Ms. DeVore's Syllabi

Course Description
Have you ever wondered….. Why do people
dream? How does stress affect health? Why are
some memories so vivid? Maybe you are curious
about the ways people learn. Every day,
psychologists study a fascinating topic----people!
Why do they do this? To learn why people act and
think the way they do.
Course Objectives
The student will identify the goals of psychology, and explain how
psychology is a science.
The student will list and explain the steps scientists follow in
conducting scientific research.
The student will evaluate the methods used by psychologists to study
the role of heredity in determining traits.
The student will define gender roles and gender stereotypes, and
explain the difference between the two terms.
The student will identify the factors that determine one’s response to
The student will demonstrate the basis the for classifying
psychological disorders.
The student will analyze the nature of consciousness.
A Class Syllabus
A Class Syllabus
Course Objectives
The student will demonstrate a knowledge of Missouri’s governmental
history and constitution.
The student will exhibit an understanding and appreciation for the
democratic processes of the United States and how these process affect the
individual citizen.
The student will demonstrate orally and in writing the basic rights
guaranteed by the United States Constitution and their individual
responsibilities as a citizen of our nation.
The student will demonstrate a respect and appreciation for the American
culture and traditions which have been preserved for more than 200 years.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political institutions of the
United States, how they conduct the business of government and the impact
their decisions have on the lives of private citizens.
The student will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for our
democratic principles that result in a free economic system.
A Class Syllabus
Course Objectives
1. Students will explain and identify how changes in the physical
environment may reduce the capacity of the environment to support human
2. Students will explain and analyze the roles people, business, labor
unions, and government play in the United States economy: monetary
policy, fiscal policy, monopolies, boycotts, embargoes, etc…
3. Students will explain major economic concepts such as: scarcity,
opportunity cost, supply and demand, gross domestic product, inflation,
savings and investment, business cycle, profit and factors of production.
4. Students will explain and identify the United States in the global
economy and the roles of trade, treaties, international organization and
comparative advantage in the global economy.
5. Students will explain and identify the roles on government in the US
economy : defining and protect property right, maintaining competition,
promoting goals such as full employment, stable prices, growth and justice.
Course Expectations
1. Knowledge of the principles expressed in documents shaping
constitutional democracy in the United States.
A. Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States
2. Knowledge of principles and processes of governance systems
A. Principles and purposes of government.
C. Processes of governmental systems
3a. Knowledge of continuity and change in the history of Missouri and
the United States
A. Understand the migrations of people from many regions to North
I. Political development in the United States
J. Understanding economic concepts
K. Principles and purposes of government
Course Expectations
L. Principles of constitutional democracy in the United States
M. Processes of governmental systems
N. Economic development in the United States
O. Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in the economic
system of the United States
P. Understanding functions and effects of economic institutions
Q. Knowledge of economic institutions
R. Understanding the roles of the government in the US economy
S. Understanding the concept of location
T. Understanding the concept of Place
U. Understanding relationships within places
V. Understanding relationships between and among regions
W. Foreign and domestic policy developments
X. Causes, comparisons, and results of major twentieth-century
Y. Understanding cultural changes
Z. Missouri history as it relates to major developments of United States History
Course Expectations
4. Knowledge of economic concepts (including productivity and the market system) and
principles (including the laws of supply and demand)
A. Knowledge of basic economic concepts, being able to explain and use them to interpret
historical and current events
H. Understanding the roles of people, business, and government in economic systems of the
United States
I. Understanding the functions and effects of economic institutions
J. Knowledge of economic institutions
K. Understanding the roles of government in a market economy
5. Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location,
place, movement and regions) and their relationship to changes in society and the
B. Understanding the concept of location to make predictions and solve problems
C. Understanding the concept of place
D. Relationships within places (Human-Environment Interactions) (Movement)
F. Understanding relationships between and among regions
Course Expectations
6. Knowledge of relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural
K. Ideas and beliefs of different cultures
L. Changing of roles of various groups
M. Major social institutions
N. Consequences of individual or institutional failure
O. Causes, effects and resolutions of cultural conflict
7. Knowledge of the use of tools of social science inquiry (such as surveys, statistics,
maps and documents)
A. Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources for social science inquiry
B. Knowledge to create various social studies maps and graphics
C. Understanding fact, opinion, bias and points of view in sources
D. Using technological tools
E. Developing a research plan and identifying resources
F. Interpreting various social studies resources
G. Supporting a point of view
Course Materials
1. Economics, Concepts and Choices, McDougal Littell,
2008. (provided by teacher)
2. Boyer, Paul, American Nation, Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston, 2005. (provided by teacher)
3. Rathus, Spencer, Psychology-Principles in Practice,
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2003. (provided by the
4. Spiral Notebook (provided by student)
5. Writing Utensil (provided by student)
6. Folder (provided by student)
 B = GOOD
 D= Minimal
Grades Are Determined By
Grades will be determined by the percentage of
points accumulated during the quarter from
homework, quizzes, tests, papers, in-class
assignments, projects, and classroom participation.
A total of points earned, divided by points possible.
Tests, Quizzes
Late Homework Assignments
1. 5 points will be deducted from an assignment for each
day it is late.
2. Late assignments will only be accepted for one day
following the due date.
3. Absent students will be allowed one day for every day
missed, following their return, to turn in missed work.
4. Students will have one day to make up a missed exam
due to an absence.
5. Let’s Talk! If you are participating in a school sponsored
activity it is the responsibility of the student to attain the
assignment from Ms. DeVore before activity and be ready
to discuss and turn in the assignment before leaving or if
prearranged upon return from activity.
Please refer to the Putnam County High School
Handbook. The school-wide policy will be strictly
enforced and followed in this classroom.
Classroom Demeanor
As individuals who are fast approaching a time
when you will be subject to the “real world”, I
expect you to behave in a manner that reflects your
age and position as upper classmen at Putnam
County High School.
Classroom Demeanor
Respect (the special esteem or consideration in which one holds another
person or thing)
a. Respect yourself and others
b. Respect your property, others property, the classroom property, and
teacher’s property
c. Respect the learning environment, clean up after yourself. Please don’t
eat or drink in the room-it is messy, disruptive, and encourages visits from
ants and other critters
d. Electronic devices including cellular phone should be off, put away, and
not visible at any time.
Listen (to use one’s ears consciously in order to hear)
a. Listen to fellow classmates and teacher with open ears and closed
b. Do not talk while another classmate or teacher is talking
c. Partake in active listening
Classroom Demeanor
Learn (to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study)
a. Participate in class activities and discussions
b. Approach each class with a clear head and open mind
Prepare (to get ready for, to make necessary steps prior to)
a. Bring all required materials to class everyday
writing utensil, paper, notebook, folder,
textbook, planner
Enjoy (to take pleasure or delight in, to have the use,
benefit or advantage of)
a. Bring a positive attitude to class each day!
Classroom Demeanor
Plagiarism ( to take ideas, words, or writing and claim them
as your own)
This applies to your textbook and all other sources you use
to get information. Any ideas you did not know before, or
any uncommon facts, must be cited-given credit to the
author. Copying ideas and/or works from another student, a
book, the Internet, magazines, newspapers, or other sources
is cheating and will not be allowed without the proper
citation. Allowing someone to use or copy your work is
cheating, and you will face the same consequences as the
student who used your work. Violation of this policy will
result in a zero on the entire assignment or exam and
referral to the Principal.
Welcome to my Classroom
Personal Philosophy of Education
General Info: Access notes, assignments, syllabus on school webpage.
Teacher: Mrs. DeVore
Extension: 353
My Personal Philosophy of Education:
I will strive to provide the most academically enriching curriculum possible, in
order to assist students in becoming productive citizens who are effective
thinkers and communicators. Clear goals, high academic and behavioral
expectations, a supportive school climate, and the promotion of healthy
self-esteem and respect for all people and cultures will aid me in achieving
these goals.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor and pleasure to be able to educate you.
I expect great things from you, and I hope you expect great things from me
too. I look forward to having a great year with you!
Grading Policy (or How to Do Well in this Class)
All written work will be graded according to established rubrics (to be distributed
later). Your quarterly grade for this class will be based on the following criteria:
Learning Process
Homework effort (Is your homework
complete and on time?)
In-class work habits (Do you stay ontask in class? Work independently when
appropriate? Complete your class work
Class participation (Do you contribute
ideas to class discussions? Do you listen
well? Do you cooperate during group
work? )
Behavior (Do you observe classroom
policies? Do you contribute positively to
the classroom environment?)
Are you allowing yourself to be
creative within the parameters of the
Product Quality
Quality of homework ( Is your
work accurate and of a high
Quality of written expression (Is
your work clear, articulate,
concise, and accurate?)
Tests and quizzes (How do you
perform on these?)
Projects and presentations (Is the
quality of your work high?)
Evidence of critical thinking (Do
you think thoroughly and
carefully about the materials?)