotics. This is a brief
introduction to the topic.
Pupils review each of the types of motion and
changing motion using VEX devices. Each is
drawn or annotated to the hand out. Pupils
make notes on definitions for motion.
Produce a strong
structural model
using craft
materials (paper,
card and tape only)
PowerPoint Lesson 02
Example outcome products
Hand-outs/worksheets (Step by step,
worksheet 02)
Tumbler kits
Research into
different types of
small motorized
robots, and
annotate images of
these with the
motion created and
the outcomes
achieved from this.
PowerPoint Lesson 03
Hand-outs/worksheets (Worksheet 03)
Tumbler kits.
Understand how power can be
used to achieve functional
robotics and how batteries differ
and can be used for VEX.
Learn how robotics are controlled
and how this supports modern
manufacture and industry.
Work with a control programme
to learn about how programming
Pupils build the motion elements to their
robot Tumbler frame
Students discuss the question in the plenary
task and respond to these either written or
discussed. In this case a drawing or print out
of the claw is appropriate.
Students discuss the function of all the parts
shown on the board and complete a table of
analysis outlining their ideas before
confirming the actual functions.
Pupils learn about terminology relating to
batteries and their function. The teacher
could provide additional resources and
batteries for handling.
Pupils draw the battery and consider labelling
key parts before reviewing batteries used in
the context of VEX robotics.
Pupils watch short videos on cutting VEX
metal before forming or cutting the bar and
fitting it, along with the battery holder and
battery, to the VEX Tumbler frame.
Students discuss the questions in the plenary
task and respond to these either written or
Pupils are introduced to the VEX cortex and
apply the concept of a microcontroller to the
notion of control of robots.
Pupils learn about the microcontroller and
make notes on the elements that make it up,
including labelling these on a diagram.
Pupils fit the cortex to the Tumbler and
connect all wires possible.
Pupils learn about the functionality of the
cortex by using the pre programmed
behaviours in the default code, using a
Research the
history of the
battery, including
different types of
PowerPoint Lesson 04
Tumbler kits.
Create a design for
a robot you feel will
enhance your life.
What will it do,
how will it work,
and what will you
program it to do
PowerPoint Lesson 05
Hand-outs/worksheets (worksheet 05)
Tumbler kits.
Jumpers x 6
Limit switches.
Cable ties.
Develop an understanding of
how inputs such as sensors help
robotics to function.
Work with a range of sensors to
achieve a desired level of control
and functionality.
Learn how to apply sensors to
different scenarios and how
sensors can add accurate control.
Apply sensors to a range of
simple challenges.
jumper. Pupils learn about the jumper and
apply it in context as a class demonstration
with one or more of the Tumbler kits.
Pupils review their learning against plenary
questions which can be discussed or answers
written down in workbooks/engineering
Students discuss the sensors available and
consider their application. Pupils use the
sensor cards to do so in teams. Once
complete, pupils can consider the scenario on
slide 5 and propose solutions.
Pupils learn about how sensors work, before
reviewing each of the Tumblers in order, with
sensors applied to each in turn. Pupils discuss
each Tumbler before proposing what it will
Design challenges. Pupils are set the
challenge of designing a robot that will
achieve a certain sensory outcome. This can
be completed on prepared template sheets
or pupils can sketch freehand the Tumbler.
Scenario two. Pupils consider a challenging
scenario. The group discuss what needs to be
done before being given the answer. Did the
pupils get the right answer?
Pupils answer questions as part of the
plenary to the lesson, and either discuss the
answers or write the answers in a work book
or engineering booklet.
Pupils consider the application of a robot in
different scenarios (dark, under water, etc).
This can be run as a discussion or a drawing
Teacher introduces the task for the lesson.
Create a poster of
nature’s sensors.
These are animals
that use sensory
applications the
same as the
sensors of the
PowerPoint Lesson 06
Sensor starter cards laminated.
Example videos of sensors in use.
Easy C default files.
Optional: a sensor arena where the
Tumbler can be tested and operated.
Design a unique
challenge that a
robot you make
could solve, and
consider the design
PowerPoint Lesson 07
Easy C Program worksheet set
Example videos of sensors in use.
Easy C default files.
Optional: a sensor arena where the
Respond to different design
challenges by applying new skills
learnt through the build and
programming of a quality
This can be in conjunction with a field to
allow the pupils to visualise the challenge, or
this can be seen on screen.
Pupils work in teams to develop a program
for the challenge. Pupils load this to the
Tumbler cortex, and test the Tumbler using
sensors. Pupils might need to return time and
again until the program is correct or
Pupils review the example video and
program, and make a note of it in their
worksheet set. This can be annotated to
identify the features of the program.
Pupils discuss the questions on the board and
either write these down or discuss them as a
Pupils review the previous knowledge of
sensors and consider their design.
Teacher introduces the task for the lesson.
This can be in conjunction with a field to
allow the pupils to visualise the challenge, or
this can be seen on screen.
Pupils work in teams to develop a program
for the challenge. Pupils load this to the
Tumbler cortex, and test the Tumbler using
sensors. Pupils might need to return time and
again until the program is correct or
Pupils review the example video and
program, and make a note of it in their
worksheet set. This can be annotated to
identify the features of the program.
Pupils discuss the questions on the board and
either write these down or discuss them as a
of the robot
including what
sensors would be
used and where.
Tumbler can be tested and operated.
Design a unique
robot using VEX
parts and Google
Sketchup as the
build program.
Screen print the
design and
PowerPoint Lesson 08
Easy C Program worksheet set
Example videos of sensors in use.
Easy C default files.
Optional: a sensor arena where the
Tumbler can be tested and operated.
Adapt your design to meet new
challenges, needs and for
different users.
Test and prove your product
against set goals to prove
Adapt the design solution to
meet the criteria for the product
Pupils review the previous knowledge of
sensors and consider their design.
Teacher introduces the task for the lesson.
This can be in conjunction with a field to
allow the pupils to visualise the challenge, or
this can be seen on screen.
Pupils work in teams to develop a program
for the challenge. Pupils load this to the
Tumbler cortex, and test the Tumbler using
sensors. Pupils might need to return time and
again until the program is correct or
Pupils review the example video and
program, and make a note of it in their
worksheet set. This can be annotated to
identify the features of the program.
Pupils discuss the questions on the board and
either write these down or discuss them as a
Pupils review the previous knowledge of
sensors and consider their design.
Teacher introduces the task for the lesson.
This can be in conjunction with a field to
allow the pupils to visualise the challenge, or
this can be seen on screen.
Pupils work in teams to develop a program
for the challenge. Pupils load this to the
Tumbler cortex, and test the Tumbler using
sensors. Pupils might need to return time and
again until the program is correct or
Pupils review the example video and
program, and make a note of it in their
worksheet set. This can be annotated to
identify the features of the program.
Develop a robot for
children that will be
a great play
PowerPoint Lesson 09
Easy C Program worksheet set
Example videos of sensors in use.
Easy C default files.
Optional: a sensor arena where the
Tumbler can be tested and operated.
Create a rule book
for robots in
society, including
what robots can
and cannot do (can
they drive cars for
humans, can they
vote, can they go to
PowerPoint Lesson 10
Easy C Program worksheet set
Example videos of sensors in use.
Easy C default files.
Optional: a sensor arena where the
Tumbler can be tested and operated.
Create a new and unique product
solution using a range of sensors,
control programming and
application of CAD software.
Review the learning over a period
of time, reflect on your progress,
and set new targets for your next
project in a different (or similar)
material area.
Pupils discuss the questions on the board and
either write these down or discuss them as a
Pupils review the previous knowledge of
sensors and consider their design.
Teacher introduces the task for the lesson.
This can be in conjunction with a field to
allow the pupils to visualise the challenge, or
this can be seen on screen.
Pupils work in teams to develop a program
for the challenge. Pupils load this to the
Tumbler cortex, and test the Tumbler using
sensors. Pupils might need to return time and
again until the program is correct or
Pupils review the example video and
program, and make a note of it in their
worksheet set. This can be annotated to
identify the features of the program.
Pupils discuss the questions on the board and
either write these down or discuss them as a
Pupils can be given 5 minutes to revise from
their notes and folders.
Pupils sit a 30 minute test (either online or by
hand) and respond to all questions. Pupils
complete the exam as a closed book activity.
Pupils evaluate the project and outline their
perceptions and opinions of the project in
order to quality assure the challenges and
improve for next time.
Pupils consider the wider applications of the
project content when applied to a career in a
field of engineering or design.
Revise for your end
of unit exam and
prepare clear
summarized notes
to revise from.
PowerPoint Lesson 11
Easy C Program worksheet set
Example videos of sensors in use.
Easy C default files.
Optional: a sensor arena where the
Tumbler can be tested and operated.
PowerPoint Lesson 12
End of unit test (Fuse Creator)
End of unit test print outs
Optional: additional careers information
linked to the project.