Anthropology Today “Anthropology is the only discipline that can access evidence about the entire human experience on this planet.” -- Michael B. Schiffer Skip Introduction Quit Anthropology Today So You’ve Decided to Purse a Degree and a Career in Anthropology? Skip Introduction Quit Anthropology Today An Exciting Future Lies Ahead Of You! A Career in Anthropology is Challenging and Rewarding!!!! Skip Introduction Quit Anthropology AnthropologyToday Today MAIN MAINMENU MENU SELECT YOUR INTEREST AND EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS INTRODUCTION TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS SITE MAP Quit Anthropology Today TRAINING TO BE AN ANTHROPOLOGIST TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today TRAINING TO BE AN ANTHROPOLOGIST TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC The "traditional" sub-disciplines of anthropology have been around ever since this social science was officially born in the 19th century. Most training today consists of obtaining either a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree at a four year college or university. CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Cultural anthropology studies present-day cultural behavior in modern-day societies, in all parts of the world including our own. Since humans acquire culture through learning, people living in different places or different circumstances may develop different cultures. Quit Anthropology Today CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC Some of the topics include the following: culture, marriage and family organizations, funerary practices, rites of passage, religious beliefs, games and sports, body art and non-verbal communication, symbolism and magic, criminal behavior, and ways of producing food. CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today ARCHAEOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Archaeology studies ancient human societies through the artifacts they have left behind. You will discover that archaeology is not a hobby that collects treasures but rather, a scientific method used to reconstruct and understand past human societies with the help of material remains (tools, clothing, housing, etc.) and human remains. Quit Anthropology Today ARCHAEOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL Examining our ancestors allows us to better examine and understand ourselves. ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC Physical Anthropology studies the biological evolution of humans over the last 7 to 8 million years. The entire human existence is just a drop in a gigantic ocean incorporating the evolution of the Universe, as well as the evolution of mammals and primates. CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu You will discover that our closest relatives, apes and chimpanzees, make and use tools just as we do. You will also learn about the origins of hunting, stone tools, art, religion, agriculture, and writing. In addition, the increasingly popular field, Forensic Anthropology, is part of this subfield. Quit Anthropology Today LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY Linguistic Anthropology studies the origins of language and the roles of language and communication in expressing and preserving a culture. PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY We explore some aspects of linguistics by reading about language differences throughout the world and the creation of new languages in times of contact and colonialism. PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today CAREERS IN ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC A growing trend in anthropology has been to turn inwards and study our own society, its urban aspect and its many problems such as elder care, drug abuse, poverty and homelessness. CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today CAREERS IN ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY The ultimate intention here is not only to document these problems and the people who experience them but, most importantly, to recommend viable and practical solutions to help improve our world. PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today CAREERS IN ANTHROPOLOGY TRAINING Where do Anthropologists work? CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY PHYSICAL LINGUISTIC CAREERS WEB LINKS Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today WEB LINKS TRAINING CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY Anthropology Tutorials Theory in Anthropology PHYSICAL Virtual Library – Anthropology LINGUISTIC Careers in Anthropology CAREERS Employment WEB LINKS American Anthropological Association Society for Applied Anthropology Main Menu Quit Anthropology Today SITE MAP Intro Slide 1 Intro Slide 2 Intro Slide 3 Site Map Main Menu Training 1 Training 2 Cultural 1 Cultural 2 Archaeology 1 Archaeology 2 Physical 1 Linguistic 1 Physical 2 Linguistic 2 Careers 1 Careers 2 Web Links Main Menu Quit