Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Think Tac Toe You will select and complete three different activities that create a straight row. The row can be across, diagonal, or down. Remember to make your work thoughtful, original, rich with details, and accurate. Grading will be done according the scoring rubric that is included on this sheet. Choose five unfamiliar words from your list in your Reader’s Notebook. Write the definitions and draw a picture to help explain each word. Write at least a page about what you think Anne’s life would have been like twenty years later if she had lived. Include important details like her family life, career, and interests. Research mandalas. Create a mandala about Anne’s life and beliefs with an explanation of each item and color. Write a bio-poem about Anne Frank and one about yourself. Be sure to include the most important traits about Anne and you in each poem. Put ten important events in the novel to music. Find or write a song for each of the ten events. Explain your reasoning behind each song. You can send the link of your creation to the teacher. Pretend you are a librarian. Create an advertisement about Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl to get students interested in reading the book. Create and build a model of the Annex based on the novel. Create a collage of the important things in Anne’s life and explain each one. You are a profiler for NCI. Write and illustrate a full and useful profile of Anne Frank with emphasis on the personality traits and mode of operating. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Think Tac Toe Scoring Rubric Points Completed three activities to make a straight line 4 Completed three activities to make a straight line Effort Put a great deal of effort into the projects and created quality products Obviously used the novel to complete the projects Used time wisely and turned in on time Completed projects with minimal assistance from teachers and parents Points Earned 3 Completed three activities, but they weren’t in a straight line Put effort into the projects and created average products 2 Completed two activities Put minimal effort into the projects and produced products that exhibit that effort Obviously used the novel Tried to use the Attempted to use the to create the projects novel, but may have novel, but mostly relied missed getting one or on memory which two facts correct wasn’t correct Used time wisely in class Used time in class Didn’t use time wisely and turned in projects on and turned in and turned in projects time projects two days four days late late Completed projects with Completed projects Completed projects minimal assistance from with some assistance with at least half the teachers or parents from teachers or projects being done or parents assisted by teachers or parents 1 Completed one activity Slapped something together to try to get a grade Faked it because reading the novel was just too much trouble It was supposed to be turned in when? I completely forgot. Evident parents completed the projects