Quark Models: Quixotic Madness or Questionable Miracle? 高崇文 中原大學物理系 22/11/2007 交通大學物理所 Brief history of subatomic physics I discover the neutron 1911 Rutherford discovered atomic nucleus. 1932 Chadwick discovered the neutron. 1932 Heisenberg introduce the concept of isospin. 1933 Stern measured the magnetic moment of the proton and showed the proton is not point-like. I am lucky not to care what Pauli said μ: magnetic moment, s: spin gs=2 for point-like particle gp=5.59, gn=-3.83 Brief history of subatomic physics (2) 1935 Hideki Yukawa introduced the meson mediating the force between nucleons. 1947 Powell discovered the first meson: pion. 1949 Fermi and Yang suggest that pion is bound state of proton and neutron. But it is ME to discover the pion! This potential is named after me ! p n n π0 p p p π+ n p n π- nn p Brief history of subatomic physics (3) 1947 Rochester and Butler discovered the first strange particles Kaon and Hyperon in cosmic rays at Manchester University under the director Lord Blackett who later received Noble prize. Well done, boys! p 0 K 0 π++πP+π- It is very strange…indeed,,, Discovery of strangeness Strangeness was introduced, by Murray Gell-Mann and Kazuhiko Nishijima, originally to explain the fact that certain particles, such as the kaons or certain hyperons were created easily in particle collisions, yet decayed much more slowly than expected for their large masses and large production cross sections. Noting that collisions seemed to always produce pairs of these particles, it was postulated that a new conserved quality, dubbed "strangeness", was preserved during their creation, but not conserved in their decay. And more particles are coming….. Δ(1232) 1st, most prominent and non-overlapping resonance Discovered by Fermi in 1952 in πp scatterings Who order those particles? 2 Pauli’s frustration The development of new particle accelerators and particle detectors in the 1950s led to the discovery of a huge variety of hadrons, prompting Wolfgang Pauli's remark: "Had I foreseen this, I would have gone into botany. “ But I obtain my Nobel prize by finding them!! Alvarez Nuclear resonances Question: Are they all fundamental particles? Sakata model It is such a good idea … Karl Marx will be proud of me! 1956 Sakata suggested that all hadrons are composed of proton (p), neutron (n) and hyperon (Λ0).and their antiparticles. For example, K+ is bound states of proton and anti-hyperon 坂田昌一 SU(3) symmetry In Sakata model the symmetry is no longer SU(2) isospin But SU(3). exp(iθa‧σa) exp(i θa‧λa) 0 1 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 , 2 i 0 0 , 3 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 i 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 , 5 0 0 0 , 6 0 0 1 , 1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 7 0 0 i , 8 0 1 0 . 3 0 i 0 0 0 2 Difficulty of Sakata Model By this way mesons can be described as one octets and one singlet. However, for baryon we have one 15et, two triplets and one sextet. There are many missing baryons in the spectrum. And we shall not forget that proton and neutron are not point-like But composite particles since they have complicated inner structures. Eight-fold way (八正道) 1961 Gell-Mann and Ne’eman independently suggested that one should put nucleon and hyperon with Ξ and Σ as octet. Baryon as SU(3) multiples Debut of Quark 1964 Gell-Mann and Zweig independently proposed a model in which baryons and mesons are composites of a fundamental triplet of U(3), Gell-Mann called them “quarks” and Zweig called them “aces”. Fractional charge !! Gell-Mann explained the origin of “quark”: In 1963, when I assigned the name "quark" to the fundamental constituents of the nucleon, I had the sound first, without the spelling, which could have been "kwork". Then, in one of my occasional perusals of Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce, I came across the word "quark" in the phrase "Three quarks for Muster Mark". Since "quark" (meaning, for one thing, the cry of the gull) was clearly intended to rhyme with "Mark," as well as "bark" and other such words, I had to find an excuse to pronounce it as "kwork". But the book represents the dream of a publican named Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker. Words in the text are typically drawn from several sources at once, like the "portmanteau" words in "Through the Looking Glass". From time to time, phrases occur in the book that are partially determined by calls for drinks at the bar. I argued, therefore, that perhaps one of the multiple sources of the cry "Three quarks for Muster Mark" might be "Three quarts for Mister Mark," in which case the pronunciation "kwork" would not be totally unjustified. In any case, the number three fitted perfectly the way quarks occur in nature. Quark Model - Discovery of Ω Thanks to Ω I obtained a Nobel prize! ++ Puzzle of Δ Δ++ is a spin 3/2 fermion Δ++=|u u u> |↑↑↑> Why Δ++ has symmetric wave function? Han and Nambu suggested that quarks are triplet of new hidden quantum number.(1965) Possible solutions to Δ puzzles, 1964 By O.W. Greenberg, hep/ph-0212174 ++ One interesting remark from Schwinger… By O.W. Greenberg, hep/ph-0212174 But some people did follow Schwinger’s insight… I told you……. Debut of Color SU(3) symmetry 1950s C.N. Yang and Mills suggested to localize SU(2) isospin and built a non-Ableian gauge theory. 1965 Han, Nambu suggested that quark possess an additional SU(3) gauge degree of freedom: color and quarks would interact via an octet of vector gauge bosons: the gluons. Our world is colorful! Nambu and Han QCD Langrangian n=1,2,3; a=1,2…8 Resistance to quark and color Unobserved fractionally charged quark seems outrageous! A new hidden degree of freedom is doubly outrageous!! Even Gell-Mann kept ambiguous attitude toward the reality of quarks!!! Hmmm…To be or not to be…I am not sure…….Hmmm…. Deep Inelastic Scattering and Parton 1966 Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) showed the proton consists of many weakly interacting point-like particles. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) 1973 Gross, Wilczek, and Politzer discovered asymptotic freedom which explains DIS data. Namely the coupling constant g becomes small when the momentum transfer is large. On the other hand when the momentum transfer is small the coupling constant is large! It is called infrared slavery . At the strongly coupling regime only colourless object is allowed. It is called confinement. So far there is no rigor mathematical proof. So fundamental theory is at hand, but…. q q q Mystery remains: Of the many possibilities for combining quarks with colour into colorless hadrons, only two configurations were found, till now… Because we cannot apply QCD at low Q2 since then g is large and the underlying theory is strongly coupling Quantum field theory which means no one can solve it analytically ! Just do it ! Mission impossible? QCD is a very successful theory, but can we use QCD to study the nucleon structure and even the nuclear force? baryon,meson quark, gluon Low Q2, meson-exchange 2 High Q , perturbative QCD Asymptotic freedom ? confinement Non-relativistic Quark Models Assume baryons are composed of three massive constituent quarks bound in a confining potential. The constituent quarks carry the quantum numbers of QCD quarks but much heavier. Although the non-relativistic quark model lacks any field theory basis, its phenomenological value is beyond doubt. One traditional success of this kind of models is the anomalous magnetic moments of the proton and neutron. There are many variants due to the choices of the potentials. Isgur-Karl Model One of most successful non-relativistic quark model is invented by Nath Isgur(’78) The Hamiltonian consists of kinetic term, mass term, confinement potential and one Hyperfine interaction whose form is one-gluon-exchange type: “Wave function” of the proton: μ0 is the Bohr magneton of the quark: The anomalous magnetic moment of the proton is: Similarly one obtains: Actually this result solely relies on the SU(6)SF symmetry SU(6)SF Spin-Flavour Symmetry Meson: Baryon: Totally symmetric Mixed symmetry Anti-symmetrical Classification of excited baryons Quark model predictions for baryons To describe the known baryon spectrum a lot of quark models have been developed. General symmetry principles of quark models as SU(6)*O(3) predict more states than were observed in the experiment. Different models predict different number and positioning of these states. The search for the missing states can provide a good test for basic principles of quark models and the effects of quark-quark correlation. “string” linear confinement + Coulomb hyperfine interaction as SU(6) configuration mixing Isgur-Karl, Isgur-Capstick and collaborators linear confinement. SU(6) configuration mixing by spinflavour-dependent interaction (GBE) Glozman-Riska; Graz group linear confinement + Coulomb potential 3-body forces (expected based on QCD) Giannini–Santopinto and collaborators Large Nc QCD and SU(6) QCD is a SU(3) gauge theory If one studies SU(Nc) gauge theory, then makes 1/Nc expansion, then one finds when Nc becomes infinity, the baryon sector owns a symmetry SU(2Nf). It is amusing to find constituent quark model owns same symmetry with large Nc QCD How to make models more “QCD-like”? Baryon is a complicated many-body system in QCD but miraculously one can use constituent quarks and obtains many good results. One justification is to treat the constituent quarks as quais-particles which are collective excitation modes. Therefore one needs more understanding of QCD vacuum to construct more realistic models. However, QCD vacuum is very complicated so one can only try to grasp some aspects of QCD vacuum from our limited knowledge, such as spontaneously breaking of Chiral symmetry (χSB) Chiral Symmetry of QCD if mq=0 Left-hand and right-hand quark: QCD Lagrangian is invariant if Massless QCD Lagrangian has SU(2)LxSU(2)R chiral symmetry. Quark mass effect If mq≠0 QCD Lagrangian is invariant if θR=θL. Therefore SU(2)LXSU(2)R →SU(2)V, ,if mu=md SU(2)A is broken by the quark mass Spontaneous symmetry breaking Spontaneous symmetry breaking: a system that is symmetric with respect to some symmetry group goes into a vacuum state that is not symmetric. The system no longer appears to behave in a symmetric manner. Example: V(φ)=aφ2+bφ4, a<0, b>0. Mexican hat potential U(1) symmetry is lost if one expands around the degenerated vacuum! Furthermore it costs no energy to rum around the orbit →massless mode exists!! (Goldstone boson). 2007 APCTP workshop at POSTECH 26~28 Feb. 2007 Instanton Instanton vacuum configuration Gluonic potential of QCD Self-duality condition: minimizing the potential Topological number realted to the ground state Guage transformation of the ground state via Instanton and SχSB Winding number from homotopic SU(N) gaugetransformation Tunneling between vacuua Instanton solution for the self-duality condition Natural mechanism for SSB An analogy: Ferromagnetism Above Tc Below Tc <M>=0 <M>≠0 Dynamical symmetry breaking and fermion mass generation Chiral condensation Gap Equation Dynamical Quark Mass~350 MeV Pion as Goldstone boson π is the lightest hadron. Therefore it plays a dominant the long-distance physics. More important is the fact that soft π interacts each other weakly because they must couple derivatively! Actually if their momenta go to zero, π must decouple with any particles, including itself. Start point of an EFT for pions. ~t/(4πF) 2 Double faces of pion Pion in constituent quark model is treat as quark-antiquark pair. However it is Goldstone boson associated with SχSB. Pion plays dominant role in the low-energy QCD phenomenology ! There are two examples… Nucleon E.M form factors Hofstadter determined the precise size of the proton and neutron by measuring their form factor. Pion cloud surrounding the nucleon Both the proton and neutron have a central, positively charged core surrounded by a double cloud of π-mesons. Both clouds are positively charged in the proton, but in the neutron the inner cloud is negatively charged, thus giving a net zero charge for the entire particle. ∣n>=∣n>0+Z∣pπ ->+… N→Δ(1232) transition form factor S wave →S wave S wave →D wave In a symmetric SU(6) quark model the E.M excitation of the could proceed only via M1 transition. If the is deformed, then the photon can excite a nucleon into a through electric E2 and Coulomb C2 quardrupole transitions. REM = E2/M1 ≈ -2.5 %, (MAMI, LEGS) ( indication of a deformed ) Both N and ∆ are members of the [56]-plet and the three quarks are in the (1s)3 states Deformation in constituent quark model [ Rij(2) Sij(2) ](0) H T Vconf VOGEP , 2 s VOGEP (ij ) 2mi m j 1 8 (3) rij S i S j 3 3S i r ij S j r ij S i S j rij 3 , Vconf VH .O. D-state component PD(%) N(938) 0.4 1232 1.9 -0.8% < REM < -0.3% Q(fm2) 0 -0.089 Too small !! Pion cloud plays essential role! How to make Quark model more “chiral”? Coupling of spins, isospins etc. of 3 quarks mean field non-linear system soliton rotation of soliton Coherent :1p-1h,2p-2h,.... A crazy idea from Tony Skyrme 1962 British scientist Tony Skyrme created a very interesting idea, namely can one create a fermion from a scalar field? The answer is YES and the rsult is skyrmion. A skyrmion is a homotopically non-trivial classical solution of a nonlinear sigma model with; i.e., a particular case of a topological soliton. If spacetime has the topology S3×R (for space and time respectively), then classical configurations are classified by an integral winding number because the third homotopy group: π3(SU(N)xSU(N)/SU(N))=Z Skyrme model: SU(2) Skyrmion Starting from Nonlinear sigma model, Skyrme write down the following Langrangian: Skyrme found a family of class solutions of the above Langrangian: N; Integer valued topological charge Quantization of SU(2) Skyrmion Chiral Quark Model constituent quark mass ~ 350 MeV pions fermions integrate out quarks Skyrme Model Quantizing SU(3) Skyrmion and QM time-dependent rotation angular velocities: Fiasco of Pentaquark Theoretical predictions for pentaquarks 1. Bag models [R.L. Jaffe ‘76, J. De Swart ‘80] Jp =1/2- lightest pentaquark Masses higher than 1700 MeV, width ~ hundreds MeV Mass of the pentaquark is roughly 5 M +(strangeness) ~ 1800 MeV An additional q –anti-q pair is added as constituent 2. Soliton models [Diakonov, Petrov ‘84, Chemtob‘85, Praszalowicz ‘87, Walliser ‘92] Exotic anti-decuplet of baryons with lightest S=+1 Jp =1/2+ pentaquark with mass in the range 1500-1800 MeV. Mass of the pentaquark is rougly 3 M +(1/baryon size)+(strangeness) ~ 1500MeV An additional q –anti-q pair is added in the form of excitation of nearly massless chiral field The anti-decuplet Width < 15 MeV ! uud ( d d ss ) uus( d d ss ) uss(uu d d ) Diakonov, Petrov, Polyakov, 1997 (St.Petersburg, Bochum) Praszalowicz 1987 Pentaquark publicity 2003 Evidence for Pentaquark states Pentaquark publicity 2005 Q+: positive and negative results Experiments: Mass Width of + Q Pentaquarks: Experiments Summary Summary Should we trust quark models? Should we continue to use quark models? Can we tell which model is more suitable than others for some certain physical quantity? Can we learn anything from quark models either when it works or not? Is it possible for us to solve no-perturbative QCD in the future? To dream the impossible dream 要敢夢不可能實現的夢 To fight the unbeatable foe 要敢對抗無法擊敗的敵人 To bear with unbearable sorrow 忍受那無法忍受的苦楚 To run where the brave dare not go 奔向那勇者不敢前去的地方 To right the unrightable wrong 改正那無法改正的錯誤 To love pure and chaste from afar 追求遠方的純潔與高雅 To try when your arms are too weary 當雙臂疲累不堪時 To reach the unreachable star 更要試著去靠近那遙不可及的星星 This is my quest 這是我的追求 To follow that star 去追隨星星 No matter how hopeless 不論希望多麼渺茫 No matter how far 不管目標多麼遙遠 To fight for the right Without question or pause 我將毫無遲疑的為正義而戰 To be willing to march into Hell For a heavenly cause 為神聖的使命而奮不顧身 And I know if I'll only be true To this glorious quest 我知道只要堅持對此榮耀的追求 That my heart will lie peaceful and calm When I'm laid to my rest 當我躺下之時我心將永享寧靜 And the world will be better for this 世界也因此變得更好 That one man, scorned and covered with scars受到輕視且滿身傷痕的人 們 Still strove with his last ounce of courage 為追求那遙不可及的星星 To reach the unreachable star 將依然全力奮戰直到耗盡所有的勇氣