Instructions for Application, please include the following: Proposal Summary (one page) Please describe in two brief sentences the broad purpose of your project. Follow this example: “I request Davis support in order to Y. Funds from this grant would support X, X, and X. (Hint: the Xs in this sentence are concrete, measurable activities or deliverables, and the Y in the sentence is a broader social or strategic benefit toward peace). In one or two sentences, please explain the “peace” climate or challenge that this project is addressing. If possible, ground this challenge with statistics or citations or examples (But remember, only one or two sentences—you’ll give more detail in the proposal narrative below). In a few sentences, please explain how this project will directly address the “peace” climate or challenge articulated in the previous paragraphs (in other words: what will be achieved if this project is funded by Davis and then executed by you). In a few sentences, please explain how you are uniquely positioned to successfully achieve the goals of the grant and what you personally hope to gain from the experience. (Here you can cite history of your previous work or explain the unique perspective or technical expertise or social context, etc… you bring) Please provide five or six proposed project activities in bullet point form. (The activities should be verbs – actual activities you’d undertake). Please provide project benchmarks or indicators of successful implementation of activities in bullet point form. (The benchmarks should be nouns and represent products, outputs, or other measurable targets, not a re-statement of the activities. Usually one or two of the benchmarks should correspond to each major activity listed above). Briefly describe the target geography and population of your project? (Who would benefit from your project and in what region?) List other potential sources for any other funds supporting project activities. (For each source, indicate whether these funds are committed or projected) Proposal Narrative (two pages) The proposal should include: A more detailed description of the project for which funds are requested An explanation of the proposed activities or what you propose to produce through the Peace Project. 9/12/13 The results or goals that you hope to achieve through the project (it would be helpful to understand both the short-term and long-term goals for the project, where relevant) and its sustainability The indicators of success you intend to use to measure progress toward achieving the project’s objectives Grant Budget (one separate page) The proposal should include a budget to account for the requested funds. The proposed budget should be presented in US Dollars and include no more than eight categories such as airline travel, food, lodging, equipment, translator, etc. If your budget includes an honorarium for a speaker, please indicate who the speaker is, his/her qualifications. If your budget includes purchase of equipment, please indicate what would happen to the equipment at the end of the grant. Additional Items: Written verification of pre-approval of all parties and organizations involved in the project. A two-page (maximum) résumé. Note: Only resident members in good standing for the full 2014-15 academic year (until mid-May) are eligible to apply. Please adhere to the following formatting guidelines for the summary, proposal, and budget. Please do not exceed the two-page narrative proposal limit: Font: Book Antiqua (10 pt, 11 pt or 12 pt) Margins: 1” for top, bottom, left and right 9/12/13