Temporary Booking (Route Search)

Temporary Booking (route search) – Version 1.1
This function allows you to put a day to day booking or a long term booking onto ADAPT and search for
candidates in order of distance from the school. This function will also allow you to use ADAPT to
manage your candidates availability rather than using paper lists. You will need to ensure that each
active candidate has their availability entered in order for this function to work effectively
You still have the ability to put a quick book on the system, which you will use when you know already
who you want to fill the booking with.
 Go to school
 Use temporary tab at top of screen
 New Temporary job (at bottom of screen)
 Here enter position, job title and start and end dates. (The job title links to the job title of the skills
age of a candidate; so if you would like a teacher to be used as a Cover supervisor or TA please enter
it into this section.
 Green Tick
 General Page – add the skills for the job, if you are searching for general cover, TA or Cover
supervisor (no skill set required) you can leave this blank
 Auto-shortlist – Click here to run Auto-Shortlist
 Enter maximum distance from the school; 40 miles is the max. You can change the title of the job
here if necessary
 Green Tick
 Once a list has been generated – you can select and ‘book selection’, if you have put a booking on
for more than 1 day and you would like place more than one person into the booking go to unfilled
shifts having selected your candidate; once you’ve booked the teacher the next screen will allow you to
enter the pay and charge for the booking.
Long Term Posts.
For long term, the work flow is very similar to a day to day booking, but this function really allows you to
manage your long term vacancies and send out CV’s from the system. In order for this function to work
to the best of its ability you will need to store the candidates CV onto ADAPT when you register
someone *
New temporary job tab, complete position and job title as before. enter in dates of long term
Green Tick
General Page – here you can enter the job specification for the long term, i.e. how long the
booking is for, whether the booking is a maternity cover or sickness etc.
Enter the skills
Run Auto- Shortlist
Tick long term booking? This will allow you to search on all candidate’s, not just active candidates
Enter Max Distance
Once you have picked candidates you would like to talk to about post, select them and move to
shortlist (bottom left of page)
Temporary Booking (route search) – Version 1.1
Go to shortlist (top of page) this list is saved so you can go back to it at anytime, you can also add
people manually that haven’t appeared in your search by using the tab ‘click here to short list a
 Once you have decided which candidates CV’s to send select and click ‘CV Send Selection’
 Shift F8 to enter CV (the candidates CV must be on ADAPT)
 Green Tick - This will create an email to your contact at school with the CV attached
 If a candidate is selected for Interview you can move them to Interview selection, enter time and
date for interviews; this will generate an email to the candidate and the school, confirming details of
the interview
 If candidate is successful at interview you can ‘ book selection’ (this can be used a any point
during the work flow process)
 * in order to save a CV onto the system save it on to your computer and on the candidates file use
the document tab, top right of screen to save it onto ADAPT in word.
Go to candidate and then bookings calendar
Click the availability tab, bottom left of screen
Enter availability for the candidate, this can be for any length of time, leave blank for available and
enter a N for unavailable
 To print - Change the width of the Mon to Fri columns to 2 and expand any columns you need to
see full widths. Go to print , change to landscape and change the scaling to ‘fit on one page’
To generate a list of your available candidate’s
 General Search, Availability CVS Report, this will bring up every candidate attached to your name
on ADAPT. Separated by job title. The list will only include cleared candidates.
 Please bear in mind that the job title shown is drawn from the top line of the main subject area on
the skills section of a candidate.
Status Codes
The status codes for candidates have also changed.
cleared Candidates
Registration in complete – going through clearance (default when you put a register
a candidate
Pending Useable candidates who we are only waiting for 1 proof of address, NI, Photo etc.
Currently unavailable
working for another agency for a term or two
Perm job/contract
Left the industry No longer wants to teach