American Government Syllabus


American Government

Syllabus & Expectations

Mr. Miller/Mr. Carpenter – Room 303


Welcome to American Government! As you may already know, I am an Intern from the great

Michigan State University. During the first half of my internship here at Sexton, I taught two sections of Government and mainly helped out with Economics. Now for the second half of my internship, I will be teaching 4 classes of both Economics and Government for the entire 3 rd

Marking Period. This means that Mr. Carpenter, who you will see around the classroom, will be teaching the 4 th Marking Period.

Required Textbook:

Magruder’s American Government, 2006 Edition.

Course Description:

American Government will focus on the Constitution, political parties, voting, citizenship, and the three branches of our government. We will often talk about controversial issues and current happenings, because government plays such a role in our daily lives. Yet at the same time, it grants us our freedoms and protections.

Purpose of Class:

The purpose of this class is to educate you (as citizens, not just students) so you will be an informed member our society. There is nothing worse than seeing talking heads and protesters who are misinformed about American Government. You are to be informed and knowledgeable while forming your own opinions on what government should be and what government should not be. Government is relevant to all of us, and we all need to be knowledgeable about it. After all, why are we in this classroom right now?


My Expectations:

 I expect you to be here and here on time. If I am expected to be here on time, so are you. Talk to me after school if you anticipate being absent/tardy for whatever reason.

 I expect your best.

 I expect courtesy and politeness between everyone in this classroom.

 I expect communication. If there is a problem, I cannot help you solve it if you don’t tell me. This classroom is a community.

Classroom Procedures:

 If you need to use the restroom or use the locker, you may use our passes found in the front of the room after asking me. Only 1 student may be out at a time. o How can we police this together?

 If there are open seats in front of you, I may ask you to move up so our class isn’t spread out. This is a big classroom.

 If you are absent, first find the absent bin in the front of the room and grab any work you missed. Second, ask a friend for any clarification. Third, ask me if you still need clarification.

 I will accept late work, but it will be marked down accordingly.


 Your grade will be comprised of notes, writing reflections, projects, handouts/bookwork, participation activities, tests, and questions on videos we watch.

 Grading Scale: o A: 100% - 90% o B: 89% - 80% o C: 79% - 70% o D: 69% - 60% o E: 59% - 0%

How To Be Successful:


By being in class on time, putting forth real effort on our assignments, & participating!

