BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE LISTENING LEVEL 3: BENCHMARKS LISTENING LEVEL 3: APPLICATIONS 3.L.1-Follow, with some effort, simple formal and informal conversations and other listening texts/discourse on topics of immediate personal relevance at a slower rate of speech. -Speaker A: What do you do? Speaker B: I'm a teacher. I teach fourth grade. I love my job; This is Sam. He lives in Charlotte, NC. He is 42 years old. He lives with his brother. Sam is a cashier in a grocery. (PERSONAL INFORMATION) 3.L.2-Can recognize a variety of topics by familiar words and phrases including some uses relating to work. -It is important to learn the locations of emergency exits; Is it possible for you to work some overtime? (RANGE OF TOPICS) 3.L.3-Listen for key vocabulary words in contextualized conversations. -My son is sick and he can't go to school. He has a fever. His temperature is 101; The traffic is bad because of an accident. 3.L.4-Understand an expanded vocabulary related to learner’s needs. -health care, housing, etc. (VOCABULARY/ IDIOMS/ PHRASAL VERBS) 3.L.5-Recognize some idiomatic expressions for greetings and leavetaking. -Hey, Paula. Take it easy. (GREETING / LEAVETAKING) 3.L.6-Follow questions related to an expanded range of common daily instructions, positive and negative commands and requests related to immediate context. -Is tomorrow a holiday for public schools? Don't leave your car unlocked. Could you work late tonight? (DIRECTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS) 3.L.7-Follow short simple predictable phone messages. (PHONE) 3.L.8-Determine relevant details from familiar information (e.g. daily routines) with some support/scaffolding. -Hello, Patricia. I’m calling to see if you want to go to ESL class together tonight. -Trash pickup is every Wednesday. You can't park on this side of the street. Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 1 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE (EXTRACT INFORMATION) 3.L.9-Identify more beginning base words and common inflections. -Class, classes; dining room; bedrooms. 3.L.10-Understand basic antonyms and synonyms. -Big vs. little, big vs. large. (METALINGUSTICS) SPEAKING LEVEL 3: BENCHMARKS SPEAKING LEVEL 3: APPLICATIONS 3.S.1-Can communicate basic immediate needs and personal experience in short informal conversations. -I need to buy a car. What kind of car do you have? 3.S.2-Can respond to wh- questions and to more complex personal information questions. -Why are you studying English? I want to get a good job. When do you work? I work on Fridays and Saturdays. (PERSONAL INFORMATION) 3.S.3-Can participate in short social conversations related to community, work, and home. -I work at Target. I like my job. Where do you work? 3.S.4-Can make introductions. -This is my friend, Marcus. He lives in Atlanta. 3.S.5-Can make requests, accept, and decline using polite language. -Can I borrow your pencil, please? 3.S.6-Can construct wh- questions to gather information. -What time do you have to work? (RANGE OF TOPICS) 3.S.7-Can spell a larger number of words out loud. -U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A, C-O-U-N-S-E-L-O-R 3.S.8-Can recognize and say larger numbers. -I was born in 1979. The school has 5,000 students. Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 2 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE 3.S.9-Can recognize and say more complex numbers. -Decimals, ordinal numbers, etc. 3.S.10-Can say money amounts. -That car costs $5,499. (ALPHABET AND NUMBERS) 3.S.11-Demonstrate adequate vocabulary for routine everyday communication. -I need a student ID card, please. My middle name is Maria. 3.S.12-Can develop and expand vocabulary for targeted topics. -Shopping, school, health, etc. (VOCABULARY / IDIOMS / PHRASAL VERBS) 3.S.13-Can use the phone to make an emergency call. -Call 911, give address, explain problem. 3.S.14-Can use the phone for very short, simple, predictable exchanges. -Hello teacher. I cannot come to class. I need to go to my child’s school. (PHONE) 3.S.15-Clear evidence of connected discourse. -First I take a shower. Then I make breakfast. I study English because I need a good job. 3.S.16-Can repair communication problems. -Do you understand? What does that mean? (COMMUNICATION AND CONVEYANCE) 3.S.17-Can give simple two-step instructions and directions. -Go to the whiteboard and write the word. (DIRECTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS) Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 3 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE 3.S.18-Use strategy to take an active role in conversation. -Turn taking, not interrupting, staying on topic. (METALINGUISTICS) READING LEVEL 3: BENCHMARKS READING LEVEL 3: APPLICATIONS 3.R.1-Use knowledge of letter patterns to decode familiar and unfamiliar words. -Use flashcards, grouped word lists, audio tools, etc. to gain experience with word structure and sounds (i.e. late, gate, state; burn, turn, churn; train, gain, plain). (DECODING) 3.R.2-Use a bilingual dictionary with some use of a simplified, standard monolingual dictionary. -Can find word translation, meanings and usage from both bilingual and monolingual dictionaries. (USE OF DICTIONARY) 3.R.3-Recognize alternate forms of basic words on a personal information form. -Birthdate vs. date of birth, sex vs. gender. 3.R.4-Locate a word, number or item in alphabetical or numerical order -In a phone book, dictionary, etc. 3.R.5-Read schedules and simple charts. -Understand a bus schedule and tell times of duration, departure and arrivals. Understand a simple work schedule. (PRACTICAL FUNCTIONS) 3.R.6-Recognize a range of punctuation. -Comma, apostrophe, exclamation mark, question mark. (PUNCTUATION) Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 4 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE 3.R.7-Recognize an increasing number of common abbreviations. (ABBREVIATIONS) 3.R.8-Read a text on familiar content (2-3 paragraphs) that includes longer sentences and more complex grammatical structures. -Sr., .Jr., mm, mph, pt., qt., oz., lb., etc. -Practice repeated readings of a multi-paragraph text. Read aloud to gain fluency and read silently to gain comprehension. 3.R.9-Read paragraphs and answer comprehension questions. -Work together in small groups to practice reading and to answer yes/no comprehension questions. Create wh- questions from the text and answer questions in complete sentences. 3.R.10-Predict meaning of new words in simple context. -From a text containing cloze sentences, choose the best words (from a list) to complete the passage. I went to the garden center to buy/by a plant. Discuss the different meanings of words. 3.R.11-Recognize conventions of formatted texts. -Name the title and give the number of paragraphs in a document. Give information contained in a table, chart, or graph. 3.R.12-Recognize base words, synonyms, and antonyms. -Find the base words of: impolite, refill, impossible, unhealthy, worked, classes. Match synonyms and antonyms. (BUILDING LITERACY / APPLICATION TOWARD ACADEMIC READING AND TESTING) 3.R.13-Follow simple written directions and instructions in familiar context. -Retell the steps of a simple recipe. (DIRECTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS) Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 5 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE WRITING LEVEL 3: BENCHMARKS WRITING LEVEL 3: APPLICATIONS 3.W.1-Follow an increasing number of rules for capitalization. -Range of proper nouns- specific titles, places, organizations, etc. 3.W.2-Follow an increasing number of rules for punctuation. -Apostrophe with contractions and possessives. 3.W.3-Use some basic abbreviations. - Rd., St., Mr., Mon., Jan. (BASIC CONVENTIONS OF WRITING) 3.W.4-Use keyboard and mouse with beginning awareness of correct typing skills. -Hands positioned properly over the keyboard and clicking the button on the mouse appropriately. (BASIC COMPUTER LITERACY AND SKILLS) 3.W.5-Fill out basic authentic form. -Frequent customer card, change of address. (PERSONAL INFORMATION AND FILLING OUT FORMS) 3.W.6-Spell an increasing range of words using sound-letter association. “f” sound spelled “ph” (SPELLING AND USE OF DICTIONARY) 3.W.7-Write a range of more difficult sentences about self, family, and general information. -I am 25 years old. He has two brothers and one sister. They have brown hair. (SENTENCES / PARAGRAPHS / ESSAYS) Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 6 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE 3.W.8-Complete missing information in a more complex table. -What times do employees work on the same day schedule? 3.W.9-Write more difficult dictated sentences distinguishing some basic contractions. -They’re working very hard at their job. 3.W.10-Peer edit sentences for correct spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar. -Checks other students work easily. (ORGANIZING THOUGHT / NOTE TAKING / EDITING) 3.W.11-Write brief notes to others with some detail. -Absence note to child’s teacher, etc. (LETTER AND RESUME WRITING) 3.W.12-Write simple directions and instructions related to familiar contexts. -How do you cook this meal? 3.W.13-Draw and label a simple map. -Where is the store nearest to your house? (DIRECTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS) Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 7 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE GRAMMAR LEVEL 3: BENCHMARKS GRAMMAR LEVEL 3: APPLICATIONS 3.G.1-Present continuous tense. -She is helping me. You are having a good time. They are working today. He and she are doing fine. I am going to be late. 3.G.2-Modal auxiliary verbs. -Ana can carry the box. She could not come today. Would you mind? Must you talk so loud? She should be here soon. 3.G.3-Common irregular verbs. -E.g., go, get, run, buy, be, eat, do, bring, give, swim. 3.G.4-Subject-verb agreement. -She walks. / They walk. I go. / He goes. ; Mary eats. / Tom and Mary eat..; He is. / We are.; It sits. / We sit.; I have. / He has.; You do./ She does.; The bird flies. / Birds fly. 3.G.5-Adjective + noun. -The red dress is hers. (Her dress is red) She only eats fresh fruit. (The fruit is fresh.) He is a tall man. (He is tall). 3.G.6-Contractions. -E.g., I’m, she’s, isn’t, don’t, can’t, it’s, won’t. 3.G.7-Demonstratives and Determiners. -This/that. These/those. Such. Much. Each/every. Either/neither. Enough. Which/what. 3.G.8-Singular/plural. -E.g. count/non-count. 3.G.9-Indefinite / definite articles. -A, an / the. Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 8 BENCHMARKS AND APPLICATIONS: LEVEL THREE 3.G.10-Possessive adjectives. -My, your, his, her, our, their, its, whose. 3.G.11-Conjunctions. -E.g., for, yet, so, but, because, if, since. 3.G.12-Simple frequency adverbs. -E.g., frequently, usually, often, occasionally, seldom. PRONUNCIATION LEVEL 3: BENCHMARKS PRONUNCIATION LEVEL 3: APPLICATIONS 3.P.1-Recognize/Reproduce syllable stress of new vocabulary. -College, illness, tonight, advice. 3.P.2-Recognize/Reproduce s-ending sounds /s/, /z/, and /iz/. -/s/, /z/, and /iz/ 3.P.3-Contrast/Produce short and long vowel sounds (based on learners’ needs). -Tim vs team; hop vs hope. 3.P.4-Use intonation for yes/no questions. -I’m going to the store. Are you going to the store? (falling intonation /rising intonation) 3.P.5-Recognize/Reproduce pronunciation of chunks and linking the words together. -Take a bus; at home. Level 3 | Adult ESL | Central Piedmont Community College 9